Will I ever get over my spouse cheating?

He would be gone for sure. He’s gotten away with it so will keep doing it.


HOW is he “changing” if he’s still cheating?


You will never get over it. And never stay with someone because you love them. You stay with someone who can’t breathe without you. Whether your man cheats again or not will never change the fact that he already did. More than once.


He is a rotten ass start loving yourself and get rid of him

People can change BUT the damage is done. The hurt will always be there. I’d honestly break up with him for a long time & see how he behaves. If he truly wants only you, he will continue to show that.


Honestly if your relationship is worth working it out. Then work it out. You won’t get over that hurt and he will continue to change for the better if it’s worth the try.


Don’t let one more minute go by spent with him let alone the next 2/3 of your life. You only get one. Spend it being happy whether alone or with someone that will respect you and treat you well. And your kids… as dr Phil says, “ kids would rather be from a broken home than live in one” (or something like that). Be smart about it when/if you do leave. Respect yourself enough to require more.


No. You will never ever forgive him in your heart. Certainly never trust him again.

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You will never TRULY get over it. You will question and second guess everything he says and does for the rest of your marriage (however long that is). Unfortunately, what a cheating spouse usually owns up to upon the initial discovery of infidelity is usually only the tip of the iceberg. I imagine if he was willing to admit that he’s slept with 3 other women during your relationship, that number is higher in reality. Love isn’t everything in a marriage. Trust, safety/security, support, and devotion are what stand the test of time. Love often fades in and out and can often develop into resentment if it’s the sole reason you keep sacrificing to force the marriage to work. I’m so sorry this is happening to you, Hun. I know it hurts. It often takes a while for you to grieve, process, accept, and come to the conclusion that you are worth far more than what you’ll be settling for in this marriage. I hope you will be able to love yourself and see your worth and beauty in the mean time and you’ll walk away before he hurts you or your kids any more. :heart:


The fact that he put your health at risk by cheating is enough to leave. You have children image if you caught something and your children are left without a mother all because their father wanted to be a dog. :weary:


He’s cheated multiple times.
If you let it slide he’s gonna know he can get away with it, and continue.


This is why I will never get married lol fuck all that ,I want to be able to just leave if I find out someone’s been cheating on me,idc how much I love them ,if I can’t trust you ,I’m not gonna be with you period.

In time you will forgive but you will never forget. It will always be in the back of your head. Things will happen in the future and it will trigger you. It may make you feel all of the hurt you feel now all over again. It will be a lot of work but if you both love each other you can make it through this.


Girl leave. He don’t gunna stop cheating.

How has he showed he changed?
Do you trust him now when he leaves the house?

I can forgive once. Not 5 times. Hes lying to you.

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As they say once a cheat always a cheat better to be on your own then to be with a man who has no respect for you

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You’ve had the wool pulled over your eyes. Do not fall for his back peddling… so much more I suspect you don’t know. Plan your exit.

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No one is perfect… I hope you can get past, the past.


My husband and i were having problems and he stepped out… That was in 2014. I chose to forgive him based on how sorry he was and how he knows he messed up and couldnt live without me. Blah blah. I chose to forgive him cuz i have his kids and i wanted it to work for them. Thats a dumb reason to stay. But, I truly am happy that i chose to forgive and move on. Its been 8 years and it Don t bother me. I completely trust him now and couldnt imagine my life without him. So yes its ok to forgive and ur feelings MIGHT change to really forgiving him and he MIGHT really love you enough to never do it again. But chances are slim and its a lot of work and emotions. U need to really decide if hes worth it and if Thats what u want in life and if u can handle it If he does it again.

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I’m in the same situation. My husband cheated on me while pregnant. And 2 more times 5 1/2 years later while I was in rehab. Idk if I’ll ever get over it either.

Nope. You’ll regret giving him another chance to break your trust in the future. That’s not love.

NOPE, Maybe if it was a one time thing, but with me, I still would leave, But 3 different women, NOPE.NOPE, NOPE

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Honestly no you won’t get over something like that and if you did the process would be absolutely MISERABLE, and even then, you’ll have doubts. Trust me. Not only that, but he cheated what, 5 times? If you forgive him he’s gonna think you’ll continue to forgive him each time, and keep doing it. Just my opinion and my personal experience!

