Who should have to replace the IPAD screen?

You should pay for it. You allowed him to take it outside.


You should not hold the other family responsible, it was your decision to let your child take it outside, that to me is just asking for trouble…they offered to pay, great, I wouldn’t expect them to cover it 100% it was nice they even offered…ultimately it is a loss that could have been prevented…


Did I see this from the other perspective :thinking: the other day.

Honestly it’s your responsibility. You allowed him to take it outside. That alone is irresponsible. For future reference, get a good case and screen protector, and its an inside toy not an outside toy. Learn to protect your investments and teach the same to your kids.


If their mom agreed to pay for it, then she needs to pay.

Your kid brought it outside for the friend to use and you didn’t stop that. It’s your responsibility.


If someone else breaks something It is the kid’s responsibility to at least contribute to fixing it or pay for the entire thing considering THEY broke it. Not having the person who broke it take responsibility will only teach the kid they’re immune to consequences for their actions and create an adult who doesn’t respect other people’s things. Their kid broke it and is the one who is responsible for breaking it regardless of being outside. I can’t believe how many people on here are placing the responsibility on the mother, shows what kind of world we live in. Kids need to learn lessons about responsibility, not parents. Shame on all of you. If the child’s parents refuse to take responsibility for their child’s actions and have them use his allowance toward paying for it then the responsibility transfers to your child who allowed the kid to play with it. The hard lesson here for your child is don’t let anyone use/borrow something you cannot afford to replace because the majority of people have no honor or integrity and won’t take responsibility for their actions. No wonder we live in a world where people are destroying everything and shirking responsibility left and right.


I think you need to take this as a opportunity to teach a lesson on why money is not more important than friends. It’s hard as parents to realize that we should teach them accountability for themselves. You gave permission. He gave it to his friend to play. There apparently is no supervision there? That’s not a outside toy. If you want a expensive item to remain intact, common sense says that you don’t give it to a child that take outside.


I agree with the dad your son shouldn’t have brought it outside. Chance you take


Just forget it, get a new one and no more sharing it

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You should pay for it. Or make your son do chores to pay for it. It’s your iPad and your responsibility. Should have paid to have a good case and a screen protector :woman_shrugging:t2:


That would be like if my son wanted to take his switch outside that’s a heeeell no it stays inside in his room. If my son took it out and it got broken that would be my fault and I’d replace it but I’d never let it leave the house.

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Its on you. You shouldn’t have allowed him to take it outside

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Yah - I take all electronics away when kids are here because they should be playing with each other and not on electronics - you should soak this up as a lesson learned and pay for it! They shouldn’t have had it outside or playing on it honestly! Sorry

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IMO, it shouldn’t have been outside. I think you should pay it

I had 4 kids and these things come along with childhood. The other mom Should pay for it then use this as a teaching moment for her son. Then have her son “work” off the debt. People need to teach their children that they are responsible for their actions inthe world.

I’m with the dad in this one. Ipad outside expecting it to Not be broken = STUPID.


As much as they should pay for it,it was a group accident….so split it ?

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Just pay for it and go over the rules of use with your child so there isn’t a next time. Sorry you and your kiddo are going through this, I understand the expense sucks, but hopefully everyone learns from the accident❤

Electronics don’t belong outside. Your fault for allowing it.


Here’s something that may not be fun to hear: it’s not your neighbor’s responsibility to pay. You are the adult party, you knowingly allowed your child to take the device outside, and if the use of the said device wasn’t being properly supervised, that’s on you, too. You’re lucky the neighbor even offered to pay, as it truly was not her fault that your child handed hers the device that was broken. And since I’m assuming your child is still a minor, then, again, you are the responsible party.


I covered half when this happened to me. My kid was playing with it, but their kid made it a game of tossing it to each other. But this is why I recommend cases and screen protectors on ALL devices.

Also I didn’t see where you said you allowed your son to take it outside.

As soon as kids come to our house they go straight for my kids tablets. I don’t allow the tablets outside and when I know other kids are around I put them up. My kids are hard enough on them and I don’t want another child breaking it just for this reason.

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The OP never stated that she gave her child the Ipad to play with outside. For all we know he snuck it outside. If it was my child that broke it I would pay half. My child should know better. But ghosting someone instead of having an adult conversation is childish.

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If my kids had broken it i would of paid. However i dont agree that you let them play with it. Anything expensive & breakable shouldnt be brought out for everyone to play with.


So you let your kids take the tablet outside the home KNOWING he had friends over AND they were all outside as well. Surprised it fell and shattered the screen. All this while they are under your care and supervision??
And now you’re expecting his parents to pay the full price to replace the screen??
Nope. This is :100: your fault and should be your responsibility to pay for the screen replacement


I wouldn’t fix it at all. Your kid allowed the other kid to play with it and outside. I would def would not have the other parent pay. They had no say over the situation. Your kid should just learn a lesson and be out the iPad. Or you pay for the repair. It sucks it got broken but it was his responsibility to make sure it was played with safely and he took the risk by sharing it with no adult permission


Its on you because you allowed him to take it outside


This is on you 100%.


