Will my ex come back?

No, take that as a win!
That man knew he messed up and did the write thing by leaving. He knows himself better than you and he probably did that that out of fear it could occur again.


I agree with all about that there’s more behind this but even if you don’t believe there is, love doesn’t leave! You have to work to make the love strong and he didn’t put forth any work, he just gave up even though you were the one that got hurt.


Ooof take it as a blessing in disguise hes using what he did to play victim now that’s super fishy


I’m really shocked he didn’t tell you the whole real truth while he was drunk. Sadly I know you’re going to feel like you may never get closure over this. I would try to move past this the best you can.

Nope. Let him go. I gave my ex a month. He said all the same things and showed up a month later. Then I moved out. With our kids. We are fine now. I’m happily remarried and finally have the life I’ve always wanted and deserved


Sounds like excuses and a story line. Girl, let him go and move on. It hurts, but let him go. They say “a drunken man’s ramblings are a sober man’s thoughts”.

Bloody hell, he just up off and left because he called you a few names? Noo, that’s what you dont deserve, that’s not a true partner. We all have our ups and downs in a relationship and we all say things from time to time that we regret and dont mean but its how you make up for it and how you move on from it that’s important. You dont just leave. If this was going on all the time and he had a genuine problem then I could understand him wanting to protect you but if it was just a one off then thats very weird to me…

Don’t take this CRAP as an apology. He is probably seeing someone else and using this for an excuse. Let him go he’s not worthy of you. Don’t talk to either His friend nor him. They both will
lie to you to get you yo talk.

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There is more to the story or he wouldn’t have left he used that as an excuse

Definitely more to this story that you or he isn’t saying. He won’t come back.

No man just gets up and walks out on the woman he loves over some words he said when he was drunk I’d agree with everyone else and say there was someone else in the picture

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I wouldn’t want to deal with that emotional baggage… please move on

I’m sorry but I wouldn’t take him back if he done that to me

Sounds like a master manipulator to me


He used that as an excuse to leave for whatever reason. If he loved you he’d apologize like a man and do everything to fix it, but NOT leave.


Sounds more like he may be suffering from mental issues. Not everything that happens, is because of infidelity. Most of you hens always jump to that conclusion.

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Sounds like bull shit. Smells even worse. He wrote and starred in that production just for you, and his man brain told him that was going to soften the blow of a split he’s already planned, so he wouldn’t have to feel guilty for vamping out on you. He should actually feel awful. But don’t take his shit. Be done. There are literally
Out there.

14 years ago my x said he thought he might not love me any more and 2 days later said he did not love me. We had just began seeing an old female friend. He started hugging her because he said he felt sorry for her. Then he started taking oect overs over to her home. Next every off day he insisted we spend it with her because she needed us. I told him, that he was putting too much time into being with her. He came off graveyard shift and told me he wanted to make love and try to save our marriage. Then he git up to take a shower and came in to tell me it was not fair to him to stay because he would continue to be psychical with me so he left and within a week moved in with my x friend. Don’t trust him, there is more than you know. Prayers for you to get through this. I got over my storm and now have been married to my first live 4 years.

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There is ALOT more to this story. Hes a coward & didn’t tell you the real reason he left.

Weird but I’m reading comments and don’t see any “man” or the guys here and say something about this.

He sounds like he has very little conflict resolution skills and a low emotional intelligence. This may sound funny, but he also could be testing you. Sometimes people will disrespect you just to see how you’ll react. Then they’ll make you feel sorry for them, when you’re the one who should be hurt. He’s playing a victim role when he was the antagonizer and that is very suspicious. If you let him back he will likely get the message that you’ll put up with disrespect.


Excuses. Just move on girlfriend.

That’s bull he wouldn’t just up and leave about that he’s lying to you don’t believe it

I wouldn’t believe his friends either they need to tell him to talk to you himself

That mfer has another bitch… Was just looking for an excuse

more then likley he was seeing someone else and is having trouble forgiving him self for this and so has made an excuse to leave and will “move on “ really dam quick with her.
i would allow him
space and give your self a chance to heal even if just a bit.
don’t take him back unless u both are truely in love. and then i would be asking for everything on the table ! moving forward


Move on he doesn’t wanna be with you anymore


Sounds like he had it planned and is using him being an asshole that night as an out. I’d say appreciate the favor of the garbage taking itself out and move on.

