When did you let your daughter shave her legs?

My mom let me shave my legs as soon as I started my period , I was about 9

Idk a normal age but I think when its time to start shaving the pits then its time to start shaving the legs… thats my theory and I’m sticking to it lol

If she’s asking about it, it’s making her insecure or someone pointed it out to her. Let her

Yep 14 !! I was in like 8th grade but things have changed but beware once they start it doesn’t stop and it gets darker. 9 seems a bit young try to hold off if you can or like they said don’t shave all the way just shorten it maybe with a ladies trimmer so not so itchy when it grows back … of course 9 is the new 14 anymore lol

I was 9 when I had my first period. So I learned to shave around then too.

Yes if she’s embarrassed let her shave! I think I was about 10

i say let them decide when to start shaving their legs. There is nothing wrong with shaving legs its a part of personal hygiene

As soon as mine became self conscious about it, I let them. Kids bully kids about everything these days, why make your kid a target, as pathetic as bullying is in the first place…

Let her shave if she wants to. It’s just hair. I don’t see what the big deal is.

I started at 9 or 10 bc I was super hairy and did cheerleading and gymnastics

I was 9 the first time I did it, I didn’t even ask. I think you should let her considering she asked u first. She might feel insecure.

Ya whenever it starts and if it bothers them …there is no set age anymore

My daughter is 13, and really didn’t want her to shave yet, so we compromised and used veet. X

My daughter is 11 just started few months ago. She asked and I said of corse!

I was in 6th grade, so probably 10-11

When she ask being a athlete she can’t compete a hairy mess she’s becoming a young lady no longer little girl

I was 10. Thats when I started my menstrual cycle. But i say when she is aware of it

My daughter started armpits at 10 and legs 6 mo after. No way would I let her be embarrassed of it.

If she’s hairy and wants to shave, let her do it. You don’t want her to be self-conscious. What’s the big deal about it? Girls should do it as soon as they feel like they need to

She is a gymnast. If she and others competing do it then let her .

I was 9, and my daughter was 10.

My daughter just turned 11 and I let her a few weeks back.

My sister was 7-8. She had mammoth leg hair :joy: I think I was 10-11? I wasn’t hairy haha.

I never asked. My mom taught me to as I was entering middle school. So 11ish?

I think if shes old enough to be self conscious about it, shes old enough to shave

I say if she’s asking then it’s bothering her so let her do it. I let my girls shave as soon as they asked me

I was in 6th grade. So I guess that’s 11

I was in 6th grade when I started shaving my legs and my oldest is now that age so I need to show her soon

9/10 would be a good age. Just sit with her the first couple of times.

I would suggest starting with an electric razor. Not as smooth maybe, but would get the job done and be less risky for nicks

give her an electric shaver… no bloody messes

Any time they want to . She has a very good reason to want to shave her legs

My daugther was about 10 when she started shaving

I think I was 9 maybe 10. I really don’t remember.

I gave in this year! She is 8 we used nair and mom will do it for her! Once a month I think is about what we do

I think the average age is 12-13, but considering your daughter is a competitive gymnast, i would say to let her shave

I was 10 when I HAD to start shaving my legs.

I’ve never shaved my legs and I’ve always used Nair hair removal cream. I’m 47 and blonde and still never used a razor. And my hair is still soft not stiff.

Whenever they feel like they need to! But always teach them that body hair is natural and they shouldn’t be ashamed or embarrassed to have it❤

12, started teaching her at 11. When she started her period I allowed her to do it herself

I let mine. Shes almost 10 and has been hit bang wallop with the puberty train!!!

Don’t shave. Take her to get waxed. No prickles, won’t grow back darker, longer between waxes.

I say let her when she is ready. No need in letting her feel self conscious

9 for my daughter she asked since she was 8 she’s now 10

  1. She had very dark hair and was super embarrassed by it

If she’s self conscious about it then it’s time

I started at 10. Only my armpits and lower leg…and only for certain occasions.

