When can you start baby on cows milk?

My son started on regular milk at 4 1/2 months and did just fine


I’d say it’s fine. She’s probably eating good by now

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Started mine at 9mth . She’s 1yr today perfectly healthy

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Call the pediatrician and ask if you can use pediasure or the off brand of it!

Maybe try mixing almond milk and cows milk at first, until their little tummy can adjust.
I’ve got 4 kids, all formula fed, and I started them at about 11.5 months mixing formula and cow’s milk. You’re doing the best you can. Don’t beat yourself up. Babies don’t come with a set of instructions and each & every one is so different. I hope this helps! :heart:

You should be fine. Just double check with your pediatrician

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I started transitioning my daughter at 11 months! You should be fine. But don’t switch cold Turkey. If you can try and mix till they’re transitioned! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Talk to her pediatrician

Nah it’s fine. Just make sure to use whole milk. They need the fat. Our baby girl was about 10-11 months old when she had her first sippy cup of CHOCOLATE milk that my grandmother gave her :woman_facepalming: but pedi said it was fine.

Idk where you are located. But targets have been known to have formula. Also I would research goats milk, they also have powdered so you can use it like formula. I don’t remember exactly when I started my daughter on it, but it was cheaper and formula is not a cheap bill, and it just keeps growing. I hope you find your solution and help others find theirs. My prayers and eyes are with you infant momma’s.

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u should be good wic starts them at 12m

If she’s eating 3x a day she will be fine. My toddler was only having formula at nap time and bedtime

Yes u can start her now. Maybe try a little at a time

You could transition now they say around about 1 so she’s close enough.

Whole milk is fine. I put my son on it at 11 months. It may cause constipation, of so add 2 tsp of Karo syrup. Also your child is probably eating off of the table so they will be getting vitamins and nutrients from really food.

You want to go to the Dairy farmer and ask him for the colostrum

Omg start her now. Mine where on whole milk at 3 months old and they were very healthy babies.


My kids all had milk by 10 months. They were eating cheese and yogurt anyway. No allergies in my family. So I knew they’d be fine.

I started small doses on my daughter at 10 months and worked up to a full bottle of cows milk.

You can literally make formula from hemp milk, cow’s milk is meh because it’s pasteurized they boil all the good parts out so really it’s just puss water. And a lot of times that is the source of eczema and skin issues. But there’s tons of formula recipes online that people been using.

Most pediatricians recommended a year old. And they usually say whole milk from age 1 to 2.
But this is exactly what your pediatrician is for. Call your pediatrician. Sometimes they even have samples of formula that they will give you. But every child is different, that’s why it’s very important to ask your pediatrician first. There are a ton of great comments and recommendations but we are not professionals and we don’t know your child specifically.
But usually at this age as long as your child is getting 3 meals and snacks in between I would say your child is old enough to have milk instead. But always ask your pediatrician to make sure that’s what they recommend. Sometimes they suggest goats milk or soy milk instead of whole milk, cows milk. But it would depend on your child specifically.


No it’s not to early. My oldest stopped drinking formula two weeks before her first birthday. She weaned herself.

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My son was 9 months when he started cow’s milk.

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Warm up whole Milk, she should be okay! She almost 1…

I would do half milk half formula. That’s how the Dr told us to do it and that’s what we do at our center.

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When I transition my middle son he had a hard time digesting cows milk I switched him to lactaid and he was fine. I switched at about 8-9pm the old so you should be fine

I added 1 oz of cows milk to his bottle for 3-5 days then upped it by a oz. Careful do it slow or it will cause baby constipation

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Start slowly, just in case she is sensitive to cow milk. My 3 kids did fine at 6 months.

10 months is perfectly fine. Back in the day we all started at 9mo

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If u do use cows milk just open it with water and it should be fine

My daughter was 10 months when we went through Covid and there was no formula on shelves. I found one can and started mixing half half with her formula and by 11 months she was on whole milk only. I will add she was also eating all meals and snacks. Her pediatrician was aware of what I was doing and didn’t have a problem with it.

I started supplementing here and there at 10 months to get them used to the taste, then at 11 months would give my kids, a little bit of cows milk in the afternoon, then at 1 year supplemented the last can I had, with milk until he was totally on milk. You should be fine to give cows milk. Supplement what last bit of formula you got left if you have any left.

She’s 11 and 1/2 months old whole milk vitamin D should be fine my grandson’s a year old he doesn’t take formula anymore he’s drinking whole milk.

Talk to her Dr first.


Yes I did with my kids at 10 months

I started transitioning my first child around 7 months old and she was off formula completely by 10 months. As long as your baby doesn’t have an allergy or intolerance then you do what you think is best, especially if you need to.

