waxing is always an option.
If she is ready guild her through it. She is already conscious about it so she is ready. Help her pick between wax or shave
My daughter is ten and told me she’s uncomfortable with the hair on her legs and has asked to shave them. She got razors and her own shave gel for her tenth birthday. She was extremely excited…she’s been asking since she was eight
My mum wouldn’t let me but I did it anyway at around 10/11
Maybe instead of shaving could she use the hair removal foam just so she’s not cutting herself and stuff just a suggestion xx
I think of it like this - me allowing my daughter to shave “too early” will be less harmful to her than her being bullied & feeling anxious and insecure , let her do what she feels comfortable with, it will not make any difference in the future when she started shaving x
You don’t let your daughter shave her legs. You teach her before she does it herself and she’s covered in cuts.
The moment she develops hair on her legs you ask if she’s ready to learn shaving techniques.
My daughter is 7 but would easily pass as 11. She’s tall, ahead in intelligence, and built bigger than her friends in her class. She has dark hair on her legs and asked about shaving. I said it’s her body but that if it’s not bothering her it’s best to wait. I just explained that once you remove the hair it will keep growing back and can be itchy and annoying. She shrugged it off and said it doesn’t bother her. But I don’t think her age group are likely to be teasing each others bodies at school just yet. As soon as she really wants to, I’ll teach her to do it safely but I definitely wish I hadn’t been in a rush to grow up myself
My mom got me into waxing first. And after a few years I wanted to see why everybody shaved so I tried it . I don’t understand it. It grows back all prickly within a couple days. I still don’t understand it. seems more efficient to wax. And the hairs grow back less and less … … And your legs are smooth for weeks… Up to you and her I suppose.
A normal age is when she gets self conscious about the leg hair. If you are worried about her cutting herself you can get her an electric razor.
My daughter just turned 12 and is a competitive cheerleader. She recently started asking so I bought her hair removal cream to start off with and taught her to use a razor to keep it up x
I was 11 but my daughter asked last year when she was 8 because some kids were teasing her about it. I bought her an electric razor and taught her, this way she won’t cut herself. When she gets a little older ill teach her with a regular razor.
I have always had very hairy legs and was actually teased about it from about 8 on. My mom was very strict about it and wouldn’t let me shave till I was 13. I was so traumatized by the teasing. I have always said I will allow my daughter to shave whenever she asks to start. I still hate body hair and shave pretty much every day.
Depends on the kid. If she’s got hairy legs and feels insecure about it, or she’s ready, then let her. It’s just shaving - it’s not going to have a serious impact on her life. My daughter was 11 but super blonde so couldn’t really see it until then. I have a Puerto Rican friend and her daughter is 9 and she has dark hair and hairy legs, so she’s started already.
I was 11. My daughter is 12 and hasn’t asked but she has very blonde hair. We do get her eye brows done cause they really bothered her because they were thick with no shape. I think it depends on the situation. From the description you gave id say it’s a good time
Our 6 year old is very hairy. She also does gymnastics and talks about how the hair bothered her so we went to meijer and I bought one of those bikini type trimmers. That way there’s no blade and we’re not really shaving, getting rid of the long hair that is noticeable. It worked really well and I couldn’t believe how much hair came off that little girl.
Mine was 9. She has darker hair. Plays volleyball and rides horses. I taught her how to properly do it with shaving cream and conditioner (in case no cream on hand) in the bath tub.
When it started to bug them. My youngest girl was 10 almost 11, same with my other two but if they’d asked earlier I’d have let them. I got them their own razor and shaving cream and they sat in the tub in their bathingsuit and I showed them how to do it right.
I was teased like crazy for my dark leg hair, arm hair, upper lip hair.
I remember I finally just did it myself about 4th grade without telling my mom and gave myself a horrible cut that wouldn’t stop bleeding for such a long time, my parents came into the bathroom.
If it bothers her, teach her how to do it safely
If she’s aware of it, and it’s making her uncomfortable, let her do it or take her for waxing or use a hair removal cream. Shes of that age that kids are teased . I think I was 11.
Definitely when it starts to bother them. My daughter 10 and I’ve talked to her about it and showed her tools, she said she doesn’t want to, she’s scared. But I could see why a girl in competitive gymnastics would want to.
