Why do men spend so long on the toilet?

have you asked your partners/husband/boyfriend why they spend atleast 30 mins in the toilet? my partner do it everyday. i’m curious on what he is doing though i have an idea… for the guys do you masturbate a lot everyday? specially if you don’t have sex life?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Why do men spend so long on the toilet?

I mean, I spend just as much time🤣 it’s usually phone distractions.


They are really full of shit.

My husband does. And it’s not for masterbation because we chat the whole time on msgnr :joy: So I’m still curious myself. Takes him 30 mins and me 5 lolol

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I don’t know mine is in there less than 10 minutes

It’s normally just them taking a shit and scrolling through Facebook :rofl::rofl: I think you’re reading into this way too much lol

My husband’s usually on YouTube or playing a game on his phone lol


I’m not saying it’s the case with anybody else’s man, but when my ex did this he was talking to other women lmao.

My current doesn’t spend that much time on the toilet, maybe ten minutes at most. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I spend about 25 mins on the toilet each time :rofl::rofl: even to pee. My phone is a ridiculous distraction hahaa. Tik Tok :rofl:


To run away from their responsibilities :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


My son takes ages in the loo to. Up untill recently he’d strip down naked to poo

Are we insinuating that he’s masturbating on the toilet? :sweat_smile: my hubby spends forever on the toilet because he’s trying to get out of childcare duties :rofl: he would never dream of trying to relieve himself in other ways because our kids bust in on him every 3 seconds to “show him something cool” or “tell him a funny joke”. Sometimes I even spend 30 mins on the toilet to get a break from the kids & read my book. I think you’re looking too into this…


My husband spends that long sometimes. Usually on his phone reading or looking at memes. We have three kids, it’s usually the only uninterrupted time he gets to just sit.


Usually phone distraction or maybe bowel issues ect. It’s different for everyone I would imagine. I don’t think it’s really something anyone should stress about. :woman_shrugging:

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They go in there for to get away from us and gather their thoughts :laughing:

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It’s their down time. Just leave them there.


They’re literally sitting on the toilet playing games watching clips on their phones… be it music videos, memes, fb scrolling, maybe porn but definitely not always… but mainly games lol

Haha my teenage son takes forever hahaha made him a sign :rofl::rofl::rofl:


My ex used to literally just take hour long shits :woman_shrugging:t2:

He says he doesn’t push cause he doesn’t want an aneurysm :rofl::joy:

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My 7 yo daughter just asked why daddy takes so long :rofl:
My husband says that the prostate makes it hard to poop.

I will spend that much time in there 2 get away from the dog lol

… Because we cannot enjoy the experience of giving birth, and it’s the closest thing that we can do… Just let him enjoy the moment. . … .


Take the phone away and see of he’s still in there for half hour :joy:


I’ve birthed an entire baby in less time than it takes for the males in this house to sh*t! :joy::joy::joy:


My husband takes forever on the toilet. He normally just sits there playing his app games.

Its called transition time…the mental break between work and home…wished I had one…


Mine does this but he watches tik toks during :rofl:

Most of the time it’s because I’m on my phone that I’m in the bathroom for a while otherwise if I don’t have my phone it’s rather short ordeal

If hes getting off so what. Everyone needs a release. You said especially if he dont have a sex life… Id be in that bathroom too!!

In our sons bathroom and the guest bathroom :woman_shrugging:t2::rofl::rofl:


It takes me 30 minutes to go number 2.

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Mine stays there but he is usually playing the hand held game.

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Ok. He’s not masturbating …

Have you ever known a dude who takes 30 mins to get off?!


They are gathering their thoughts,lol

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:laughing: We have 6 kids, I know why he’s hiding :laughing: We have a great s*x life as well…so I know he’s not (always) doing that in the bathroom :tipping_hand_woman: Just needs a damn break :laughing:

I think it gives them a mental break from over stimulation that may be happening outside of the bathroom. Also they get stuck on tictok lol

All their best ideas come from being in their office (toilet) and pulling themselves usually happen in the shower :shower:

I’m the one that takes for ever in the bathroom. My husband obviously strains when taking a shit. :laughing: I take my time because I don’t Wana get hemorrhoids and it’s my quiet place away from the kids

Not a guy but I scroll tik tok and fb :sweat_smile:

He’s probably just having a shit. Holy lol

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Abner Navedo answer pls time to explain yourself :woozy_face::rofl::rofl:

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Because they are sitting there reading their phone having their peace and quiet time…but the world ends if Mom does that. :roll_eyes: I’m lucky if I get to pee alone, let alone go number 2 lol.

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I know what mine is doing cuz he’ll choose that 30 minute toilet time to be when I’m getting a bath or shower or getting ready etc. And he sits on the toilet playing games and scrolling FB taking his sweet time pooping lol

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To get away from you

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Mines does this but it’s to watch people playing pool with peace and quiet :joy:

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I just assumed they were hiding from the kids like I do lol

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Why is the masturbation question only for the guys? :rofl:


My husband is on Facebook or Tik Tok just chillin lol

Morgan Greenwell lmaooo

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Well, he shits with the door open lol he is just on his phone. But I do the same thing. I spend way too long taking a shit because I’m on my phone lol.

My husband is 53 it takes him 10 mins to pee :joy:


Theyre on their phone playing games lol


It’s a man thing. Over 45 min might be a concern.