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My oldest was raised on carnation too

She should be fine. If she’s eating small finger foods and solids with no digestive issues

You have to slowly transition. I was told one once of 1/4 cows milk, rest formula for 3 days. Then 1/2 milk and formula for another three, then 3/4 (majority milk) for three days, so it takes a week and a half to transition properly.

She’s very close to 12 months so it will be okay. The best milk for them at that point is 3.25% homogenized milk

Switched mine about 10 mo.

I would ask your doctor if Fairlife milk is ok to give an infant. Our Dr suggested it for the kids (they were 5 and 6 when we switched) and i wish it had been an option when they were younger. I guess its similar to like a lactaid but not the same. Its lactose free but its also tripple filtered and has more protein than regular milk. It changed our lives. And I use it to make cold start yogurt in my instant pot and its amazing. It has been the best thing for thier little tummies!

Speak to your pediatrician before making any decisions. I think it all depends on the age of the baby as well. My pediatrician told me no whole milk until 11 months and even then it’s only to help transition him at 12 months. She said it was because giving just whole milk before a year can cause baby to be anemic. So definitely check. In the meantime , ask your pediatrician if you can have formula samples. They may have some in the office that can hold you over. Go into your local supermarkets and ask to speak to the manager. Ask if you can give your name and phone number incase the formula you need comes in ,maybe they can call you. Such a heartbreaking situation to be in with this shortage.

I called my doctor when my daughter was the same age and they gave me the ok to do it so call your doctor and let them know what’s happening!

At 11 months she will be fine


My son was 7 months when we started he was fully off formula by 8 months

Make sure it is whole milk

Definitely consult with a pediatrician and not random ppl on fb. What works with some kids don’t work for others


i don’t see why there would be any issue but if it hurts her tummy, try goats milk. they carry it everywhere these days including walmart

Totally Fine, if baby is eating food. My Grandson loves Almond milk (Original) has been drinking it since 1 he has about 10/11 teeth already and will be 14 months on Sunday, he’s a little spit fire😅

My son was swapped over at 9 months. However, he only drank formula at nap time and bed time because he ate real food so his doctor okayed it. He said the main reason they keep them on formula until one is because that’s where their nutrients come from, but since my son was getting the vast majority of his nutrients from real table food, he was fine. Just talk to your doctor.

I had to give it to my son almost from birth bc it was only kind he could keep down

No. She’s old enough to drink cows milk. Don’t worry mama she will do fine

I would check with the doctor first, My daughter startedon 2 percent milk after formula, but Check with the doctor.

Please OP don’t listen to the Brady bunch telling you to use soya, oat or nut milks! Your baby can currently handle cow’s milk, my son’s allergic and has been since he was 6 weeks, it’s costs an arm and a leg to buy vegan and dairy free foods. Consult your doctor about switching to cow’s milk to try keep that digestive system happy and healthy while using comes milk, my lil boy can’t have cheese, yogurt’s it’s life limiting for us.

I switched my daughter to milk at 11 and a half months but I discussed it with her pediatrician first.

Check with your doctor first. And keep in mind it does not have to even be cow’s milk. There’s so many other alternatives. Goats milk, almond, ripple, etc.

If babes is eating enough solids in the day then switching at 11.5 months to 3.25% milk will be okay… the typical recommended age to switch is usually 12 months

When my son was about 11 months old, I struggled just to by formula. I ended up having to give him cows milk because I had no other choice, 11 years later he’s perfectly fine!!

She should be fine momma. Just make sure it’s full fat milk. Babies need the fat content for healthy brain development.

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I would go ahead and start her. Make sure to start giving food also

Just make sure it’s whole milk. My doctor wanted to start my daughter on 2% because she was getting to chunky on formula. Lucky a research and read a lot and said I’d switch to whole milk because babies still need extra fat for brain development. He agreed. So not sure why he started with 2%. …

I was winging mine at 10 months. I would Do is slowly though I would start off with 2 Oz of milk the rest formula then slowly increase every few weeks until they were off formula. However always ask your doctor and do whats right for you.

Whole milk. Usually they have you start the transition, like say baby drinks 8oz at a time, they’d have you do 6oz formula to 2 oz whole milk, and then after a few days, week whatever, then 4oz formula 4 oz whole milk. 2 oz formula 6 oz whole milk. But with the baby formula shortage what can you do? Just call your pediatrician and let them know, you can’t find their formula and ask about starting whole milk.

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Should be okay and there is a toddler formula that you add to cows milk with the needed nutrients. It’s the only thing I’ve been seeing left on the formula shelves sonid recommend that.

It should be okay!! I started my daughter on whole milk (it’s what they recommend to get the fat content for their brains) a week before her 1st birthday, and it sounds like you are just about in the same boat I was!! She’s 5 years old now and totally healthy and “okay”! :blush: :heart: you got this mama!!

It’s about the normal age to transition off formula anyway……go for it!

