What would you do if your ex husbands new wife showered with your kids?

You are doing the right thing calling…that is just ummm beyond wrong

Nope. Just hell nope. Seek legal advice. That’s super creepy I’m sorry.

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Incredibly inappropriate

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Nope. Nope. Nope. I’d lose my sh** if that happened. That is NOT normal.

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Hell to the naw. No way Jose!!

I’d be calling the law because if it happened again I’d need the law anyways to get my hands off from around her neck and my foot out of his ass


That’s weird AF!! I would never do that!

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Absolutely not. I have an 8 yr old and I don’t even like being naked around her. I damn sure wouldn’t allow another human being to be🙅🏼‍♀️

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Those kids are too old for that :o


Absolutely fucking NOOOOOO

Are you telling the truth or are you a vengeful ex?


I have a 22 month old and if we bathe together, I wear a tank top cause she stares and it creeps me out.

Glad you called. Really glad.


That’s innapropriate and weird as heck. I’m glad you called on her because that’s seriously borderline sexual abuse in my opinion.

My 7 yr old has showered on his own since 5 1/5. Stopped showers with me at age 3.

Not okay. My son is 4 and likes to take baths with me still but that’s my own kid. I wouldn’t even be comfortable as a step parent to bath/shower with a child not my own. That’s weird.


It’s inappropriate as she is not their mother. But my girls see me naked all the time. But if the boys are home I always wear shirt n shorts.

It’s actually illegal. She is indecently exposing herself to minors. She could go to jail


Have your daughters showed concern over it? Did they ask to shower with her? I’ve been around my own mother naked most of my life :sweat_smile: Her around me aswell. I understand them not being her own kids… but have you talked with them directly? Your girls? Have you talked with the stepmom? If you ultimately feel it’s a form of abuse then, yes, call on them… but bodies are natural things and if she’s not doing anything sexual then I don’t really see a problem with it.


my kids are 4 and 16 months and I don’t shower with them .

Helllll no… not ok

There’s nothing wrong with that if it you but not her


No way! It’s ok if it’s your own! Oh no mumma stop it I would go mad it’s just weird she feels comfortable doing it :cold_sweat:

Thats not right!! My mom passed when i was 5 and when my Dad began dating another woman (became my step mom) she would draw a bath for me, and leave the room for me to undress and get in, and i was 5. I never saw the woman naked either cause that’s just weird.

Hell no. So much wrong with that.

A lot of parents do that but idk about a step parent doing that if the parents never have… kinda iffy


Thats not appropriate at all. I would be upset also. Shes not their mother.

This is totally wrong i have been in my stepdaughter life since she was 6 years (now age 12) and I never ever have had a bath or shower with her and have never been naked around the house ever that is totally wrong you need to seek legal advice as that is totally wrong on all levels xx


My husband and I are naked alot, which I dont think it inappropriate. He also showers with our boys. The fact that it’s not her kid is a little weird. And if you’re uncomfortable with it she should definitely stop.


That’s wrong. That’s not her kids!! There’s a like and she crossed it. Especially with a 7 and 10 yr old. They aren’t babies anymore. Good for you for contacting someone about this!!!


I’m sorry that’s way to old I have a 5 yr old and get grief because my guy sleeps with me but ya I wear pjs

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Personally I feel that the kids are too old to bathe with anyway and especially with someone who isn’t their parent.


Uhm, no way in this world should she be doing that!!! That’s not okay at all.

Um no and i would have called child protective services instantly. That’s like exposing children to porn. Unless your child has an underlying issue where they can’t shower themselves. but still i dont think thats okay. fight them and take them away from them


Thats messed up. And a big f*cking NOPE.

Just freaking sick, both of them!!

This is completely disgusting to be honest. Why would she want to shower with them?

Ive showered with my aunts. But idk how i feel about step mom. I wouldn’t of called DHS because if your children weren’t harmed I’m confused… was that out of spite? This could of been solved with a conversation like adults and asking them to stop.


It’s so sad to see how many people are against being naked around their own children. :pensive:Our bodies are beautiful and nothing to be ashamed of. By hiding yourselves its like teaching them to be ashamed of their own bodies… I completely understand being upset about someone else and if that upsets you then by all means talk to her about it and also talk to the kids if it even makes them feel uncomfortable. Just because it makes you uncomfortable doesn’t mean it bothers them. Everything is so sexualized nowadays and that’s what is wrong. Also everyone’s opinions differ. I love my body and I want my kids to love their bodies too!


No way I’m glad you called on them that’s crazy I wouldn’t even send them anymore until you hear something


Only people that should be bathing your children are the biological mother and father period.

That’s disgusting. I think I’d be in jail. She has absolutely no business doing that and I think you did the right thing. I wouldn’t allow my children back there without further investigation

I mean, not her kids to do so with, but my daughter is almost 6 and showered with me the other day. Nudity isnt something to be ashamed of, and in order to take the taboo away from it, you need to embrace it…to each their own.

