What's the Proper Punishment for a 4th Grader Who Broke Their Chromebook?


How can I properly punish a child who broke their Chromebook?

Proper punishment for 4th grader not taking care of her school Chromebook and stepping on it?

RELATED QUESTION: What’s a Good Punishment for Teens Who Snuck Out?


“Unpopular opinion. But I feel like it’s your lack of parental supervision and responsibility, that allowed her to break it in the first place. She should only be using it at the table under supervision and when she is done it should be put up until she has to use it again.”

“I broke my laptop the other day. Should I get punished? No, I just have to work and save up for a new one. Teach your child in the same way. She doesn’t get her chrome book anymore since she broke it, she must do chores and take care of her responsibilities strictly but taking away TV? Etc? That’s a bit ridiculous. It happens, you’re the one who gave her the Chromebook in the first place. As long as she knows she has to put in the effort to make up for it.”

“School Chromebook should only be at the table with parental supervision in my opinion.”

“Make them do chores around the house and make money to pay for it. Take all their other electronics until they do!”

“My son broke his last week. He actually tried to close it with a notebook and pencil in it and it shattered the screen. I honestly didn’t even think about punishing him. He’s 13 and a total accident but yeah it was careless. I scolded him and I was upset but I paid for insurance and it’s the 1st time he’d ever broken it. But He learned he can’t do that again.”

“Maybe try supervising your child around expensive school equipment!?? That would be a start for me.”

“Since it’s school-issued, there’s usually a fine attached to braking the Chromebook, in our district, it’s $250. If you give your daughter an allowance, you should keep it and tell her that since she is the one that broke it by not taking care of it… she needs to help pay for it. You can punish her by grounding her and teach her at the same time… and if they issue you a new one, only let her use it at the kitchen table and under supervision.”

“Accidents happen. Does the school allow you to have accidental insurance? Ours does and it would cost $40 to repair if it was the child’s fault. The first year my daughter had to have hers fixed several times. Once was because it was stepped on. The teacher had them place them on the floor when they went to a different room and other children stepped on them and broke a few of them. I understand money is super tight for a lot of people. When it got out of control I started having her earn money to pay for the cost by doing chores so that she understood that money isn’t free and the hard work it takes to make it. She has then only had to fix it once since she had to fix it if she was responsible for breaking it.”

“She is old enough to take care of it properly. My 1st grader knows how to properly care for hers and does so. Make her earn the money to replace it by either chores, selling her stuff, or she does a lemonade stand. She has to be held accountable. But I would not use the word punishment; I would tell her it’s her responsibility and make her take responsibility.”

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Make them do chores around the house and make money to pay for it. Take all their other electronics until they do!


No more chromebook…paper assignments only. Tell the school you don’t want assignments on technology because your child is not at that maturity level or your just not about it and they will provide paper assignments.


Accidents happen. And just how old is this child with a chromebook?


Explain maybe they can earn back chromebook when their behavior improves (next year) really if you think about it screen time is really bad for developing brains anyway.

Chores. No tv. Not even during family time. Dinner athletes and straight to bed. For a week

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Was it an accident or?? Chores to learn some responsibilities

I would make her work off every penny it cost me to pay for it.

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Yard work and chores to make the money back. This also can be a time to teach entrepreneurship like running lemonade stand or cutting yards especially for the elderly. Something along those lines. I would also debate on taking away gaming systems (if there is one) and tell her if she doesn’t make the money the system will be sold to get the money. Or a yard sell that would consist of her toys being sold.

I broke my laptop the other day. Should I get punished? No, I just have to work and save up for a new one. Teach your child in the same way. She doesn’t get her chrome book anymore since she broke it, she must do chores and take care of her responsibilities strictly but taking away TV? Etc? That’s a bit ridiculous. It happens, you’re the one who gave her the chromebook in the first place. As long as she knows she has to put in effort to make up for it.


I mean if its the first time, Id probably let it be a learning experience and let them know exactly what will happen the next time that happens.


