When do I tell a guy I’m going to go on a first date with that I have a kid?

Right away so he knows if he wants to continue.

Straight away, even before meeting him

When I was on a dating app I had it on my profile that I’m a mom. I didnt specify ages or genders of my children I just put something like “mom of 2”. It’s something you need to address immediately because some guys don’t like kids and are only on apps to hook up. And honestly for me the fact that you 2 met just so he could have you give him a ride to the airport is a little confusing, why would he have a complete stranger do that, why not a good friend or even a driving service? Why ask you to go out of your way to do something for him already? :thinking:
BUT I also read into situations too much lol so there’s that.


When I was dating I was always upfront about having a child, but I wouldn’t let the person meet my kid unless I was sure the relationship was gonna last. Since the split with her dad, she’s met 2 (long term) out of 4 people that I dated with current bf being 1 of the 2.

I would of said it in one of our first conversations. I’m surprised it hasn’t come up if you’ve spoke every day?

That’s something people like to know first

I included the fact I’m a single mum to 1 daughter on my page so it was there from day 1. I waited a year before he met her, we’ve been together almost 5. Don’t over complicate it. If someone doesn’t like the fact you have a mini me, they’re not worth your precious time


How that didn’t come up yet, I’m not sure. I mention it within the first few sentences. My child isn’t my entire life, but most of it lol. You get both of us, not just me.


Is no one mentioning the fact that she took him to the airport for the first date? Dude! :joy::joy: He scored! Do you realize how difficult it is to get a ride to the airport from people who have been lifelong friends!? Wow! Too late. You’re in deep.


It should be mentioned immediately. It seems like you’re nervous about it which is fair, not everyone wants to date ppl with children and it’s a deal breaker for a lot of people so I can understand you’re nervous about someone cutting contact if you like them. But you should be upfront and honest because you’re a package deal at the end of the day and you don’t want to be with someone that doesn’t want to be with you because you have a child. Ya’ll just wouldn’t be compatible. Everyone is entitled to their preferences and not everyone is compatible, but you should figure that out sooner than later.


Be proud of being a mom. A man worth your time will appreciate the whole package and want to be a part of it. If he has a problem with it— not for you. No need to sugar coat the facts


Any guy I even talked with knew I had kids from the get go because if even if they didnt meet them I had to know they would be ok doing so eventually. Plus it helped weed out the ones who didnt want commitment.


I would be very straightforward and tell him at the date. I have a now 6 year old and whenever I was interested in a guy I would always tell him that I had a child. And that my child comes before you. It honestly helps to weed out guys that aren’t ready for that kind of relationship. And some guys like my now husband are totally ok with you having a kid. More people to love. Good luck :+1:


Why wouldn’t you put this on your dating app. You are a mom, be proud and make sure it’s known, first thing. It’s who you are, plain and simple.


Upfront right then and there. My time is valuable like yours. If I don’t want kids I’d like to know upfront if the person has or wants kids. Keeps you from wasting time and theirs. I was a single mom and wasted 4 months of a relationship because “he thought” he wanted kids but he didn’t want mine


I told my ex husband the day we met about my daughter. They took right to each other the first time they met, she’s 16 now and that’s still her daddy.

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I used to blurt it out soooo fast :joy: my friends were always mad because they set me up with guys and it wouldn’t work out in the first night :joy: but my thought process was they need to know immediately. I had some bad reactions (great to weed them out) had some “just want to be friends” reaction which i didn’t mind. In the end i met a guy at the shop i worked, became friends. He was the one guy that when i said no to his invitations (as friends) because i had no babysitter would tell me to bring my son. Eventually it changed to more than friends.

You should have mentioned it already. I’m a step mumma and I love it. My fiancé was straight up about it (to not waste his own time) because his daughter was always going to come first. Good luck x

I mention kids as soon as I start talking to someone. My children are my entire life and a lot of men don’t even want something serious or to date a woman with children. I wouldn’t ever go on a date with a man if he wasn’t aware of and totally okay with me having kids. That’s a big role for someone to step into and you’re kind of about to blind side him.

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I’ve avoided and been straight up… I found being straight up is better because otherwise it’s just a waste of time if they don’t want to be with someone who already has a kid… don’t invest too much of yourself before mentioning your kid… but also keep your kid and the guy separate… Aus him out before mentioning to your kid about you dating and then just ask how they would feel about it and just bring it up slowly… it’s not easy… but the right guy will support you and not rush things with your kid and understand that they are your priority

My kid was always mentioned when I met new people. Period. It’s not like a closet hobby or addiction. It’s a human that I gave birth to and raise. “So do you have any kids? No? That’s cool. I have an awesome so and so. Just her and I living life and loving food.”