He can never be trusted again. Once a cheater there’s always a chance he will do it again. If someone cheats, they have no respect or love for you whatsoever and your a moron for staying with them. I said what I said

You deserve so much better than this. Be an example for your children. Do not continue to be played and manipulated by this pig - yes I said pig. He can’t even keep it in his pants for his marriage. Gross. Run girl! Run!

Only you really know how u feel?? Cheaters cheat, it’s what they do!! He’s got a real bad track record with NO consequences.

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A reminder that he cheated with not 1 but at least 3 women will always be there in the back of your mind. That he almost fathered another child may stay on his mind and help keep him straight but serial cheaters tend to continue their habits.

He’s likely going to be asked to take a paternity test when the latest child is born. How will you feel if he has a child that isn’t yours? It isn’t the child’s fault of course but are you going to be ok having the child for visitation?

If he’s admitted 3, there’s probably more. No telling how many.

Every time a story he tells you is off or he is inexplicably delayed, your feelings will resurface.

If you are ok with all of that, then you are continuing with open eyes and an open heart. I hope he doesn’t hurt you and break your heart.

I’d like to see you go for counseling so that you can tell when he’s lying and how to deal with that when it comes up again but that is totally up to you.

No. Never. Ever. Walk away. Choose a peaceful mind

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He will probably have to pay child support


I dealt with this with my ex and we were together 10 years, I kept believing he changed . He never did. It still affects me and I still don’t forgive myself for staying with him for so long. It destroyed me. You have kids. It’s better off leaving and setting a better example for your kids than to allow that behaviour.


Run…. Fast!!!

Once a cheater, always a cheater… sorry :cry:

You’re not dumb for staying if it’s what you felt was right to do. And yes you will eventually get over it as long as he continues to improve and continues to rebuild your trust in him. He’s gonna have to put in the work to reassure you any time something feels suspicious, but eventually it’ll just be the past and completely irrelevant.


I would think that you’d always wonder…the trust is gone now. One time maybe, but he did it multiple times.

Cheaters don’t just quit. They become really good at
hiding the cheating but they will keep it up to satisfy their ego.


Leave!! Do not stay with a man that keeps cheating!

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Cant put the toothpaste back in the tube the way it came out.

Not many skunks are able to change their stripes. :skunk:

I actually feel so sick after reading this :dizzy_face:plz walk away he has 0 respect for you for god sake there is no amount of love in the world that would keep me standing by that horrible man’s side respect yourself and get out now before you fk your whole life up for real get your head together how can you even love him now known he has slept with 3 ppl and more then likely more :see_no_evil: sometimes you have to put your feelings aside an do the right thing :raised_hands:


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How do you know he has is "changing " … Don’t make excuses for him. Self respect is very important, put him out!


He cheated with 4 women … He’s not changing, he’s got you fooled


Get a DNA test to prove hes not the babys dad


You can always forgive but if you can’t “forget” in order to move past it & not keep reliving this fear then I believe you should walk away. I’m saying this from experience. He cheated after 11 years & we had a child together. He did indeed get somebody else pregnant & continued his behavior & I forgave him but couldn’t let the past go. He did wrong but there is no need to torment yourself or become the person in the relationship “who brings up the past” whenever there may be another disagreement/argument. It’s hard to get over something like that so don’t beat yourself up for how you are feeling. You deserve better & you deserve to be happy with somebody who you do not have to worry about if they are or if they will cheat again :heartpulse:

He is going to continue cheating. Also forget him with that timing wrong talk. The only way to be sure is by a DNA test. I hope he doesn’t bring home an STI for you because it will sure test your theory of how much you love him.


Yes, marriage can still work. I have a similar story as well. Now, we love each other more than anything in the world and the love is stronger than ever. Broke up for awhile but we both missed each other so we didnt even get a chance to get divorce papers; and now we both are happy, and go out of our way to make each other happy. Every marriage is different, but still can have a happy ending.

It does not matter that he “only wants you now”. That’s such a slap in the face. He doesnt get to sleep with other woman and then decide all is well because he “only wants you now” . Dont let him get away with that. Would you want your children to stay with cheating significant others? Be the example you want your kids to follow and dont tolerate that.