You all make good points but gosh it’s hard to believe how times have changed. I certainly never had to worry about anything more than my old-fashioned paper notebook!


School chrome book should only be at the table with parental supervision in my opinion :woman_shrugging:t4:


Since it’s for school and the kid has to have it maybe just like ground her. Make her do chores from now on. She’s old enough to know better. No more tv or electronics other than for school. I feel like two days is a good start. If she doesn’t behave then extend her punishment.

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Wondering if she walked on it on accident, or stomped on it on purpose because she was mad. If it was an accident, should there be a punishment at all? I mean don’t we as adults still make mistakes? I know I do. But if it was on purpose thats a diff story.


Make a list of chores and out costs next to them. So he has to do as many chores as needed to pay back for the chromebook

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My son broke his last week. He actually tried to close it with a notebook and pencil in it and it shattered the screen. I honestly didn’t even think about punishing him. He’s 13 and a total accident but yeah it was careless. I scolded him and i was upset but i paid for insurance and it’s the 1st time he’d ever broke it. But He learned he cant do that again.


Is this the first time? Also, did the school happen to offer optional insurance for it? If they did, she needs to use a portion of her allowance to pay it off. If they didn’t, I would still do the allowance thing for it. She needs to learn that money doesn’t grow on trees.

I would make a chore list with a price value next to it. Laundry $5, dishes $10… until it reaches the cost of the chrome book. Also reinforces adding money :slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe try supervising your child around expensive school equipment!?? That would be a start for me


Like Sweep-$5.00
Dishes $9.00
Make bed-$3.00


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Explain to them how disappointed you are in their irresponsibility. Yes make them work and pay for it. Daily chores!

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Stepping on it? Damn. Spank her and take away all electronic devices until she learns respect.

Do you have insurance on it through the school? I would make her pay for the deductible out of her savings or allowance

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Have them work off the cost of the chromebook and take it back to the school and have him explain why its broken

Do they have a phone, laptop, or game console? If yes, I would be taking those away.

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You aim to discipline, not punish. Either way, the punishment must fit the crime. They broke it, they save up to pay for another. Just like you would have to. You don’t get spanked, or have your tv taken away when you break something. Even if you were negligent. Find a way for them to earn the money. Helping you, grand parents, even neighbors (yard work, car wash, pick up the yard. All social distancing possible)


Well since she has no laptop that would be connected to a printer, make her have to write out everything,while borrowing a laptop. That might help her to have a little respect for it

Make them work off the the cost of a new one. Minimum wage per hour of work put in at home. They’re only like 9-10 so age appropriate chores obviously. But teach them the value of a dollar and how hard you work for your money

Mine broke hers by accident so she already felt horrible and said she would pay it out of her allowance. She is 9 and in the 4th and she made her own punishment.

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This is why my sons is brought out for school and put away after up in the closet.
Accidents happen. I’ve stepped on my own laptop and smashed it.

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A kid at the bus stop was throwing his around and said it has a protective case so it’s fine. I still yelled at him… not my kid. If it’s for school and you have to pay for damages then make the kid do chores (if they get an allowance) make the kid put that money in a jar for chromebook.

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Make her work for you to pay for it! Give her a chore list and enjoy your nice clean house!

First I would see if the school district would replace it, if it costs you anything I would make her earn the money but still ground her from all other electronics


May sound harsh, but let her flunk.
She has to repeat the grade- a natural consequence for her chromebook getting ruined from her lack of care when it is a necessity for school- and her friends all move on when she does not, then she learns to take care of her school supplies.


Make them do odd jobs to pay to replace it?

I’ve told my 10 year old if he breaks something like my phone or tv because he’s being careless and not paying attention then I would sell his Xbox to replace what he broke.


You don’t punish, you teach. Was it yours or the schools? Was it an accident or deliberate? I’d tread very carefully on how this handled.


Was it an accident :woman_shrugging: if so I’m sure she feels bad about it.