Sounds like it was an accident. It should’ve never went outside unless you where going to watch them


Your son allowed him to play with it outside. Your responsible for it and your son. The kid accidentally drops it. Nice thing would be for the other family to contribute to paying for the screen. Experience of learning a hard lesson…but also suggest a hard cover if you are going to use it outside.


It’s technically ur fault, u pay its ur kids iPad


Just fix it and don’t allow your child to take the outside for other kids to play with, kids drop things, adults drop things. It wasn’t on purpose.


It is definitely your responsibility to pay for the repairs of your sons iPad. For one, you should have never let him take it outside. Kids have accidents all the time. My son has had his iPad since he was 7. He’s almost 14 now… He has never had a case or protector on it or for it. He is also never allowed to take it to friends houses. Because of us parents sticking together and standing our ground it, it has never broke. Not one single crack in it. So I can agree with the other kids father being upset that you even let the thing outta the house. I can see why you’re upset with her ghosting you and that’s justifiable. But you both need to be adults and talk it out.

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Sorry son shouldn’t have taken I pad outside while playing accidents happen to easy maybe both families could share half of it just a suggestion good luck :+1:

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Your kid brought the tablet outside. You fix it


If you want to keep a relationship with your neighbors I would just let it go. But in future no ipads outside


My kids aren’t allowed their tablets or phones outside while playing with friends and if something happened I wouldn’t blame the other kid or parents. I’m not taking that chance and if I do then thats on me imo


Yeah you should have never let him bring it out or we’ll that’s just my opinion. I don’t let my daughters play with theirs outside.


This one’s on your kid. He knew better.


That’s on ur kid n you for bringing it outside


In my opinion it’s on you. You let your kid take something like that outside.


You pay for it because your kid shouldn’t have taken it outside. :woman_shrugging:


Uh… just buy it. Shesh.

Fix it yourself. It should never have been outside!


Your son took it outside let the other kids play with it sorry but that’s your fault… my daughter TRIES to take hers outside and NOPE! because if something like this happens it’s her fault for taking it outside she knows better and my responsibility to fix it not the other moms :woman_shrugging:


You are the one that let your kid take it outside!!! Sorry but it’s on you!

It should NEVER of been allowed outside! Your fault! But kids will be kids, so you making someone else pay for your things because of your poor decisions regardless of the fault is just ridiculous. They are KIDS! I would NEVER ask a kids parent to pay for something that accidentally happened at my house. Not even a broken window! But nevertheless, Your fault not his, you putting the blame on a child for your wrong doing. Great parenting


It’s your fault your sons fault and his friends fault but mainly yours for letting him take it outside

There’s nothing legally you can do to make your neighbors pay if that’s what your really asking. All the kids were at your house, supposed to be under your supervision. If something gets broken when they are supposed to be under YOUR supervision then it’s your fault


Why should a kid have an ipad?

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Your child’s fault for bringing it outside…


I would say your responsibility


I think it could of been suggested to pay 50/50. As that would have been fair to you and the other parents. (They didn’t give permission or agree to be responsible for your sons IPad. Sounds like they didn’t even know until the incident.)


Your tablet, your child, your home, your responsibility.


Let the issue go. Life is short and friendships are scares.

You let him go outside with the I Pad so it’s kinda on you


Never let your children take their high ticket items out to play or nowhere where they’re left unsupervised.


Your son took it outside, Shouldn’t of been out there. Yours to fix.
I have a screen protector over my sons ipad for instances like this.


My sons Ipad is insured €24 for two years if he broke it or smashed the screen 50 times in one day he will always get a new one he’s 3 !but if he braught it outside it would be he’s fault as everything stays in my hse !

I don’t let any of my sons kid cousins take any of our electronics outside. That’s on you.

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Your iPad, your cost,

Well the mom shouldn’t have offered to fix it, so I understand the frustration on that part. I do agree with the other ladies though, the iPad should have never been outside. If the other kids were in ur house however, then that would have been a different story

How old are these kids? Your son should know better than to take an expense Ipad outside for someone else to play with.

I’d say they should offer to pay half.
It was your fault/your child’s fault the iPad was outside
However the actual drop was the other kids fault.


That’s all on you but it’s cheaper to but a new one then try to fix it

His iPad, his responsibility.

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I would never ask a kids parents to pay for something their child broke under my watch. That’s tacky and I wouldn’t want my kids in and around your kids either for fear. Sorry but hard lesson to learn


Dude, your son took it outside.