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Within the first few conversations. No need to share much about yourself until he seems worthy. Curious how he got a ride to the airport though :thinking: And long distance relationships are super tough!

Definitely let him know ASAP. Don’t make it a huge deal or as if your hiding it. My hubby told me straight up that he was a dad and his kids would always 100% come first. And I absolutely love that about him.

Honestly, I’m not sure why you haven’t told him yet. You definitely need too. As a single mom of 2 kids I’ve always let the guy know before we even met. I even let them know now and 1 doesn’t live at home and the other only lives at home half of the week and are also 18+

I was a single mom with kids. Just tell him. No biggie, just put it out there.
Not like you could or would change your situation.
But… I think its a good idea to wait to introduce your child to him. Kids get attached quickly and you don’t want to hurt your child by bringing people in and out of their life. Wait til you know if this man will be in your life for a considerable amount of time before introducing him to your daughter.
And ALWAYS use caution when bringing anyone into your child’s life.

As a man, I would like to know this information as soon as possible.

I wouldn’t want to enter into an emotional connection with someone who didn’t feel worthy or proud of their role as a parent. I know there is a huge stigma about single moms.

Yes, a kid adds more responsibility if we plan on marriage or a long-term relationship. I wouldn’t want to ever make you feel like it is me vs your child especially if I start asking you on spontaneous outings and you reject me repeatedly(because of your commitment to your kid that I’m unaware of).

If I knew coming into the situation you had a kid, I would be able to tell you what I would like to do with you and you’d be able to choose when.

Now as far as meeting your kid, I don’t want to meet your kid until we’ve established some level of exclusivity because I’m the kinda guy that gets attached to kids quick.

This is all hypothetical of course, as I am married man with 4 kids.

Personally I feel like if you haven’t told them yet you should tell him on the first date there’s no reason to hide that you’re a mom from anybody! If that repels any man then trust me honey he’s not worth holding on to anyways, cuz my kids always come first!

Anyone I ever matched with or started talking to knew within the first message. I let people know right then and there so if they’re not about the kid life they can dip before even getting to know me… I can’t even understand why that’s something you wouldn’t share ASAP. You don’t have to give all the details about your daughter just that you have one lol

When I was in my 20’s, I went to a local dance club with a friend. A man approached me and asked me to dance with him. As we were dancing and making small talk about ourselves, I told him that I had a child. He just gave me this “so what” look and we kept talking. 26 years later, he’s still my husband. Most men would “run” when they found out, but I always told them on day one. My child is part of me and if they didn’t like it, they could keep walking. You don’t have to let them meet your child immediately, but definitely mention your daughter immediately. Don’t waste your time either. Good luck.:blush::heart:

That should’ve been mentioned right from the get go. My now husband literally knew within the first few minutes of us ever talking. I didn’t want to waste his or my time if he wasn’t interested in dating someone with kids. I think that’s something very important and y’all possibly could’ve just wasted each others time.

They know as soon as we start talking because I don’t want to waste anyone’s time.

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It’s okay to not saying yet if you’re not comfortable. In today’s society you have to be careful who you let into your child’s life. Next time you two talk just casually mention the topic of kids and see how he reacts! You should be able to tell just from bringing children up how he feels about them.

If you’re on a dating app that something that you should have in your profile you don’t have to have pictures you don’t have to say any names but it’s something that you should let them decide whether or not they want to date you because your child is the focus for you so you want to make sure you bring a man into your life that is going to accept your child and be a good influence.

First thing you say don’t go to a date under the impression you have no kids. I used to day it first as soon as I got hit on girl weed out the people who want nothing to do with other people’s kids be honest it’s the best thing you can do

You say, I have a kid. If he stays, keep pursuing him. If he runs, good. Means he wouldn’t have been step dad material anyway. I told my now fiance on the first convo that I had a kid and was looking for someone to have a life with and more kids. He stuck around to talk more, and now we have 2 kids and getting married next year. Others I told, and they ran right away. Good riddence. My children and I are a package.

