When do I tell a guy I’m going to go on a first date with that I have a kid?

I’m not a single mom but this popped up so I’ll answer. Having a kid is a huge deal. It’s a gigantic part of who you are. It should be in your dating profile on these apps not kept hidden like a dirty secret! Tell him


I told my husband that I had a son while we were still chatting, before the first phone call… So he had the chance to decide if a single mom was for him, luckily for me he loved us both from day 1…
If you have nothing to hide, hide nothing :ok_hand:


Sounds like an excerpt from flowers in the attic!:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: J/k but girl you need to tell him asap because he he’s really into you it shouldn’t matter how many kids you have.


Honestly it should’ve been in that first paragraph you sent him. :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


From the very beginning.


I always told perspective dates I had a Son so if they didn’t want to date me for that reason they could bail before we got to really know each other.

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From day one. That way if he doesn’t want kids, or to date anyone with kids, it doesn’t feel like either one of us waisted time.


That should have been said in your first conversation before ever meeting him :grimacing:


I did it right off the bat. Literally stated in my profile that I’m a mom to a baby boy. I actually put a photo of him on my profile with his face covered. So every single person who spoke to me knew from the get go

Prob should have let him know before you’re “about to go on a date”?

Single mom of 1. I don’t date much, but when I’m talking to someone, I don’t say that I have a kid. I don’t trust people and thats my issue lol :upside_down_face:

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Some guys don’t want kids/don’t wanna be a step dad which is fine but I’m not gonna waste a second on them if not. In my profile it says “I have a 7 year old daughter, no you wouldn’t meet her anytime soon if things progress” and I don’t have any pictures of her on my profile. That’s not fair to him that he doesn’t know yet.


Um I told the guys I’ve chatted with I have children they’ve decided not to communicate with me anymore and that’s fine. I’m not gonna deny my children.


State that you are a single mother . It’s a package deal ( or it should be ) so they should know up front instead of wasting both of your time .


Just tell him. He will respect you more if you do. Also if he is a good man he will love you both. Stop over thinking pick up that phone and just tell him

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Not a single mom, but I think during your lunch date you should bring it up. For example, you could say, little back history I was in a relationship and now have a beautiful daughter that I am proud to be mama to. Keep it simple and go frim there. Maybe he has children also.


From the time you match with him on the dating app. Only fair!! He has a choice to deal with you or not.

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I always was up front about having a child. I also made it clear they wouldn’t meet her until we dates exclusively for 6 months. No child needs to meet everyone their parents date. They need to prove they are worthy of meeting my child.


the next time he asks what’s up or what are you doing today mention “my daughter and I are… “


If this is an issue. You’re not ready to date. Be single and be friends.


When you go on your real lunch date tell him in conversation dont single it out like its going to be scary for him. If he doesn’t like that he just won’t see you again. Telling him while in car to airport wasn’t a good time tell him since its important its your child ya kno but don’t let him meet her until it is serious

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I always used to put in my bio that I have 1 child & 1 fur child.


When I was a single mom I made it clear I’m a mom 1st and that we come as a package deal and that I and my ex husband are a team, so this is you trying out for a position on this team.
When my ex husband began dating, he explained that he had a son and that the potential partner would be joining the 3 of us (my now husband, myself, and the ex) as a team and this was her tryouts.

We got to know the person for 6wks before even bringing them around my son and it was brief and he was introduced to them as our friend. Then the visits were a little longer such as dinner or something all together.

I have a child with my husband and my ex has a child with his wife.
Basically we have 3 sons with 4 amazing parents and though we live 2hrs apart we still make sure to make all the events for all the children.
I refer to Ashley as my wife-n-law and everyone looks at me so crazy when I explain how well we all work together as a team. But it’s possible.

