Why does my boyfriend get mad over everything?

LEAVE!!! I promise he won’t change. I’ve been there.


That’s abuse hun, you need to go before it gets physical


Get the fuck out!!!

Don’t end up on a dateline episode. He sounds like a psycho get out now!


As a DV survivor, this is how it starts. Please get out now before it turns into something worse.


You need to leave NOW before he starts hitting you instead of the wall. My ex boyfriend started out this was. Then he started hitting me. Luckily I didn’t have him on my lease so he was easily kicked out. I packed up his stuff and took it to his parents while he was at work. My landlord changed my locks as I got an emergency OP and he was notified at his work. Best thing I ever did.

My current husband threw something in anger one day and hit the wall. I told him if he ever did that again the kids and I were gone. He got help and hasn’t done it since. I explained to him what happened to me and why I felt that way and he admitted he needed help with his anger and had always done that when angry. My hubby promised me he would never lay a hand on the kids and I in anger and never has. I told him if he ever did the kids and I would be gone and we would get a divorce because that is one thing I will not risk losing my kids.


Sounds like anxiety or possibly borderline bipolar disorder, look into these things and see if what he’s doing is similar. People that aren’t diagnosed for mental illness can show signs like this, if that is the case talk with him and tell him your concerns, gently. The first step unfortunately is him having to admit to himself there could be some kind of imbalance and see a doctor about it. A lot of people have a hard time with this and if there is something of the sort going on it will not change and could possibly get worse if not diagnosed and properly medicated. I am no medical professional but I do have a lot of experience with mental health for not only myself but others as well. I hope things work out for you, good luck :four_leaf_clover:

Leave. This doesn’t get better or have a happy ending.

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Girl You need to RUN and not look back

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It doesn’t get better. Leave.


If he’ll hit AT you, he’ll hit ON you too eventually. Leave, even if you think there’s nowhere else to go. There’s ALWAYS somewhere to go.


Red flag :triangular_flag_on_post: Leave and don’t look back. Next it could be you.


You have somewhere to go… away from him… you can’t see it, but you r a prisoner not taken care of. Anywhere - even in a shelter- is where u need to start.

Because he has undealt with mental health issues.


Get out you will become. A bbattered woman and trappy. Run for your life

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Leave now before you become his punching bag.


Leave. There is happiness out there for you. This is not it

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He sounds borderline… but what he has and why he does this doesn’t matter. Leave. He is a loose cannon.

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Start making an exit plan. Soon it wont be walls. It will be you he will be hitting.


:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post:
Won’t be long before he’s doing those things to you!
You are allowed to not answer him immediately bc your gonna get busy.

Hes a child that needs therapy and YOU can’t do that for him!

Run from that mess now before he hurts you physically, he’s already mentally hurting you

Leave…it won’t get better

Run and don’t look back


You shouldn’t have to feel that way in your relationship. That’s hella controlling. He should always respect how you feel especially when it comes to something like that. If your not in your relationship to help each other be better. Why are you even with that person? Me and my man are NO WHERE close to perfect. But we always push each other to be better versions of us. We have a child together and whenever one of us gets loud it’s never infront of her. He know I don’t like when he’d flip out like that and he stopped it. We learned to talk to each other. And listen to figure out a solution to the problem. My bf was kinda the same way. Gets mad about things he can’t control. No reason to stress over that shit

Living like that is not called a relationship it’s called hell!


Get rid of him it ll only get worse it s a major red flag.


RUN! RUN! RUN! It is better to struggle for a little while that to have to heal (physically, emotionally, mentally, etc…) for the rest of your life! Yes, I am speaking from experience and I am almost 50 yrs old! I stayed for 6 years in my early 20s. I still have issues with people getting angry!!!


Run fast as possible…He is not going to change…Next he punch you

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There are shelters for victims of domestic violence. Find one!! Just because you haven’t been the recipient of his physical outbursts YET, doesn’t mean you should wait until you are. It may be too late then. Make some calls, figure out a plan and GO!


He has not grown up. He has not learned to control himself. He needs therapy. If he wont’ go, you should.