Um…. This isn’t disclosing something terrible. This is a child, your child. It’s the first thing I start talking about. I’d never even entertain the idea of someone before they knew the most important thing about me. My children are not some dirty secret or “thing” I have to tell someone. They are my ultimate pride. This post is just upsetting and immature.

I told my now husband up front about my daughter. Also told him if she didn’t like him we would never be anything but friends. Needless to say she loved him

If your talking everyday and I’m sure you were asked what you do for fun or how you spend your time… how did you not bring up your child? My child is my life. I think that by not telling him upfront you now made it awkward. Especially as a single guy… he might not want kids or kids that are not his own… which then you wouldn’t of invested your time. And if he is okay with it I think He would think…. Ok? Why has she literally mentioned nothing about her? I would put it in your dating app… so then you wouldn’t even have to think about it.

Be true to him and yourself right from the beginning. Learn to grow together based on honesty and full transparency so that trust can be built right away.

Having a child is a big thing. And not something everyone wants to be a part of. You don’t have to introduce them until you both feel you are ready to be more serious, or see an honest future together. But sharing this important information about yourself right away would be best, in my opinion anyway.

Are we in the 1970’s? Who cares if you have a child? If he does he can move on. But for a parent to not speak of their number one concern (the child) is a person who is bound by shame and shouldn’t be seeking out relationships at this point. Get into therapy to heal and mature.

That should have been the first thing that was told. Just to let you know up front, I have a child who is the most important thing in my life, so if you want to continue to communicate :+1:if not bye bye!

Wouldn’t trust a dating app even for a second he probably has a pregnant girlfriend at home lmfao nobody tells the truth nowadays

Met my fiance on a dating app. I told him within a few weeks that I had kids. I hadn’t met him yet by the time he knew.

Why not on your profile, keep it honest front the beginning this would filter out some of the people who don’t want kids, and might have been a conversation piece :man_shrugging:

As a single mom on a few dating apps, I put it in my bio with a note saying if they can’t accept my kid, to not bother messaging :woman_shrugging: and if they do message, I always double check that they know about him, right away

I always answer those w/o reading what others say. Here goes: What’s the rush? Wait until you have been around him longer. A trip to the airport? Does not count as you admit. Lunch upon return. Good. You will know when to bring up the subject of your child. But give it time. And for God’s sake DO NOT introduce any man to your child unless you have a really serious relationship. Not fair to child on so many levels.

As soon as possible. My kids are more important than anything so I made sure they were considered as part of the package before I started getting “serious” with anyone.

What happens when you get attached to this guy and then he decides kids are too much to take on? Then you’re stuck heart broken because you couldn’t be bothered to mention it from the beginning.

Not a mom but id appreciate the honesty from the start if I were the other party.

Tell him the next time you talk to him, however, don’t worry about his reaction. A ride to the airport and a “lunch” date? Sounds like he isn’t really interested in a relationship or he has a girlfriend/wife.

Am i the only one thinking why was the first time meeting him, you taking him to the airport? Seems a bit weird the first time you meet your meant to be talking/hanging out getting to know each other and you met and took him to the airport?? :woman_shrugging:

I personally just talk about my daily life and that includes my kids. That doesn’t mean they have to meet my kids, but they know I have them.

When I was dating that was an early on discussion. My child is my #1, if a man didn’t like kids or couldn’t accept not having a woman free to come and go as she pleases, he wasn’t for me.

I don’t know why I find it so funny that They hadn’t even been on a date yet and he was like ‘yo, can I get a ride to the airport?!’ :laughing::joy:

Something to talk about as soon as you match… so you’re not wasting each other’s time.

I’ve never bothered dating anybody or talking to somebody who didn’t already know I had kids.

There are men who’s only interest is to find a woman with a child for evil things. I know several people that this has happened to. I don’t have any reference to children on FB or media. I also don’t tell any dates about a child until I sure. I work in law so I suppose I am more sensative to how theses guys work. Perfect man, after your child.

Simple. You say you have a child, on the dating app. That way, guys who don’t mind that, will make contact.

If you told me after hanging out and talking that long that you had a kid,I would be turned off because it seems like you’re hiding it or embarrassed of having a kid. You should tell him immediately because partners come and go,but you are always gonna be a mother

That’s really the kind of the thing you should mention from the start (like in your profile). Some people don’t want kids, and it would just waste both of your time to go on multiple dates just to learn later that it can’t work. Since it’s past that point, though, I’d be upfront and tell him on the first date. That’s usually when you get the “So, tell me about yourself?” question anyway, and it would be pretty disingenuous to do so without mentioning your kid.

