I was 13, though mum tried to stop me. I have incredibly dark hair and would get bullied for having “gorilla legs”. Mum thought I was too young to worry about shaving legs and wanted me to have good self esteem with or without leg hair but it got to a point that I took the shaver to my legs without mums help and ended up with stripes and cuts. Became more of a laughing stock at school because of it and ended up becoming so self conscious of my legs that I wore pants in the pool when I left school as a swim teacher.
My advice would be to listen to when the child talks to you about it and wants to do it. If she wants to learn, teach her and she can then decide when and when not to do it.
I know what my mum was trying to do about empowering me to not care about my legs but it ended up putting me in a worse position and doing significant harm to my self esteem. Love my mum to bits though
I was supoose to wait to be shown at 11 or 12 but I was embarressed when guy I liked who i sat next to in 6th grade said not allowed shave yet I went home shaved myself cut myself few spots also cried being one of only girls who hadnt … I still have dark hair hate it. Will let daughter decide when ask me and will show her
My daughter has really dark hair too and she asked me this summer and I said yes shes nine I warned her it’s a hassle we did it together the first time but if there embarrassed about it might as well let them
I say let her bc I went to school with a girl that’s parents wouldn’t let her shave & she was picked on so much abt it not saying that the kids was right for picking on her but had her parents allowed her to shave she wouldn’t have got laughed at for all the hair & me having dark hair myself I’ll tell u it’s embarrassing to have dark hairs that are easier to see
my daughter was 10 we started with veet cream for 15 min and wash it off with a cloth and warm water. still does it today. safer than razors at that age.
I just helped my 9 (almost 10) year old shave for the first time last week. She has very light hair but was getting self conscious so I showed her how. She was so happy
I’m going to let my daughter choose when/if she wants to shave her legs. I was about that age when I wanted to and my mom said no and I just did it anyway because I was really insecure about my hair. I wouldn’t want my daughter to feel like that, so she can shave whenever she wants.
Depending on sports it’s normal in gymnastics and swimming sports to shave. Personally I’d let her know that there is nothing wrong with body hair, but if it bothers her show her how so she doesn’t hurt herself trying to sneak and shave later.
10 years old I had put it off for a year telling her when she started her period she could start shaving…who knew she would start her period at 10 years old. But kids now days are cruel so if shes asking its probably because someone is making fun of her being hairy thata why my daughter was asking . Kids are awful. Its totally how you feel about it tho.
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I wish my mom let me shave earlier. I have black hair and was teased. Pick your battles. Shaving is a chance for her to build so self confidence especially if she’s being teased.
We were not allowed to shave until we got our first period but if she is self conscious and you think the other girls will make her self esteem drop then I say if it’s just her legs then let her but show her how to do it safely.
She is comfortable enough to ask you so that says something! That’s around when I started shaving too! But I also started my period at 10 and had size C boobs.
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My mom let me shave my sisters legs because she was “too young to do it” but her legs hair was thick dark and super hairy! She didn’t want my sister doing it herself so allowed me to do it. I can’t remember the age but she was pretty young
I did my whole body at thirteen I think for competitive swimming. For gymnastics I did at like 10 too so go ahead. It great that she asked.
I was in 4th grade , i think i had just turned 10 when my mom finally let me shave my legs after months of begging. I had/ have dark hair so it really showed up, especially on my lower legs. I remember being embarrassed, my blonde friends did not have the same worry like i did. I used a regular razor and just soap in the shower.
Even though mine was like a darker blonde/brown I was extremely hairy and my mom wouldn’t let me shave until I was 11. I got bullied badly because I was in gymnastics and cheer plus girls had to wear shorts in gym.
It’s only hair, just tell her never shave hair off her face. She might have a mustache at 10
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I intend to take my daughter to have her legs waxed. Hopefully in the future, she won’t need to bother with shaving. Wish this was an option for myself when I was younger.
I started shaving at 7 without my mothers permission but ofc she found out and we had to talk about it but she was okay with it by the time I was 8 almost 9 she has 2other daughter’s who are older than me and one of them started their period at 8 and the other one at 13 and I started at 12 so shaving was a more simpler part of us growing up since periods was next
Let her do it.
She wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t an issue. Help her be confident.
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A “Phillips Norelco One-Blade” is what my hubby uses now and it provides a VERY close shave with no blade!!!
