When did you let your daughter shave her legs?

My mom told me when I started to grow hair under my arms then I could shave my legs… I was 11

I was 8. My mom told me everything and made me watch the miracle of life also.

Take them to get waxed from day one, so much better than shaving constantly x

My daughter did it behind my back. She wasn’t happy cause of other kids were teasing her. She’s 10. And has been asking for three years

Given that she’s a competitive gymnast and that she’s self conscious about it I would definitely go ahead and let her.

Each child is different. When she needs to !

I had the same question last week. And I clearly remember my teacher at the time, I was 9 and my dad actually showed me. I’ll be their soon :joy:

If you arent crazy about the idea of her using a razor, you could give nair a try. 9 is young to start the life long process of shaving, but if she is bothered by it who is it going to hurt?!

It is really not a big deal to let her start shaving. It is much worse for your self image to be hurt. Or her made fun of. Show her how. Make it fun!

My aunt let her daughter shave when she had arm pit hair :rofl:

I was 10, my oldest daughter was 12, my second daughter asked at 11…my 3rd daughter shaved hers without asking, she’s 4 :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:. I think 9, since she asked, is a decent age.

When she was embarrassed of the hair and I told her your legs so shave !

My daughter started without my knowledge. I wasn’t mad though. She was about 9/10.

I was 9. My mom made me use the cream.instead of shaving. Because I got bad razor bumps.

Wax is proberly better then leaving a
9 yr old with a razor! And you pushed out said child! You make those rules baby girl and whatever you choose you took the time growing and bringing that child into the world so make your choice with your heart and stick your middle finger up at anyone who don’t agree with you! Too many judgey bitches making mums feel bad for their choices :nauseated_face:

My mom let me and my sisters the summer before we went to jr high and I was the same way with my daughter.

My mom doesn’t let me but I do behind her back and I always say I prefer waxing which I do but shave when I don’t want to wax because I can’t do it myself my mom always has to my mom doesn’t allow it but I do it anyway

I started at 10. My mom was ok with it my father freaked

I was about nine after became a woman. My legs were hairy. But only the calf area. The top part wasnt dark

If its causing her grief I say do it but if be waxing due to the up keep oh shaving

When really hairy…needs to shave at least at age 11years…:woman_shrugging:t4:

Don’t let her shave get her one of the electronic hair pullers so it don’t come back thicker

It don’t matter the age as long as she knows how to shave them let her her legs being hairy makes her unhappy and she’s insecure about it let her do what will make her happy and be comfortable in her own skin

she was about 10 but if she would’ve asked sooner I would’ve taught her still.

my niece uses this and it works really well my sis said shes 11!

I shaved at 8. Just make sure she shaves the same direction everytime.

Shave when needed. I had thick dark leg hair so I had to very young. Some don’t have to till olxer. Age shouldn’t matter. There are razors with three to five blades for safety shaving. Use shave cream. Caution around bony areas, of course.

I think 9 would be fine, my daughter started around 10/11. But I don’t see the harm as long as you teach her correctly

My plan is to start her waxing from the beginning that way by time she’s done school she won’t have to shave at all. If she wants it gone then I’ll take her to the salon.

My daughter did it herself 8/9. Her body her choice.

My DAD said yes at 9, worst thing to do. I had blonde hair. Now it’s obviously worse than ever at 30. If my mom wasn’t at work she def would have stopped it. However my daughter is extra hairy from my side and her dads… so that… we will take in stride :grin:

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I was 10 or so. I was very hairy myself and my.mom said if I wanted to do it, I had to wax. I still wax to.this day

I was teased in primary school because my mum wouldn’t let me shave my legs till I started high school.
I will let my daughter shave when she wants to

My daughters are 11 and 8 i dont personally agree with shaving or any other razor type so I let them use nair hair removal cream its easy, safe, quick and simple xx

I started young due to gymnastics and competition. I was around 10 and that was in 94.

I think that as long as she’s uncomfortable, it’s with cause.

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I was not allowed to shave until high school , talk about traumatic, I wore knee high Bobby socks all the time. It was a nightmare

If she’s self conscious and insecure about it … what’s the harm? There’s no rule book that tells us how to be parents — it’s because we know what’s best for our own.

I let mine at that age for the same reason!

I started at 11 without my parents knowledge. Show her how to do it safely I don’t see the problem if she’s asked

being a furry latina…let the poor girl shave when she feels uncomfortable.

If she is hairy and in gymnastics then let her shave. Teach her how to do it correctly so she isn’t a big band aide when done.

I was allowed around 10 up to my knees. But we’re blonde so it wasn’t as visible.

10 I let her use a hair removal cream and almost 12 I let her use a razor

When it starts to bother them.


I was 12 and my daughter was 11. When we got our period. That is just what Mum did with me so I did the same with my daughter.
Id say though that of it bothers her, 9 isnt too bad…

I was a hairy competitive gymnast as a kid and I started at 10.

