What would you do in my situation?

You answered your own question :person_shrugging:…you’ve set the wheels in motion to move forward continue in that direction. You know what your potentially taking back if you chose to keep him you already know! Stay the course and do what you know you need to do. :raised_hands::wink:…

5 years and 3 kids later, same shit different day different year. I think you are doing the right thing especially the fact this isn’t your first rodeo with this with him. He will not change until he looses everything “ rock bottom “ you gotta show him you mean business this time. Keeping your kids in a toxic environment that could potentially harm them could get them taken away it happened to my sister. Sending you prayers :pray::pray::pray: for strength and wisdom

Alcohol can kill a marriage. Unless he wants help himself it wont work. He’s got to want to change

Honestly you are the only one who can make that decision.
Noone knows exactly what you went through or how he is. Or how you and him feel about each other.
You need to do what feels right to you.

Leave. If you have evidence of the abuse; make a report to the police/sheriff and file an intervention order. He won’t have any other choice.

I was with my ex for 5 years and he mentally; emotionally; physically and verbally abused me and he didn’t need alcohol to do so. We had two children while together but he was abusive toward them as well.

You gotta do what your instincts tell you. Think if you want your children growing up thinking that kind of behaviour is okay or not. You need to look out for yourself and your babies.

You got this mumma❣️.

Do what’s best for you and those babies. From what it sounds like, whats best is leaving him, you seem to know what you want to do and have already made up your mind.

Leave! I know it’s scary. I have been where you are. If you have a local crisis center they can help you get away and stuff

Mom of 3 kids here. I tried everything! Alanon helped me find a way to be okay no matter if he was drinking and using or not. This is the Alanon group I started with Redirecting...

Attend Al Anon. Get healthy and some support. This is a disease only he can deicide to get help with. AA is always available for him. Protect you and your children. It affects everyone.

You might love him but you should love yourself and babies more. This is his battle and you can lead a horse to the pond but you will not make a horse drink water !!! At some point you need to let it go as hard as it is … sad but true !

If he can show you he can change after you leave then maybe after a year or so. Or maybe after that year you won’t want him back. Kids don’t need to see that shit. Better to bounce

If you stay the cycle will continue onto your children and their children…

Unfortunately alcohol is a demon that clings to some. Having been the child in the midst I would say get yourself and your children out ASAP. Good luck xx

Depends if he’s abusive… not contributing… … … tbh I’m the alcoholic in my relationship. but I’m the one doing all the work, dealing with the sleep deprivation and looking after our boy. … I do what I need to do because I have to. Your other half might be using alcohol as a coping mechanism (same as me) but that shouldn’t excuse him for being a parent and doing what needs to be done

What I would def NOT DO Is to continue having more children with a man who has abused me since child number 1?

Leave and stay gone you can’t change nobody that don’t want to change themselves!!

Do make it work but all bs aside drop all bias and let the facts be facts and make right moving forward

Id leave!!! Its not fair for the kids to see that in the house hold they dont deserve to grow up seeing that

Do you still want to be in this situation a year from now? Run. You cannot save everyone.

I wouldnt listen to anyone but ur mind and heart. You have to do what is best for you at this point because if u aren’t happy then ur kids wont be and maybe wouldn’t u rather them grow to see you in a beautiful relationship rather than them see a man disrespect u or tare u down. its not only bad for u its bad for them to be in an environment where it is happening. :heart: i feel for you on every level it took me a while to let go but it was the best thing i ever did now we have a good relationship as friends and the kids are happier seeing how happy we r even though we r apart. Now im not telling you what u should do but from experience i see now it was the best thing for everyone. i never wanted my kids to see what was happening once i couldnt hide it or fight it anymore i knew we all needed change. Take a step out and look and the view to see, do u want to live ur life the way it is going or is the alternative better. Fruit for thought. i hope for peace for your family and for your tough time to end so it can bring joy in your life whether u choose to stay or not

First off f*ck what anyone else says, do what makes YOU happy. Second it sounds like you’re already done, if so then just continue the process love. Like I said do what makes you happy.

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First off… intreatment. Don’t let him get off with a therapist. Second… what does your heart tell you?