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What the actual f.helllll no

That’s kind of weird. I wouldn’t shower with my step daughter. I give her a bath but I’d never get in there with her. That’s crossing a line. Even though I love her as my own. Just as my fiance wouldn’t get in the shower with my son.

Im sorry but i broke my hand and my step daughter helped me shave while i was in the tub she is now 19 and fine she was 15 at the time💁


First of all, my ex husbands new wife would know NOT to mess with my kids :hocho: :upside_down_face::joy:

At 10 most girls are either going through puberty or are about to. And shes not related to the children shes showering with…call protective services


My son and his step dad have baths together, our 2 year old is in there as well
Hell sometimes all 4 of us are in there together or having a family shower.

We also all walk around naked sometimes or get changed in front of eachother :woman_shrugging:t2:


Oh hell no!!! Also they need to put cloths on.that’s soooo inappropriate to shower with any child that’s not a toddler or younger. Somebody would be wooped quick and I dont mean the kids! Also never ever should they shower when they are lil except with mom or dad…PERIOD!!!


Oh hell no! That’s weird and inappropriate on all levels…kids are to old, and NOT hers!


Call if you feel its wrong but… Be ready for CPS to be all up in Your business too. ( just letting you know) they will /and do investigate/talk to everyone involved. And since it is a step parent don’t be surprised if they flip it back on you to be investigated


I personally think it’s weird. I would definitely voice that I’m not comfortable with it and ask them to respect that. When it’s your own kid sure whatever they’re going to bust into the bathroom anyway. I did it to my mom she couldn’t even poop by herself without me or my siblings busting in and now my kids do the same to me🤷‍♀️. Conveniently my bathroom door Becomes of revolving door anytime I go use my restroom for showers or such… I waited till my 6/7 year old started asking for privacy before I started asking for it back, it seems to work, he still occasionally opens the door to ask for a snack or something. it’s not so cold turkey or as weird as pointing out the differences.

I used to have bathe my step son until he was 8 and still have to check to make sure he is washing correctly, he has adhd and tends to just stand there but I would never shower with him. I don’t even shower with my own daughter. I teach them to love their bodies but also that their bodies are theirs and no one has the right look or touch without their permission.

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Good for you. That’s inappropriate on so many levels… if thier own dad can’t shower with them why would his wife think she can??? Some people are seriously fucked up :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

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Damn sure wouldn’t be here to ask that question…I’d lose my mind :rage::ambulance:

I’d call the police.

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I would not like it. So wrong.

You’re the mother! It’s totally your decision.

Nope. Nope. Nope. Hell nope.
If they were her own children it would be different but 10 seems too old to me for that even with my own children. Getting dressed and changing is different but showering hell no

I can see how you can get around with bathing with them (although I don’t agree with it.) But WALKING around naked??? Why ? Its one thing to be changing and they accidentally walk in on you but to intentionally walk in front of children who are not your own naked for absolutely no reason? How exactly is that teaching them to love their bodies… Or more importantly teaching them appropriate behavior???

Wtf??? Nobody should be bathing with your children.
My boys don’t even see me naked they are 4 & 2. yeah every once in a while they walk in and I quickly hide or throw something on real quick. But thats inappropriate and not right, it would be WAY different if she was helping them bathe. They shouldn’t be seeing her naked all the time though.

big no no, this is so wrong, who the heck does she think she is, voice your wishes hun and ask then politely ask them to stop as your not comfortable with it xxx

As long as there’s no molestation involved, I don’t see an issue


Regardless of being a step parent no parent should ever let there child see them naked :woman_facepalming:t3:

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Man this sounds like one of those post “asking for a friend” when in reality the poster is asking for themselves. I’m sorry I just find this off the wall hard to even believe… how the hell do you fit a grown ass women plus a 7 & 10 year old in the shower together. My husband and I are tall and thin and have trouble taking showers together :rofl::rofl: and seriously poster says it’s the ex husbands new wife but at the time girls were this age and that age…well how old are they now? How long ago was this? Did you speak with this step mom to fact check that the story is true or are the girls teens now hating there step mom for laying down the law on them so they wanna be spiteful like there momma and make up lies and stir the pot? So many questions and no answers… but if this is true can you see what type and brand of shower they have big enough to fit 3 ppl in because I want one.

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I personally wouldn’t have a problem with it. Nakedness is nothing to be ashamed of in my opinion. If your girls don’t feel uncomfortable I don’t see any issue. Maybe seeing their step mum being comfortable with her body maybe the self confidence will rub off on your girls😊#nakedisnice


7 an 10 . You should call the police.not ok


I can’t believe how many people are saying call the police :joy: okay so her walking round naked is a bit weird but I’m sure she’s not a naturist. She probably just wears less clothes than you do. Being comfortable in your own skin is absolutely not a crime and should be encouraged for young girls. We don’t need to hide away our bits and bond especially in the comfort of our own home. Seeing your kids naked is not a crime. She’s not a stranger, unfortunately for you she’s a massive part of your girls life. She’s going to be a big influence on how they grow. Be it body confident then so be it!!! She hasn’t caused them any harm and im sure they are old enough to let her know if they aren’t comfortable with being seen in the shower anymore. Neither girl has been through puberty yet they literally don’t see the harm.


