Who should wake up at night with baby?

Iv never asked my hubby to get up for baby because it is easier for me to just do it I hear baby when he first stirs hubby doesnt hear him at all in the time it takes me to get up and feed him and put him back down so to be fair if I asked him baby would wake me then I’d spend the next 20 mins nudging the husband and be awake anyway when I could have been up done and back in bed I’d rather he had a full night sleep for work and then he can help me in the day mamas are built for night feeds husbands are not haha they might say they will try as he did with our first once I never tried to wake him again haha I’m on baby number 3 now lol our hearing works differently to men we pick up on a babies cry as it’s a higher frequency and wakes us instantly so instead of thinking oh it’s unfair I tend to think how lucky am I I get to spend these extra few minutes that no one else does with this amazing little human I grew :slight_smile: it doesnt last forever embrace the night feeds dont hate them :slight_smile:

Takes 2 people to make a baby and also raise one… 50/50 all the way

We do both. Whoever wakes up first.

It is both I’d say for the most part. However, my husband did like 99% of the night time duty

If she’s breastfeeding it has to be her

Both! Both of you decided to be parents so both of you share the load. Of course there are special circumstances but id say if this is a problem you guys are facing then you both need to talk it out and come up with a solution for you both.

Depends on schedules. On my husbands days off he has baby duty. All the rest of the time it’s me.

If hes the only one getting up and going to a job the next day, then yes the mom should do the most times up in the night. If they both work outside the home, then alternating is a good option.

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Both are responsible for the child but if one has to work in the morning don’t wake him/her up if you don’t have to work the next morning but if you both work then take shifts getting up with baby

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I feel it should be both. But its always me.

Both kick him in leg scream I Will cut you. Not really but for real both mom and dad

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With our son, my husband worked night shift so I got up with him but I think once our daughter gets here, I’ll wake up with her because I’ll be breastfeeding and he can tend to our son if he wakes up crying.

Um he works and I take care of the kids. I would not expect him to get up during the night when he gets up at 4 am for work


My husband would wake for some feeds, and make a cup of tea for us while I fed baby, or change nappy after, team work :coffee::heart:


I always did, but hubby goes to work everyday! I wake up as soon as babies make a noise, my hubby almost never woke up to crying or any other noises lol

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If he care, he’ll wake up. Not just for your sake but just to be with the baby :woman_shrugging:

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Should be both but as i know & will always will take it as my responsibility. Never count on your other half.

I got up for all of mine every single time. My husband would never have got up. He once changed a nappy though :laughing: But I was a stay at home mum then and he went out to work so I didn’t mind.

It depends on the situation. I woke up with our kids because I was breastfeeding. We both work but if one of you stays home I would think whoever stays home should wake up. Otherwise I think it should be split.

Both you had it togeather

80 percent woman 20 percent mans. The woman is the one to breast feed baby and it is kinda pointless for the man to be awake just for the feeding ect. If the baby is bottle fed thats different unless the mom still has to pump ect then she has to be up anyway and again what is the point of both parents beening extremely exhausted. Its like getting up with a toddler at night. Its mostly moms job but if mom has been up all night and dad got say 5 hours already interupting his sleep to help a little isnt a horrible thing.but both parents being up all night ect… Its exhausting. And if one of them works and the other stays home the one who works may come to resent the one who stays home thinking they have it easier ect.

I think it depends on your living situation/Family schedule

If both parents work both … Husband should take over on weekends so mom doesn’t go crazy with no sleep if she stays home and dose it all week long …

Both!!! Definitely nursing mommas to get up and feed, but why not let daddy show his love and care for something he help create! Nothing makes a mommas heart melt more than watching her baby daddy get up and father their newborn together!!


Uhhh…last time I checked the only immaculate conception was Jesus Christ. In a MARRIAGE and in ALL things, chores, child rearing etc, BOTH parents should take responsibility. It took BOTH of you to make a baby it takes BOTH of you to raise said child. Sorry …but this shouldn’t even be an issue.


Wow! Just amazed at how many people think it should be a shared responsibility even if the dad works long hours and the mom is a SAHM. Any woman that doesn’t hold a job outside the home but expects her working spouse to get up with the kids in the middle of the night then get up at 4,5 or 6:00 to fully support the family is worthless😏


I’m a SAHM and my husband works long days so I’m the only one that gets up at night but he’s always willing to help with what he can nights/weekends which is really appreciated :heart: everyone’s circumstances are different though, do what works best for everyone!


The child is the responsibility of both parents. I however feel that the SAHM has the harder job & it’s never ending. Dad may bring home a paycheck, but he doesn’t have to work 24/7. Babies don’t allow for regular breaks, lunchtime & quitting time. If you’re lucky you sleep when the baby sleeps, if there’s time after cleaning, laundry & cooking. Dad can definitely be hands on, even with his “paying” job.

