Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

Get over it. Sounds like her and nanna are making memories, you should be happy.


I love the fact that I have memories of sitting at the table with my grandma drinking coffee. She passed away 2 years ago and all we have are memories.


My daughter started drinking coffee at like 2. Now its just a couple sips and mainly cream too but sounds to me like that’s a nice treat. Minimalize the coffee intake but I wouldn’t be worried about her drinking a little

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Be grateful her grandma is spending time with her and she’s enjoying her Nana!:two_hearts:

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Be the bigger person.

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Stop her weekend with Nana?! :roll_eyes: you should be thankful she has a Nana that wants to spend time with her…


I must be a bad parent bc my 2yo loves my coffee :joy::joy:


Love my morning coffee with grams memories. We still drink coffee together now. I have graduated to black from my sweet milky coffee

My daughter is three. My mom has coffee with her in the morning. She takes bread and dips it in coffee barely and gives it to her. She will even let her take a couple sips. I’m ok with it. It’s not a big deal

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Yes, but I know a whole lot of people that give their children a weak coffee, it helps calm them, especially kids with ADHD.
There are worse things.


Argentina most kids drink cafe con leche daily

I have amazing memories of watered down coffee with my grandparents at their farm.

How about giving other choices? Bringing chocolate milk or hot chocolate, something special for grandmas house. I wouldn’t be okay with coffee😅

In Germany kids drink kinder coffee it’s just warm milk with a little coffee in it. Don’t hurt because it’s something special for her and her grandma.


My son is super a.d.d so before we go somewhere that I need him to act decent at I usually give him coffee it’s a great alternative to medicine :woman_shrugging:t2: I don’t see any issue with it
Also I’ve always heard people say that it stunts growth but I have been drinking coffee since I was little and I’m 5”10


I wouldn’t allow it and know my mum wouldn’t give my kids coffee. She makes them hot chocolates when she makes her coffee.
I don’t drink it so that’s easy too.
But couldn’t care less of parents give their coffee :woman_shrugging:t3:

Ask her to use decaffeinated its not even real coffee with milk… then your not ruining that special bond they have.

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I don’t remember my grandma much, but the memory of grandma putting about 2oz of coffee and the rest milk is a memory I cherish.


Sorry but I read the first sentence and didn’t continue. But to answer that, NO :joy: kids are balls of energy why add to it :joy:

Coffee with Nana??? Are you serious? Let your child live a little. Someday when her Nana is gone, atleast she will have memories. I dont think coffee is going to kill her. Question do you feed your child Mc Donald’s? Do they eat ketchup with ANYTHING? Research how much sugar is in ketchup. If it was a daily thing, MAYBE I MIGHT see a concern. But for crying out loud!!! Stop being a helicopter parent and let your child enjoy their Nana time!!! Dont you dare keep her from her Nana. Trust me, you will regret that.


When my son was small he wanted to drink coffee. His pediatrician who was one of the best pediatricians in Oak Ridge Tennessee said it would be fine to give him a little coffee , some milk in with it and sugar he said the caffeine acts different in children than it does in adults, calms them down instead of hyping them up. the same is true with ritalin between adults and children it works different on adults than it does with children.

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Seriously people get a grip on life.

Buy some Hot Chocolate specifically for over at Grandmas. My sons and I typically always drink “coffee” in the morning. Mines actual coffee, there’s is just hot chocolate. They it

I started drinking it at age 8 LOL!

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What a special bonding moment. Let them create memories. That much isnt hurting either


Ally u hav the greatess granda inda world sprog is a part off that u know it xxxxx

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Every now and again my 7 year old grandson and I drink coffee together in the morning

Wow . I’d have to disown my mom for all the coffee/grandma treats she gives my son! Lol. I would honestly let it go for the occasional every once in a while that it’s happening…. it will probably be one of your daughters favorite memories when she grows up.

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They make coffee milk! Might be a good option

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My dad used to let me dip my toast in his coffee. Good memories there.

Really? You would take away her weekend memory making with Nana because of this? It’s not like she’s drinking a pot of coffee every morning. Try to think back to whatever little guilty pleasure your grandma let you have that your mom never would. Then think how you would have felt if your mom took it away. Leave that baby and her Nana alone.


We had coffee milk with our grandma it was fun

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Please let your child have that special time with her grandma! Let her have the coffee, let her have all the sugar and fat in the creamer! You know why? Those special moments with grandma are going to someday be precious memories she’ll carry with her the rest of her life.


my son is 3 and takes some sips of my coffee from time to time, however it’s not a whole cup. something else she can do other than doing mostly creamer is the tiniest bit of coffee with the rest being milk.