I taught each of my daughters when they asked to do it because they were getting self conscience and were hairy enough to shave. My mom just handed me a razor and I was a bloody mess. So I set down on the side of the tub and teach my girls. Its been around 10 years old.
I say show her to love herself regardless of what anyone says or thinks of her. Every time someone dislikes something or says something means she has to change or perhaps worst like get plastic surgery because one person said her nose is big or weird looking. So important for us to teach our girls that words are just that if you don’t give them meaning.
My daughter is almost 10 and I just got her an electric razor. I did it for her. Her leg hair was very long and dark. She had been asking for at least a year. I was 10 when I did it for the first time and I shaved a good 2 inch long piece of skin from my shin. I would rather I do it with her than have her legs all cut up.
Honestly it depends on the kid. If it’s an issue for her and you feel she’s mature enough to handle it safely, then go for it. It’s better to build trust than her sneaking it and it becoming an issue.
I don’t think 9 is too early, especially if it’s making her self-conscious. I was 12, I think, but I had very thin fine hair that was hard to see. And I was much later to start than most of my friends.
My oldest was 9 she was so hairy and was made fun of at school my middle just started at 11, she had really light hair but was starting to darken up and I had bought her A razor we had talked about it and she told me she was now ready so just did it this weekend
I’m pretty sure I was 10. It was when I really started noticing it and showed interest in trying — so my mom let me try with an electric razor, first, then taught me how to use a regular one with cream. I was grateful she did! I think if your child is at the point where they’re aware and want control of their bodies (such as body hair,) they should definitely be encouraged/supported in it! I would have been really disappointed if my mom made me wait any longer, probably, only because I was sooo self conscious. But with my own daughter, whatever she chooses, I’ll support, while also making sure she knows there’s no shame in either choice
I started getting teased when I was young but dont remember exactly how old I was. What I do remember is taking my moms razor and trying to sneak and shave my legs because my mom wouldnt let me or show me how to. I cut myself from right above my foot to my knee because I didnt know what the hell I was doing. I got in trouble for it too. I think you should teach her and get her an electric razor to start with so she doesnt hurt cut herself up
My mom wanted me to wait until I “became a woman”… so at 13 I shaved my legs behind my bedroom door and cut the skin above my Achilles tendon on my right leg, it wasn’t very deep but there was a lot of blood. Anyway, my mom decided then it was time to show me. I was 13.
I don’t have any little girls, but I think when they start asking it’s time to teach.
In your little ones case, she is in an environment where her legs are always exposed. Maybe waxing or nair?
I was 13 but I had very fine hair that didn’t grow quickly. My mom would have let me do it sooner if it was more noticeable and bothering me. I have a boy now so no advice from the parent front.
I let my daughter start around 9. But I bought the Veet instead of shaving. Or the electric razors are good as well. If she is feeling insecure about it then I would let her.
At 12 I had embarrassingly hairy legs. I begged my mother to let me shave my legs but she wouldn’t hear of it. I can’t begin to express the emotional pain I suffered when I had to dress out for PE, go to a pool party, wear shorts or even a dress in public. I was so self conscious I just wanted to sit in a corner and stay covered up. My mother then wanted to know why I was so socially awkward. If your daughter is asking about it pay attention. Be sensitive to her needs.
Honestly, I’d take her to get waxed. There are numbing creams available and by the time she’s actually old enough to shave, the follicles will be damaged enough to where she may not actually need to.
I would let her now since she asked and probably because someone commented on it and now she might be self conscious about
Yes, do it before she gets teased. I begged my mom for years but I couldn’t until 6th grade. An electric razor is not a bad way to start off.
I’m pretty sure I was like 12. I was totally embarrassed all the time. My daughter is 9 with Autism and is very hairy. She has asked but I am not sure she is ready for the prickles lol
I pretty much had to beg my mom at 12 years old almost 13 to shave i had friends who were shaving at 10 my mom said i was to young i never understood why she pulled that to young crap on me i felt like an outcast because i wasn’t shaving yet i remember shaving my mom said ur legs were hairy well maybe if you had let me shave earlier they wouldn’t have been that hairy:( sorry it still makes me upset to this day and I’m 31
My daughter is 9 and started shaving this year. She does cheer and other sports and is very hair on the legs too. I got her an intuition razor cuz it seemed to be the best for her age and least likely to cut her.
