Would you be offended by this?

If he truly loved and respected you he would not be treating you this way. Doesn’t matter who it is. Sounds like he is trying to make himself look good in front of others at your expense. Then to turn the tables on you? Classic abuser! My honest opinion is call it a day and end this relationship. You deserve to be treated better.

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Okay 1st of dont let him put you down in front of his family, friends or your family. 2nd this is not going to change my 1st husband was the same and God forbid if I said anything back to him. Tell him to kiss your but and go! Then maybe he will see what he is doing. You deserve better.

Run as fast as you can. Love doesn’t act that way

He’s a jerk and sounds like his family is too!

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Hes a narcissist. Get out now

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He is rude, disrespectful, insulting emotionally & verbally. Run don’t walk as far and as fast as you can from this asshole! Saying stuff like that is so RUDE! And unnecessary

Your to good I would have taken the car and left him there!


Demeaning you is disrespectful, but it is 10x worse when done in front of those who are extra judgemental towards you. How would he like that if you said those things to your parents or your siblings about him, in front of him. Tell him, if he doesnt have anything nice or substantial to add to a conversation, STFU and stay silent. Some things don’t always need to be said just because they popped into your head. You have every right to be mad and upset. I’m upset for you! Especially when his rude ass wasn’t even involved in the conversation you were having. He not only interrupted your conversation to shit on yours, he interrupted his as well. That is blatant disrespect, to everyone involved. Not just you. What an asshole. Then turn around and blame you for having feelings and being upset. He deserves a kick square in the balls. Real men don’t treat their wives this way.

This is called gaslighting. He’s mentally abusing you. Put and end to it. H
You do not deserve this.


You deserve better. Real men dont talk like that to their women. They appreciate them and are proud of their careers and want to show them off not talk shit about them and down to them. :heart:

He sounds like some one who treats women like shit in general. So just know it’s not you. Get out of there. Theres some one out there who would never even think of treating you that way.

I’d dish it right back! Embarasse his ass, day you were just joking like him. Every single time!

What the hell? How he’s treating you is NOT okay! Even if it’s just around his family, that’s super messed up. I would be very offended, upset, and even consider leaving him if that was my husband.


That hurt my feelings for you!


It’s not you sugar, he’s an absolute dick and showing out for his dickhead family. Leave his ass and find someone who appreciates you and respects you.

Ma’am you’re not being too sensitive. Your husband is a disrespectful jerk who enjoys putting you down in front of his family.


Girl fucking leave…… if he’s so comfortable treating you like that in front of his family imagine what he’s gonna be like in front of your kids…. Get out

Gaslighting at its finest , girl leave him , a man who says they love you will never humiliate you !!


Run don’t walk to a lawyer and find out your rights and next time he lays that crap on you kick him to the curb. You are being mentally and emotionally abused and it is only going to get worse.

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Gaslighting. Do your research. Learn how to handle someone like this or just run away. Far away. I recommend the latter.


He was raised to see women as inferior, therefore it only happens around his family so he can prove himself worthy. The following arguments and fights are due to his pride not letting him see what he did wrong or apologize for it. Sounds narcissistic to me. Stand up for yourself, tell him how these comment make you feel and that he should stop. Belittling you is not respecting you.


You’ll never see a wealthy person discouraging others from investing, but plenty of broke people discourage others from investing, claiming its “too risky”. It has been absolutely profitable trading through Marilyn Eleanor Anstey assistance.
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I wouldn’t put up with it

Run, don’t walk, away from that nonsense.

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He’s a total jackass.

Kick him to the curb NOW

Leave ,your to good for him or put him out back to his family.

Your husband is supposed to be your biggest and #1 supporter. If it were me….:v:t2:


Leave his narcissistic ass :bangbang:

Sounds like he’s a real jerk and very insecure with himself.
I would tell him,he has one more time to embarrass me in front of his family,and if he doesn’t listen i would stand up and get right in his face, with his family there and really go off on him, and put him in his place. That’s the only way he’s going to stop trying to bully u in front of his family. Everytime he pulls his shit in front of people,then put him in his place every time.
If he hits u,take a warrant out on him and put him in jail.
If he calls u a bitch, look at him, smile and say you haven’t seen what this bitch can do to you, turn and walk away,dont let this piece of shit bully you or belittle you. You dont need someone like that and why would u want trash like that??