Suggest replacing the creamer portion with milk! I loved coffee as a kid and still do. I also shared with my nana. It would make me calm rather than hyper since I had adhd I guess. But a little coffee wouldn’t hurt.

Mom use to give us on occasion what she called coffee milk. 98% dairy with small bit of sugar. Yeah leave Grammy alone,after all she raised you right?


My 3 year old has been drinking coffee with her grandpa since she was 1.5 years

When I spent the night with my grandparents they would give me a little coffee with a lot of milk. I would dip buttered toast cut into 4 strips into it. I felt so grown! A little coffee once a week did not harm me but it did give me fond memories of my time with my grandparents.


Wait what? Your child’s grandma has a beautiful sweet moment with your child and you are upset? Do you realise how many children do not have those moments and wish for them? Do you realise how many children do not have older relatives that they can share these kinds of moments with? If you are more worried about a bit of creamer and willing to start a debate or argument over it then you are really really ungrateful that you have a grandma or parent willing to be there for your child and create wonderful memories with them. Seriously.


Ya said the girls like the Keurig tho! :slight_smile: lmao

It’s a bonding moment…let them have it…it’s memories your daughter will most likely talk about when her grandma is no longer around.

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My daughter’s MIL lets the kids drink pop all day! Be happy it isn’t worse.

its fun! shell b ok, dont take thay away from her and u can suggest to ur mom to buy decaf for ur daughter

My kids jack my coffee.
I think coffee on the porch w nana on the weekends is the sweetest thing ive heard yet!!
Id say. “Pick your battles”


Oh good lord lol… let her feel like a grown up with her Gramma… the little bit of extras she will get won’t matter but spending time with her Gramma is a memory she will always remember :heart:


Ask nana to switch the creamer out for milk

My father in law has let my kids drink coffee with him forever. Not a big deal to me

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Honestly she’s your kid so it’s your rules. If you’re not comfortable with her having coffee then that’s a conversation you need to have with her grandma who then needs to respect your choices for your child. There’s plenty of alternatives she could give her instead, the coffee isn’t making the experience.

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My daughter is 3 and has sips from me sometimes.

Be an adult and say something…

:scream::scream::scream::scream: LET HER MAKE MEMORIES WITH HER GRANDMA!!! All 3 of mine drank coffee with nana when she was here!! They miss her and have alot of good memories let it be


Need to just relax…Not going to hurt your child. This woman raised you .My great grandmother and I had
" coffee" from as far back as I can remember…I have made it to 80 with no side effects…

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I think it’s a sweet, life long memory with child and granny. Gosh the amount of treats a nanna gives; pick your battles and let them have the drop of coffee and sugar in creamer. Life’s too short

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Worrying about sugar in creamer even though there is sugar in almost anything including juice. My kids steal my coffee all the time. It’s not a big deal at all.

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My kids have been drinking coffee all their lives lol. I can’t have a cup with them slurping it. There are much worse things to give a kid in my opinion. Like candy.

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I always drank coffee with my nana. She added milk and to this day it’s a big memory for me. Worry about sugar in juices if anything.


I was given coffee at the age of 3. No problems giving my kids coffee ( only one still drinks it with me)

My parents allowed us to have coffee. I have drank coffee my entire life. I am 82 yrs old and it is the only liquid that I will not give up. I am diabetic and lactose tolerant. No sugar or artificial sweeteners. So my liquid is purified water and black coffee. I see no harm in children drinking weak coffee. Does the same child drink cola or sweetened beverages. They do more harm in my opinion.


Drinking a tiny amount of coffee with my granny as a little kid and having a morning chat is one of my dearest memories. Now I love to see my little one doing that with my mom. The occasional sip of coffee even with creamer won’t hurt. She’s not doing it every day.


She’s making sweet memories with her grandma. Its once a weekend. No big deal in my eyes. My son has a cuppa tea with my mum(his nanny) and my mum literally dunks a tea bag in once. No biggie really.


No different than a soda and the special memories she’s making are worth a little caffeine and sugar. Pick a battle worth fighting…


I think you should give up a bit of the iron grip on your child. Making them focus on calories, etc creates eating disorders later in life. Let the poor kid enjoy her grandmother time!


Why not as long as it’s deluded mostly milk

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Ask her to maybe do warm chocolate milk or some kind of caffeine free tea with milk instead.