This happened to my daughter with her phone. Her belongings are her responsibility if she allows someone else to hold/play with her things then that’s her responsibility. We DO NOT allow electronics outside (outside of phones ) for this exact reason. Unless it was a malicious act I’d never except another parent to pay especially knowing our rule is electronics are for INSIDE


It is your fault for allowing that iPad to be used outside. Let it go! No need for more problems and this affecting your kids friendship with others.


Sorry dear, you allowed it outside. Your bill​:confused::revolving_hearts:


Split the cost? I mean she offered to pay but maybe just say you’ll split the cost. If it were my son though who took it outside with his friends it’s still on me. I have rules about who and when and where it can be used. How old are these kids? 12 or younger then it’s really your responsibility. Little kids shouldn’t be taking it outside without any supervision or at all for this reason.


I would be upset with my kid taking the iPad out the house and let another kid play. We wouldn’t be fixing it any time soon as a lesson. Same as blowing a pool up and letting a bunch of kids play. Doesn’t matter who made a hole or popped it. That’s what you risk taking it outside and sharing with others


technically, your son really is at fault, He brought it outside, The fact that the other kid, unfortunately dropped it, that was a accident. If your son didn’t bring it out, none of this wouldn’t have happened. Again it was a accident,


That would make it your son’s fault

Take your lick….or just claim it on your homeowners insurance….if you have some.


First off, the other mom should have never offered to fix it in the first place. And secondly, you honestly don’t have your kids iPad in a protective case?! And last, you allowed him to take it outside to play with? Really?


Your fault the iPad was outside.

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Nope, that’s all on you. You’re son took it outside, your son let his friend play with it. All on YOU!! I don’t blame their parents, not wanting their son to play with yours.


I would never expect the friends parents to pay. If it was my kid . They would be without.:woman_shrugging: they took it outside knowing the risks. Rules at my house if u dont want something broke by someone else playing with it you keep it up… u take something somewhere and u lose it, break it or forget… dont cry to me about it


You because you let your kid take it outside to play with it. Show some responsibility, you’re supposed to be the adult.


Your son and you. Should not have taken it out.

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The kids dad is right. Smh! Ridiculous you would even ask the kids mom to fix it. YOUR child took it outside YOUR home under YOUR supervision with no cover screen protector?


Maybe ask her to pay what she can afford? She prob didnt realise the cost.
Can you claim on insurence?
Kids drop things. Why wasnt it in protective case?
If the friend threw it it be a different case.

The boys are ones whos lost out on a friendship over an accident. As upsetting as it is

You should pay for it. How ridiculous! The kids not done it on purpose! I get it’s frustrating but no


Seeing as she offered to fix it without you asking 1st and her child broke it she should pay for it, but chances are she won’t now that she knows the price. Looks like you’ll have to take the loss and fix it yourself. But this time I’d set rules for your son. Like the iPad can’t go outside anymore, it must stay in the house and no one is allowed to use it but him.

Sorry but your kid took it out side this is on your kid and you and iPad shouldn’t be outside it’s and inside toy

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He shouldn’t have taken it outside. If the friend pays half that would be a nice gesture but definitely not require.
It was your iPad, not in a protective case, that your son took outside. :woman_shrugging:

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Surely, you must’ve realized that it could be damaged when used by children outside without supervision? Kids aren’t exactly known for their grace and situational awareness. You allowed the IPad to be taken out of your house by your son, so he was responsible for it. Ergo, the onus is on you to pay for repairs, IMO. Cop it on the chin and chalk it up as a lesson learned for both of you.

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You should pay for it. Accidents happen and that was a risk you took when you let your child take it outside

It’s your fault. You let your kid bring it outside. You pay for it. If it were my kid? They’d be out an iPad.

I would not make any other parents pay for anything that was broken at my house unless the child did it intentionally. Accidents happen.

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Why didn’t you have it in a case? I would never allowed it outside to begin with. Your son should be learning a lesson and not getting it replaced anytime soon. Maybe that will teach him not to allow his friends to play with expensive items.

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It was your kids fault for taking it outside and not in a protective case tbh

You should pay for it. Accidents happen

Not the other moms responsibility. My kids know that when their friends are over they are responsible for all their own things as well as the messes left behind. If he was allowed to take it outside that’s on you and him alone.


You are responsible as it was your house and your son who took it out. It was a nice gesture on her part but I would nicely just tell them you are taking care of it and hopefully find a way to mend the boys getting back together.


It’s your responsibility because an iPad isn’t something that kids should be playing with outside let alone letting his friend play with it. I would never allow my children to take electronics outside when their friends came over because kids being kids there is a big chance that something will get broke. I don’t think the other family should have to be paying for it but I do think the child should apologize for it. I would defiantly tell my child no more taking it outside and if they were indoors I would tell them that there is other things that they could occupy their minds with, unless you plan on paying for something else that gets broke.

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