Oh sweety … he’s “changing “ bc he got caught.


I’ll bet it was more than 3 females. I don’t think you’ll ever get over it.

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Never Ever you
Will always remember I’m sorry that’s just the simple truth​:bangbang::100:

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God honey if Jesus done it that mannytimes too you go find you one that wont

You only know about the other girls because you asked. I hate to say it but no I don’t believe you’re going to get past this and I don’t believe he’s really trying to change his ways he only tried changing his ways once he got caught you only knew about one and now that you posed the question again you know about how many more? He sounds like a habitual cheater was only trying to change his ways now because he got caught and the fact that it’s June and you’re still stuck feeling the way you are leads me to believe that you’re never going to get over it so you ought to do yourself a big favor and let him go


3 different people ? He doesn’t deserve a chance x

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You can get over it of you want too, you have to choose forgiveness. It will take time to get past it but you can do it. My best advice is to pray and ask for help and healing!

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Girl do a DNA. I am sure he loves you but these days they are just wored and girls make it easier. He won’t change but I would do his dad or his best friend. I man it’s only 2 people right.

You’ll always wonder but if you really want it to work out, try. He’s going to have to understand it’s gunna take a lot of hard work to prove it to you and harder for you. Im sorry about your situation that’s heartbreaking. But I’d really consider taking a step back if it happens again

Wow!! 3 different people that he cheated on you with!!! You are the woman he has children with, the woman he was supposed to be faithful to, and the woman he was supposed love! Honey, if he can cheat on you with 3 different girls (as he said which is probably a lie), he will do it again! Whether he said he’s changing or not, you will never get passed it. It’s not only gonna affect your life with him, but this is gonna cause a lot of issues with your children also… They will see that their mommy isn’t happy and it’s gonna break them… Your husband doesn’t deserve another chance, you and your children deserve so much better!!


probably not. your gonna constantly worry and wonder and question his every move. i mean i tried to stay but it only lasted a year and we broke up.

Nope. Leave. It will happen again.


You’ll never get over it
You’ll never forgive him
Youll akwsys be wondering and
You’ll NEVER trust him again!!

If you can live with that stay.
But get closure!!

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Ditch the loser and find yourself a real man

He slept with 3 girls :disappointed: please don’t stay with him he is not worth it even if he says he won’t do it again he more than likely will

How is he proving the change? You didn’t suspect anything in the past, so you don’t know that for sure.


You will never get over it, I tried once. Trust will never be the same

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Girl he never gonna change he just gonna change the way he move he won’t get caught next time. He out here having raw sex coming back home to you, you gotta have unprotected sex to feel he got her pregnant. Honey don’t settle for that it’s someone out here who with give love and loyalty to you and your kids.

Leave and take everything :clap:t3:I :100: bet that kid is his… I mean 3 is just to many as 1 like he kept it a secret an the brother had to speak up now that’s bad…

It’s not going to be easy and there are certain things you need to ask yourself. Is he a good father to your children? You say he’s proving that he’s changing, so you have children with this man and he’s changing his ways to become a better partner so I think you’ve stuck it out this long…if you love the guy you should give it a chance. Will you be able to forget it? Never I’d say, but if you want this to work decide and promise yourself you’ll never keep bring it up. That will destroy everything. Bottom line……if you truly love this guy and want to spend the rest of your life with him…give it another chance. Make sure of your decision to stay or go so you won’t regret it.

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He’s changing for the time being once you go back to thinking he about you. He’s gonna go back to doing what he was doing and No you are never gonna get over it you are always gonna be insecure about it and anytime he walks out the house it’s gonna be a problem. Hunny run!!

I hate to say it but the damage is already done. A cheater never stops. I know I would never get over it. I’m so sorry you are going through this, and that he put you in such a horrible situation :cry:

Done it once always will do it he would be out that door

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No. It will NEVER be the same. That little (or big) shred of doubt will ALWAYS be there. I know it’s hard. I’ve been there. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, I’m an idiot.

Leave his ass! Once a cheater, always a cheater!

