Would you be offended by this?

He’s gaslighting you pretty brightly. Try to see your happy and follow it. :two_hearts:

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Why would you marry someone when your always had issues with the family? Did this just start or has it been this way the whole time? I wouldnt stay in that kind of relationship. It isn’t fair to you.

Ma am. U are 100% correct in feeling the way u do… mainly because it’s how u feel…

  1. He doesn’t do this stuff at other times? At home around friends . Co workers. Your kids… ok so… what about his family makes him act that way… :thinking:. Maybe start there.
  2. So what if he’s pissed at u. U shud be pissed he does this to you and seems to disregard how it makes u feel. Be pissed back do not let his anger be a bully to u.3
    . if he lays hands on your or is insulting just to hurt you emotionally then that states alot about him :confused:.
  3. Maybe not go to his family functions and explain to those whom care why u no longer come, hubby seems to feel a need to shame and humiliate me in front of u all and disregards and bullies me when I try to explain how his actions do so. However with ur statement above , sounds as if they will back him… expect it don’t be hurt. And u maybe surprised…
    5 stop and do some soul searching… do u really wanna live like this forever…what about kids, shud they have to deal with these behaviors…
    U can’t change a behavior if u are unwilling to accept responsibility for it…
    Just gonna get worse, he does this around family cuz thier a safety net for him to be either the real him or who he thinks they think he is… best wishes and
    Good luck.
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Super huge, bright, waving in the wind, crimson red flag of a narcissistic personality disorder. Run.


That’s reallllllly sh*ttyyy of him!! What an a**, I’m sorry.

That’s a set up to gain their loyalty and support for when you get tired of his crap. It’s designed to make you look unstable and unreasonable. It’s abuse. Abuse doesn’t start with hitting, it starts like this. He’s aligning allies that will help him continue the abuse and control you. Get your safety plan together. The person he is when he’s with his family is who he really is. The other times are an act. Don’t worry about explaining yourself to anyone. Look out for yourself. They won’t.


He’s being rude to you! I don’t blame you for being upset. Hope things get better :yellow_heart:

That is verbal abuse, leave

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Leave his ass, he’s a big blowhard and has no respect for you! Your better off on your own.

First of all I would leave if his family doesn’t stand up for you when he is clearly in the wrong you need to run a lot faster get the hell out of there


I would ditch him pretty quick

He is a narcissist and you will never win. He could go out and kill someone and still find ways to convince you it was your fault that person died. They don’t care about feelings and I promise he’ll always make you feel like shit and always make you the villain for his actions. My moms like this and my ex husband. They’re abusive and manipulative.

Girl!! You dont need this verbal abuse. You are better than that… Leave and dont think twice about it, don’t second guess yourself. You know the answer or you wouldn’t be asking for us to clear it up for you. Go!! You don’t deserve that crap from any of them.


Girrrrl… You are so respectful. I’d bully him right back, but that’s just me. My husband tried it, just recently, where he switched up his opinions (about a particularly sensitive topic) like a freaking chameleon when we were with his siblings so that it became “them” vs. me. Umm, no, you do not get to pretend about anything in front of your family. He was immediately called out on it & became embarrassed. In my family, my parents & relatives treat in-laws very well, are inclusive & accepting, and I will not accept toxic behaviour from him when we are with his, periodttt.

For your husband & in-laws, it sounds like it’s their family “culture” & the behaviour they were taught growing up. I’ve found that correcting bad behaviour immediately & setting a good example is the best way to open up their eyes to what’s happening. They might not see it or someone in the family may have realised it, & be just as uncomfortable as you, but is too timid to speak up.

If you find the opportunity to do this, speak clearly about how unnecessary & hurtful it is to put others down to look good in front of others in any situation, be it family, at work or with friends. Set limits & once those limits are reached, make sure there are consequences for that man. Whatever you do, your days of simply accepting it, or being hurt & shutting down, must be over ~ don’t accept poor treatment from ANYONE, least of all your own husband. Best wishes :hibiscus:


I’d just walk away… Leave the marriage. That’s not right at all. I’m so sorry he treats you like this. You deserve so much better.

That’s abuse. I would be gone.


You need to leave his sorry a!! he sounds like he gets pleasure out of harassing you while his family is around. Who knows what he has said when you’re not around. I feel this is a big red flag


This is abuse!! He’s in the wrong! Dump his butt to the curb and find someone who will respect you!! He’s proven over and over again he doesn’t!!

If my husband even thinks of humiliating me like that in front of his family… Oh may God protect him… he is suppose to protect u from people hurting u or making u feel unworthy. Im sorry honey i know u already know what u need to do here…

I have an old fashioned kind of guy and he never would ever say this in front of his family about me. It is all about respect. Do not shrug it off as old fashioned and certainly don’t keep swallowing it. Something needs to be done. Your feelings matter. Even if they seem irrational or completely not in tone with anything feel them anyway. Google gaslighting. Also the fact that he has turned his behaviour on to you because you have gotten upset is completely wrong.