So, my experience: very similar, almost identical, but on top of your situation he was also cheating. I asked for a divorce and he then drained our joint bank account which had our children’s Christmas savings in it as well as my bi-weekly paychecks went into that same account that my car payment was automatically deducted from which ultimately costed my car getting repossessed, things got waaaay worse after that emotionally, verbally, mentally and physically. I chose to leave. For 5 years now: he has drug the divorce out, refused to appraise out marital property, refused child support, I’ve paid 3 separate attorneys ($1,800, $5,000, and $5,000) to court order an appraisal, re-evaluate his $75/MONTH, yes you read that right $75 whole dollars a month child support order, and finalize my divorce. Do NOT leave the property if you two own it. Make him get out instead. Find you a REALLY GOOD attorney if this is what you want! If you live in Middle Georgia area, private message me and I will tell you who NOT to use as an attorney! I learned unfortunately two things dealing with all this: “a hit dog will holler” and “a leopard doesn’t change his spots” and the absolute worst part of it all is I have two children wrapped up in this nightmare who now need therapy too. If you feel like you can give one more chance maybe marriage counseling that specializes in alcohol abuse is a great starting point to healing. But in my personal experience he refused every type of counseling because: “I don’t need no f’in help I’m just fine with who and how I am, you don’t like it get the F out” :expressionless:

All I can say is get outt! Be mindful of his routine and get your Babies out! I would let u in!!

Pack up and leave. You dont want your kids growing up and thinking that life style is okay. You’re teaching that the way your husband treats you is normal when it’s not.

You only get tired when you get tired you already know what you need to do you just got to know your ready and just do it take back your life

GET OUT. You KNOW its going to get worse. You need an answer/sign? THIS IS IT: LEAVE.

Run and never look back hornet to god take it from a meth addict an alcoholic a mom a wife and a very abused person from alcoholics , I’m sorry but alcohol is the hardest thing my he world to give up it’s everywhere and once someone abused u verbally and emotionally I think given my 8 tears hen almost 6 years to at never goes away no matter how much u live one another u can’t start over we gave it all we had so many times but we just couldn’t move forward if he got sober it would b one n a million and even then ur always gonna have hate and resentment for him end it now move on and go be happy with someone who’s not an addict of any kind cuz I promise u most addicts relapse period no matter what their drug or alcohol of choice may be, I’m sorry

Learn to love yourself. The environment isn’t healthy for you or the kids. You’re worth more

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If mom’s not happy nobody is. Do you really want your kids growing up y that way?

Do what you gotta do to protect YOUR peace! Your kids deserve a happy mom.

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Stay strong and focused. You already know what to do.


You’re the one who gets to decide because you are living with him. If you can still tolerate that kind of treatment then endure, if you’re not then you know what to do :balloon:

Leave Sis…The 1st time was too many!
Life is short and the kids don’t need to see or hear that! You do you and what’s best for them.
:pray:t4: for you and the children.

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Let THOSE people take him back, let them get abused, not you, don’t listen.

You have to do whats right for you and your mental health. You already know what’s right and what you have to do! Best of luck

I’m going through the same thing. It just gets worse by the day. We have to be strong .

Run :running_woman: you already said he won’t stay sober long. If he changes, fine. He can change for himself to get to see his kids.

Done. Gone. Move on. Remember, you’re strong and you got this! Sending hugs and kisses. Stay safe!

Divorce…let him get help. You will see his progress when he visits kids.& then you can decide if you want that

If you honestly want to stay with him, maybe tell him if he can stay sober for x amount of time that you’ll consider it :woman_shrugging:t3: I’m sorry you’re having to deal with that.

Do what’s best for YOU and your children I wouldn’t care what anyone else said

5years ,For You & your kids RUN AS. FAST AS YOU CAN. God bless you

They will never change i was married to one u need to leave cause hes. Never going to change

Who ever is telling you to stay please hunni, ignore that shit. Get you and your kids out of there

Go with your gut you can get through it !!

I wouldn’t stay with him and get abused

From my experience
My kids actually said “ gosh mom what took you so long!
Now we can sleep knowing your safe” true story

You deserve a better life!!! Don’t take his ass back at all! Please know your worth

Live separate from him and only meet him on your terms if you believe he will stay sober.

Get rid of him he’s never gonna get rid of the alcohol u can’t beat alcohol

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Go with what’s in your heart

I personally would change the locks and pack his shit… but that’s me

It will never change. If he has lied about it before he will again. If you take him back you’ll become the girl who cried wolf. It’s terrible, but being free of him will eventually get easier, life will become lighter and easier, you will remember to smile, sleep, and eventually love yourself again. Don’t go back. That feeling in the pit of your stomach says keep going!! Run free girl! Don’t be the example that shows your kids it’s okay to be treated that way!!!