My mom didn’t let me for a long time (12 or 13) and I felt very self conscious! I’m never doing that to my daughter.
There is shaving cream… it works just as well until you can trust them with a razor
Me and my siblings are VERY hairy like our dad, so she just let us shave when it started to bother us. She helped me the first times when I was nine, then let me continue on myself once she knew I had it down. With my sister, she had to start shaving hers at 7 bc she would cry and BEG my mom to shave them. Really sad that kids get that tore up about body hair but that’s what society does I guess. But my sister will be 10 this winter, and my mom still shaved them when she asks.
My daughter is a dancer and she started shaving at 11, without permission. She is now 13 and she gets her legs and underarms waxed its so much better🙂
My daughter was in grade 6 when I let her I didn’t let her shave I got her to use hair removal cream so much easier then worrying if she would nic herself with a razor
I don’t think there is an age… I thought it was when they ask you you show them. I mean unless their completely hairless I’m not sure what the problem is. If their old enough to be self conscious about it then they are old enough to shave I’d assume. It’s going to be younger then it was 20 years ago because times are changing but even as mom who am I to say no to a request like that
I dont remember asking my mom. I just did it on my own. I have dark hair so it was obvious when I needed to.
If it bothers her then I would let her. Kids have enough to feel insecure about and other kids can be so cruel. I couldn’t shave my legs until the summer after 4th grade, it was miserable. When my daughter asks, I’ll let her. I wouldn’t want her to be embaressed.
It’s sad to hear these stories. And then I realize I’m 32 and I haven’t shaved my legs in about 3 weeks… And I give zero (you know what’s) lol (I have sons) but if I had daughters, i would definitely allow them to shave their legs whenever they felt the need to. Whether it be because of bullying or insecurities. I would also TEACH them HOW… Because Lord knows I was on my own my first time and I still to this day have a knee scar… Us women know… The knees are a tricky SOB lol
My oldest was 12. She was getting self conscious and it was starting to bother her. That’s how I knew it was time.
If she’s insecure about it, let her. My mom always let me for as long as I could remember. It’s not like she’s piercing her eyebrow or something drastic
I remember being in 6th grade and getting made fun of that I didn’t yet. So I guess that was 11/12.
My girls always began shaving when they asked me, not at a determined age. Each kid is different. My youngest ask was 8. We went to the drug store, bought special shaving cream and razors, Sat in the bathroom with our legs in the tub and I gave her a shaving lesson. Never a cut and she always would ask before she’d go for it. Shaving is so personal and I wanted my girls to always be comfortable in their bodies.
My little bonus daughter has really hairy legs. She had been living with several different relatives, well when she came to me the first thing I did was let her shave her legs. She was so happy, she was 11 and said that was just another think on her list if first things that I let her do.
My mom didn’t let me until I was 12. It was embarrassing. My granddaughter started at 7 with supervision.
I was 11, it was after my 1st period but I didn’t let my daughter do it until she was 15 just cause she already took forever getting ready as it is.
I told my daughter when she had hair under her arms then we would talk…that ended up being about 10. Its not a bad thing to love your body and feel comfortable in your own skin. Let her.
I was 8 when I started shaving. Getting constantly teased “hairy gorilla” by the overly obese trans boy, who I was trying to be friends with, just did it for me. My sister made it fun by using nair, wasn’t fun when it started to itch, but it was just all experience. Didn’t like the nair, so I went into shaving. I appreciate my sister always being there for me
I removed hair from my daughter’s legs when she was 8.5. She got teased at daycamp so I bought velvet touch. I didn’t shave her legs til she was 10 and rarely do it, only when she asks and she lets them get almost natural looking again.
My mom wouldn’t let me shave until I was 13, and I hated it! I was so embarrassed to ware shorts because I didn’t want anyone to see the hair on my legs. I have two boys so I can’t give you advice from that stand point, but I can from my own personal experience.
I was 11ish, my daughter was 11 but she is fair haired, try using hair removing creams (if shes not allergic) my mother started me on those, I know shes little but I think it’s down to you and what you think, if its bothering her sotting and talking about options might help xxxx
Kids started making fun of me when I was 9 or 10. My mom didn’t let me till I was 14. It made my life hell.