I started at 13 (behind my mom’s back) because I was teased. Good luck Mama
I was about 9. I also started my period when I was 9 though so I hit puberty really early. It just depends on the child & your own unique situation.
Definitely not elementary age/under 11 for my daughters, just my opinion. It’s natural for kids to have hair on their legs, they’re human, and kids need to simply be kids, its unnatural for other children to bully kids with hair on their legs. Age 11 or middle school would be appropriate in my household. (Preteen)
I was around 9 and started shaving my legs EARLY solely because of cheerleading so I hear where your daughters coming from!!!
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I said 13, but my meddling sister bought her a razor and let her shave while i was at work when she was 11. But she lived thank goodness lol
My daughter is 11 and I started to wax her legs and underarms … but now she’s like can I just shave lol so I showed her how when she turns 16 I’ll start her with laser hair removal and just get everything out of the way
My daughter just turned 11 and keep pointing out her hairy legs. I’ve just stuck to “you can shave whenever you feel that you want to but don’t shave for anyone but you and how you feel about the hair” - she opted to wait and said she doesn’t care what people think she’s just noticing it get thicker
I was 14 when my mum showed me how but that was late compared to my friend group.
When they start to feel uncomfortable with the hairs on their legs my mum wouldn’t let me and I got teased really bad at 13 over having hairy legs wish my Mum let me do it when I asked the first time I will let my daughter when she feels it’s time
My oldest was 11. My youngest is 10 n i just let her last week to knee only. She is very hairy n dark. I shaved her n showed her how. Same w my oldest i did it a few times then let them do it after they knew how to do it.
When they start getting self conscious about it. I was in 5th and so was my oldest. It bothered my younger daughter in 4th .
I was 13 but it depends on the child an being in gymnastics where people are looking at her, I think u should teach her now!!
9ish? My school friends were allowed to shave theirs. I asked my mom and she said no. No I couldn’t and she wouldn’t teach me. So I tried all sorts of ways,plucking, scissors and even scraping with a knife. I finally found an older family friend to teach me. And I had to do it in secret.
I only wanted to do my shins.
I dont personally see why not, like why not let her shave her legs if she wants to. You can warn her about how it will grow back spikey and she may not like that.or perhaps darker. But otherwise I feel like it’s such a simple thing.
My mom let me pretty young she put a pack of those nice Venus razors in my Christmas stocking because I was very insecure about my body hair I am Moroccan with very dark arm and leg hair and got made fun of for it. I was around 10.
When the hair gets really bad generally around puberty which varies by age and when everyone around her is doing it. For me it was age 11.
I had to teach myself never even asked just started when kids made fun me for it was I was about 10 or 11 I’d say get her a electric one sobshebdosent cut herself I remeber getting cut pretty bad in the beginning
I would let my daughter start whenever she feels it’s necessary.
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Depends on the maturity of the child. Once she starts she needs to be able to keep up with the upkeep. Start her out with an electric razor for girls. This way she won’t cut herself.
If it’s making her self conscious then I’d let her do it now. There’s no set age. You do what feels right for your family
No age. If it is bothering then let her do it. She will do it eventually anyway so put an age to it.
Try creams though rather than razers so she doesn’t cut herself x
I started at 12 but that was still considered young for my Hispanic family but trust me I wish I would have started later lol.
My youngest is 8 and just started. She had pretty hairy legs, was light hair and I was trying to let it go as long as possible but she was feeling weird about it. So we went and got her a razor of her own this week.
When she was uncomfortable I allowed it. I believe she was 10.
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11 but Really it’s a need thing …if my daughter had darker hair or more hair I would’ve let her younger
I don’t have a daughter but I was around 9. Being Italian, dark hair everywhere. Guys/girls picked on me all the time.
My mum bought me a ladies electric shaver when I started getting hair under my arms. First thing I did was shave my legs!!
I was 12. My stepsister was 10. She was super hairy even though her leg hair was blonde, so she got to shave early.
When she is ready and asks. My Mom was very strict and I hated showing my legs. Especially in the hot summer. I would wear denim jeans in the 90+ degree heat and sweat all day because I was embarrassed by my leg hair. One day my Dad felt bad watching me play outside in jeans so he taught me how to shave my legs with his electric razor LOL. My Mom was sooooo upset when she got home and he told her what he did. So worth it though. I felt so liberated and more comfortable.