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Leave. Please leave. For you. For your babies. Don’t get sucked back in

Leave!! Go to a women’s shelter until judge makes a ruling.

Don’t take home back.
Make him sleep on the couch.

It’s addiction. He’s not going to change at anyone’s pace but his own. It may take him 30 years of trying. It’s up to you if you have the patience. Its going to be a long, frustrating road to commit to. You cant get mad at him every time, it’s going to wear you down to nothing.
Not everyone is equipped to deal with it and that’s okay too. Know your limits.

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I’d petition for a legal seperation and take him for child support in the meantime. Tell him he has to do the 12 step program. Alcoholics will be an alcoholic for a life time and many have to work every single day to stay clean. 3 months for a long time drinker isn’t going to prove anything other than he can do it if he really wants to. I wouldn’t want to be with him unless he proved himself for a minimum of a year and seeing a counselor and having a sponsor. Also there are things like al anon for families. Put yourself and your kids first

You have to do what is best for you. My mom gave my dad chance after chance hoping he would be better and she tried to make it better for us kids. He never changed and she eventually divorced him when I was 20 (her 1st attempt to leave him I was 2)The trauma she suffered and the effects that we now deal with are terrible. Situations are different but you know what is best for you and your children and you need to follow your gut so you don’t look back with regret. Stay strong and do what you feel is best. Best of luck

I’ve been in your situation, you must do what is right for you & your children, go through with the divorce, he’s had numerous chances, this is all about you and your children, their happiness and safety

Leave for ur kids sake and ur own

Alcoholics don’t change, unless they want to. Seems like he clearly doesn’t want to change.


I would file for divorce ASAP and stick to my guns.

He’s had enough chances. Get while the gettins good. Better things are in store :slightly_smiling_face:

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If he’s taken the steps to fix his issue of alcoholism why wouldn’t you if that’s truly the issue? I’d strongly suggest that you both have individual counseling and couples counseling and go from there

I was 14 years married can’t change his spots trust me I’m healthier away from him t times in rehab nothing nvh worked move on before he damage thenkids too if he hasn’t already they will be the same

Honestly you’re the only one that can make the right decision for yourself and your kids remember you got to do you and what’s best for you and your kids

I would leave his ass. Men who only change when they’re “forced” don’t mean it and fall back into their old cycle in time. He had to change he because HE wants it. Until then, it’s a show to keep his life comfortable as he knows it.
I’d make his ass sleep on the couch though. Or buy yourself an air mattress in crash with the kids :woman_shrugging:t2: save your back girl

Tell him to get sober and stay sober. After you see he is making progress, tell him you will discuss things with him, but you are continuing with your plan until then.

Continue with the divorce. No idea why you stayed after the first child. But don’t stick around to make a 4th.

I wouldn’t: you’ve given him the chances. And he hasn’t changed yet. Maybe he will get sober but maybe he won’t and you don’t have to continue to hang around and be unhappy and abused. I would stand your ground and continue with the divorce. Get the judge to make him leave. It shouldn’t be to hard with a history of abuse and alcoholism.

If I was in that situation I would just leave him. If it takes threat of divorce to get him to change then he will ended change.

Move on, this is about your children! It’s better to move on now than later for them! It’s only harder on the kids later on! :broken_heart:

Absolutely not! Those people do not live your life. You don’t need to do what anyone tells you that they think you should do. Keep moving forward!

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My dad never changed, my mom took him back time and time again. It’s up to you ultimately cause it’s your marriage and life but you sound like you are just about done with it.

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You’re gonna end up w four babies and an alcoholic husband that you’ll be trying to leave in another year or so. It’s nothing that they can just “stop and sober up” from. Alcoholism needs rehab and counseling to safely teach your body to function without alcohol and not freak out.

I would say leave, see where he is at at a year, go
To al anon meetings for Yourself … some have pattens if they can go so long he is every 3 months, it IS his responsibility to get the help IF HE WANTS IT… I would proceed with your plan, leave and like someone else said maybe it would be his rock bottom to get help. The worse thing I see is what I was told… we literally can live them to death if they NEVER suffer any consequences for their problems, people tend to enable rather than “tough love” … and I have seen 1st hand what happens when you allow them to never suffer a consequence from your relationship…
but you can’t be responsible for his problem either…best of luck to to you.