He is rude, mean and gaslighting you. Get on this right away!

You need to run … he is toxic!

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Yikes! You’re not wrong. Your feelings are valid and to be frank, he sounds like an ass. NOPE. Verbal abuse is what that sounds like to me. I mean only you know how much you’re willing to deal with but if it was me, I’d be gone after the first time something like that happened. Y’all are partners, supposed to support and left each other up. You’re not a punching bag. Nope. Not uh.

Ma’am he’s disrespecting you, insulting you, degrading you, gaslighting you… The list goes on. Life is short, and you absolutely do NOT deserve to be with someone who makes you feel horrible and like you’re a nuisance in every way. Slap him with some divorce papers and never look back at him or his family again. You deserve better and there is someone out there who will treat you a million times better. Don’t waste any more of your time hoping he’ll stop this behaviour. He won’t. If he wanted to, he would have already changed his ways by now.


He’d get a swift boot to the balls an told to shut his mouth let him feel just as embarrassed as you… honestly pack up an leave who’d want him as a husband :roll_eyes:

Oh he can fuck right off! Get out now.

Bye boy bye! He sounds like a teenage asshole

Respect yourself.

Do not allow anymore abuse

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“Your are being you, don’t change”

Someone who loves and cares about you wouldn’t downplay you like that

No it’s the one with the issue. His behavior gets worse around his family. I honestly wouldn’t deal with it . Don’t apologize he was being a jerk. That’s crappie of him to slam u like that . I’d would be done with him.

He’s gaslighting you so hard
You don’t deserve that at all. That’s not normal or acceptable behavior


run while you can! get out and get your self respect back! he is an asshole and you are enabling him.

Your husband is an asshole who is attempting to “show off” in front of his family. Let that dude go and find yourself again, them someone who will treat you with respect.

Break his mouth 1 time he will learn


Ummm byyy boy and don’t look back run as fast as you can girl


A husband (and wife) should always defend you around their family. And if it’s something he really doesn’t agree with he should tell you later in private.


I would say “If this is how you speak in front of your family, does that mean this is the real you? Because if it is I don’t want any part of it…And I’m sure your parents are embarrassed of you acting like that because I know they wouldn’t have a raised a man to speak to his wife like that.”


He’s a pompous ass with a false superiority complex. Extremely insecure narcissist with a helping of tearing down others to elevate himself.
Burn his things and take the dog.

You are not “too” anything. Embarrassing you makes him feel like a bigshot. He’s an insensitive blowhard. This is all too familiar. Don’t stick around. He’s never going to change. He has bad energy. I stayed too long. Don’t do it.


Damn narcissistic is what he is of you don’t see it he is abusing you lady. A man is to respect his wife even around his own family. I would have walked long ago

You have two choices, it cannot be a mix of both, because his family will not change. 1st choice, dump his ass and run for the hills, 2. Take everything they say with a grain of salt and brush it off. Do not let people mean shit to you when you don’t mean shit to them.

He sounds like a douchebag


I don’t even know what to say. I just don’t understand how your husband could treat you that way. There is no way I would stand for that. I’m sorry but I’d leave him.


I’m sorry but your husband doesn’t respect you. He is 100% in the wrong.

Putting you down and bashing you in front of his family is his way to make him feel better about himself.

That’s verbal abuse and you don’t deserve that at all. If you let it slide that’s just validating to him that the behavior is okay.

You need to stand up for yourself and tell him it’s not okay. If he doesn’t change which he won’t, you should leave.


What you allow, will continue. If it offends you (and it would certainly offend me to say the least) do something about it.


My husband always treats me differently in front of his family and is mean to me. So I stopped going with him over there. He’s like two different people. It’s because once he gets there, he feels like he has to “fit in” again and I’m like dude show off your growth. You don’t have to adjust back to their way of thinking and acting simply bc you’re around them. Ever since I stopped going, he’s gotten extremely butthurt but oh well. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Why in the world do you put up with this abuse. Life’s too short!


Divorce time. He’s got issues.


Don’t be with someone who disrespects you period.


This actually hurt my heart reading this… I am so sorry you are going through this from someone that is supposed to love you… what hurts as well is his family also don’t put him in his place either…


I’d say he doesn’t love or respect you. You don’t treat one you love that way, it’s time to have a serious talk with him and if he won’t talk, write him a letter and pack your bag!


Me personally wouldn’t go there any more and I’d tell him to F off


Get out before it becomes physically abusive. He’s already verbally and emotionally abusing you.


Get out as fast as u can! No way will I allow someone to talk to me like that


Doesn’t any of his family call him on this ? He is showing you how much or less he loves you, JERK !! Easier said than done, but anyone deserves better than this, he needs to go.