If she is wondering about it, and being a gymnast her legs are bare, I would totally teach her how to shave now.
I dont think it matters much. I did it without telling my mom when I was 9.she was not happy haha, itd just hair in my.eyes
I snuck and did it in the 5th grade age 10 turning 11…cut my leg pretty good but mom told me since I started that I had to keep up with it.(she was not happy)
For me, it’s not about age, but maturity and desire. My oldest started in her early teens (13 or 14) and my middle is currently 16 with no desire to shave yet. However, if they had come to me at age 9 and were feeling self conscious, I would have been totally fine with allowing it, with some guidance and training of course.
My daughter shaved hers without my permission… heck Whatever… she will have black hair leg later in future since she shaved too early…
I had my leg shaved when I was 12-13 years old… once your in 35 yrs old, hair start to be black.
Shaving later then hair become black later in age. My opinions. Not sure if it true or not.
Really depends on the hair growth in my opinion. Girls get intimidated if hair is dark or even blonde but really thick to where your look like you have dust bunnies all over. Most kids wear shorts to school, & razors are much safer now
Try hair removal cream first. Their hair is so fine when they’re young that it is quite effective.
I started shaving when I started getting made fun of. I didn’t know there was anything wrong with leg hair until the popular preppy girls made me feel terrible over it I was in 4th grade so about 10 years old
I would buy her a little pack of hair removal cream and a nice moisterizer do up a lite pamper pack for her make her feel special
My daughter is 4 what we have to look forward to
When they become self concious. My daughter was on the younger side because her skin was nearly transparent and her hairs were thick and black.
The fact that women are on here asking what’s ‘narmal’ for their own daughter is…weird. how do you #1 not know by now that every women’s body is different and #2 there’s no such thing as normal and #3 what’s best for your own daughter?
Imo though let your daughter shave if she’s expressed her embarrassment over the hair.
It’s cruel not to.
My mom was afraid of me cutting myself too deeply with a razor so made the rule of no shaving till puberty. As a child ballerina, it was embarrassing. Now we have more options. I agree a razor can make some deep cuts, but if it was me, I’d give her a woman’s rechargeable shaver. They’re safer and i don’t personally use mine in the shower. I encourage you to do your own research, but this is mine.
I would teach her and let her start shaving her legs. If she asked, she’s probably uncomfortable about it.
I started shaving as soon as i had my period. My mom told me I could sooner. I believe I was around the same age! If she’s self conscious about her hair, let her
My daughter started this summer at 12 years old. She’s super light skinned with A LOT of dark thick hair. I think seeing it bothered me more than her. I asked her if she felt ready to try shaving and she agreed. I showed her how on one leg and let her do the other.
I figured it was better than lathering her entire body with her dads shaving cream and sneakily going to town with a razor like I did when I was her age
I started my daughter with cream hair remover at 13 or 14. Can’t remember. Soon after I let her shave.
I had extremely hairy legs. My dad taught me I believe I was 9. I was so thankful that he taught me cause I was constantly teased.
My daughters both had pretty hairy legs at a young age. My oldest asked at the age of 9 but my youngest asked at age 7. I wasn’t comfortable with her using a disposable razor so we compromised and I bought her this…
Clio Designs Palmperfect Electric… Amazon.com: PALMPERFECT Electric Shaver for Women - Wet & Dry Bikini Trimmer for Women - Cordless Hair Removal Electric Razor for Legs, Underarms, Face (Color May Vary) : Beauty & Personal Care
Worked perfectly! Hope this helps!!
My daughter is 10 and has hairy legs but it is blonde-ish and she says she doesn’t want to. I will wait until she says she is ready, but if she had asked me I would let her for sure!!!
I don’t believe in there being a “normal” age. My daughter is 12 and doesn’t shave her legs yet but only because her hair is blonde on her legs and they aren’t very hairy at all. It’s not even noticeable. Her armpits are a whole different story. Her underarm hair grows in very dark, thick, and fast. She had to start shaving her armpits at 10 years old. It got to the point where it was noticeable when she wore tank tops (and therefore super embarassing). So I showed her how to do it and she now does it on her own. If it’s that noticeable, I’d show her how to do it and supervise the first few times.