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He just spends it literally shitting. Only cause there’s been times I’ve been in the shower and he has come in to use the toilet and he sat there all through my shower shitting

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Why would you ask a question like that?

Probably just takes a lot of time to shit and they don’t like straining themselves lol that and they get distracted by their phone. If you think he’s doing something he’s not suppose to I suspect there’s more to the story than the amount of time he spends in the washroom.

Lmao I do it too and just play on my phone for a little break :woman_shrugging::rofl::joy:


Heck yeah. Love me some me time.

My partner I’m sure does it just to make me hold off longer especially if he drink night before

Mine plays chess on his phone … Or he has some sort of problem because he can be in there for over 30 min … His 13 year old daughter is the exact same but she’s usually scrolling through tiktok or Instagram

And it’s always right after supper when it’s time to wash, dry and put away the dishes. Lol

Other than reading magazines or playing games in their phone, I can’t think of anything else, unless they had Taco Bell!!! :woman_facepalming:t5::woman_facepalming:t5::woman_facepalming:t5::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Thank God my fiance is a fast pooper! Neither one of us like to sit in our stench long. We both get in and out… Unless there’s an upset stomach involved of course.

My partner said it’s because I spend so long in the shower and it’s our private time wheee our daughter doesn’t harass us :rofl:

My husband is on facebook, youtube, and watching videos. Also, he says it’s his quiet time and his alone time to poop in peace. He spends 30 minutes in bathroom. Sometimes even longer. lol.

My first and second exes, and my son spent ages on the toilet (even as a toddler it took him forever—really long colon maybe?). Maybe guys’ diets or exercise habits or constitutions are worse so it takes longer, or they don’t drink enough water so it’s tougher to get out. This was even before cell phones became ubiquitous and people took them into the bathroom.

My husband takes forever too. He says he likes to sit for a few minutes to make sure everything came out. He says if he doesn’t he’ll usually have to go again shortly after. I hear him watching TikTok’s and he typically sends me a few while on the toilet :joy::joy:

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We have phone bathroom buddies at our house. You give your phone to your bathroom buddy so u don’t spend 30 mins in the bathroom looking at tik tok​:joy::joy:

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I don’t want to know
What they do
As long as they spray air freshener

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Because, they like the sound of the toilet seat going flop, my husband will sit in there for ever reading or playing games on the toilet, then he wonders why his legs aches , I tell him, yes dummy, because you stay in there for 90 minutes or more,…sometimes guys do it to get peace from everything, it’s there man cave actually lol…maybe they are wacking it, or watching porn, just ask why he is in there so long…make it into a joke, …and if they are going number 2, tell him to do a courtesy flush and spray

That’s the best time to talk to them, they can’t escape :joy:


Or be on that phone with another woman like most do the bath room is there time to have an excuse they need to go to the bathroom


Even before phones became a big deal, I spent 30 minutes in the bathroom lol Reading and just being. Maybe he just needs to escape.


Cause we enjoy the peace and quiet. And facebooking and reading emails lol.

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I spend that long and with my ibs I can do that a few times a day. It’s usually with the first thing that I eat.


My fiancé poops fast and than sits there and gets distracted watching tiktok :joy:


Lol I’m the only girl in a house of five. Ages 6 14 16 36 and they all do this. Ug and they say women are bad.:rofl::joy::rofl:

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If you don’t have a sex life then probably watching porn n taking care of himself.

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My man takes forever aswell, he sits on his phone most of the time lmao as I write this I’m taken a :poop: :rofl::rofl:


Probably strolling social media in peace.

Decompressing lol on the phone watching videos/scrolling social media more than likely. I don’t mind, my husband leaves the door opened :woozy_face: or talks to me through the door.

Well mine spent so much time in there because he was texting other women, not saying your man is, but I found out mine was


Cause they won’t be bugged while in there.

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My dude just watched Facebook videos lol

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I spend 20-30 multiple times a day lol you are ridicul0us :roll_eyes: who gives a fuc what he’s doing? It’s his own private time. You sound like a controlling :triangular_flag_on_post:


Probably on his phone

Ask yourself that question. :joy::woman_facepalming:t3:

Mine spends most of his time looking at his damn phone :woman_facepalming:

Playing with their phone? Or they need more fiber in their diet if pooping takes that long.

To have quiet time without interruptions and play on their phone lol


Mine has no gallbladder it may hit him quick but it may take him a while to go.


My husband doesn’t know how to push his poops out. He says he sits there u til they fall out☠️


My man gets sucked into a game or tiktok :woman_shrugging:

I use to think that each time he went to the bathroom he was doing stuff like that- and it made our relationship very unhealthy and I was honestly toxic for it tbh.
But since learning how to trust in him and knowing that he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize our relationship- alot has changed.

(I dont see self relief as cheating- but I thought he was doing it to people he knew or cam sites or etc. Which wasn’t the case at all.)

Just ask him? Don’t accuse him of anything- just ask why it takes him longer to use the restroom than it does you?
I’ll be in the bathroom “pooping” for an hour+ just to get some quiet alone time won’t even be using the restroom either :woman_shrugging:

I’m the only woman in history who’s man is a “Shit or get off the pot” kinda guy. He goes in, he comes out. :joy:

I used to know a guy who liked to take snacks in there with him.


When men are quiet and thinking ,they don’t like to be observed…woman are always asking "what are you thinking ?"it’s the only time they don’t feel watched and analized

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Hell I spend time in there too, just to get away from the kids​:joy::joy:


Masterbating like they all do