Would I be in the wrong if I rehomed my husbands dog?

He was wrong to bring this dog into your home & expect you take the responsibility. You have every right to be upset & frustrated with this situation. He has disrespected you. These people here critising you for not wanting the dog are in the wrong. Not everyone likes animals. There’s no shame in it. I’ve owned dogs. I love animals but I would be angry if 1 was dumped on me & the person who wanted it didn’t take responsibility for it. There’s women here who think that men should have the choice to take care of their kids who they helped create. Now some of those same women are trying to shame you for not wanting a dog. They’re hyprocrites.
I would talk to him about it. Ask him to find a new home for it or that you will. I wouldn’t do it without him having a chance.


If he is a military man there’s a very real chance he’s going to need that dog for comfort when he returns. I would look into having someone else care for the dog when he’s away, I have a 2 month old and a 1 year old I know how much work it is just to get through the day with kids, so I understand both points of view but I would compromise when he’s home and then have him cared for elsewhere when he’s not.


Yes it most definitely would .

Not having time for a dog is a big issue. It’s not fair to the dog. However, you should talk to your husband about finding a proper home for your pet… definitely not give it away without his knowledge…and he shouldn’t have brought it home without your consent either.
I’m not sure why you don’t like dogs…they are wonderful companions. But if you feel that strongly the dog would be better off in a loving home.

Dogs are awesome. They love unconditionally and will be a good friend to your children :heart:. I could never rehome a dog.

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Some of these comments are ridiculous :roll_eyes: it does seem a little harsh to get rid of the dog, but at the same time it’s your home too. If you didn’t agree to get the dog and clearly told him you didn’t want it, he can’t be upset that you can’t/don’t want to care for it especially while he’s gone. I’d see if you could find temporary housing for the dog like a family member or friend until your husband gets back.


Both of yall are wrong. Hes wrong for bringing home a dog without your agreement and you wanting to rehome when he deploys. If there isn’t much time before he deploys ask another family member to look out for the dog until he returns. When he does return I suggest counseling.


Poor dog, poor husband, rehome the dog, the husband will quit liking you and who knows what will happen. But the dog will be much better off!

I would definitely sit your husband down and communicate your feelings with him girl you already have enough on your plate with being pregnant and having a toddler plus him leaving

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Wow ur awful can he rehome you


I think it would be better for your kids if you learned to like animals but for the sake of the dog, please give him to someone who actually cares for dogs and not a kill shelter.

Dogs teach kids to love animals,If the dog is trained right ,He will protect them and you.While he’s away,Teach ur oldest to look after him

He should rehome you. Where’s your heart?!


The dog is probably a way for him to manage PTSD #22aday that he’s not telling you about. Do not remove the dog from the home with talking with your husband. Sound like you both need to communicate better.


Revoking a soldiers dog while he is away fighting for his life and yours is disgusting! Ptsd is real!! Did it ever occur to you that he needs that dog to cope or heal? Emotional support that you can’t give him? Like cmon. Yes dogs are a lot of responsibility but they are not over bearingly hard. Feed it let it go to the bathroom and love it. You’d be surprised how quickly you fall in love with it once you start actually trying to care about it! What if your husband doesn’t come home and you do this? You literally just got rid of apart of him. Personally I think it’s selfish and wrong to do this!


Nope. Not wrong one bit.

Huge responsibility in addition to your other two children…
Rehome that dog for your sanity. Because it’s wayyy more than you’re asking for or need right now.:100::+1:t5::ok_hand:t5:
And don’t feel bad about it either.
He is the one that should feel bad for putting that additional stress/burden on you.:smirk: really.


Yes it would be wrong


What a horrible “human being”. Selfish, narcissistic people like this are why people have trust issues. :frowning: Please leave. Give the kids and dog to an adult for their safety.


Wrong place to ask this advice. Most humans like animals more than other humans😬. I feel you though. You can only take care of so much.


Ok so let me get this straight. Your husband is being deployed which means he is going to be in mortal danger. There’s a 50% chance he won’t be able to come home. And you’re wanting to give away something he clearly has affection for? And what if you jinx him by changing something? If it was me, I wouldn’t change a thing until he got back home.
Another consideration is you are going to be alone with 2 small children and a good dog can be good protection.