Whenever i was 9 i was also in gymnastics and one days people was laughing at me because my legs were hairy so i begged my mom and she let me start out with an electric razor
I dont have a daughter but I was very insecure about my hairy legs when I was 7. I mentioned it to my mom and she didn’t feel comfortable enough to give me a razor at that age put talked me into trying an electric razor. I got to pick one out, along with a body scrub and some lotion. We went home and she sat on the side of the tub and showed me how to exfoliate, shave,and moisturize. It was a huge step to me realizing I can talk to my mom about anything.
My daughter is 10 and we use hair removal cream. I feel shes still a little young for razors however it won’t be long as shes full of dark hair top to bottom on her legs bless. Even worse she dose swimming and football she shes getting very self cautious
On the reason like if my daughter was a performer and her legs was embarrassing looking like to hairy. Plus get made fun of. Yes. Some kids for some reason have very hairy legs that kids will make fun of a early age . So I would just say a teenager. Below a teenager is dangerous with a razor blade.
I did it on my own when I was 8. Didn’t ask my mom about it til I was 11 and she was pissed cuz I just did it without letting her teach me and I could’ve cut myself.
I have very sparse leg hair and it’s all blonde so when I started shaving it wasn’t a noticeable difference. I just didn’t like how it felt.
We used Nair cream in my hairy eldest from 8years through to now (12.5) but I’ve just brought a little home ILP machine to use on her instead. Still need to shave for the 1st 8-12 weeks but so far, looks like a lot less hair growing on her underarms, bikini area and legs!
My daughter, has crazy, dark hair like me, she begged for the longest, but I made her hold out untill 12, but honestly, it’s all about your daughter’s situation & maturity level, if you think she can be safe & careful, why not let her do it!?! She may and then decide, oh no, I’ll wait till I’m older. Good luck mama
Do it before she gets teased. I remember I had to go and buy myself razors because my mom wouldn’t. Especially if she is in a sport where her body is on display like that if it makes her more comfortable let her go for it
I was allowed when I started my period (or atleast my foster parents rule) but I was extremely young 7 so I used niar I personally wont be allowing my girls to shave till they are 10 unless for sports like swimming ballet stuff like that
I was in 8th grade when someone finally bullied me about my hair. But if shes showing and if she is starting to feel unconfortable try with an electric shaver first!
My daughter was 8 she wasn’t super hairy as she is a blonde but was self conscious so I got her a nice rechargeable electric razor (I dont trust her with a real razor ) she has never cut herself with it
My daughter started late getting everything! She started shaving at about 15 in high school even though you couldn’t see her hair which was very blonde. But, her friends were shaving so she asked me and I said fine.
I think her request is reasonable, if she is feeling insecure due to the hair.
I first shaved when I was like 12-13… I remember feeling self conscious and did not like the hair on my legs and arms. (Smh at the arms) I only ever shaved my arms like twice in my life but I rarely have hair on them today so I also rarely get hair on my legs also which I love.
I don’t think there is an age for it, if my daughter is teased by her body hair and is upset i will let he shave immediately. As long as she is a happy child.
I was 11 and so scared of an actual razor that my parents got me an electric one. I soon found out that those didn’t work great, so my mom shaved my legs for me, while i had my eyes shut…lol My opinion… if she has hair and it bothers her, she’s old enough.
My daughter was 11. She asked and, at first said no, then she tried my razor in the shower. Luckily she didn’t cut herself. At that point I figured I would rather let her with my knowledge than without. I bought her an electric one for safely.
I was 10, I just started teaching my 11yr old daughter she was feeling really self conscious about it so I figured it was time to teach her.
I taught my girls young, I didn’t want them to be ashamed. We’re Norse, thick black hair. If she’s ashamed because the other girls don’t have hairy legs, let her shave. It doesn’t mean the same as when we were kids, 30 years ago. It’s about making her feel comfortable in her body.
i shave my 8 year olds legs for her when she wants me to.but if she doesnt ask i dont bring it up. definitely no shaving unsupervised and id say anyone under 10 should have a grown up doing the shaving
My daughter is 13, shaves here underarms, waxes her eyes brows and upper lip and occasionally shaves her legs