When to stop co sleeping?

I thought the child was going to be 14 or something. She’s 2. :joy: wtf. I’m almost 28 and I still crawl into my parents bed to bug my mom when she’s sleeping.


My boys are 1,3,&4 I and their dad both snuggle with them :woman_shrugging:t3:


When one of either the parent or child is uncomfortable. Don’t be a pervert and sexualize a caring parent cuddling with his CHILD.


Would feel that way if its mom and son?


I helped my son with bath time til age 5 or 6. He slept with me as a single mom til age 6 but we only had 1 bed. I’d say if it makes you uncomfortable there’s a gut feeling that something isn’t right.


Sounds like you need to talk to him about it

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I’m 30 and 38 weeks pregnant and still sleep with my mom sometimes and my 6 year old son my 11 year old daughter both sleep with me when ever they want no big deal just a family being family


Seems like your kind of jealous… Don’t try to get between a parent and their child’s relationship.


I put a stop to my man letting his 10 year old daughter sleep in his bed. I didn’t think he would do anything but I found it inappropriate and plus I didn’t want his ex to end up making accusations towards him. She even asked one time if she could sleep in the bed with him and me that was a definite no. Her no definitely would if flipped shit and probably made accusations on me.

Mamas Uncut can we get an update on the child’s age?


I wish the actual person who posted this mess wasn’t anonymous so u could click on their profile to see if they look as stupid as they sound :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::tipping_hand_woman::tipping_hand_woman:


you sound very concerned,gut feelings are sometimes the best detectives,pay close attention to what’s going on,it could be all innocent

My grandma is Japanese and at 29 I would still be expected to sleep with her if visiting and we would jump in the shower together a lot until she moved away. I think they will decide when it is time. That’s her dad and you need to learn to share.


This isn’t even your child why do you think you can have a say so in what he chooses to do with HIS child? :joy::woman_facepalming:


Well i hope he dont marry you


Maybe your a bit… dare I say jealous? You want to share the bed with him without kid interruptions? I mean dare I say it… do you feel she’s being a “c*** block” ? I mean I have more questions then answers.


My 9 year old son still sleeps in my bed


You don’t know this woman up bringing. Maybe due to circumstances in her childhood, she felt a need to ask this question, because she really didn’t know. Going too Authorities. could cause trouble for a potentially innocent man. Maybe she had no one to turn to.


My 19 month old is cuddled on top of me …issue? :thinking:


How old is the little girl?

Some families are just close, just because he is a man doesn’t mean he isn’t allowed to do the same things moms can do. Especially if he is the sole parent.


My daughter has her own full sized bed that she’s never slept in. :person_shrugging: She’s 2.5 and I’m not too worried about it. Have your own kids then you’ll understand.


I’m assuming this is his daughter from another relationship. Meaning he doesn’t get to see her all the time… there is nothing wrong with a dad or a mom who sleeps with their kid. Especially if they don’t get to be with them all the time. He’s your boyfriend, so she’s not even your step daughter. Obviously the mother is comfortable with her daughter going to her dad’s for overnights, so if the mom isn’t concerned, then what’s your issue? Sounds like you’re jealous. As for the shower, my husband is my daughter’s step dad and he will sometimes sit in the bathroom with her and help her with her hair. She’s almost 10 now, so it’s not very often that she needs help, but if she does, and I have my hands full, then he will go in there and help her with her hair or get a towel for her or help her if she gets soap in her eyes. Hell, if she’s just wanting to talk while she’s in there, then he’ll sit in there and they’ll just chat. But obviously you’re not dealing with a case of “mom isn’t in the picture so I’m the only mother figure she has”.


Salty much :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Sounds like a tad of jealousy. That little girl will always mean more to her dad than you could ever dream to be … That’s how it is . Kids grow up , soon she won’t wanna lay down with daddy . He’s doing what any dad who truly loves his daughter would do ! Cherishing that time regardless if it bothers you …
next time don’t go with men who have kids if you can’t handle it


You sound jealous. I let my son who is 5 sleep with us sometimes. It’s not a big deal. His child came before you, and will always be put 1st. Remember that. Maybe try dating someone without a child if this is how you get


My son is 8 and he can climb in with he’s mamma anytime he wants to, I have to do his hair wash for him otherwise it wouldn’t get done! Think unless you have a valid reason to think it’s strange then your just being daft! It’s her dad

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Jealous big time it seems

It’s her dad🙄 You just sound jealous because your not the only one getting attention stop sexualizing the relationship this child has with her dad I slept with my dad up until the time I was 12 when him and my mom split up no reason other than I was scared to sleep alone when I was with my mom I’d sleep with her. What might be weird to you might be normal to them get over it!