Mine took the keys off and I grounded him for a month and continued grounding every time he didn’t listen or smart mouthed. No tv, phone, racing his go cart, racing rc cars with his dad and increased chores. I also gave him the guilt trip because as a single mom I bust my tale to make sure he has what he needs. I’m :100: he learned his lesson. FYI he did it because he was bored and he takes everything apart to see how it works :woman_facepalming:

Cleaning chores. Lots of cleaning chores instead of screen time.

Take away phone privileges unless when neccessary. Wash dishes. Other extra chores. No fun time or tv time no friends or going anywhere unless needed

Make her work to replace it. They have chrome books on eBay for 50-150$ which is a lot cheaper than buying them thru the school. Make her work to replace the full brand new cost thru the school though. At our school they’re like 400$ each to replace.

Unpopular opinion. But I feel like it’s your lack of parental supervision and responsibility, that allowed her to break it in the first place. She should only be using it at the table under supervision and when she is done it should be put up until she has to use it again.


Even if it was an accident, why was it on the floor? Lol

I’d make my kid work to replace it. Sometimes I feel like physical punishment (not hitting) makes kids understand that everything that is bought had to be worked for. Everything has to be earned and expensive things aren’t easy or cheap to replace. That’s what my mom did for us and I still have my game boy from the 2000s :joy:

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I mean… It’s on the parents :person_shrugging: 4th grade and you expect them to be more responsible than you? :person_facepalming:


We ALL have broken things. Punishment is not warrented unless it was a malicious, deliberate act. Just move forward and figure out how to fix or replace it. Don’t shame.


4th grade is old enough to mow lawns or volunteer to help some way :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Was it accidental or done on purpose? If accidental then maybe not punish her for it. If it was done on purpose then I would make her write an apology letter to the principal. Then make her do chores to earn money to replace it. We are dealing with a similar situation with my 9 year old son. He threw a massive tantrum threw his shoe and broke his bedroom window. We took all his electronics, made him write a paragraph about what he did wrong, why he did it, and what he can do differently next time. He also has to do chores to earn the money to replace the window.


Depends on if it was an accident or intentional because she was angry. If it was intentional take things away like TV time, no electronics like phones or tablets for fun, and make her explain to the school what happened and apologize.

Was it an accident ?

Accidents happen, just have to have her earn a new one. Maybe if she puts work in for it she will put it in a safe place when she’s not using it.

Do you mean discipline?
Firstly has the chromebokk been damaged accidentally or was it neglect?
Then how does your child already feel?
Speak to them, ask about how they feel. Explore. Then put some boundaries inplace. Is it insured and can it be fixed? If not can it be fixed at a price?
If so take to get it fixed, get them to earn some pocket money to pay for the repair. So they learn the value of things and the time it takes to get them mended. Above all connect before you correct. How did we feel when we broke something? Be the adult you needed when you was in that situation!

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Is it the schools chromebook?

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Chores chores chores.

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I’m 22 and I sat on mine … :weary::weary: (left it on the couch and someone placed a cover on top of it had no idea until I sat on it full force ) give sis a break start a go fund me I got her :sob::sob::sob::sob::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


She is old enough to take care of it properly. My 1st grader knows how to properly care for hers and does so. Make her earn the money to replace it by either chores, selling her stuff or she does a lemonade stand. She has to be held accountable. But I would not use the word punishment I would tell her its her responsibility and make her take responsibility


Its half your fault too. :person_shrugging: You pay half and have her do chores to pay the other half. You should have been watching her while she was using her chromebook :roll_eyes:


Not getting her another one and letting her fail 4th grade. It sounds harsh but kids need to know there are consequences for their actions.


Accidents happen. Does the school allow you to have the accidental insurance. Ours does and it would cost $40 to repair if it was the child’s fault. The first year my daughter had to have hers fixed several times. Once was because it was stepped on. The teacher had them place them on the floor when they went to a different room and other children stepped on them and broke a few of them. I understand money is super tight for alot of people. When it got out of control I started having her earn money to pay for the cost by doing chores so that she understood that money isn’t free and the hardwork it takes to make it. She has then only had to fix it once since she had to fix it if she was responsible for breaking it.