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Let me guess the consensus is to leave him because he’s a narcissist. I say leave him because he’s a a**hole


Grow up and be a man!

I’d be pissed and leave. Bye felicia!!! I’ll be damned if I ever let my fiance treat me like thst infront of his family or anyone for that matter. Men are supposed to protect and cherish women, and not bring thrm down like your hubby does. I would remind him of his vows to YOU and tell him to stop showing off infront of his family.

If he doesn’t defend you, then stay at home. End of story!

I have two brothers and would JUMP ON THEIR HEADS if they ever spoke to a gf or wife like that. It’s not ok and if I were you I’d leave until he could speak to you with some damn respect.

Even if his joking, a. it’s not funny. B. he was being a sh!thead and c he knows knows he was and d. Trying to turn the tables. #ManChildSyndrome

Your husband is an asshole. That’s not acceptable behavior… Throw the whole boy away and start over. You sound so sweet, you deserve an actual man who defends you and talks you up to anyone who will listen.

I would not go to his family due to his behaviors


Sweet lady pack up and leave or pack him up and show him the door. This is abuse


He sounds like a narcissist and he will never be wrong :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I’m sorry you have to deal with this. If it was me I would insult him back and see how he likes it. I’d say oh look who is talking the one who can’t do anything for himself.

He’s point blank comfortable with his family and feels he can say whatever he feels like he doesn’t respect u :confused: it seems like

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Baby girl, this is not what you are put on this earth to endure. Please do not waste your best years, or any more years on this futile effort. You have done well, time to say your goodbyes, rest and heal.


Sounds like a narcissist. Why are you with him?


Nothing will EVER change unless you stand your ground and show him that his behavior is wrong and that you will no longer stand for it. Nobody deserves to be treated like that or to be made to feel less than. If it were me in the situation I would have a very brief conversation with him and bluntly let him know that if he truly loves and wants to be with me then that better have been the last time he disrespects or disregards my feelings bc I will no longer accept it and I’m worth more than that. Then if he does it again you pack yourself a bag and go stay somewhere else to show him that you are serious.


No one who loves, values or respects you treats you like that EVER!!!


Those breaks my heart. He has NO respect whatsoever for you! Your spouse should be defending you not putting you down and picking on you. Total bs. I would personally stop carrying the weight of all the household chores, etc let him learn how to do for himself. You deserve better than being degraded. I am sorry you are experiencing this


Or next time he does this grab your purse and don’t just sit in the car if you have keys drive away or start walking.


Tell him to do one and f…k off…I was with a very controlling man for 22 years…didn’t realise he was till we split…good luck sweetheart :heart::england:

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FYI Hamel is sending the same message to all women beware of this man

Find someone that appreciates, respects, and adores you !

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Sorrie.but I get mad because this story us me. Did not mean to get mad at you…

This story is mine too

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That’s a narcissist! I was with a man like that years ago and left. It was the best thing I ever did because I soon after met my now husband and he never talks down to me or allows anyone else to. That’s not love dear that’s abuse. I’m so sorry.


Didn’t read this all. But your husband is a ass hole, leave him, He is not worth it

Don’t let him disrespect you. He is putting you down and trying to make himself look a " TUFF GUY "

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This is horrible. Nobody should be treated this way. He’s bullying you into being what he was taught women are. Quiet little things that wait on men hand & foot. Please leave! This emotional abuse will beat you down more & more.

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Leave him . He obviously doesn’t care about you nor your feelings. Tell him to kick rocks and leave your house

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He is degrading you in front of others. That’s so disrespectful. It’s sad his family doesn’t speak up. If my son acts like that in front of me I’ll call him out in a heartbeat. That’s not ok. I’m sorry girl. I hope he’s not like that at home also.


I use to be with someone like this a long time ago. Let me tell you it will never end or get better. Best thing I ever did was leave and move on.


Remove yourself from all of them if u want to b happy


Why do you love this guy???

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Damn, he sounds like an asshole. Time to find a man that will show you the love and respect you deserve :heart:

You need to tell him he needs to stop being a school buy bully. And he needs a good lesson in humiliation. Then pack your things and leave. Cause he is a BULLY. He obviously doesn’t love you if he is putting you down all the time. Do hom the favor and leave his rude butt. Lesson will be taught.

Oops school boy BULLY

I would give it right back in front of his family. After all God said “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” :woman_shrugging:


Get a new husband :tipping_hand_woman:t3:

You are right…he’s insulting

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Next time he wants to visit his people let him go alone say to him I’m not happy being left out in the cold u can travel alone because I’m not your horses ass anymore use some other ass because this ass is not available anymore

Leave before you are damaged more. He doesn’t love you…


I’d be offended. What a jerk

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There’s a difference between joking around and being completely disrespectful.
A lack of respect is abuse and it will only get worse, from experience :100:.
Please be safe!

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He is emotionally and verbally abusing you. Get out.

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Run as far and as fast as you can…narcissist !!