His child is 2. So this is obviously a jealousy issue. If you never believe anything else in your life believe this. Get back on you side of the line you are out of bounds. Unless he is harming his child you need to step off and get over the jealousy or you will be out the door. He sounds like a good dad and you will be gone before she ever will. Just a heads up also. They need help with baths for years. Dating as a single parent is probably really hard and you are not helping. Grow up Peter pan.


My 4 year old son still gets in bed with me if he has a bad dream, and if we are going out anywhere I will save time by jumping in the bath or shower with him. I dont think there is anything wrong with it at all. It’s called being a good parent. If my son is poorly I will often put him in my bed anyway, he is asthmatic and it means I can monitor his breathing. So according to that woman am I doing something wrong ? No didn’t think so


My 6 year old son showers by himself now but up until he was almost 6 I had to wash him because he wouldnt clean his ears or privates properly and always half rinsed his hair :woman_facepalming: I still go in and check because if I dont sometimes he doesnt even use soap :rofl: all kids are different. He has never slept in my bed (besides when he has nightmares or is sick and wants cuddles). Every kid is different. Sounds like you’re worried that something inappropriate is going on but if it is/was you would be able to tell. Try not to over think it but keep an eye out for signs

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My kids know they are welcome to jump in my bed anytime…to talk or watch TV with me. But once bedtime rolls around they have their beds.

How old is the child?

I would say 5 with baths but my son is 10 and still likes to sleep with us sometimes :person_shrugging:

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Here’s a reality check for you sweetheart- that man will love his daughter more than he will ever love you. Let that sink in.


No no grown man sleep with his daughter not after 4


My 3 year old still sleeps with me every night I love my little monkey :heart: And bath time she needs help… she’s too little to take a tub by them selves.


I used to nap woth my dad when i was little. My step mother (she was also extremely physically abusive to me and my brother…my dad divorced her when he found out) threw a HUGE tenper tantrum about it when i was 7… She literally told me “you are to fucking old to be slewping with your dad, its disgusting and not right and im the only one who should ever be in that bed besides him” my dad was my best friend and i still look up to him. I was just a little innocent girl wanting cuddles from my daddy.
Our 4 year old son mostly sleeps with me and our 8 lonth old girl mostly sleeps with my husband. It’s just what they prefer and what makes them sleep comfortably and we don’t mind at all.

Children look to their parent for comfort. My son slept in my bed until he was about 5 (still would but he’s a terrible bed partner). My daughter and younger son do now. They don’t want to be alone any more than you do. Assistant with showers should continue until you feel like they can clean themselves good enough on their own. They have to be taught how to properly bath. My son is 10 and I still have to get onto him for not bathing good enough sometimes and threaten to go in there with him. Should my husband be conerned about me? Men have been given such a bad name by perverts that when a dad is being a great dad he’s accused. I don’t know details to your story but just from the small context, let him be a dad.


Uhm… my son slept with me until he was 4 and still climbs into bed with me to snuggle sometimes. No different for him with his daughter.


Lol…my 18 year old daughter is crashed out in my bed right now


How old is she? Bc I’ve came across dads obsessed with their daughters and the shit is weird

Everybody is ignoring the shower part!!! If she’s old enough to take actual SHOWERS, he should NOT be washing her up. Idc


She sounds like a ugly hearted step mom


I definatly sgouldbt be giving anyone advice on the sleeping topic - my kids slept in bed with me until well into the double digits, and no one could tell me different either! Lol
Showers - once they were around 4 or 5 yrs old, I let them do it themselves with some help with hair (epesially when its a little girls hair or if u have a boy with long hair etc…) and rising… .and as they catch on, giventhem a little more freedom as they prove they deserve it…

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In my opinion, a man shouldnt sleep in the same bed as his daugnter after 2…

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Or even fucking shower with her thats just wicked

Kids are only kids for so long… seriously sounds like your the one that has the issues…that is purely a horrible person that tries to stop a child wanting to cuddle with their parent for the night my sister slept with my mother off and on until the day she went to collage…there are other rooms and other times for you two to get close and personal…as for showers I still have to help my five year old boy shower and I’m sure I will be for a few years to come…you let that man be a good Daddy because so many kids don’t have that privilege.