The child needs to be accountable. Extra chores with a price put on the chore. Examples doing dishes or loading dish washer and putting them away 5.00 dollars. When she reaches the amount needed then she can have some free time. I would still have chores for her to do.


I don’t know cause I don’t let my daughter move hers.


4th grade is old enough to know shit is not cheap especially them damn chromebooks ,My 4th grader got in trouble for having hers on the floor and I punished her by taking her phone away and no tv only allowed to use the chromebook to do work and that’s it and no it’s not your fault you can’t blame the parents for everything ,she knows better, some kids just dont care.

Make her work to save up to buy a new one.

Some of these comments show why people today have absolutely no accountability :woman_facepalming: my son broke his headphones the first time I replaced them and we sat down and had a discussion about taking care of our things and the second time he was responsible for replacing them because its important children learn to take care of their things and that there is a cost involved when they don’t


I’d make my 4th grader who know better than to put the computer on the floor, pay for it. I’d replace it to start. Then I’d give her a list of chores and how much she’d earn doing them. Shed work the entire thing off to pay me back. Period.

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I would make her do work on top of daily chores in order to make it back. Instead of just letting her help with dishes and picking up the house which she does everyday I would make her do normal chores and then add raking or helping with outside chores or whatever else to earn the money for it. I also would not allow the chrome book to be on the floor in the first place

If it was an accident, and feels bad no punishment is needed just a talk. If broken deliverately I suggest chores and replace with a PC instead to keep in one place.


:heart::heart::pray::pray: make her pay for it. Write chores on pieces of paper and “pay” her for each chore until the money is paid back. This works well if you have elderly family who need extra help like light cleaning, driveways swept, leaves bagged, attics or basements cleaned.

Accidents happen, replace it but on the understanding it better not happen again and if it does they will have to do things to earn another replacement.

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i’m all for making sure a child knows the responsibility of their actions but a lot of these comments are quite harsh?.. it’s a child, trusted with a very expensive item. i have broken laptops out of pure accident. i think maybe have a conversation with them about what happened and work from there. if you’re trying to punish them without considering the potential for an accident it seems so harsh.


Or you could have made sure the chrome book was where it should have been also. You signed a contract saying you would also care for the item. If you punish the child, punish yourself also :woman_facepalming:t2:


Since it’s school issued, there’s usually a fine attached to braking the chromebook, in our district, it’s $250. If you give your daughter an allowance, you should keep it and tell her that since she is the one that broke it by not taking care of it… she needs to help pay for it. You can punish her by grounding her and teach her at the same time… and if they issue you a new one, only let her use it at the kitchen table and under supervision.


don’t replace it and make her work off the fine

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then make her work for a replacement

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This is exactly why my daughter only has her supervised. Not allowed to have food or drinks near it. Make her do extra chores. And explain to her that laptops are expensive and that she will not be allowed to do school unsupervised from here on out.

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Depends on the actual circumstances, situation, and the child (Not gonna put it all on the parent, we can’t all be there every second). By 4th grade there should be some responsibility built up. For my oldest and youngest having them (and me) explain what happened to the principal then attempt to work or pay it off would work. My middle child is an entirely different situation. All sides and circumstances need to be thought of.

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Unless she said , ‘oh let me stand on
My chrome book and break it ‘ is it not a fair conclusion it was an accident ?

Accidents happen , yes they are caused however we learn from our mistakes

This is about life learning and not all learning is achieved by punishment but rather restorative practice


punishment for an accident? sounds a bit harsh, accidents play a huge part of the learning process ,give the kid a break .


Here the thing. It’s for school they have to have them. Your child is also only in the 4th grade. I don’t think a punishment will accomplish anything. You need to work with your child on how to take care of it. Remind, remind, remind. Also at the end of the day you signed on the dotted line for that Chromebook. Your also responsible for making sure it’s taken care of.