Girl I have 8 dogs, 3 kids, 2 ducks, 6 chickens, 3 rats, a bearded dragon and I am 8 months pregnant, put ya big girl panties on take care of business. 3 of the dogs are not even ours, they are my MIL dogs that I did not want to have but guess what…We got em and I am caring for them. The ducks are my husbands, i care for them. 1 of the 6 chickens are mine but i care for all of them. 2 of the dogs are mine but i care for all of them. All or nothing.


That’s like adopting a child and giving them back. Not cool. Besides, the dog will protect you and your new baby while your husband is away.


Yes it would be very wrong. If the dog is a good dog and properly trained why would can’t you take care of it? It doesn’t sound like it’s a puppy. IMO once they’re out of the puppy stage and trained right they aren’t as much work as you are thinking. Feed it, water it, let him outside. If I was him and came home to my dog gone I’d divorce you :woman_shrugging:t2: especially if your only reasoning is “you don’t like dogs.” I mean if you don’t love him enough to take care of something he loves while he’s deployed then why should he stay with you at all?


I didn’t read any other comments yet because I wanted my opinion to be my own (without being influenced) Let me say that kids and dogs are great together. Teach your children to treat the dog right while they’re tiny and let them grow together.
If you teach your kids to love the dog and feed the dog and also, teach your kids the “caring for a pet” part, like not climbing on the dog or poking/pulling tail-ears… they’ll grow up to be each other’s friends. Animals teach kids empathy and give them a responsibility. I saw that you said the dog “is a good dog” so maybe the dog grew on you ? just a little bit? Maybe change the way you “think” about the dog before trying to rehome him?? Look at your dog as part of your kids upbringing… A positive and useful part of the family…give it a REAL chance.
It took me years to learn that the way I look at some thing, kind of creates the way I continue to see it. Just maybe if you don’t see it as extra work & an extra mouth to feed… Really incorporate him into your lives? Dunno. Something to think about!!


Why did they feel like they had to go behind your back? I’d be questioning that bit for myself…
If someone got rid of my dog when I wasn’t home, we wouldn’t be together as a couple long after that news being told to me. Bonds with pets happen quickly.
But I’ve kept dogs my whole life and I had my dogs long before my partner. I think “pets” needs to be a bigger conversation subject when getting together with someone. If someone I wanted to try living my life with told me they’re “not a dog/pet person”, I’d be questioning continuing a relationship with that person as animals (along with family/children) will always be considered part of my family unit.

Yes it would. Imagine how you’d feel, if you were him.

Wow so many words for I’m just a witch


Are you sure he didn’t get the dog because he knew he was probably going to get deployed and research has shown animals truly help with ptsd and anxiety and that may be the reason he got it honestly for when he’s back from deployment. If I was you I would honestly look into your heart and see if u truly love your husband because if u did you definitely wouldn’t rehome the dog regardless if u hate it or not. It’s not always about you sorry. It’s probably in his name too so if you rehome it you’ll need his permission :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Did u ever stop to think…HE is DEPLOYING and maybe just MAYBE he got the dog HOPING AGAINST ALL ODDS that if would be company for u when he’s gone and your overwhelmed, stressed, worried/feeling down, that this dog could be security for your family while he is AWAY FIGHTING?? Ok u give the dog away, your husband dies you not going tyo feel guilty? Maybe its a good support system for ur two year old while daddy is gone. YOU ARE WRONG!


Uh yes and it would be a shitty thing to do, if I was your husband I’d probably divorce you when I got home.

Have him do it, or let him know you plan on doing that

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You decided to have a family with a military man, he’s serving his country and you really want to complain about a dog? Immature also complaining you’re raising your kids while he’s away is disgusting… you chose this


Lmfaoo yall wild if she don’t want the dog why should she be forced to care for it when he leaves?


So if he got this dog before you two were together and then he deployed would you still get rid of the dog… he’s providing for YOU and you’re going to give his ANIMAL away like that… It’s not just an Xbox or something stupid and easily replaced…

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You know it’s messed up, why are you even asking? The man is deploying & You get rid of his pet.
Just feed it. You can hire someone to walk it and pick up the dog crap if you really don’t want too. Find a neighborhood kid that wants some cash over the summer.