Oh gosh I hope he gets rid of you. You sound jealous and if he married you, you would make that little girls life hell.


This shouldn’t weird you out. It comforts children to be close to parents.


What? It’s his daughter. I let my son sleep in bed with me on his nights at my house. I kick my partner to the couch. Showers my son is 4 and he just needs help washing hair and drying unless he’s covered in dirt or paint etc…

My daughter co slept with us 10 years…shes almost 15 now

You should know if there is a problem.

You havent stated how old his daughter is… If she wants to have a cuddle with her dad whats the problem? he might want to help make sure shes understanding how to keep her hygiene up… Im struggling to understand the problem? Its not his step daughter?! People are so quick to jump on the paedo wagon (which i can understand to an extent) if hes a single dad in full time care of his daughter what can you expect? She will get to an age where he has to explain to her about ‘the birds and the bees’ periods/pubity etc… If you have that thought about him around his daughter… Thats your fault not his and if so why are you still ith him :person_shrugging::woman_facepalming:


We need to know her age to really comment on this . If she is below 5 it’s ok they need help 6 and above not so much .

My husband and his daughter co-slept until we moved in together as did me and my daughter they were both 4 at the time we started to move them out of our beds lol. Now they are both 7 and still sometimes come hop in bed with both of us or just him or just me, (usually in the morning) but seriously he is their daddy and I’m their momma. Nothing wrong with it. Yes we are a blended family but we are a family and my step daughter is my daughter just as much as my bio daughter is my daughter. Just as his step daughter (my bio) is his daughter just as much as his bio daughter. I think you need to get your head checked if you really have a problem with him taking care of his 2 year old. And good for him for helping his baby shower, I still help my girls and so does my husband if I’m not at home! They still need help. They are just kids. They always ask for either of us to help them. It would piss me off if my husband didn’t participate in taking care of our kids. Do you also get mad when he feeds her? Or when he puts appropriate clothing on her for the weather? Oh the horror a good dad🙄 I think you need to be with someone who doesn’t have kids. 2 years is old is a baby still!

If she wouldn’t think it’s weird if it was the girl’s mother doing it then she needs to stop with being upset that the father is doing it. Yes there is some bad fathers out there that are inappropriate but that’s not what she’s talking about. What she said is just a dad being a dad. I hope he dumps her fucking ass.

So it’s ok for a mom to cosleep with her son but not ok for a father and daughter I dont understand this


When I was little and I went to stay with my dad on the weekends I slept in bed with him all the time until I was like 8-9. I don’t think it’s weird


So. This is Awful. Sounds like a Bitter Step mom. My Son is Fixing to be 2, We take baths, We shower and sleep together. He is a Momma’a Boy.
I dont care If I’m 80 years old and my son is 60 with a wife and kids and grandkids himself. My lap, My bed and my chest will always be His #1 Resting Spot.
As For Showers, Once The child is able to Start telling you what Body parts You and them have and What they do. (Like his peepee gets hard when he pees.) Then cut off Showering together.
But Sitting in there and HELPING? May Need to do that till 9 or 10. (My brothers were all afried to wash there hair till 10 that’s why I’m saying so old.)

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It’s his daughter. My daughter is going to be 3 and she still loves to sleep with me and her dad. Her dad also still helps her with baths or if we are in a hurry me or him washes her off in the shower (he isnt in the shower with her, just standing outside the curtain to help her wash herself) but he has never been undressed in front of her. I dont think there is an age limit to cosleeping but I’m unsure about the bathing part cuz I havent reached that part yet in my parenthood.

Depends on the age and they way they are together. Some people are just very close. Being a victim of sexual abuse from my father id definitely feel weird about it. But i try to give benefit of doubt. I would simply ask him why he does these things and go from there .