I don’t know why it’s not the first thing you talk about. “Tell me about yourself “ “I’m this age,I have a son this age who lives with me, I like CrossFit,MMA and karaoke. And that’s it

Don’t invest too much time, energy, emotion if this would become a deal breaker. If he is not into kids, sooner is best for all concerned.

Tell him when you meet up to get it out of the way ,I don’t think he needed to know when you first seen one another because who’s know’s if you would like him it may have been a one time thing, so when you do go out with him just tell him you didn’t say anything before till you seen if there was going to lead to more dates

That’d honestly be something I mention right away. Telling him right away gives him the chance to make his own decision on whether or not he’s okay with a kid and wants to continue talking…or decide he doesn’t want involved with a single mom and not talk.

People need to know from the start. Why waste someone’s time and energy when some people refuse to date someone with a kid. Hiding it seems shady

Its also one of the first things I mention, so that way if they dont want to date someone with kids no ones time is wasted.

The fact that I have a child would have been in my dating profile.

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When I met my partner I already had a 1.5 year old. And I told him the day we started talking. (I think he knew from my social media anyway and we have a lot of mutual friends)

Wait until moments before your married. that way its like a big surprise for them

I brought mine up usually within the 1st 3 sentences of talking to someone.

It is a big deal though, having a child is a huge part of any parent’s life. Disclose this important part of your life sooner than later. If he is still interested then great , if not, you didn’t get too invested in them.

Tell him. Like. Your kids going to be with you forever, she’s your child. Wouldnt you want to know from the get go that he’s ok with it? Instead of getting attached then having your heart broken?

My daughter deals with this all the time. She usually tells them soon but no meeting the kid til the 6 month mark.

I hate it wen people refer to them as kids their your children not goats .

When you first meet someone put it out there because if they aren’t ready to deal with that no emotions are involved

just simplily say dates will be depended on the availablity of having a babysitter and my ability to pay a babysitter.

The sooner the better! What if that is a big NO for him?
You wouldn’t want to waste your time if he would never accept your child. Not fair on him OR your daughter to wait that long.

Just be straight up about being a mom and if he doesn’t like it or your kid(s) doesn’t like him move on and be friends.

It should be the first thing you mention because if he doesn’t like/want kids, that’s a non-starter.

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Child comes first always be proud you have one

I think you have time to get to know each other. Who knows he could have a child too and be waiting to get to know you.

Why is you having a kid not on your profile? Or why didn’t you mention you have one already? That’s you know, kind of a big deal. And unfair to him that you havent told him yet.

I get keeping that to yourself at first, but I also feel like he should already know …

I’d mention it on first date, you don’t want to be invested and then tell him for him to run a mile. At least this way he can have a choice to stay or not as it won’t be fair on him either to put their time in to find out something as big as that. Xx

Something like 40% of men were married to others, on dating apps 15 years ago when I was lots younger…

He should have known from the start. Tell him next time you talk to him. I never hid that I had kids. It was always one of the first things I talked about

Tell him right away, hate to fall in love and kids are not an option for him. Waste of time.

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First of all, why is she taking a random dude to the airport when they haven’t even gone on a date yet

Right up front he should know. He can decide then to go forward or not.

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Should have told him right up front!! Otherwise you may be wasting his time if he doesn’t want to have a child in his life.

You should have said it in the first conversation.

I would’ve told him straight away. Then you would have known if he was there to stay.

Ask him if he has any kids, then when he says yes or no bring up yours.

Tell him right away. Just don’t introduce them right away. If you let the person know right away it helps for making plans.

If you told him what your career is then you should have also talked about your child.

tell him early before it becomes a issue of you not saying something. You should be a package deal.

That should have been the first thing you told him.

If he is mean to be with you it won’t make you uncomfortable to tell him.

in all fairness it should be discussed as soon as possible; not just for his sake but also for yours. the door swings both ways on this topic in the way that he most assuredly does not want to find out later about your daughter because while he might not have a problem with being in a relationship with a woman who has a child already, he should question why it took you so long to tell him and believe me when I tell you, distrust in a relationship is a killer. But on the other side of the door is the fact that you do not want to put the time and get emotionally attached only to find out after that he doesn’t want kids. so really…to tell him right away is the best for both you and him.

That’s should be the first thing you told him!!!

Isn’t that part part of getting to know each other?