Why don’t you ask his parents,brother or sisters,if they would take on the responsibility,I love dogs ,we always had 2 or 3 dogs for as long as I can remember,I’m 67 ,we live in a pet friendly apt,and it works out great,maybe he wants the dog to protect you,dogs are great for that,but you have to treat them good,and it might get very lonely with him gone,at least give it a try,maybe you can get some one to help you walk the dog,if it’s a big dog,some dogs are very strong,they get excited when they are taken for walks,it might trip you,or cause you to lose your balance,but if it’s a tiny dog they’re great for hearing noises we can’t hear,to let you know if someone is at the window or door,I would keep to keep you and your babies safe

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Fighting for his country and you want to give his friend away? You’re must be worse than grinch because your heart isn’t too small. Sounds like you’re missing one completely. What if he didn’t make it back. Do you have any feelings for your husband?


No it’s not wrong. What’s wrong is the fact that people expect you to care for something you specifically said you we’re not going to do. As a single mom who also (for compulsive cleaning reasons) does not want a dog at home, I can relate. It’s ok to say you have too much on your plate. It’s ok to take things off your plate. Don’t listen to what other people say and go find that dog a GOOD home where it will be properly cared for. Your mental health is more important than a bunch of people of FBs opinions. The less stressed you are the better mom you’ll be and Thats priority #1


Both of you are wrong. He should of included you. But the dog is there now. And being switched from home to home will take a toll on the dog. I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old and 2 1/2 year old German shepherd. I did it. But If you rehome the dog, be prepared for arguments and problems when your husband comes home.

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Your husband shouldn’t have made the decision to get a dog without you, that’s part of being married. You guys need to sit down together and talk.


See if you can put the pooch in a GOOD kennel service while he’s deployed? Talk to him about it before doing so, whether you wanted the dog or not he could have gotten it for reasons he cant voice to you for whatever reason. I know often times soldiers don’t want to burden their loved ones with their pain, try to put yourself in his shoes.


I would say yes… if they are bonded that would be really shitty… atleast tell him and ask him to find a family member or friend that would be willing to watch the dog till he gets back. Wouldn’t you want company for when you out the kids to bed at night… the dog could become a companion for you while your husband is away.

Wow never heard of such a selfish thing to do


Araali Kahumuza Banu abantu embwa kanibazitwara nka ekintu kindi barungi! Soma comments

Lmfao wow your husband is going to deploy and fight for our country and you wont watch his good dog that your children probably love. You dont deserve a good man.


He is being deployed ,which I’m sure is already difficult on him and to me you’re acting a bit childish. If you have time for your lids then you have time to feed ,water and let the dog out yo potty for your husband that is working!!!


NOT WRONG!! You stated from the off you don’t like dogs and would never own one and now his brought one into your home and buggered off leaving you to care for it! Definitely not wrong imo. I’d do the same.


I’m willing to bet he probably had some sort of idea about the upcoming deployment when he got the dog. He definitely should have talked to you about it first but I wouldn’t get rid of the dog behind his back. Especially while he’s deployed.

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You clearly must not love your husband because he loves this dog and your first thought was to rehome the dog? My home has me, my parents, my brother, 3 dogs and 3 cats, and we would get more if the house were big enough. Maybe stop being such an evil negative soul and learn to love this dog that will literally die for you. Dogs are companions and he would probably be more loyal than your husband. Rethink your stance and morals


I hope he rehomes you as soon as he gets back.


You would absolutely be wrong! That dog is now part of your family, just as an unplanned baby would be. Suck it up and take GOOD care of the dog while he’s gone. If you don’t want to walk it,or clean up after it, hire someone to do those things… you might just fall in love with the dog, your 2 year old probably already has…


I personally would re home the dog. :woman_shrugging:t2: people can call you ignorant names all they want but at the end of the day they aren’t the ones dealing with it all! I do not like dogs, I’m not a dog person at all. A few years ago my husband and I discussed getting a dog and we both agreed to wait. A few weeks later he showed up with this puppy that was going to be a BIG dog. I was furious!! I had a toddler and two cats already and we lived in a small duplex where we could not have a big dog. I instantly hated it! He works full time and I’m a very busy mom who’s not always home and I had NO time to train and take care of it. I actually felt so bad having to leave it home all the time and I felt like it wasn’t going to get the love it deserved at our house. We tried for a few months but it wasn’t working out. We re homed it to someone who gave it the best life and I did not feel bad rehoming it one bit because I knew I couldn’t give it the love it deserved. Don’t let people make you feel bad. If you hate the dog already there’s a slim chance you’ll be best buds with it :woman_shrugging:t2: I’m not a dog person at all and that’s my experience with a dog I never wanted.