Sounds like a good Daddy to me. A man that takes good care of his children is a real man. When you should worry is when they’re not involved with their kids. A good father is a good man #respect


I help wash my son’s hair so he doesnt stink… And geta all the soap out…He washes his own privates… And not once do I sit there thinking about him in an inappropriate manner… All the ladies on this post sexualizing children is sickening. From the OP it just sounds like she thinks the girl is old enough to not want/need to cuddle her daddy…if she lives with dad, she probabaly doesnt have mom around often or at all… Which usually means life hasnt been great. Let her be a kid, and let him love his daughter…

If you think more is going on idk why you would even be with him… And you need to report it. If not, you should be cuddling her too, she just wants to feel comforted and loved the same way most of us do. Dont treat it like a competition… If he is a good man you will never win.


That’s HIS daughter. As long as he isn’t being inappropriate with her, it’s fine. Sounds a bit like you’re jealous actually, tbh :woman_shrugging:t2:


I teach my kids to wash themselves supervised at age 2. I wash their hair until age 4 and then supervise that. At age 6, they shower unsupervised. Cosleeping is a personal preference.

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My ďaughter sleeps with her daddy sometimes on weekends. My kids both take turns sleeping with daddy. 5 and 3

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Any age is off limits to me. Now days you can’t trust anyone.


my child will sleep with me as long as he wants too. he’s 4 now & i know he’s not leaving my bed anytime soon. i don’t see why you’re making a mountain out of an ant hill. it’s not that big of deal. be thankful he takes care of his kid.


My almost 15 year old son was feeling terrible the other night and just wanted his mama so he slept with me. What’s the big deal? They’re your kids? I still sleep with my mom when I go home. I’m 43.


Well I think you should mind your business. Not your kid. :woman_shrugging:t3:


my boyfriend has 2 girl 12 yrs and 8 yrs they love sleeping with him and he stays with them alone so I guess the is no problem

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My 6 year old daughter still sleeps with me.


Fan adds

If you can add an edit to this I’d appreciate it…

Daughter is 7, he also stays in the bathroom the whole time she’s showering in case she needs help… wouldn’t have so much of a problem with it if he treated his 8 year old son the same but he doesn’t allow him to sleep in bed with him or be there to help him in the shower. And everytime we sleep in the same bed he wakes up with morning wood. :roll_eyes: he says it happens to him every morning. I’d personally be appalled if my daughter came home from her dads experiencing something like that


Depends on how old she is and how often but once in awhile kinda regardless of age is ok to me. Sometimes a little girl just wants extra daddy cuddles or had a bad dream.

He doesn’t ALLOW him or he doesn’t want to? If he’s older that would make the girl the baby, so babying her would be understandable. The kids are different. I’m sure that if his son needed help he would come to the bathroom and help him.


Guys do that every morning. :roll_eyes: it has nothing to do with her.
If you’re so concerned walk in randomly when hes in the bathroom with her with random stuff to say. If nothing is going on you literally have no right at all to even bring this up to him. It’s not your children nor place.


I slept with my my mom on and off until like 13 yo. If we stay in a hotel sometimes we share a bed then too depending on if its just us or the whole family (me mom bf and kids)
As far as showers I would say whenever you know she can shower herself like 5-7yo. My son will be 3 and I sometimes will let him in the tub himself anf just leave the door open so I can hear him

My son is 8 1/2 he sleeps with us on the weekends and I always pop into the bathroom and check on him while he bathes.


Yea you’re definitely not overreacting, being jealous or anything along those lines. This is gross… especially since he doesn’t treat his other kids the same way and playing favoritism. My dad used to do this with my sister. Wouldn’t allow me in the bed. Let alone the room. He stayed in the bathroom with her and even washed/dressed her… years later we find out he was molesting my sister and myself from ages 3-13). When we reached puberty and got our period (in my case 12)he stopped.


My son turned 7 last month and he only started to sleep in his bedroom 2 weeks ago. I got used to sleep w him but he karate kicks my husband at night so was time for him to go and be independent but he was ok with his on bedroom, uf he was upset I think he would stay there, now my daughter never really slept w us, they are twins so since they were born they slept on their own room :slightly_smiling_face:

I coslept with all 3. My first 2 kinda phased out at age 5. My 3rd lol is 6 and tells her dad that the bed is hers and mommy’s :rofl: as far as showers…I never really got in to that. That’s my time to relax and have a minute to myself.