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Both. My husband would always hear their first little whimper and get them and change diapers if needed, then he would bring them to me for food. Then he would lay back down while I was nursing… and we’d all wake up together in the morning :joy:
He was a firefighter/paramedic, gone for 24-48 hours at a time which made me handle the babies (yes, twins) alone while he was gone. So when he was home, we’d share the duties. :heart:


It depends on the circumstance. I’m a SAHM and hubby works upwards of 60-80 hours a week sometimes more. So I was usually the only one who woke up in the middle of the night. But I didnt mind. He works so hard, the least I could do was give him as much sleep as possible.


Right now I have been the only one getting up with our baby because my husband has been having to get up at 1 in the morning for work and doesn’t get home until 9. I do not get paid maternity and my husband is working two jobs. I am also on maternity leave and can sleep during the day so I do not mind. When his hours change and he is home the majority of the night I would expect him to also help out. The child belongs to both of us and it should be equal under normal circumstances.

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I think whatever works best for you. My husband doesn’t have patience like that, so I got up with our daughter but if I wanted to take a nap he would take care of her.


If the man works and mom stays at home then I think out of respect mom should and dad can help in the evenings and on weekends


Both. With my last son, I did a lot because I knew he was my last baby, I wanted to enjoy those moments.:blue_heart::sweat:

Depends on what works for each specific situation. Definitely zero reason why BOTH cannot do the “job”

Whoever doesn’t have an outside the home job, then they should. If both work, then share the responsibility equally.


I’m a SAHM and my husband works outside of the home but he’s a better waker upper so he gets up with our babies then I’m rested and wake up earlier and let him sleep a bit uninterrupted so that he can be rested. It’s definitely a job for BOTH PARENTS. Otherwise, one will be exhausted.

If the husband works and you don’t then you get up with baby. If you both work share.

It really depends on your personal situation. In our case I am a stay at home parent while my husband gets up at 4am to head off to work. Monday thru Friday I wouldn’t dream of expecting him to get up with the baby.


My kids are grown & have their own kids, but I got up up solely until I went back to work and thinner alternated.

depends…if both parents work , then alternate, but if only the man works then the mother should be the one to get up, at least if she wants a home and food to eat.:relaxed::relaxed:

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I did and never expected my husband to do it. But if he’s a real man then HE WILL STEP UP and do it too. But if he works 40 hours or more and the mom doesn’t then of course it’s the moms job!! Kind of a dumb question tbh. With a lot of information left out.


Mom? Woman up! Hubs wants to help fine. Dont expect the man to do your job. Appreciate when he helps.

I think it should be both parents, but circumstances of the day can change who takes care of getting up with the baby.

I would say both unless one is a stay at home parent and the other works all the time then the stay at home parent should more

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Depends on who’s working…I take ALL kid duties since I am a sahm. Always have. But, if both parents are working, yall need to tag team that crap. Yall are a team for a reason…

It’s mostly been me to get up with our kids through the night. Depending on the situation he would help as much as he could.

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My husband has been amazing helping with our son. There were nights even after getting off work he would come in the house and immediately kiss me and then go straight to our son and play. He is always a big help with our son especially on days when I’m not feeling good due to current pregnancy but he gets up and takes care of our son even when he has to work the next day to let me get a little extra rest. But I make sure to get up at least 90% of the time so my husband can sleep for work due to him being a tow operator

My husband is the only one working I’m a SAHM so I get up with the baby also because I breastfeed and he takes care of our 2 year old

I did it by myself until i went back to work then we both did it.

It all depends who has to get up early the next morning,

I was a stay at home mom with a newborn n hubby worked 7-330 but we took turns every 2hrs because thats how often he would feed and hubby helped because by the wknd,I’d b exhausted! So I think both

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My husband works all night but when hes home he helps out as much as he can

Depends if father works mom dont then mom should dad can help on the weekends

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When my children were born my husband and I both got up

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Depends when she was really little we both did but now it’s just me, because he works

If they both work both need to get up,if one stays home then they need to get up with the baby

Why don’t you both? If you’re not breast feeding then one changes the diaper while the other gets the bottle ready and the one getting the bottle ready feeds.

Both take turns if you both work… And if only one works, let him or her sleep… Now my kids dad got up even tho he worked. It wasn’t my choice, he just did it.

Each parent should take turns

I got up with baby cause my husband worked. He always told me to wake him up and he would sit there with me but i couldnt bring myself to do that. I breastfed ao there wasnt much he could do

You didn’t make the baby by yourself, so…

If your husband work odd hours it’s the wife for me it was easy

My gorgeous loving husband always does :heart::heart::heart:

Both. My husband and I always took turns

Who the hell asks these questions :woman_facepalming:


Both should share in the responsibility!!

Both parents. That is all.

Well my husband work so I did. He did do it once in awhile but I felt bad

I think it should be both.