I don’t understand people who don’t like dogs. My dogs have been there for me more often then any of my friends or family members, and it hurts knowing they can’t live in my apartment (they are shared with my mom) be lucky you live in a situation where you have the LUXURY of having a dog and kids. Don’t take that for granted one bit, many people would trade spots to be where you are.

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I would have a big discussion with him about the dog. Then maybe u two can come to some kind of decision before he leaves. But if he’s expecting u to keep it for him them don’t get rid of his dog without him knowing.


In any other situation, rehome it. In this case tho, he’s a fucking military member. He’s being deployed to fight for your right to bitch about a dog and you’re contemplating getting rid of it? His companion? Not okay. He shouldn’t have brought a dog home without your okay, but he obviously needed or wanted one so badly he went behind you and got one anyway. Sounds like he’s nor the dog are the problem sis.

If I was your husband I’d divorce you for getting rid of my dog , maybe he feels safer with a dog there when he can’t be


He is fighting for our freedom, while giving away his freedom. I think a dog :dog2: is the least you can give him. Sounds like you’re a witch and he needed the dog for some real, unconditional companionship.


I would never have allowed it let alone let the dog stay and bond with you guys to then get rid of it thats cruel


That’s really really sad :cry: want to get rid of the dog . It’s not the dogs fault . But since your like this and bitter . Maybe dog be better off with someone who will love the dog . But if your husband is a true dog lover . I feel sorry for you. Because I’m a true dog lover and if my hubby did something like that he’d be re homed with divorce papers . I mean yes it’s work to have kids and dogs . But one dog ain’t that hard . I feel bad for the dog . The way you are I think definitely the dog should be with someone who’s gonna love him it’s obviously not you .

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Please look into this. While it was foolish of him to bring home a pet you didn’t agree to, it wouldn’t be better of you to rehome it while he’s away.
Please don’t stoop to his level. Look into this WITH HIM before he leaves… at no time is it too soon to do so. Don’t put it off, because if for some reason they can’t do it, your husband NEEDS to be the one to find an alternate viable solution.


Being a military wife myself…the last thing you want to do while your husband is deployed is go behind his back while he’s serving our country and get rid of something that brings him joy.
Maybe the dog is his PTSD dog and helps him cope with life, marriage, kids, etc…A lot of times our military spouses hold in their feelings. Sure- he should have talked to you about getting the dog. BUT…
Maybe your husband doesn’t want you to know about how he’s feeling mentally about having to leave his wife and children and a dog simply brings him comfort. The dog could very well be an emotional support dog for him. Why take that from him?
Please don’t get rid of this dog. Think about what you’re doing before you throw out the dog, literally.
If you do that- you seriously may be throwing away your marriage.
Marriage is compromising on both sides and putting the other one first. :heart:


Oof. I do not think that is an ok thing to do while he is away. It’s his dog. And becides a dog is great protection. I would feel safer with a dog in the house alone with two small children. Why wouldn’t you want that extra protection?

For the sake of the dog, since you will not care for him as he deserves / you will not love him as he deserves, you need to find him a new loving home. I am sorry that you and your husband could not agree on this subject; I’m pretty sure there are other problems - your husband is being deployed and you are expected to support his career…it seems you may not be up to the task.