He definitely sounds like a narcissist


Why the f are you putting up with your HUSBAND…degrading you, bullying you…basically verbally and emotionally abusing you?!? Riddle me that one!! Of course your should be f’in offended…that’s a no brainer…and another no brainer would be divorce!! Like why…why be with someone that makes you feel less & like shit?!? Like re-read your story till it sinks in…”I’m being verbally & emotionally abused by my own husband” …and as I said he does this often enough…

Your feelings are valid here and personally I wouldn’t stay with him. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Oh girl. I was in a very similar situation. Didn’t realize how bad it was till I got out n looked at all the things he did to degrade me. Yea I embarrassed him when I wouldn’t ride in a car when his friend the driver was high… he was also wearing sunglasses at night on country roads. He said I had embarrassed him when I confronted him in front of a girl who was holding his hand n telling him how sad it was that his gf left him. I was standing right there… I left because I didn’t want to pay all the bills… I actually left because he cheated on me again… I worked as a truck driver n some days I had to leave at 1 am so I could deliver on time. I had our mechanics number so if I had an issue with truck n trailer I could call him direct but according to bf I was bumping him. He accused me of cheating but in reality I was just tired ( later was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.). I went to a Dr because I felt like I was having a heart attack. They sent me to hospital n when I called him his statement was well how long are you gonna be in there. We have bills to pay. I was diagnosed with Anemia (severe. My blood count was 7… normal is 12 n above.) he was furious when I said I was going to be off a week ( Dr wanted me off for 6-8 weeks) because he needed the bills paid. I have many many stories like this. I would seriously think about getting out n away from this guy. He is trying to make think you are always in the wrong. You aren’t. He will destroy you. He’s already making you second guess yourself.


Kick his disrespectful ass out. Find a man who appreciates n respects you.

That’s pretty toxic. I was in your position except it was around her friends, her family was never involved as she hated her mother up until we separated. I used to work up to 60 hrs a week and then expected to do the housework on my time home instead of being with the kids, which I thought was pretty un fair since she refused to work or study. Needless to say the last twelve months of our relationship I was trying to get out and thanks to the hobby community and new friends I made I got the strength and gave her a date by which if nothing changed I was out. Anyway she beat me to the punch, kicked me and the kids out, started dribbling garbage to everyone and had my son taken off me.

Toxic people come in all colours and creeds, it isnt gender specific being a tool and mis treating people. I’d say see a counsellor to help gather the strength and tools you need and leave.

Nobody deserves toxicity.

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You need to join the “frying pan club” that me and a couple of women joke about. One upside the head will cure him of that. Kidding aside, stand up for yourself and do not accept this behavior from him. Call him out on it and if it doesn’t change, there should be big consequences. Good luck.

Run fast you can do much better on your own. I don’t car what profession you are in aa long as you love ig he should respect you… Or his ass would be gone

Your husband is an ass! He clearly has no respect for you. My man would never speak to me like this. In front of me or behind my back. Never!! We respect eachother.
Kick him to the curb.

Is he like that when your just around friends and not family ? If not then he probably gets teased by his family and he is trying to deflect it on you, that’s pretty bad but his family seems too different from yours so maybe he has to decide you or his family :man_shrugging:

If your daughter was telling you this story, what would your advice to her be?


That’s really sad. You deserve better and should not tolerate this kind of behavior.

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Show him the door. It won’t get better.