My daughter is 8 and I veen wondering this same thing. Her legs are blonde but sooo hairy. People, even grown ups starting to comment on them…

When they want to! 9-10 is perfectly fine!

When I started coed sports in junior high and became self conscious about it. Around 10 I would say. If she’s asking then I would say she is ready.

We just did it for the first time with my daughter who is 12

My daughter was 9 because she was hairy and it embarrassed her

let her when she wants to, just teach her how to properly without hurting herself. it shouldn’t have to be “when should i let her” she’ll tell you when shes ready🤎

My daughter is 12. I use Nair on her so there’s not cutting and bleeding. She hates the site of blood

My parents said no but I started at 7. I’ve had to shave ever since

If she is asking to shave due to self-consciousness about body hair, then it’s time to let her.

10-ish? But it’s an individual decision. Especially with her being a gymnast, I would probably let her if shes uncomfortable or self-conscious of it.

My daughter is also in competitive gymnastics. I started making her at 1/.

Daughter perspective I wanted to shave mine about 6th grade cause of bullying in middle school gym due to dark leg hair

When I went to comp so 11/12. Whenever they are ready to be honest. I will never forget an older boy calling me hairy on the school bus. Shaving in my experience makes no difference to adulthood and growing up :woman_shrugging:t3:

I let my daughter use veet to avoid the razors she is 11

My oldest was very hairy and black hair I let her in 5th grade

Have her use Nair instead of shaving g. If she starts with it, the hair will stay fine and easily removed

I think 9 is fine as long as she’s shown how.

If she’s getting self conscious about it let her use nair with your supervision I wouldn’t let her start shaving just yet

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Why ask something like that? It’s in a book somewhere? Depends on the child and the need. You be the parent and take care of your child.

If it’s uncomfortable and embarrassing for her then it doesn’t Matter the age

I was like 8 or 9 when mom found out I was shaving my legs. She wasn’t happy but I was not gonna stop shaving my legs they bugged me.

4th grade so about 9 years old. My daughter danced too

Its just hair…if she wants to remove it…let her. This isnt like her trying to dress like a hoochie. :confused:

I think I was 11 or 12 when my mom let me. Idk when ill let mine as ashe is only 2 right now but best of luck i hope you can figure out a decision!

We started out with an electric razor at 8 she is now shaving with a razor at 10

I’d imagine it would be quite uncomfortable to fall and pull/catch the hairs.
Think of it as calling it an areodynamic feature?

I had dark-hairy legs in grade school. I think my mom allowed it at 5th grade. I remember begging her to let me shave because kids would make fun.

I started around nine, and let my older daughters start between nine and ten. My eight year old isn’t ready just yet.

My 11 year old just started. My older daughters were 12 when they started.

My daughter at 10 because she competed as well in swimming and she was embarrassed. She got to a point where she didn’t want to go train so I let her. She’s 14 now. :smiling_face:

My mum tried to tell me I could shave at 17! I became a mum at 17 so jokes on her lol

I got my daughters legs waxed at 10

Using hair removal cream at 9 is a much better option then a razor. But to each their own.

I started about 9 or 10…but I also wrestled lol I was self conscious about it not because I was into any of the boys I wrestled with lol

My mom thrashed me when I was 16 :joy::joy::joy:for shaving my legs with a razor… She said you’ll become a man now :tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::tired_face::tired_face:

My oldest was 12 and my middle one will be 12 in Oct.

I allowed my daughter at age 8. She had to practice on a ballon first.

I let my daughters at about 11. It’s different with everyone.

Let the poor girl shave if she’s asking you to do it shes getting teased about it. Also you should be happy she asked you and didn’t just do it

She has asked so I would let her do it. If you say not yet she will most likely do it behind your back and cut herself badly. I don’t see the harm. My daughter was a gymnast too. If she is as hairy as you say I would definitely let her instead of letting cruel people make fun of her


Is there a better way of hair removal though waxing or cream?

I just told my daughter once you start it is a regular part of your life choose wisely do you want to do this as often as necessary?

11 or 12… But as long as you help her I’m sure that 9 is fine.

If the hair is balck is when my mom said to shave if white dont and when the child is uncomfortabel with jt

Definitely now let her shave she’s obviously uncomfortable I would go ahead as soon as my daughter started showing hairs I showed her to shave

Or use a hair removal lotion

Hair removal cream from any age they feel self-concious.

My sister suggested to me at 12 Nair every other shave so my hair doesn’t get so black and thick.

I would let her use an electric shaver for that age.

Dude my mom didnt let me shave until.i was in 8th grade.

use magic it’s like a lotion. it gets rid of hair no razors!!

My mom made me wait until I was nearly 12. I remember begging her starting about age 9/10.

My 11 year old has been doing it for a year but we decided on hair removal cream