I have an 8 week old baby, a 10yo, and 3 dogs. If my fiance wasn’t fortunate enough to be able to be home with me the past few weeks there is no way I could care for them properly. Newborns are hard and take all your time, then throw in having a toddler that also needs and wants all your attention, having no husband to help, she’s going to be so overwhelmed and I’m sure is already stressing just thinking about it. My baby is on the booob probably 19hrs, if not more, a day. Yall mad at her bc her husband is military and could have ptsd, but forget she’s a 9m pregnant mama and babies are hard and ppd is so real! If this dog is doing to cause her mental health to suffer on top of Rollercoaster hormones, its definitely best to have someone take the dog at least until her husband is back home and can help care for it. Pretty shitty of him to go and get a dog 1 after she said she didn’t want it and wasn’t going to care for it and 2 bc he knew he was deploying. Wife is not wrong for this, yall shaming the wrong person!

I didnt want a dog… i had 10 month old twins and 4 older kids under the age of 7. My husband brought home a rottweiler and here we are 8 years later… my husband barely feeds or walks him…i dont like him and hes made my life so much harder but i love him and he is part of our family. Stick it out.

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Your not wrong. Communication goes a long way. You don’t get a dog and expect somebody else to take care of it. If you don’t want a dog you shouldn’t be forced to have one.


If HE wants to keep the dog then HE needs to figure out care for it while he’s gone. We all have different mental limitations and his disregard for yours (while caring for his children) is quite sad. While I do not think anyone should ever go behinds someone’s back to rehome a pet, I think you need to have a clear conversation with him about prioritizing your mental health over his wants for a dog. He needs to figure out care for the dog while he’s gone or find it a home that has the proper time for it.


It’s definitely a fair concern that you have two kids under 5 it’s hard kids are hard. I promise you if you get rid of that dog he will never forgive you ever. Maybe he can agree to have the dog fostered or maybe hire someone who can come walk the dog make things a little easier. Also kids love helping w the kibble :blush:
Give pupper a chance… obedience training? Might be nice to have a dog to make noise while your husband is deployed you may just fall in love.

Marriage is give and take. If it means so much to him…well… I guess we all have to decide for ourselves.

Extremely wrong. My husband brought home a dog. I have a 8 year old and two year old and I’m 6 months pregnant. My husband is a driver and guess what I still care for the dog while he’s gone ! Compromise in a marriage.


Nope. I’d not keep it. Damn that’s too much on you alone.

Okay, your husband is about to deploy. If you go behind his back and get rid of his dog he will wonder what else you did behind his back while he was gone. I am sorry but deployments are slippery slopes honey. Even if they don’t see any combat or aren’t in any danger, they change. They aren’t always the same when they come back. I speak from experience, my husband is about to come home from his 4th deployment and my son just got home from his 1st. Thankfully we are stronger after every deployment, but I sure as heck wouldn’t give up his dog while he was gone! Maybe he got that dog knowing he was going to need him for therapy? Or just a pal that he knows will for sure be waiting for him when he gets back, someone that is always happy to see him and won’t JUDGE him for what he Maybe had to do while was away.
If you don’t think you can’t handle the job try to find a friend or family member that will help take on that responsibility. I have a feeling you giving up that dog without him knowing might not end well.


I hope he gets rid of you he is putting his life on the line for his country and you cant be bothered with a dog? Get over yourself


Well maybe he shouldn’t have gotten the dog if there was a chance he could be deployed. :woman_shrugging:
Unpopular opinion it seems. With that being said, I would talk to him about it prior to deployment. It should be his responsibility to find a someone else to care for the dog or rehome the dog himself. There should be no shame in not being a dog person, atleast you were honest about that up front.


Your husband is going to deploy to fight for his country and protect people he doesn’t know and it’s too much for you to care for his dog and children while he’s gone? Apparently you don’t understand the link/impact between a soldier’s mental health and their dog. A woman in my group where my son is stationed just found out her brother was killed last night. She’s not going to Red Cross message her husband because she gets the impact on him while he’s away. That’s what you do for your soldier. I was an Army Wife and now an Army Mom of two.

If I were your husband I’d rehome you when I got back if you did that.