Both. But it never happens that way LoL

Lmao, “women’s responsibility”. Good way to get smacked lol. /s

I do bc my husband works and I dont

Both and if he loves you he would no questions

Should be both parents.

If you breastfeed then you should.

Whatever works best for YOUR family

I’m a stay at home mom and I think these comments are stupid. I get up at 5am my husband sleeps in until 7:30 on workdays. We go to bed between 11:30 and 12:30 almost every evening. I live off of 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 hours of sleep every day. Why does everyone think I should stay up all night and all day just because I don’t bring home a paycheck? Do people think stay at home moms do nothing all day and take naps? Ridiculous coming from other women. I can work circles around my husband all day.

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Took two to create. So if the father is still in the picture it should take two to raise, which includes getting up through the night to meet the child’s needs.

I don’t have the answer, with 2 of our girls I did everything was just cause my husband was.so busy working, but with his 1st born I breast fed, he actually attached her 2 me while I slept, then burped.her n put her 2 bed. I guess whatever works 4 u💖

My son works 2 full time jobs,he does drop off in the Am 6 to be exact he’s not even off the first job yet one is 6 days a week the other is 7 he works his body,my daughters in law breastfeeds& works a 8-430sit on ur ass job. She can do it,I’m not sorry…


I breast feed and I am a sahm …baby sleeps thru the night …but when he does wakes up …hubby like to get him…change diaper and just give to me to feed…he also likes to burp him when we done and sing and put him back to bed…every relationship is different…you have to talk it thru with ur partner


I breastfed. And never once had my husband wake up at night. I never understood the point of waking him up just to change a diaper when I have to wake up anyways. But my son has always been an amazing sleeper as well.


Sore subject. I would have liked help especially when my husband wasn’t working and I was so exhausted I couldn’t keep my eyes open while I nursed my son.

I’m a sahm. I’ve breastfed and used bottles. My husband works all day, but he still insisted on always helping. If we had introduced the bottle, he fed etc on a lot of nights. If I breastfed, he changed them etc, so I didn’t have to get up. He was so much help with all five so far.

Both unless you are breastfeeding and the baby wakes for a feed. Being a stay at home mum is just as hard as a man going out to work. They have to take care of the baby plus the house and do all chores as well as have a meal prepared for when partner comes home from work. Both parents are equally tired so I’d say both


Whoever can. My husnand and i did it based on who had to work rhe next morning or who had to wake up earlier or sometimes based on who was more tired. It changed day to day.

We are a dual working parent household so when my son was a baby he was formula fed and we took turns at night time feedings…why should only Mothers have to go to work tired


Both. Either I do, or we both do. I breastfeed and my husband will get up and change his diaper before handing to me. He’ll put him back in his crib after he’s done nursing. He’s 7 months now, but once he’s done nursing, we’ll probably fully alternate more.

I always got up with mine thru the week because i was home and hubby worked.
But on weekends…he was always off work…so one day id do the night and morning and the next hed do the night and morning…that way we each got at least one day a week to get a decent sleep.

My husband and I both got up with our babies. With our second child, I got up more because my husband was working 14 hours a day. We’ve shared everything from bottles, diaper changes, the colic walking!

Depends…breastfed obviously mom. Formula also depends. My husband is a truck driver and sometimes doesnt get home until 3 or sometimes later in the morning. Or he is getting home around 3pm and has to be back up at 2am. So its all going to be me. But if it was normal hours or situation…Both. Im also a stay at home mom so…

Both depending if you’re breastfeeding and the situation. I was a single mom that had to do it on my own. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Depends on the situation, I struggled with postnatal depression so often my husband would get up during the night but if he had an early start I would get up. We are a team so we work together to achieve our goals

Whatever works best for YOUR family is the answer. Everyone will have an opinion on this, but doesn’t mean it’s right for YOUR family. :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s an odd question… I guess I never really thought about it. I guess we both do. Whoever gets up first… but my babies always slept through the night so it’s hard to really know if we took turns like when they were sick or something

I breastfed, so hubs woke up to check/change her diaper, and then I fed her. I was inevitably the one up longer, but it was still nice to be a team and do it together.

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I got up with our 1st because i stayed at home. Our second i had to get up because he went to night shift. I do the majority because i stay at home

Im always the one who gets up. I stay home with the kids. And my youngest still naps so I have a chance to do the same. My hubby on the other hand is up by 5am, out the door by 6am and not usually home until 6pm (only because its getting dark earlier.)

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Stay at home mama and I breastfeed. I’ve been the one to get up with the baby. Why should my partner? He doesn’t have milk boobs. No reason to wake him up. Except the nights when I’m too lazy to bring him into bed with us. I nudge him awake to get our son from his crib. But that’s about it.

If you formula feed, or bottle feed, I think both should share the parental duties.