Do what you feel is right for her. Either way you’ll get judgment. I say if she is uncomfortable with being hairy let her shave or maybe supervise nair.
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My middle daughter is 15 and just started shaving her legs and underarms this summer but she is very blonde. you could barely tell she had any hair at all but she started to become self conscious. I would say if it is bothering her, and she shows her legs a lot in competitive sports, then she is old enough to shave but I would recommend an electric shaver.
My eldest daughter is 12, and hairy. She has been shaving for most of this year. She thinks and looks at her body as it is developing and she is noticing the changes. I purposely made her wait till yr 7, as I’ve made all my girls to just be happy with how we naturally are - hair or not.
For your situation I don’t see a problem although she is still young.
I was 11. Mom said no but I did it anyways. May daughters I let them when they asked me. They were 10.
I would say if you’re admitting shes hairy, then she should probably be able to shave. My leg hair was blonde and my mom wouldnt let me shave til I was like 16, I hated it. I lived in Vegas so the sun was always shining on my leg hairs. I wore sweat pants in PE and was sooo miserable.
I bought mine an electric razor when it started bothering her. She just started using razors at 13 when I knew she’d be more careful.
I let my daughter use an electric shaver around 9-10. She is in cheer and gymnastics. I just taught her how to use a real razor a few months ago and she is 12.
It should be her choice, but i would want to know which dweeb called her out on it. 9 is so young to be worrying about body hair. Kids are cruel.
My daughter is soon to be 9 and I would let her any time she’s ready. I hate body hair. I shave every day. As long as she’s being safe then there isn’t any harm being done.
My daughter is in gymnastics too. At the age of 6, she was questioned about her arm & leg hair. So from then on, we TRIM her hair, twice a year. (She’s 7.5 now)
This is actually happening right now in my house. Daughter is 11 but has already hit her period and she is got some really hairy legs. So with me supervisor im going to allow her to shave
When she asked and told me it bothered her I listened. I bought her a razor kit and showed her how.
I was 12 but my friends were 10/11 when they were doing and made me self conscious. If shes asking about maybe she’s ready.
My daughter id 10 and just started. She also was very hairy and is maturing faster then most of the girls in her grade. Just do it with her until you feel comfortable to have her do it by herself.
God PLEASE let her. My daughter was young but she’s has fair hair so wasn’t a big deal but me?? I was in third grade and there is a picture of me at a pool with a swimming suit on and knee high bright red socks because my legs were so hairy ! I was so sad I couldn’t shave
It’s only hair mama. If she feels self-conscious about it I would let her do it.
I am 27 but I was in competitive gymnastics myself and started shaving my legs at age 7. My mom had to show me the ropes and teach me how but as of now it’s been 20 years. CRAZY!
My daughter is 8 and she hates the hait she has, I let her shave for the first time last week and I already see how much it has raised her confidence.
If she’s self conscious about it I’d let her but only from the knee down. Once you hit 8th grade or high school then can shave it all.
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I started shaving at 10. My hair is blonde and hard to see but I was in several sports and I hit puberty earlier than the rest of my grade.
I started at 10. My daughter will be 11 in december and I have not let her start yet. Maybe around 12-13, maybe 11 1/2 but more than likely when her underarms start growing hair lol. It depends on her really, and her maturity to me. If she is responsible enough to correctly use a razor and put it up. Its just hair. Everybody has it. I don’t care who’s parents let their kids do this or that. Each kid will always have something another kid will tease them for. It doesn’t say anything about the child being teased, but the bully it does.
I was around 10. My mom gave me an electric razor. I got teased so my mom figured I would do it anyway if she didn’t let me. Kids are mean. If she wants to, I figure you could let her.
Rule of thumb at our house is when you start your period, you can start shaving your legs. Two of my girls were 12, which I thought was a perfect age. My 3rd started her period at 10 !!! She’s 11 1/2 now and already hates shaving.
My daughter started doing it on her own when she was about 9. She said kids were making fun of her hairy legs and underarms. She had been doing it for about 5 months when I discovered it.