Narcissistic! He will do this to make you feel to blame for what he did! Anddd you will, then shit gets real! And you doubt everything!

Regardless of the reasons why he left, whether honorable or dishonorable, one thing is always true: someone who runs when things get difficult will always run when things get difficult. You deserve a partner that has the ability to work through things with you. Wait for that person, it’s worth it!


A drunk man’s words is a sober man’s thoughts.


All of the above girl, block his ass an dont look bk!

Either there’s context missing as to how severe the fight was or he just used it as an easy out of the relationship. That does not sound like a normal response. He may be seeing how far you’re willing to go for him and to push your boundaries. Be aware that if you chase him to try to get him back he may use this as a manipulation tactic to get you to beg him and apologize to him whenever he does something wrong. I bet he didn’t even apologize when you mentioned it. He just wallowed in self pity then disappeared


How do we know the friend isn’t lying and his friend is probably just his wing man :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: and want to play it off maybe if he felt that bad about hurting you he would of left the day you told him it hurt you? Idk seems some parts are missing

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He has somebody else…trying to make you feel pity for him whilst he is having a jol and not even thinking about you


A drunk always tells the truth. He meant everything he said. You’re better off without him. You’re going to be fine without him, I know it’s going to take some time to heal, but once you meet that perfect person for you, it’s so worth it!


That’s one way to leave a relationship he clearly didn’t want to be in. Think he did you a favor


Sounds like he cheated and wanted a way out. I agree with everyone else though, drunk thoughts are actually sober thoughts that you have the guts to say out loud. Move on.


Yeah gun take the lumps on this one and let the garbage gooooooo

This sounds to me like he took his excuse and raaaaan. I could be very wrong but I have a giant suspicion that he just wanted to end it and this gives him the “perfect opportunity”


I think from experience he is using that as an excuse to go. He wanted out of the relationship and wasn’t man enough to say so. Didn’t want to tell the truth. I am sorry if this hurts you but move on you deserve and can do better. Xx


Yeah i hate to say this but something isn’t right. It sounds like he just wanted an out, and took the opportunity. I would honestly just move on someone who’s willing to just leave so abruptly and not work things out doesn’t love you.


He is using this as an exit strategy. He probably has a pattern of it. Only his family and friends who have seen him with other relationships will be able to point this out. Let him go…


I feel he is setting you up to be the bad one( make his new girl see how sensitive he is ) and stringing you along for back up. RUN, you dodged a bullet !!


Sound to me like he wanted a way out… possibly for someone else or to just be single. If a guy wants you he’ll prove it, not run away…


Hell come back.

They always do.

Should you take him back?


Men don’t leave after one night of saying a few hurtful things. Men leave when they are done. Unfortunately it sounds like you’re dealing with a little boy who didn’t have the balls to just leave. They exist. And this was his way out. *the immediate block on FB sounds like he already had your replacement in mind when he left

Sounds like he was just looking for an easy way out.


Sounds like something else is eating away at him as well… I would question if he cheated too.


He was looking for an easy way out.


Girl…… :rofl::rofl::rofl: if you believe his excuses I have some beachfront property in Montana to sell you.


He’s hiding something.


He did more than some bad words … in my opinion !


It has nothing to do with you, he wanted to leave , period, now he’s GASLIGHTING you, good riddance , that good ol " you deserve better " shish…sry to say but looks like he has someone else and was looking for an excuse


Theirs more to it,possibly another woman!!!


Excuses he was looking for a way out … he will come back and do it all over again … be strong and stay away before it turns into a “questionable” relationship


Been there, he may come back and if he does he’ll probably say something when he’s drunk again if he doesn’t come back thank him for saveing you.


He wanted a way out girl. Time to move on.


He’s using that for an excuse.


He said what he said drunk or not. Do not take him back. Forgive him for yourself


They ALWAYS come back… He just wants you to want him back. He’s trying to PLAY you… Don’t talk to his friends :100:


I would try to just move on. It seems like he wanted to leave. There may be a reason, you’ll probably never know. It seems like he was feeling guilty for some other reason other than saying some mean stuff


Yup, I hate to say it but if your relationship was that good he wouldn’t of just left for that. I get the feeling from what you said that there is more to this than meets the eye.