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Run for the hills you do deserve better I’m sure there are organisations that can help you with housings or a shelter til you get yourself on your feet anywhere would be better than living with that type of behaviour

Sounds like he’s using drugs n doing this is while he’s coming off / down off them drugs!


You absolutely do deserve better. Please reach out to your local woman’s shelter.

Sounds like my ex-husband. I left him 5 years ago. Best decision ever!!! Good luck

Don’t stay with a NARCISSIST. Get out while you can before you get hurt. He’s a ticking bomb.


Find a way. Get out.

so very sad, a lot of us to do that unfortunately.

If your feeling like you need to walk on egg shells just to be safe​:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: girl that’s not healthy at all. Relationships are to be safe & your allowed to voice your thoughts without feeling as if your going to get it taken out on you!!! :running_woman: :running_woman: :running_woman: as fast as you can before your the next :dart:

Get out, and never look back

Theres a domestic abuse hotline. Find a shelter and go. Or make a plan save money and leave. It’s what I did. Believe me. They don’t change. And eventually it’s you that gets hurt not the objects.


I’d go, it’s only a matter of time before your body becomes those walls he’s punching.


Id get out while u can these are red flags eventually instead of punching walls or throwing objects hell being hitting u or throwing u around. Its best to go now before things become much more worse.

Ladies stop diagnosing people. As someone in the field this is why so many marriages and relationships end. People telling someone they should immediately leave. He may have many issues going on. It would be best to sit him down and have a serious conversation. Therapy, couples counseling. This does not mean he’s gonna hit you, this does not make him a narcissist, or gaslighting.
There is a lot to determine if someone has a mental disorder and the people on here don’t have a clue.

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Go to a women’s shelter. Please don’t wait until it gets worse and he starts hitting you. Of course you deserve better


You DO deserve better. His behavior is not normal.


Spoiled find anew boyfriend

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If he doesn’t admit he has an issue he will never change


Pretty soon you will be the punching bag.


If this is true you are stupid staying in that situation, if just looking for reactions hope you are happy

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Do not marry him. Gonna get worse

From experience. You think he loses control.
Honey, only with you. He doesn’t hit or threaten or yell at his boss, friends or family right? Just you. Get out now, nothing you do will change him, and you deserve so much better.
I lost a baby bc i waited too long to leave. Was kneed in the stomach and thrown on the bed and choked. Ruptured my placenta and the baby’s heart stopped. That was 2007, left and never went back. Leave now.


you do deserve better sweetheart and I’m happy you recognize that please get to a shelter or figure out a better situation for yourself because with a hair trigger temper like that it can only get worse hun. You will be in my prayers. :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


He has a temper and it will only get worse! Leave now!


RUN, don’t walk away from him!!


You cant fix anyone! I would leave. Hope this helps!

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You absolutely deserve better and should leave. He has an issue, he doesn’t want help. Unfortunately we can’t force them to get help, but we can distance ourselves from them.

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Get out now!!! Red flags!!! Don’t walk away. Run as fast as you can. All the therapy in the world can’t change that behavior.

Sounds bad but pack your stuff and go to a dweller a friends house because its usually only a matter of time before people like that escalate…not everyone but a lot…I would say talk to him but that could have adverse problems…maybe if you talk to him private message an admin when you do then message them again when you are done…

Start putting emergency money away. Go to a woman’s shelter.


Leave. Leave leave leave now before he turns it into hitting you.


Call the county you live in for resources and get out now!


He has anger issues. He’s losing his shit on you for not answering your phone for 10 mins, punching holes in walls… I had an ex like that. The punches to the walls very shortly turned into punches to my face.
Run. Very fast. And very far.

Leave now before the abuse gets physical because that’s how it starts

Guys like this need to stay single. Leave and don’t take his crab. I’ve been there and every important thing in life that happens he will ruin it


Severe anger issues… he needs help learning to control it or one day he’ll go too far. Learning to control anger is neither quick nor easy.


That’s abuse. Run and don’t look back

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Sorry to say this but it’s abusive imo. These kind of people offer get worse with time not better. I was married to a man like this and it escalated quickly after the wedding. I left ams found a good man and you can ams will too.