Leave until he proves he has changed. He does it cause he knows you’ll go back.

Follow through. Might make him stay sober this time. Rock bottom hurts but is sometimes a necessity.

Hey it’s your life not your friends !
Do what is right for you !
No one else !
Time to grow a backbone and leave him.
Your children will be learning from him that abuse is ok because your still there !
Family crap runs in cycles…
Do you want them to repeat your husbands history ?

I mean he needs help duh :roll_eyes: I’m an addict I was arrested with my kids in the car. Not my proudest moments but they helped me, the cops amd family and the judge and others, get my life back. I quickly got out and got my kids and did what I needed I’m 18 months today :relieved: 4 days away from my babies changed my life ppl will never know. Addiction is hard but I found an amazing program and pll who I love and that really made the difference

No means no put your foot down don’t make him walk all over you

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Only you can decide when you’ve truly had enough :kissing_heart:


" BEEN THERE & YOU JUST NEED TO BE HAPPY - CUT YOUR LOSES & THINK ABOUT YOUR KIDS ! " ( I’m 70 years old & Did it almost 40 years ago : "YOU CAN, TOO ! " LIFE IS TOO SHORT, NOT TO BE HAPPY ! - Sending PRAYERS :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

Your children only have one family. Work it out. :woman_shrugging:t3:

When you’re done you’re done. Only YOU know when you’re done. Good luck on whatever you choose. I’m here if you need to talk.

Get the fuck out of there, and take your kids.

I’d kick him out or move tf out.

Unless and until he gets help for the drinking problem, call it a wrap!!! I was you 30 years ago, I walked and saved myself and my children. I remarried 2 years later and am still married to the same non drunk man.


Let those divorce papers go through. If he wants to change, then he will after experiencing the consequences of losing his family. You can re-join as a family later if he cleans his shit up. But until then, cut him off.

Been there , done that unfortunately :roll_eyes:. Mine was abusive in everyway , it is very rare that they actually change . They just tell you that they will because they know you’re fed up and want out ! They will say anything they think you want to hear to keep you there ! Don’t fall for it . You’ve already entered the mindset that you and your babies deserve better ! Get out before it gets worse ( 9 times out if 10 it gets worse ) . Find a skill and build on that if you don’t already have one … You can do this ! Take care of you and your babies ! Best of luck , you got this !!!:purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

Don’t take him back. If you do, it will signal to him that you aren’t serious about your boundaries and he’s free to abuse you at will. You’ll also be showing your children that this is acceptable in a relationship. Don’t do it.

It’s nothing to do with anyone else, they’re not the ones living it.
Are you still in love with him? If you are n you think its worth saving then do it. If you don’t, if your heart is not in it then walk away. It sounds like you have put up with it for so long and it’s possibly too little too late on his part.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do :heart:

Who telling u to stay?! Oh the folks who don’t have to deal with him nor the situation…do what’s best for u!!


Lock him out snd change the locks! Protect yourself and look after you!

I’m so sorry mama. I think the severity of everything is what matters for me (us) to form an honest opinion. In my experience, abuse never ends once it begins; it only gets worse. I’m not married and never have been so not sure what is and is not legally “okay” but if you don’t get the answers you’re looking for, I highly recommend a custody/legal advice fb group because there are TONSSSS of people who hav been through this and can tell you what’s best to do, legally.

They say you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone… and that’s completely his fault. Save yourself and your kids, you deserve better. You don’t need to stay in an abusive and unhealthy situation/relationship just to “make your family work”. Go and be happy :heart:

End it. I grew up with an alcoholic father. They NEVER change. If he wanted to change he would have the first time. Its NOT good for you or YOUR KIDS. I have so much trauma I’ve had to heal bc of my fathers bs. My mom an him split Almost 20 years ago an shes still messed up from all he did to her and us abuse wise. Do what you already know is best. End it💕

Good luck and tons of love an good vibes being sent your way.
Its NOT easy to end a marriage but you will be a trillion times better without him in you an your kids lives.:heavy_heart_exclamation:

In my opinion He needs to check into rehab (outpatient/inpatient treatment ) join some AA Meetings, get a sponsor, see a therapist to help him cope, maybe some couple therapy classes too to help him see what he needs to change, and anger management classes to help him deal with his anger. It help me a lot when I decided to stop drinking. Just a suggestion, mental health is very important. I hope he decides to change, otherwise do what you gotta do for your kids.