I told my daughter (7) that if she breaks her school issued chromebook, it’s coming out of her Christmas presents. I don’t really care if that’s mean, we’re not doing well enough financially to do both.


Chromebooks in my house are not allowed anywhere but the kitchen counter or the desk so we avoid this issue. I know if my kids broke their chromebooks i would be whooping ass theyd be grounded. I would make them explain to their teacher them self what they did wrong then theyd be having a lot of time doing extra chores and helping out at school or whatever is available.

Make her do chores around the house (each chore having an amount value) to work off the money to pay for a new one

I told my kids teach no chrome book wi enter my home as i don’t wanna be responsible for it. Nope. They can mail papers if they shit down school again. That would def make me nervous for my first grader.

I am curious about how the chromebook ended up on the floor? Do you not have a designated safe place for it when it’s not in use? If you don’t, then you should and it’s your responsibility as the parent to make sure it gets put there when it’s not in use.

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Well first its partially your fault for not supervising or teaching her not to destroy property… 2nd… If it was an accident… Shit happens pay for it and move on make sure she knows she has to take care of it… If it was intentional… Make her work off half of what you need to pay the school… Make up a chart… Say $4 to do dishes 10 to rake the leaves 2 to make her bed. Etc… Till she pays off her half she gets limited privileges…

Get it fixed and instead of you paying for it havehimstay after school throughout the week to work and pay it off. Usually the schools will allow the students to volunteer time to help pay for stuff like that

Having taught 4th grade for many years, I have seen students that have accidentally damaged their computers, students that have damaged their computers due to a lack of responsibility and students who have intentionally damaged their computers. As a parent you know your child. It does seem like some kind of restitution should be included in the punishment, especially if it was not completely accidental. You also need to be reasonable.

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What is a chromebook? If you don’t mind me asking.
I live in Australia and my daughter is in grade 1 and I’ve never heard of chormebook

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Umm, accidents happen everyday. Why should he be punished? Kids are dealing with enough chaos right now, they need your support and understanding now more than ever.


Last week a kid in our resource center had a squished banana in his backpack. Thought it was a good idea to shove his laptop into his bag and got squished banana in the charging port. Aye.

Was it an accident? We all have them. Would you punish yourself for making a mistake?


If she did it on on purpose she needs a psych evaluation from school and needs to pay to have it fixed

All of you parents on here recommending chores as a punishment are confusing to me. Do your kids not have daily chores already? If they do then, it makes no sense to assign wage values to chores they are already expected to do. The kid learns nothing from that. If you are recommending extra chores that they aren’t used to doing, they will likely need to be supervised, which seems to be something that the posting parent already struggles with. And if the child messes up on these chores because they weren’t supervised, should they be punished for that too?

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My daughter broke her MacBook shortly after she got it for her birthday, her dad fixes apple products for a living but I have told her she needs to pay to have the screen replaced from her own money as things don’t come for free. She takes much better care of it now x

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If you went over responsibility of taking care of electronics including not leaving them on the floor, I would punish for not following rules(leaving on floor) and then extra chores to ‘pay’ for expense or certain privileges restricted for a certain amount of time.

Was it on purpose? School property? If so make her earn the money to replace it


no cell phone 1 week

My son broke his too. I only let him on my other kids to do school work nothing else. Also gave him extra cleaning chores. More outdoors playing, no electronics for a couple of weeks

Punishments for me involve a few steps. First, her privileges are gone until she writes you a solid paragraph (topic sentence, 3-5 sentences, plus a conclusion) detailing why she broke it and what she should/could have done instead. She also needs to write one to the school or the teacher (even if it’s never actually delivered though I highly recommend having her hand deliver that as well). Then she needs to “earn” the replacement value. Give a monetary value to extra chores around the house and she needs to get to work.

Hang in there mama, we’ll all survive this school year one way or another.