Remember to tell whoever you are talking to as a potential partner that you are a package deal, that they will not be meeting your child till you are ready, and then when they do that this child is to be treated as if she were their own, no trying to send her off to spend time with just you all the time. But there will be time for just grown up dates and time for family dates. You want a mix of both, and for him to be on board.
It doesn’t matter how much you like him, if he doesn’t want to share you with your child or if he gives you bad vibes where your child is concerned OR if your child picks up on bad vibes LISTEN to that.

I would be head over heels and my son would feel uncomfortable with that person and that was always a sign. He took right to a Brian and after seeing him twice he was like “I want him to be my step dad” and I knew then that I could get comfortable BC even my ex husband was like “I could really like him” so with us all on the same page I started letting my guard down slowly. After dating 4yrs we got married and now 11yrs later we are doing amazing.


I posted on my dating bio that I was a single mom of 2, and that they come first. I was very blunt and honest and up front. Because I was tired of the games of “adults” not understanding that children come before they do when it comes to dating. :woman_shrugging:t2:

You should have included your kid in any decision making with talking to someone whether it be in your bio or tell him on the first day, hey, i have a kid, if it’s not going to work out that i have a kid then you already lost me. You can’t exclude your kid when talking to someone cause the moment you bring him home and he sees you have a kid he’s going to freak the fuck out and ask you so many questions and distrust you. Your kid is going to ask you “mommy, who was that man?” But to being in a new srranger into thw house to your kid who also has no idea you have a kid is wrong. Obviously you slowly bring each other together your boyfriend and you kid. But relling the guy you have a kid should have been one of the first things you told him. Not the last.

I tell them up front day one so if they want out we arent wasting time. Luckily my bf when i said i have four kids he was like me too i love kids he didnt meet them at first but we have been together for a year now and he is around all of us all the time and they love him and he loves them. U just dont want to be with someone who doesnt want kids and then 2nd or 3rd date be like oh yeah lol i have a daughter. Tell him upfront let him decide if he wants to continue dating or not. If he doesnt then hes not worth your time. Children always come first

Y need to be honest up front about a kid cause some people may not wanna date if people have children

You should’ve already told him. He should know that up front, first thing


You should have posted on your profile that you’re a single mother.


Honestly the sooner u tell him the better. Alot of guys get freaked out by the responsibility of dating a single parent. Be honest and just tell him then let him go if he’s not willing to try

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Should have had the conversation since day 1…


Child comes first, every time!


How could you talk to someone that long and not mention you have a child??? That should’ve been the first thing! When I was a single mom that was always the first thing I mentioned.


I would have said something immediately if I was looking for something serious.


I find it strange that she hasn’t brought up her child in the many conversations they’ve had! Everything I do revolves around me and my children, I couldn’t ever imagine living a life where they arent included in any conversation! Weird.


Didn’t you mention your children on the dating app?


If you want an honest relationship then you tell him about your child before the date. He shouldn’t meet your child until you are sure “he’s the one”.


Single mom listed in my dating profile. Didn’t want my time wasted on someone that might not be okay with thag

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Just tell him upfront. The reality of the situation is that most people won’t even bat an eye at the fact that you have a daughter and if by chance he does, then consider yourself lucky that you got it out of the way now before you wasted a bunch of time.

I would’ve mentioned it immediately. He accepts you with a child or not at all.

I have a 13-year-old daughter. If she feels uncomfortable around the person that I’m dating, he’s done.

You messed up already- that should be a first and foremost comment you make…. Meeting the kid is a different ball game altogether tho…

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Should have told him already what have u talked about if he didn’t ask or u didn’t ask him if he has kids .? I wouldn’t introduce him to her but tell him

How are you going to feel when you like him and he doesn’t want kids? Yep the person right off the bat that you’re a single mom. How does your kid feel that you don’t tell people about them? Especially people you may want a relationship with? That person will be in their lives too.

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I would have mentioned it when we first started talking snd wrote I had a kid in my profile


If you are afraid to reveal someone who has a child, that’s not it, they come first and if someone moves away from you for that reason, it is not worth thinking about that person as a couple in the future.