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Where did you live before him? Please find an abuse hotline in your area and call them.

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You need to walk away before he gets worse and hits you!!!

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Get rid of him now. He wont change until he wants to. You can find somewhere to go. Just get out before he hurts you.

Go before you get pregnant. And if you are still run. He won’t take well to the competition for your attention crying

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Get out, he treats you like this because he knows you have no where to go. Leave and stay gone, what ever you do don’t get Pregnant by him, then you are stuck with him forever.

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Leave. He doesn’t love you but loves controlling you

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He needs help, run. Next he will be throwing you through walls.


Hes bi-polar and need help

Try talking with him again about how it’s not acceptable behavior to react the way he does, I’m not sure how your communication is but him justifying that he doesn’t have a problem after doing these things is insane! If he really truly thinks there’s no problem in reacting that way I think he has A LOT of work to do if you are wanting to stay with him. He needs to realize it, and then actually WANT to change and/or find help to change. Personally, I wouldn’t stay with someone who is dumb enough to not even realize that that behavior is not normal because that usually means they are not in tune with themselves whatsoever and probably just walk around living recklessly and saying/doing whatever they want. Not my kinda man.

Run! Even if he’s never hit you it’s obvious he’s controlling and using intimidation to scare you into submission. Reach out to a domestic violence shelter, you can often stay there while getting yourself a job, your own place, etc


You need to go! It won’t get better because he doesn’t think he has a problem.

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Run… eventually you will be next. Trust me…34yrs ago, I was you. I should have taken the advice of EVERYONE then…I have the scars that remind me it took 4yrs to get out of that. Run, as fast as you can, and block his number and name on EVERYTHING!

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Get out…it only gets worse, trust me.

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My heart aches for you. I was in this mess. It got to the point where he busted my head through glass cupboards, picked me up by my throat, got on top of me and cocked his fists back with our child in my arms. You need to leave, before it gets to this. I pray for your strength girl <3


HUGE RED FLAGS :firecracker::triangular_flag_on_post:

This is how abuse starts, because he’s hurting things that aren’t you, you think it’s okay and that you can help him….
Eventually he’s going to start hitting you, hurting you, pushing you etc. And you’ll wish you had left sooner


Get out!!! It will only get worse. Men like that eventually marry their women to get more control over them!!! IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE!!

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Please leave. He will start physically abusing you eventually.

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Girl leave. This is how my DV started and it only got worse! If he doesn’t see an issue with his behavior now he likely never will and it will eventually likely lead to physical abuse towards you.


You need to leave now. Eventually that physical anger is going to be turned towards you and he is going to hurt you.


He sounds like a ticking time bomb to me and you never know when it’s going to explode. I’d get far away before it does. He needs professional help and until he gets it you’re not safe. You can’t do it for him, he has to do it. Get out of there. :exploding_head::woman_shrugging:t3:


1 U DO DESERVE BETTER # 2 ANYWHERE is better then in the grips of a controlling man who has anger issues and causes u to feel like u are walking on eggshells just to keep the peace. U have done your part u have talked to him asked him to seek help etc etc. There is nothing else u can do to help him he has to want to help himself u can’t do it for him and u CANNOT wait for him to change. U have to and need to LOVE yourself enough to pack your things and walk out the door. Good luck

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He desperately needs a therapist and anger management classes.

If he doesn’t agree he needs help then you need to get out babe, it will only get worse!

He need medication but until he decides to do something about it , you need to get out

go to a womens shelter

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You do deserve better. Get out of there before you get hurt. No where to go? You were somewhere when you made the wonderful decision to move in with this creep. Everyone has somewhere to go. Locate a shelter for abused women. They will help you get re established. Have the idiot placed under a restraining order and make it stick.

There’s ways somewhere to go. Women’s shelters have resources to help you be independent.

If he refuses to get anger management counseling…then you get out as fast as you can and don’t look back!

Leave this really can turn into abusive situation fast!!

Get out now
Before you are his punching bag.

Get out of that relationship now.

Just get out now it will only get worse

Watch some of Ace Metaphors videos

Girl leave now before it gets worse. It will.