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Emotional intelligence stays, works it out.

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26 years in and me and hubby have fought worse than that and said terrible things to eachother but we say sorry and work on it, together
If you’re man left it’s because he wanted to leave
I feel for you, but he’s gone. :two_hearts::two_hearts:


Is he on drugs? Or maybe depressed

MANIPULATION. He left because he wanted to, but he wants you to think it’s your fault.

Notice how his poor behavior was so bad YOU WOULD never forgive him. He’s making your choice for you to make it your fault.

This goes so much deeper than you realize.


Hé found his way out!!!


He wanted a way out and is just using that as a excuse. Trust me been there done that and got away. Do yourself a favour and don’t bother and move on.


sounds like he’s guilty of more than a few unkind words


A drunk mans words is a sober mans thoughts…
Just decompress,clear you’re head and push forward,its free will you cant force someone to be something they are not


He is trash just let go. This has nothing to do with him feeling guilt and everything to do with him manipulating you. Run!

So, my opinion. I don’t think he blocked you on Facebook because “he feels sooooooo horrible about what he said” I think he blocked you on Facebook so you can’t see all the shenanigans he’s been getting into since he left.


He is either messing with your mind or he has serious mental health issues. You need to break that bond, use your mental strength to do that and don’t use it to worry about him, believe me, just count your blessings and move on!

Wow….sorry but I see an ‘excuse’ here


This screams excuses to me


I wouldn’t give a crap about how he is feeling. He didn’t care about your feelings. Saying he can’t forgive himself and leaving is just a cover. If he’s regretting it now, it’s his problem. You don’t need to forgive him and I’m sure you can absolutely do better. Stick with your boundaries and your self-worth and it won’t do you wrong. Good for you to be strong and not accept that kind of treatment. People think being alone is terrible and accept poor treatment so they have someone, but it’s so much better to be alone than to be disrespected. And alone is only bad to people who don’t like their own company.

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He wanted out, keep him out. He’s doing you a favor babe


Run, sounds like he’s got huge issues

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I’ve always been told that drunk words are sober thoughts. Drinking lowers your inhibitions and drowns out that filter between your brain and your mouth. What I’m taking from this is that he used this as an exit strategy. Me, personally, if I was drunk and got belligerent with my husband and he told me what I did/said the next morning and how much it hurt him, I wouldn’t immediately pack my stuff, leave and block all contact. I would be profusely apologizing and trying to make it up to him. He left because HE wanted to and he blocked you because he doesn’t want you to see what, or who, he’s doing now. If you need confirmation of that, do a little digging. Have someone you know look him up on FB. Ask a mutual FB friend that you can trust to look at his page. Although doing that will most likely just cause you more hurt because I honestly don’t think you’ll like what you find. Best advice, as hard as it may be, is to occupy your mind and focus on moving forward without him because I personally, wouldn’t wanna be with someone who trashed our relationship and walked away so quickly and so easily. That is not commitments.


That’s messed up. It sounds like he cheated on you and felt guilty and tried to pass the blame onto you.


Sounds like he has a guilty conscience rather then just come unkind words. Honestly I would work on yourself and your happiness. He did you a favor by leaving. Give him the time he needs and build yourself up before you dare take him back.

Looks like gaslight and manipulation to me.
First he hurts you, then acts innocent by not being able to forgive himself, and rather than fixing things to be better, he continues his theatrical to make you feel bad so that you can forget what was done/said.

Don’t fall for this. It’s a never ending cycle.
There’s more to it, he left for a reason, making himself available for whatever he wants or whoever , all while he’s making you feel bad so that when he decides to come back, you never caught on because you’re still confused about why he left etc.

Don’t go back. This is a HUGE red flag.


Makes no sense… he was looking for an excuse. He’s right… you deserve better.


Sounds like my ex and your literally in a toxic cycle of putting up with uncalled shit :roll_eyes:

Gaslighting at its best. He is now playing the victim and he is the “sad” one.


Text him back “youre right I do deserve better” and then leave it and move on.