I hear everyone saying put it on you’re profile/tell him immediately and part of me agrees with it. However, in this day and age you have to be careful with that too. There are pedophiles that specifically look for single moms to target. I think your first or second date is definitely appropriate if you feel you want to continue seeing him. If he doesn’t like kids then neither of you have wasted to much time. And I wouldn’t over think it either. I would simply make a comment like, oh my daughter would love this! And he will react from there. Good luck!


Duh when you start talking to one :roll_eyes: don’t breed

Too soon to meet your child. But tell him soon

You should been honest from the beginning. Just tell him right away or just text him Today. You shouldn’t drag this on.

I honestly wouldn’t share about having children until after you go on a first date, I would not advertise having children on a dating site as that will just lead to someone targeting you for your child, having someone interested in you for you and not to potentially molest your children is more important than being honest

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That should have been the first thing you told him.

I personally made it known before I started dating. When I had Tinder it was in my bio :woman_shrugging:t4: and it was one of the first things mentioned when I started talking to anyone

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Yes it should have been.

Why did YOU drive him to the airport is what I’m wondering since you haven’t even gone on a proper date. Didn’t he have friends or family that could’ve done that? Or why didn’t he call an Uber? The only reason I ask is because shortly after I started seeing my first husband, he asked me to pick him up from work…to make a long story short; it turned out that he didn’t have a vehicle, exhausted all his other rides, and I ended up taking him to and from work on a daily basis because I felt bad…I wish I had someone to tell me, at that time, that his issues weren’t my problem. Also, I told him that I had a daughter during our first conversation because we were a package deal. Can’t be with me if you don’t like kids.

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What is wrong with you women?! In this day in age I would NEVER tell him until I knew him long enough to know he isn’t a PREDATOR. Men these days prey off of single mothers. Screw your heads on straight and wake up! It’s NOT safe to let that information out


I would have said something during your first conversation. Take it from me a single parent for almost 13 yrs. Kids are a big deal for some people. So most people want to know that right away.


That should be in your profile already. They should know that you’re a package deal BEFORE getting involved.


I’d do a couple of dates first and see if we’re compatible first


It goes like this,” hey, before we get this started, I just want to let you know that I have a kid. Cool? Cool. “
Then proceed on a date.


‘I’m trying not to make a huge deal about it‘ … with all due respect, your child is a big deal. At least my child is a big deal. I would try to bring up the fact that you have a child before you even go on a casual lunch date. But I guess everybody’s different. Good luck to you


I would bring it up ASAP.


Right away… It weeds out the weak.


Put it on your profile and do a background check before you date anyone. You’ll weed out men who don’t want kids and protect your child from sexual perverts and abusers. First priority always.


Since kids can be a deal breaker for some, I prefer to make it known beforehand. When I started trying to date after my ex I put in my Facebook dating bio that I have a child. Saves everyone the hassle of wasting time. In your case, I would make it known as soon as possible that you have a child.


I would be upfront before the date

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I would mention it at the soonest opportunity. Then tread very cautiously afterwards if you guys decide to move forward.

Before the first date

You put that info under your dating profile. Don’t give specifics. Just say something like “a mommy of one” just for safety reasons.

Oh and let him know before the date!!!

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I would have told him right up front.

I’m surprised you didn’t mention it to him from the time you started chatting…

Ummm - you’re not ready to date. Transparency is number one in a relationship. Don’t waste anyone’s time til you can communicate that you’re a mom before you meet. You should be proud and upfront.


When my fiance and I started talking I told him after a couple days just to make sure he wasn’t going to ghost me beforehand, because it does happen. I do think you should tell him before you go on a date because some guys can be dicks and don’t want to date single moms, I’ve experienced that first hand. Just be honest with him

You need to tell him.