If it’s peach fuzz don’t shave is my opinion

My daughters 9. A competitive gymnast and dancer, she shaves her legs bc she has dark hair. I didnt shave til much later as (im fat and can’t dance) my hairs blond x

9 she was aware of it and it bothered her…and asked many times we had some girl talks that was it. Pits and legs

I was 10. Legs and underarms only.

I was about 9/10, most of the girls at school were too at that age

Better to let her shave than make her feel embarrassed

I dont shave at all I think its stupid and has no purpose and I never have it’s a good thing I have boys then cause I wouldn’t teach them if I had a girl

Go for it. This is cleanliness. And it could affect her selesteem as well.

I wasn’t allowed until a little too late, like 12 or 13

My mom didn’t let me until 6th grade. I was 11/ 12

When my daughter started her period I allowed her to shave age 11

I started shaving my legs at age seven

My daughters 9 and she started shaving this year

I started them with Nair at about age 10-11 and then taught them to shave at age 12.

I was taught at age 9 I was a swimmer.

Okay I myself am a hairy person :joy: and when I was nine I use to get picked on die to how hairy I was, I asked my mum if I could shave and she said no… not till I was 12, don’t get me wrong I see where she was coming from, but it impacted my self esteem alot, if you think that she is ready and she would like to and is happy to try keep up with the the self grooming of shaving her legs, I don’t see any harm :blush: as long as you and her are both happy why does it matter at what age she’s starts you’re not letting her just because, you’re letting her because she is in short clothing for sports and she is a hairy person. Your her mum you know what’s best for your daughter and her self esteem hun, just go with why you think is best :heart::heart:

I started when I was 11 I think and I didn’t ask. Lol

Let her if she cares enough to ask there is a reason she is asking, who will it hurt if she shaves?

When your daughter becomes self-conscious about it.

You can alway use Veet it doesn’t grow back as quick and prevents from getting cut

I dnt think it shud matter wn u did it… we can’t be following timelines of our generation for this generation kids… her request seems genuine and reasonable…

If there is a sports related reason to shave, that makes sense. Of course, up to the family to decide.

She’s a performer. Her request is reasonable.

My daughter is 9 & I let her shave her legs

My daughter at 12. Knees down and using Nair. No razors for now

Let her shave specially if she’s a gymnast x

If she’s asked because she is self conscious, I think you should let her do it.

I used electric at age 8. Straight blade when I was 12

I let my girls around the
age 10 or so.

I started at 10 or 11 and my daughter started at 11.

I was 9 1/2 I got my period at 10😐

Buy her an electric razor it’s way safer

When they have a lot of hair on their legs and when they are in the public so they won’t feel bad about them selves

I started my period pretty young which means I had very hairy armpits and legs. I think I started shaving around 10-11.

Nair started when my girls became insecure about it…shaving didn’t happen until 7th grade though. And my youngest still would rather use nair than anything.

9-10 is average…1 of my daughter’s use nair or avon type nair…the other is comfortable w reg shaving…slow and steady w shave gel/,foam…no worries

Middle school and we used nair or an electric razor. She is now 14 and uses a razor

I think I was 12ish? Not long after my period, my mother let me shave my legs

My daughter is 11 yr old 6th grader gave her permission last year but she doesnt want 2 shave

I will allow my daughter shave at 13. She is 11 now

9 French Russian blood makes for Harry legs

When they’re aware enough to ask if they can

4th or 5th grade I think.

I think around 13 or 14, quite a long time ago.

I would give her Nair instead :woman_shrugging: just my opinion. That’s what I use. Especially if she is in any kind of sports.

My daughter is 11. And we veet her legs. Since about 9.

Have you thought about the cream depilatory instead of the razor?

I was in 7th grade when I started

Age? Why not judge by how hairy she is?

  1. Some girls start puberty at 9-10 yrs

If shes mature enough to handle the responsibility of handling a razor

Who cares…if they feel they need to shave their legs…let them

My mom wouldn’t let me, and I got bullied relentlessly for being hairy. Until I did it one day without her permission. She was maaaaad. But you know what. I didnt get bullied for being hairy anymore.