I respect the whole your kid, your decision. Tell Nana to please stop if that is important to you but also explain to your kid why grandma won’t be giving coffee anymore.
On personal opinion, it aint that big of a deal. The amount of sugar in creamer is less than that of juice. She is also getting quality time with her grandma.

A glass of juice would be worse! Let them enjoy.

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Omg my grandma used to give me a cup of tea in the morning. It was probably 2 dips if the teabag.
Shes probably being a responsible grandma like so many others who love and look after their grandchildren and only puts maybe 3 granules of coffee. Calm down, grandparents are more than capable of keeping their grandchildren alive.

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If I were you I would ask your mom to maybe give her decaf? I don’t think it’s the worst thing in the world but don’t think caffeine is the greatest for a 5 year old anyway. If it is just a little bit I wouldn’t worry too much tho. Don’t let her stop seeing her grandmother over that.

Chill out!! It’s barely any ask her to use milk they Love this special time with her!! My little miss trinks hot cocoa with me

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My friend 's daughter used to drink my tea, black. She was two. Probably would have drank black coffee too.

My 5 yr. Year old, NEVER!!!

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My great grandma used to give me coffee too - just a splash in a cup full of milk, not creamer. Either ask your mom to do that instead or not at all. Why is it either coffee or no time with her grandma? Just talk to her.

There is a lot bigger battles in life.


Maybe she could have tea or no caffeine but my mom used to give my daughter coffee sometimes .

My grandson likes to drink “coffee” with his cereal in the mornings with me.
His “coffee” is hot coco in his own special coffee cup.
Maybe ask her to do this for her instead.

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I would be mad about all of it honestly … she could give her coffee milk and pretend it’s the same thing she’s drinking

You are actually worried about that? Good grief :woman_shrugging:

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No coffee at that age they be boncing off the walls

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Awww a baby chino :heartbeat: normal milk frothed add a sprinkle of hot chocolate on top.

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I have my coffee and my daughter has her hot chocolate…tell grandma to get some hot chocolate instead of coffee…still has sugar but if it’s a small cup it’s memories with grandma


It’s once a week? I don’t understand.

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My 4 year old grandson has been having coffee with me when he’s here on weekends. He helps me make it, I give him a little coffee, some creamer and sugar-it’s a special time between us!! Don’t break grandma’s heart by telling her she can’t do this!! Pick your battles-this isn’t one of them!! My mom used to give us coffee in our bottles to warm up the milk when we were little!!


As a mom, I definitely understand your concern. When I was young my Poppop did this with me and now all I have left are those memories. Maybe a little won’t be so bad.


Cherish the time with Grandma, a little coffee or Creamer won’t kill him. Kids eat dirt, stones, and coins. My daughter tells her kids all adult beverages are coffee :smiley::coffee:

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love drinking coffee with G-ma, wish she was still here!

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It’s with her grandma! Who cares


OMG. We all drank tea and milk with sugar as kids or a coffee,
We’re still fine years later.

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I gave my son coffee when he was five. A sip or 2 of black coffee calmed him down :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Maybe let her drink tea instead or camomile tea. Coffee is NOT ok for a 5 year old

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Coffee will not hurt a kid

Have her exchange it for a chocolate or vanilla milk and I doubt your daughter will tell a difference!

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My grandma gave me coffee n my mother in law gives my girl coffee every now and then when she goes to spend the night a little will not hurt …

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My daughters “coffee” is chocolate milk

This is why grandparents dont keep their grandkids anymore…

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Nothing wrong with drinking coffee my grandfather gave it to me when i was 6

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Don’t all kids have their first “coffee” with Grandma?! I’d be proud! Mine was hot tea with milk!


I used to drink espresso with my grandfather. The best memories ever…


That memory of her grandma will be special in years to come. Don’t spoil it


Get a grip woman. Most people my age (DOB 12/12/1959) were given coffee from toddlerhood. With alot of milk and not much coffee.

We were exposed to much worse.

Things like a War in Southeast Asia, a Presidential Assassination and let’s not forget Watergate .

We not are only for the most part ok but we are your Grandparents who raised your parents. They turned out OK. We do have some concerns about the generation they raised. .

You might also remember when you forbid something you make it more attractive.


Children have absolutely no need to b drinking or eating anything caffeinated!!! Haven’t ya ever heard? It stunts your growth! She’s no where near fully developed anyway possible. I was always given a little tea as young. Which is still caffeinated.

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