I think you’re all crazy. She doesn’t know this person and even if they are going to date, there are some real crazy mofo’s out there who look on those sites for women with kids. So if I were a single mom you can bet your ass they aren’t going to find out I have a child until I’M comfortable with them. It would be early on in the whole shebang but not right away. She obviously doesn’t like to show her daughter off online and maybe for that reason.

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Why did you not mention this when yall first started texting. if i was him i would wonder this myself. The next text or phone call before ur offical date you need to be like. Hey buddy i wanna make sure you know I have a daughter and go from there and they do not need to meet her until u. have aat least dated at least 3 months. pedos look just like everyone else

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Should have been mentioned right away.
Let him decide if he wants to continue moving forward with things.
A kid is a big thing to hide and keep a secret about.
You’re informing him that you have a child. You’re not asking him to meet her right away or give you another one.


So y’all didn’t do that “tell me a little bit about yourself” part where you would mention kids, uncomfortable living arrangements, employment, hobbies, ect?


I told my now fiancé the day we met. It’s the first thing I’ve ever told anyone. Friend or relationship. Best thing is to tell him on the date. Just so you can tell him in person.

Me either I am in my fifties and as I care for some opposite sex people like family I feel sometimes or maybe I’ve been out of the seen so long I dont feel our gestures our on the same page! So maybe I’m not the one to give advice but honesty is always best ! So I feel the limitations are not what would seem to me a important part getting down putting down ! Which I would hate to do for some misguided reason! Out of fear or not being able to a halt to the none relative mixed feeling I dont have! But that’s just me! Know if your ready to take that leap of faith and put yourself out there go for it and stay honest if not this could the next one! Good luck!?

I talk about my child a lot, she is the light of my life so I don’t know how It wouldn’t be mentioned like day one. I want people In my life that are fully accepting of my child.

I’m upfront from go. Point Blank.

Granted I’m 37. But when I talk to someone I’m up front that I have two teenage kids. That I’m ok if the guy has kids, but my baby making days are long over.

Honesty is always your best choice. You’re a mom and guys gotta know that your kids always come first.

Should’ve been mentioned right away or even put on your profile. Not everyone wants to be with a single parent.


But be honest make sure You like him first cause who ever you date she’s dating also an in case you get married that will be her dad just be care full movie but have fun with it

I wouldnt put it in my profile as I would see it as something a child profiler would look for. But you should tell him, and make it one of the first things. In this imstamce i would go about it, like
“hey, before we have lunch i wanted to let you know, i have a kid, they are blah years old, its an important part of my life, so if thats not something your interested accepting I understand. “

Why worry yourself,if he wants and likes u he will do that with your ALL, relax mama and be honest

Before I got together with my bc I wrote that I was a mom in my profile and if it wasn’t on there if I matched with anyone and we talked I would say “just a heads up I’ve got a 2 year old” so yea I’d mention it before it goes anywhere tbh

When I was dating, being a mom was one of the first things I told them. It’s the most important thing in my life and something I think someone who may be interested should know up front. If they end up liking you and vise versa but not wanting anything to do with kids that would suck.

I mean it’s like a catch twenty two you can tell him sooner so you don’t waste your fucking time coz we all know us mum’s hate doing that or see where it goes and wait

During sex…say something like “whoa buddy, let’s wrap him up. I don’t need any more kids!”


Why not mention it? I have 2 and they are my world and anyone in my life will know that up front, its nothing to hide

Immediately is when you tell them. Kids always come first.

Id like to think this information comes up casually during conversation before even attempting to date. Never over share though as a safety precaution. Thats just me though🤷🏻‍♀️

In my profile I put single mom. I was always up front and honest about that.

It’s literally the first thing I would tell people

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I would have put it on the bio on the dating site.

The first conversation

My kid would be in my bio?? Why isnt your kid in your bio??? That’s sneeky

You should have already told him that.

should always, for better or worse, lay all the cards on the table.