Naked does NOT equate sex. If the children themselves weren’t uncomfortable with the situation then theres not really an issue. Personally I find it stranger when someone says their kids have never ever seen them naked

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if it was a man it wouldnt be normal behavior so y should it be any different because shes a women. no no noooooo

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Well, don’t you think it’s kinda late for this post if you already called DFS? No it’s not appropriate, but you should’ve contacted your ex and talked about it like an adult. Telling them that it’s not ok for your daughters to be seeing a woman naked that isn’t their mother. It’s considered legally wrong and if a teacher or nurse finds out, they have to report it by law… Yeah my kids see me naked but it’s not the same. I’m not strutting around that way. And they know not to be bothering me while I’m getting dressed.

Hell no! Call the police!!!

I would be saying something I don’t even shower with my kids at 7 and 10 they should be having them on there own my kids have walked in on me in the bathroom or when I’m getting changed but I wouldn’t shower with them and they normally ask a quick question and leave me alone I don’t have a problem with being naked I do have a problem with the showering together

No that isn’t something I would be comfortable with. However you shouldn’t have called anyone about it unless they dismissed you talking about it. All that is go in ng to do is keep them from their father and cause them unwanted stress. The answer is simple. Go over to their house and get in the shower with her. See if she is comfortable then. But also who the fuck showers with kids that old? Like my kid has been bathing on his own for like 3 years and he’s 6

I stopped bathing with my kids (both boys) around 1-2 years old. If my kids had a step parent doing that at those ages I would think it was wildly inappropriate and it would be a big deal to me. It’s one thing if it’s a parent they’ve been around their whole life. It’s a whole lot worse if it’s a step parent they haven’t been around for very long

Ummm as a mom I am like meh. I have showered with my girls when they were little. They needed help and it was quicker then a tubby. I feel that woman should empower other women. With so much shaming out there its good to teach girls to love their bodies. As a woman I get being upset that the “other” woman is doing that with daughters that arent hers. I’d just ask her to stop if your uncomfortable with it. If she was touching the girls or herself inappropriately then I would get the law involved

True bio parents do this a lot. Heck, I’m mid twenties and I still talk to my mom when she’s showering.
I don’t see anything wrong with that but they didn’t come from her naked body, or breastfeed from her body so it’s weird. Maybe she was raised to be comfortable and not care but…your girls should be old enough to say no…

I would beat the Bitch into a pulp!! I wouldn’t care if she was the pope’s wife, NO ONE, AND I MEAN NO ONE would ever do something like that with any of my kids!!!

I would have a huge problem with this. Disagree with me all you want but my thoughts are just that my thoughts.

That’s totally inappropriate at that age. I dont do that with my own daughters anymore and they’re 4 and 11. I’d def be having some conversations with your ex and the wife.


Absolutely not. I would be livid




I would absolutely lose my shit! A woman got jail time and fined for doing that, if you look up the story. That is so wrong on SOOOO many levels. You need to talk to your ex husband and it needs to stop!


Ew!! Definitely not! :no_good_woman:t2::no_good_woman:t2::no_good_woman:t2:

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That is very wrong and I’m glad you called them. Very very wrong. I would of kicked her ass


Absolutely not! That’s wrong on so many levels


Did you speak tell them about it. I mean, no it’s not OK. I feel like you should have spoken to them first tho before you called children services.

Edit:missed the part where you said your ex is fine with it.

You did the right thing. If he only has visitation. I would contact a lawyer to see if you can get it modified until something is done… I would probably be in jail if it was me. I don’t think it’s appropriate at all for her to be naked any where around your kids.

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i dont think any adult should shower with a child regardless of relationship :woman_shrugging:t2:


You are right for calling, i would have beat that woman’s ass too


Nope, talk to them about it. Tell them if it happens again you will report it to CPS.

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Is she Asian!! It sounds like my mom :joy::joy::joy:

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Yeah, that’s innapropriate.

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Too old to shower with her but if she walks around naked in her home that’s her prerogative.


If after talking to them and them acting like your concerns didnt matter than that would piss me off. But no I wouldn’t like my kids bathing with another woman. I’m sure my ex husband wouldn’t like our sons bathing with my husband or my husband running around our house naked in front of them.


No way would I stand for that totally wrong

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Ewww that’s not right at all I would flip :angry::triumph:


For me it’s a big no! But some family’s are like that and are really open maybe it’s what she’s used to and didn’t understand your ex is in the wrong for not saying something

Ummm then they wouldn’t be seeing their dad anywhere but a courthouse


I would flip out and probably not allow my children to go there anymore. I can’t imagine my 10yr old being comfortable showering with another woman. She won’t even get changed in front of me anymore. I think you did the right thing you spoke to them you ex thinks it’s normal, I’d definitely call child services as well as a lawyer


My girls came from my body they see me naked cause they don’t knock :rofl::rofl: but step mom uhhh big fat negative!!! She’s sick to even consider it!