Feel sorry for my kid already she is 3 and has hairy legs. Her father is Persian lol. Id let them choose on their own. I would also consider laser around 14
I was 11 years old and yes I had very dark hairy legs. I wanted to sooner but my parents wouldn’t let me until I entered 6th grade. If I ever have a daughter it will be once she is concerned about them and I show her how to. I dont think there is a good set age because all kids are different
Take her to get them waxed, it lasts longer and you won’t have to worry about her accidentally cutting herself shaving my mum took me to get mine waxed until I was aboit 12 and could confidently shave my legs
I HATE body hair and was so upset when I wasn’t allowed to at 9, my mom made me wait until 10
Teach her, so she does it safely. Especially where she’s an athlete, I see no harm in it
I started at 9 with an electric razor. And at 11 I started using a regular razor. My hair has always been very dark and thick so I was always embarrassed to wear shorts. My daughter will be 9 on Saturday and I’m hoping she doesn’t ask anytime soon lol. Her hair isnt as dark or thick as mine was but I will let her if it bothers her and she asks. But only with an electric one at first because she’s a clumsy girl lol
I think I was 12. But I wasn’t super hairy. I’d say let her if it’s making her feel embarrassed or uncomfortable.
My mom didnt want to let me til i turned 15. Kids started making fun of me at 13. So i shaved without permission at 13 and was grounded for a while
11 for my daughter but she wasnt in a sport. So she didnt feel uncomfortable with having hair on her legs, when it became an issue I let her shave.
My mom forbid me… I was 10 and shaved anyway. When my girls are ready, I will teach them.
When she had hair i gave her the razor… taught her and told her when she was ready she could…i think she started about 10 on her own
I got bullied for it and my grandmother was so strict she wouldn’t let me. So I did it and I didn’t know how to do it and my legs got cut really bad but learned and got in trouble but continued. If she’s self conscious about it show her how to and let her. It’s just hair
I was ten dark hair and athletic. My mom showed me how.
It’s her body. If you want her to have autonomy over it you let her make (safe) body decisions.
As a mum of adults now I think it’s important to let them chose what makes them feel comfortable. At the end of the day puberty, prepubertal years on top of the psychological strains of school social challenges in general add enough pain and personal insecurity on our girls as it is without restricting them from removing an added cause of mental trauma with something as small as hair on their legs. At the end of the day it’s your decision but I just think if she’ll feel more comfortable and confident in her skin minus the hair then why put an age limit on it. Teach her how to do it and let her shine with her fabulous hairless self.
I told my 9 year old she could start in the spring when it becomes shorts weather again. I figured there was no reason to start now as her legs will be covered soon anyway. She’s been asking for a loooong while so that was our compromise.
I have two daughters and I let both of them shave the second they felt self conscience about it. No sense in expecting your daughter to feel humiliated because you have a set timeline in your head.
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If she’s asking, I would say it’s time. It must bother her to some degree. If you are worried about her being able to do it herself safely you could always buy her an electric razor.
I was 9; my hair was blonde and not overly noticeable, but I wanted to do it.
if she competes then let her shave The confidence this will bring about within her will be dramatic Just be sure that you teach her well. I was 13 but then I was not a hairy person just wanted to grow up fast…
I got a razor and shaving cream for my 11th birthday so that is when I let my daughter do it. At that age she should be or almost be going to middle school.
My older two (18 months apart) started in 5th & 6th grade. My youngest (10 years younger) when she used one of her sisters razors and shaved them without asking.
I was 10 when I started shaving my legs and armpits. At that point I was much hairier than even the boys thanks to PCOS (which wasn’t diagnosed till years later) and I was getting picked on.
About 10 bc her legs were very hairy and it started to get darker around her knees and ankles. But her first few times I done it for her and coached and taught her to make sure she was getting it right.
I just now let my 10 year old do It sometimes. She uses a man’s electric face razor so she doesn’t cut herself. She has fair skin and dark brown hair
I shaved my legs in middle school. Didn’t even ask, didn’t even know I was supposed to ask…just realized the other girls weren’t hairy so I didn’t want to be anymore either lol. I played year round sports.
Whenever they want to is normal. There is no set time for something like that.
I did a few times from ages 9 to 12, then did it religiously from 13 to 17. After that didnt care. Lol i still just do it when i need to otherwise meh.
Idk about my legs but I remember being like 10 and getting made fun of for my armpit hair on the bus and that’s when my mom taught me.