Everyone keeps acting like cheaters are child molesters and can never grow to be better people and that’s not true. Everyone says “Once a cheater always a cheater” and that implies that if someone cheated they are not capable of change and that is wrong. Grow up y’all. Save the pitchforks for those that truly deserve it. Like child predators.

Gosh that’s sad. Cut your losses now.

Girl let that man go! He will never change. Please don’t lose yourself to this! He will never change ever!!! He will only do what he’s already done over and over. Apparently he doesn’t respect you nor did he think about them while his pants were down. Run for your lives


You’ll get over it with time. I had a rough start to my relationship and now we freely joke about how it used to be. Saying that tho, if he’s done it recently then is he really changing? My s.o did this prior to us having children when we were in the first 6 months.

You will never trust him again, move on

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I’d leave honestly. Once is a mistake I could and have forgiven previously but if there were many and possibly a child involved I’d be done. How can he know the kid isn’t his? How does the brother know and hasn’t said anything? Wash your hands, you and your kids deserve better.


Pretty sure she was asking for help… not just “leave him” comments. It’s hard. It’s heartbreaking. We shouldn’t be making her situation harder. I’ve been there… & these comments wouldn’t have helped… me and him are still together. He did change. There was no pregnancy scare but he changed.

You will never get over betrayal.and rightly so. You will never love him the same or ever completely trust him…and rightly so. You have to do what is best for you and the kids whatever that may be


Hell no. Once cheater always a cheater


Probably not. habitual cheater. Use this time while he’s nice/supportive to build yourself up. Is he okay with the kids?

In my experience you never get over it, I just got used to it and became numb…


Your never going to get over it or trust him … You will literally go crazy over thinking everything he does so even if he never cheats again you will push him away and always feel like he is

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To many as they say fish in the sea to put up w/a Cheater, Remember cheating is a “choice” not a “mistake” (like oops)

Geezus if he’s done it those 3 times, no doubt he’s done it more than once with those 3 girls. Nah I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire.

I mean your sitting here typing this so obviously you’re not over it. Personally I could never get over cheating.

Once they start they .never stop. leave now. You never get over it. If you stay together you will never trust him again. :face_with_thermometer::flushed:

He won’t change. Believe me. Do yourself a favor and leave now before you spend another 10 years wasting your time only to find out he did it again and again and again and then you’re really upset with yourself for letting all of that time go by when you could have found someone way better that treats you right.

No, no, and no. You won’t get over it, he did it 3x, he doesn’t respect you. He will do again sometime. If you have a daughter what would you tell her to do if this happened to her. Hope you can heal and find better.

Al I have to know is they cheated on me once and it’s over. I don’t care how many more times after that there were. We are done after I find out about just one. I don’t care how long I’ve been with that man. Nothing would ever make that right again.


You’ll never “get over” it. It’ll eventually hurt less, but it will ALWAYS hurt. Anytime you think about it or it comes up, it will be like a new wound all over again. You can make it work but it’s going to hurt and take A LOT of work on his part. But 4 girls in a 6 year marriage? That isn’t changing :flushed::flushed:

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“I feel dumb for giving him a second chance but he’s proving he’s changing. “ this should answer ur question. He hasn’t change, he has improved his tactics… i will NEVER understand why women love themselves so little to the point of “forgiving” a spouses affair… You will NEVER get over it. It just will drive u crazy insecure, doubtful wondering if he really is going to a job meeting or meeting w his other side chick…good luck bc as long as u keep letting that behavior happen it will never stop. You just wont find out…no matter if u have 100 kids w him, by u choosing that life it only will crush ur soul and make you a miserable bitter woman… but thats what you chose so. Live w it… good luck…


Not at all something you will get over. I realize there are 3kiddos involved however it’s only going to become harder for them. I stayed with my ex for 12 years for my kids and I wish I would’ve left the first time

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It never works never you read this never. my ex did this to me after 14 years of marriage together. threw me out too. never trust a cheater!!!

You’ll never get over it and are they still co-workers? And he’s probably lied about how many women as well. Who knows there could be more women that he hasn’t mentioned. Try and go through his phone unfortunately it will be the only way you’ll get answers because they’ll lie anyway :roll_eyes:

Leave him. He put your life in Danger.Go get tested.