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Leave now. He is emotionally abusing you


Offended??? No!!! He belittled and hurt you in front of his family acting like “un machista!” And the fact that not one of these women stood up for you speaks volumes of the piece of :poop: they are!! RUN DONT WALK


I would be very offended by this. He is supposed to be your husband support you in every way possible not tear you down


Oh, God! This all sounds so familiar. The blame, the hateful words and actions, the gaslighting (I was just joking. You have no sense of humor. Etc.), the fighting and word salad and talking in circles when you hit them with anything approaching reality. My narcissistic ex drove me to nearly take my life and I did end up seriously considering checking into an asylum from his crazy making antics. He pushed me down, then gave me the silent treatment for an entire weekend (which is emotional abuse) because I “… ruined the weekend by making him look stupid” in front of his friends when I broke down in the car for 10 minutes because of a panic attack (from his actions). You don’t deserve this treatment! He will drain you of every bit of sanity you possess, and his family will back him up. Please, please, please… at the very least get to therapy. Get out if you can.


Narcissistic. Behavior.

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Oh honey. God, reading this… It was like you ripped memories right out of my head. He is a narcissist and he is gaslighting you. I remember those feelings you described and it’s not going to get better. It took me 6 years to realize that. He manipulated me, he hit me, and somehow in the end… It was always my fault. After I got out of that it took me years to become whole again. To trust again, to love again. You don’t deserve this treatment from him or anyone.

Your feelings are YOURS and they are always VALID! It’s not you who is being petty and childish… It’s him! That is not the way a MAN behaves, family or not.


Time to wave bye bye

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I wouldn’t have just waited in the car. I’d have left his ass there!

Listen. You have forgotten your value. You are priceless, beautiful, and worthy. Stop wasting time on someone who doesn’t value you. This is a him problem, if he won’t fix it then you have to walk away. Periodt


I’d be done. He’s an abusive ass.

Wouldn’t have married him

Get while the gittins good…control freak…narcissism

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Girl he is supposed to love and support you. Run


That’s horrible. My husband would never talk to me that way. That is straight up abusive, hon. Please leave.

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Yeaaaj this is not okay and I’m so sorry you are going through that :heart: I can relate reach out if u need to vent

Typical narcissist and gas lighting, run, now


Your husband is being a rude hurtful person and I would refuse to go to family events if he treats you like that.

There is no respect. Leave him

You are right! This is considered verbal abuse!

Does no one in his family check him out when saying these things to you? Omg someone needs to tell him that’s no way to treat you or talk to you

Husband or not he’s disrespectful as hell & I’m sure he wouldn’t want to be shamed in front of others like that !! I would draw up divorce papers ! Not even worth the fight!

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This is where you need to tell yourself you deserve better, you are worth much more then that. Idc how many years you guys have been together, kids or no kids, he has no respect for you and most likely never will… he is emotionally abusing you. A heart break will but for a while but losing yourself to a narcissist will hurt a million times more.

Men and women stay for so long in relationships like this in hope they change and when they realize they won’t, they either stay because they don’t tknow how to leave anymore or you will break emotionally.

Sending good vibes❤ please look out for what’s best for you.

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This is emotional abuse. Go to YouTube and watch videos on emotional abuse. He is completely devaluing your feelings and then twisting it as if you are the crazy one and being unreasonable. Leaving you feeling confused about your own feelings. This causes you to question yourself. If this continues, you will continue to not trust your feelings and blame yourself for behaviors he is doing. He gets off scot-free because you end up blaming yourself instead of him having to own his bad behavior. If he won’t address these issues, then leave. Emotional abuse will leave you feeling confused and crazy.


No. He needs to have some respect for you

Verbal and Emotional Abuse!!! Don’t stand for it!!!


He is a narcissist!!


This is abuse! I would separate and don’t go back till he has done counseling.

It doesn’t matter about his background, that is plain disrespectful. Honey, if my grown son ever talked to anyone especially his wife in front of me or anyone I would definitely call him out and tell his that is disrespectful and he wasn’t raised that way!! No ma’am DO NOT TOLERATE THAT BECAUSE YOUR KIDS WILL GROW UP THINKING THIS BEHAVIOR IS OK.

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Take him over to your family’s house and belittle him. I bet he can dish it out but can’t take criticism himself. I’d just pass on going over there if he verbally abuses you in front of them. If they ask why you stopped going over just tell them it’s nothing to do with them. You just don’t want to give him the opportunity to belittle you in front of them any more. You deserve better than that. I hate to say this but it sounds like he’s a bit of a jerk. Do you want to deal with this treatment for a lifetime? Hope things work out for you.