Really I’m pretty sure a majority of men get that in the morning has nothing to do with being sexual with his daughter. Wth is wrong with you. Why are you acting like there’s a huge problem when there’s nothing wrong. The son’s older he probably doesn’t need as much help and some girls have long hair that requires help from their parents. I’m sure if there was something going on the daughter would be acting weird and being saying something to her mother which you are not. Stop being hating on his relationship with his daughter. Sounds like your trying to find ever excuse to make him sound like a horrible person when he’s just being a dad. Leave him and let him be with a woman that’s going to see him being a great father others than a pervert like you are.


Not all men are sickos !! It’s his daughter for God’s sake !! Unless you have seen any unusual behaviour then I suggest you keep you opinions to yourself !! I have been with my man for over 20 years and he is the best dad in the entire world !! He is the calm while I’m the storm !! If you don’t trust your partner in bed with his OWN daughter then maybe you need to leave !! Because guess what … he will chose his daughter before you that’s for sure :+1:t2:


Co sleeping is comfort and not rude. I stopped showering with my son when he realised we had different bits.at about 4 he realised and asked where my noodle was lol so that was the end of that for us.


I let my daughter sleep in my bed longer than my son simply because my son would take up the entire in his sleep and kick. My son showers with the door open by himself but my daughter who is 8 showers by herself but either me or my bf go in and do her hair and to be honest usually he does her hair because it hurts my back to do it. Both can clean themselves but my daughter needs help to make sure her hair gets done. My son doesn’t have hair like she does. Which is probably the same with them.

Not all kids are the same.

As for the morning wood it happens to all guys. Including fucking little boys ever change a baby boy’s diaper in the morning? It’s the rush of blood not anything else. Get your mind out of the damn gutter. If the kids mother doesn’t see anything wrong then leave it be.

You really just sounds jealous.

My 3 yr old still sleeps with his daddy at his house and sometimes with me at mine. Same with my 7 yr old and 10 year old. My 10 year old is a boy and loves sleeping next to me he even cuddles with me.

Jealousy is an ugly trait. Especially when you act jealous of someone’s child. They will always come first.


Most men wake up with an erection and get them several times throughout the night. It’s nothing sexual. Shows that there’s healthy blood flow. I’d ask questions in a nonchalant manner. Why he stays in with her. Has she had a bad fall in the shower before. There could be viable reasons. The son may not want to sleep with his dad. This post is too vague. Have an open discussion with him without making any blatant accusations. You’re going to get so many different opinions on here. You won’t know anything unless you ask. If you think it’s something like he’s molesting her then the fact that you’d stay with him and share a bed with him is kinda shitty too.

I slept in my moms bed till I was in Highschool lmfao and showered with her till I started middle school :woman_shrugging:t3:


Some of you women have some serious mental issues. Quit sexualizing children. Quit making problems where there are none. Let a good dad be a good dad.


I had to help wash my daughter’s hair for more years than I had to help my boys. The difference was about two feet of hair…it’s a freaking chore. Oh and if the weather’s acting up or a movie got em sideways…I could end up with all 3 in the bed!

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My sons 7 also I still wash his hair and make sure hes clean when he bathes lol. I’m not doing wrong so why is the dad?

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His child. If he wants to co sleep his choice. I have a 4yr old boy and 2 yr old boy still in my bed and a 1yr old girl too.

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To be honest I’m getting worried about the state of your daughters hair because I’m reading a lot of comments saying they don’t help their girls shower after like 5. Like sorry that hair must be dirty and a rats nest.


If your worried he is doing something to her then id say something or look for other signs but if its just hes giving her extra attention then i wouldnt be upset. I think you probably know best if something isnt right cause we have no idea your family or how he is. Personally kids should know how to bathe by 6 or 7 and my kids do not need my help with it or sleeping in same bed. I think occasional its ok reguardless but it seems your worried about a little more than just attention?

Idk every child and parent relationship is different. My daughter is close with her daddy so I would expect him to help her and bathe her until she is maybe 6 or 7 and it wouldn’t bother me. That said, i wasn’t close with my dad and i was molested at a young age by family, so I was cautious for myself and I don’t trust many people with my daughter. But my fiance I do trust because that is his baby too. So it depends if I didn’t see any molestation or if the 7 year old didn’t say something about it, I would say it is ok.

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It is his kid. He will decide


Helping in shower and showering with it 2 diff things from what I went back and read hes only helping her not with her. Shes 7. I mean my 7 yr old son wants me to wash his hair for him still and help him in a bath!!! So what!!!