It’s an excuse!!! If he wanted to be with you in a relationship he would do whatever he needs to make it right no matter how long it took. He wanted out and this was his reason to leave

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Since you asked if your ex will come back, I’m assuming you want him to… Of course he will be back! All you have to do is play into his little games. Tell him how sorry you are (Even though you did nothing) and how much you miss and need him.
Is this what you really want though?


Stop talking to the friend first off. :unamused: stop allowing others in your personal relationship.


Drunken minds speak sober thoughts…….


What? Is he in High School? He blocks you…but contacts you through his friends page or number. This is 1 of 2 things… he is having mental health issues and is trying to sort…OR…and the one I am going with…is there is already another female on his social media profile and he doesn’t want you to see… either way…go on about your business and work on yourself…and if he comes back…be sure and ask what areas he was worked on to correct his behaviors…if he doesn’t have a great story about personal growth… shut and lock that “door” in his face. Don’t take him back because “you loooove him”…that is how you become a doormat in an endless cycle. He chose to leave and hurt you… don’t just let him back in.


The same thing happened to me years ago (2005) with my ex husband. I was a 1st year teacher, barely 24. We had been married for 1 year, but dated for 8. One day when I came home after work, we were watching tv and I asked him to move over so I could cuddle with him. Out of nowhere, he angrily got up, began putting his shoes on and said that I was boring. He was done and already had a lawyer. These were his exact words. No warning, no fights, not one sign that we were not okay. I was very naive. Anyway, he drove away. I was in shock, didn’t move from the couch for 1 week, just stayed there and cried for days. Mom and dad came to get me, moved me into their house. He didn’t really talk to me at all (we had only spent 2 days apart in 9 years) Mom kept saying it was a blessing in disguise. I didn’t see it then. With my parents’ advice, I put the house up for sale and sold everything. About a month later, he called and asked me if I had ever cheated?? I had no idea where this was coming from. Of course I said never, but that my sister had heard a rumor that he had a girlfriend. He said yea it’s true. She’s about 110 cheerleader type (I weighed 125 and he wanted me to join the gym). He had been cheating the whole time (maybe 3-6 months) with a married coworker who had 3 kids. They were both nurses.

I met my now husband 2 years after the divorce and he is so much more than what I lost. He’s a real man, who selflessly does everything for my son and I. We have a good life and I am blessed. My mom was right.

Bottom line that guy really sounds like a jerk, who is cheating and him leaving is also a blessing in disguise for you!!!

The way I saw my experience later in life was that God knew my ex was bad for me, so he pulled him out of my life, to make room for my true destiny. When it happens to you, you’ll know.

In my opinion, this guy is not meant to be in your life. Be strong and let him go. He will only bring you heartache.

I pray you have peace and strength. :heartpulse:


Listen me and my husband had a fight he was arrested we have a almost three year old. We were married three years separated 9 months and finally reunited this home is happy full of love I love him we tried it again he changed every aspect I didn’t like the first time. If it’s meant to be it will be with Jesus’ help nothing is impossible!

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Looks like it was an easy way out…sorry


Excuse there is someone else

Drunken words are sober thoughts sweetheart. Move on. Trust me, I know from experience.

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I’d be less worried on whether he will or won’t come back and focus on why you would want him to come back. What are you looking for in the long term scheme of things? Depending on what these things were he said, do you want to be spoken to like that? Do you want to live in a constant state of worry that if the situation presents its self will he just pack up and walkout again? That’s no frame of mind to be in and eventually the doubt will eat at you enough that your love for him and tolerance will become no existent. My thought is there is something on his social media he doesn’t want you to see. Probably another woman and likely while he tries out this new interaction wants to keep you in the background just in case it doesn’t work out in his favor. I don’t care what his friends tell you, they are his friends and when push comes to shove most will lie for them.


The fact he blocked you on HIS account and is saying those things through a friends account is a :triangular_flag_on_post:! What he hiding or who is he doing it for that he can’t communicate on his own account. Secondly if he was really sorry and wanted to be with you he would have shown up and made things right. Sounds like a game and like there’s something else going on here to. Don’t feed into it and move on.

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Sounds like an overreaction and a half. He must’ve just wanted to leave and needed an excuse because that sounds ridiculous as hell.