So disrespectful, I would have drove home. I would pack up and spend time away from that.

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It’s better to be alone than be abused! You don’t deserve it.


Ma’am, if you don’t leave his b!tch@ss I stg
He’s so fkn fragile he can’t handle you talking so he berates you in front of his family because they won’t stick up for you?
That’s manipulation and gaslighting 101
Blame shifting
Refusing to take accountability for what he does
Doesn’t respect you or your feelings
Or the relationship if he’s acting like that honestly
Leave his @ss
He’s a grown @ss man and acting like that because you won’t be his maid??
Nothing makes me angrier than a selfish lazy ignorant m*n
Leave him.
He literally will not change, he will only get worse.

Don’t let the door hit u in the ass on yo way out!

Disrespectful, would not deal with it , he needs to be accountable for his actions…

Stand up for yourself…put him in his place…tell him in front of them how demeaning it is for him to say those things…ask him does it make him feel like a big man to make fun of you…if he gets mad
…leave his ass with his family

He would be going by hid self

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His behavior is not acceptable in my opinion. He should want to listen to you talking with his family. You are not being childish or too sensitive. That just shows how he really feels about you

Narcissist. He’ll never change. He’s a bully. Putting you down makes him feel like the big man. He’s toxic and I pray you get away from as soon as possible


Its called disrespect, and you should mot tolerate it, always remember people will always treat you the way you let them treat you

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He’s a narcissist. Time to go. Toxic af and will never see how he’s the problem. Get out while you can. It’s only gonna get worse if not


Sounds like a mega douche.


He’s a narcissist who’s gas lighting. It’s not going to get better…LEAVE!


Gone–pack your belong ings. Sorry he’s a narcissist buttwipe. They never change.


Get the hell out of that relationship…he’s a narcissist. I would NOT live like that!!! I’m not going to be put down in front of anyone ESPECIALLY his family!!! Do yourself a favor and find a man who appreciates you and knows your worth!!! Most importantly, LOVE yourself enough to know what you DESERVE!!! :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2::heart::heart::heart::heart:


I would leave that so absolutely disrespectful. Not ok at all. :pensive:


So incredibly rude!!!

You need to get out of that relationship

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Your Mature . He Never Grew Up.


Narcissist. Period. Strap on your Nike’s and run girl. He’ll never feel bad or stop doing it. He may act like he does or say he will. But he wont. I spent too many years with one…


No you are not, you husband sounds like a bully and a dick. And shame on his family for not sticking up for you and telling him to stop bullying you

Girl, leave him ASAP

Pack his stuff and send him on his way. He won’t change.

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Divorce his ass. Move on from him.

He won’t change.

I have a question for you:
Is this the way you want to live for the rest of your life?


The Bible makes it clear not to bear false witness, which is what he is doing. When he says those things to you, he is saying it to God because God lives in the heart of all of us. The Holy Spirit may have already abandoned him. The Bible says, pray for your enemy, which he is. That’s all you can do for him . This is not love. This is control. You may or may not be ready to leave this mess, but when you’ve had enough, you will leave.
Remember, it is not safe for someone to step in on your behalf because that’ll just make it worse on you. So, when you want out , I suggest that you work through a domestic violence program because there’s things that they know that you don’t know right now (example: victims receive a once in a lifetime $1400 to help get on your feet). Look at the bottom of your legs and you will see feet which are God-given transportation for you to leave. Also, there’s always somewhere to go (49 other states). Listen to Paul Simon song “50 Ways to Leave a Lover.” And I’ll leave you with this thought, people only do to you what you allow them to do. Prayers whether you stay or go. :pray: National Domestic Violence Hotline is 800-7997233. They will refer you and connect you to the proper people when you’re ready. :heart:

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Id have called my husband out in front of everyone, embarassed the shit out of him and then drove home without him🙂

Nope, he’s def the asshole here!