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I started my kids on whole milk or even 2% milk when they were almost a year old so you should be okay. what I did is put a drop of karo syrup in there to keep their little bowels regulated it never hurt mine and they both were and are healthy.

It should be okay!! I started my daughter on whole milk (it’s what they recommend to get the fat content for their brains) a week before her 1st birthday, and it sounds like you are just about in the same boat I was!! She’s 5 years old now and totally healthy and “okay”! :blush: :heart: you got this mama!!

Cows milk is fine. My son started it at 10 months in a soppy cup. He got tired of a bottle and decided he didn’t like formula anymore.

The American pediatric board has said that a baby over 6 months old can have cow’s milk as a supplement or instead of formula during the shortage. My 8 month old granddaughters ped said that was fine but to transition formula back in when it’s available, until she’s a year old.

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As a nurse & mama of 8 I would have to say go for it. All of my children and grand’s switched between 10-12 months and they are very happy healthy. Use your mom skills and monitor her for any reactions or bowel issues and use only whole milk or if she has lactate issues whole almond milk. I just want to add it’s always a good idea to make the phone call to her dr for reassurance. It’s time mama. Good luck & God bless💕

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WOW. Due to his weight my son was put on cows milk when he was 3 months. No problem. He’s 51 now and still loves his milk. He’s 6’1" and not an oz of fat on him.


In 1970 my babe was 6months old when l started him on whole milk if he got a little hard stool would add a little Karo,light syrup

Yes she should be fine, I’d do whole milk.

They start milk at a year old. I always started my babies right before their bdays. If you have any formula left incorporate whole milk an ounce at a time and increase another every couple of days. If baby hadn’t had any reactions to cows milk formula baby should be fine and I’m assuming she’s eating solids by now. I have three kids btw lol

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Try introducing it as a mixture with formula

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We switched our girl at 10 months at her pediatricians suggestion because she started having issues with throwing up her formula so Dr said to just switch her to whole milk now (when she was 10 months) and she did perfectly fine. At 11 and a half months I would just switch to whole milk


Start her on Goats Milk.


She’s old enough. But consult your doc of course first.


Yesh you can switch her. It’s only afew weeks till she’s one.

You’re fine to start. Baby can have solids now too so that should help with the milk

Honestly she is 11 months she starts regular milk at 12 month wic gave me ok to start mine a couple years ago on regular milk at 11 months should talk to your WIC nurse. They just can’t give it to you on wic until 12 months

Talk to her dr. My kids were on cow’s milk because they were good eaters and in the upper percentile for size. It all depends on her health

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You can transition now. My oldest i started transitioning from breastmilk to whole milk at 11 months. I would just add while milk to formula and increase the amount of milk to formula a little more each day


I started my kids at all diff ages. Early as 7 months. Goat milk is a better alternative FYI. Do a hormone free milk :milk_glass:

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I switched my daughter at 11 months.

At that age, I would if you need to. Good luck momma.

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She’s old enough. They start chores milk at 12 months. However, you can use goat’s milk. My father couldn’t keep breast milk or formula down and my grandmother had to give him goats milk. Also, if lactose intolerant goats milk works.

Always always ask their pediatrician first.
But I believe ur child should
Be ok we were told to switch to cows milk at a year.

Ask for other alternatives is needed. Such as goats milk. Soy milk. Things like that


I’d just use whatever formula you have left, than switch to whole milk and see how she is and start introducing food

I would say it would be ok. Check with the doc, but it should be fine. If she has any diarrhea or reaction to whole milk, try almond milk. If the doc says not yet, ask about Dr Spock’s formula recipe that used to go home from the hospital with babies years ago.
2 12 Oz cans evaporated milk
32 Oz water
2 Tbsp Karo Syrup
3 ml Poly Vi Sol Vitamins
Mix thoroughly.
Consult doctor before using.


Mine started at 6 days old. Projectile vomiting on everything else. Did fine.

Same problem and my baby is 10months almost and iv started milk. Just watch her pooping. If she gets backed up them mirlax half cap once a day

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She should be fine at that age to switch cause the age to switch is 12 months now it used to be 10 months when my kids were little. I’d say switch cause I’ve never seen empty shelves before until we went for pull ups for my granddaughter just make sure your daughter has enough vitamins from the food she’s eating and she should be fine

Yes you can start, if you feel too uncomfortable use almond milk instead

My mom switched all 3 of us kids at 9 mo to whole milk because she couldn’t afford formula any longer and we were all just fine!


Ask your Dr but mine said no more formula from 1st birthdate. Our Dr said he preferred them not to drink more than 8 oz of dairy per day and we did just that! 8 oz of milk, 8oz of juice and water the rest of the day. My kids were perfectly healthy, were not under weight NOR over weight.

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She’s old enough i used soymilk to transition

11 good I did 9 months years ago and my kids turn out fine

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