You don’t deserve it and neither does the poor dog deserve it


Yeah I would be pissed if I came home and you got rid of my dog. You sound like a real b ××××


I mean… I dont think you’re wrong. But you should definitely think about it first.
You dont want to make any rash decisions on his first run and then regret it.


don’t do that… thats beyond wrong voice your opinion… and tbh maybe he feels the need for that dog. if you love him thats not even a question :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

My ex husband did this except he has a habit of going to jail for long periods of time. I personally kept the dog and ditched the husband but I don’t recommend this method for everyone


Dog didn’t ask for you either, yet there you are. How much work does it take to hook it up onto a lead to go outside? Put the babies in a stroller and the dog on a leash and go for walks? Give your little one a distraction while daddy is gone? Have it as some home security to deter strangers while he’s gone. Don’t be a tart. And don’t be a dick to the dog.


And another thing if this was the other way around like him getting rid of her pet behind her back yall would be calling him names and all lmao


He should rehome you and keep the dog….:woman_shrugging:


What a selfish bish. He can grab the dog and come live here. I have room.


I will watch his dog - it’s the least I could do while he is sacrificing his freedom and family for mine. Feel free to PM me.


I honestly hope he rehomes you! So damn rude!

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Everyone is hating on her for wanting to re-home the dog but aren’t saying a word about him going against her wishes in the beginning. If she doesn’t want to take care of the dog maybe they have a friend or family member that can at least foster the dog until he returns and maybe by then she will be okay with the dog coming back into the home where he can resume responsibilities for it. It’s definitely better than killing it or letting it go to a pound where it may get killed anyway.


You need to do what best for you and your family. Is there a family member that can take him while the husband is gone?

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Okay so getting rid of the dog behind his back would be wrong. I would talk to him. Maybe a family member can take the dog while he is away. If not there are programs that will take care of the dog while he is away. I do think it was very disrespectful of him to get a dog if he wasn’t in a position to take care of the dog. There is always a compromise you just have to be able to find it. I don’t think these hateful comments are needed. She is 9months pregnant about to have a baby all alone and her husband wants to add to her plate. That’s like having a baby that ur husband doesn’t want and then making him care for the child while u r away for ur job.

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My fiancé hates cats! But still cared for mine when we moved in together xx


He shouldnt have sprung that on you. Then to know hes leaving expecting u to care for it. If you can find another family that can give the pup the attention it deserves then i probably would. This isnt a dog he came into the relationship with, he made assumptions. I know without reading the comments that youre getting dragged for this question but i dont think youre wrong.


Yes you are wrong. He’s going to fight for your our country and you can’t be bothered to care for his dog while he’s gone? That dog may prove to be beneficial to his mental state especially after the horrors soldiers endure. However just by the way you’re talking he May be better off being cared for by someone who will actually love him and give him the time and attention he deserves cause it sounds like you wouldn’t.


Two wrongs don’t make a right. He was wrong for bringing a dog home when he knew how you felt about it. It’s just as wrong to get rid of it behind his back. You two need to grow up and communicate like adults.


Can the husband rehome you? You sound toxic


I completely understand this but I wouldn’t recommend rehoming him. Let your husband know he needs to make arrangements for the dog while he’s gone. Maybe there’s a friend who could take the dog until he returns or a temporarily foster. Don’t feel juilty about not wanting the dog. You told your spouse you wouldn’t be able to care for it and he didn’t listen. He got the dog so its HIS responsibility not yours. Especially since you’ll be caring for your children alone while he’s gone. He shouldn’t expect you to take on more responsibility when you said no to having the dog in the first place.

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My husband brought home his working dog before he deployed & I was pregnant. At first I was hesitant because I was afraid to do it all on my own, but the dog brought me so much comfort & it was like having a piece of my husband with me. (I already had two kids & three dogs before he brought him home) I think this should be a conversation between you & your husband. Best of luck! I hope it works out!

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Yes out of order. What sort of a person would do a thing like that. Would you rehome your kids I think not so don’t do it to a poor dog.

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Yup. Wrong af. I’m good times and the bad times. You signed up to be his wife. He has a dog and wants you to be part of that. How awful of you to only think about your wants. Bet you didn’t even consider letting him get a dog and made that decision by yourself and that’s why he did it anyway.

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That would be down right mean😠. Not the dogs fault he was brought home to you that doesn’t like him. See if a family member can take him at least till your husband comes home. The dog doesn’t deserve this. Maybe you should be rehomed.

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If my spouse rehomed my dog… i would no longer have one. The husband is deploying… when he comes home after a long absence and finds his dog gone? I don’t think it will end well