Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

You should be happy that she has a loving nana


I was raised in England, we drank tea from 18 months old. Lol. I’m 30 now with three kids of my own and none of them have caffeine sensitivity or sugar sensitivity. I don’t shelter them from it. It’s more traumatic when they get into caffeine/sugar and their bodies aren’t used to it than it is to let them have a little here and there. Especially when you can’t control what they put into their bodies forever.

Harmless, in my opinion.

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One of my greatest memories of my grandma is the morning sun shining through her glass front door, her boiling coffee on her gas stove, then pouring it into a brown and tan carafe…she’d pour us both a cup, she’d give me a spoon and add an ice cube in mine…we’d dip our toast in it and watch Bill Barker on “The Price is Right”…I had to have been around 4yrs old at the time. I still dip my toast in my coffee. Those are memories I’ll take to my grave. :pleading_face::pray:t3:


This mama needs to chill…her baby is not going to be hurt by coffee or sugar…sheesh! If you’re wound that tight ask mom to use milk…Be glad that your mother wants to spend time with her…:heart:


This is a chose your battles wisely moment to me and not one it would fight. There’s are a lot worse things In the world than what grandma is giving her when she visits. I assume not every weekend


My grandma use to give my brothers and I coffee with cookies sometimes. We mainly just ate the cookies but it was fun to do something so “grown up”. Maybe have her switch to a sugar free creamer and instant decaf coffee.


Take some chocolate milk for her to have instead

Both my kids drank it w my parents, it was mostly milk. Just ask her to use milk instead of creamer. It’s really not that big of an issue . Not something worth stopping visits over


When I was growing up, coffee was considered an adult drink. No kids I knew drank it. It’s strange to me that elementary kids drink it all the time now. I don’t think a five year old needs coffee until less there are special circumstances like ADHD.

It’ll be a great memory For your daughter. I still remember my grandpa always drinking a cup of black coffee every morning and occasionally he’d let me have the last little drink of coffee out of his cup, it made me feel so grown and special, lol, it’s one of my favorite memories about/with him.

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Yes from time to time like that I don’t see it being an issue at all

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They are bonding, it’s a special time for them … leave it alone.
It’s one small cup of coffee.


My grand father does the same exact thing with my son…they have coffee together sit and talk .it started when my son was 3 yrs with milo then eventually he wanted what his papa was drinking …now my son is 6yrs and they still do it :heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:… at first I was worried about the caffeine but dad said he puts just one little pinch with his favourite milk just so that his mind is satisfied :heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray: both of them are happy as ever …


I did for mine, more milk sugar a little coffee. Was, they thought, a real treat


Tbh I didn’t drink coffee until I was like 11, because I had a drink of my moms coffee and it was so good! But it also sucked because I started needing caffeine to keep me awake at school because I was so exhausted all the time (later found out it was a thyroid disorder.) Otherwise honestly I wouldn’t give a child under ten coffee imho, but to each their own! Maybe it’ll be a nice memory for your kiddo or maybe have your mom give her a chocolate milk with a teeeny, tiiiiiny splash of coffee

You drink coffee while you were pregnant? If so a small
Cup will not harm her.

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You only have grandparents for so long. Choose you battles


Is it because of the caffeine? She could try decaf maybe?

I have no problem with it, I was allowed coffee as a child and it was very weak made with mainly milk, there was no sugar added. This was given on special mornings and only occasionally

You’d seriously stop her visits over coffee? That’s so sad.


Let her drink coffee with that baby! Your child will remember the days with her grandma on them mornings the rest of her life.


I let my little have a few sips of my iced coffee. And spending time at grandma’s is meant for kinda bending rules and doing stuff that you don’t normally let them. It sounds like a nice bonding time. If your very concerned about the sugar they make sugar free stuff, but i say let grandma be grandma lol.


My kids love coffee. They got just a few spoonfulls in their milk. Ask her to use regular milk or unsweetened almond milk. A small amount isn’t going to hurt. Now, if she doesn’t listen to you and does it behind your back, that is VERY different.


I wouldn’t be okay with my daughter drinking coffee or sodas for that matter( I’ve never introduced sodas to my daughter, shes 5 right now, and she very much dislikes them) nana can sip on coffee the little one can sip some chocolate milk in a coffee cup.

My Gpa and I had beer and tomato juice after church every Sunday. I’m still alive.


If I could sit my six year old on the porch with my Mamaw and a cup of coffee, I absolutely would! Precious bonding and memories

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I remember having coffee bread for breakfast when I was little - toast sugar coffee and cream

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It’s coffee not Jack & Coke let them make Memories


I let my daughter do that with my mom when we see her, but she uses milk instead of creamer. My mom also loves 900 miles away and we only see her a few times a year…

I was really not “okay” with my 3 drinking coffee either (seriously, every grandparent they went to I found out did it :joy:) BUT I chose to let that one go. They only have so long with them and they’re not supposed to have to adhere to the things we,as parents, do with their grands. It’s not going to harm her and it’s one less negative memory you’ll kick yourself over later if you choose to fight.
All of that being said, you’re the parent and you have to make the decision for your child. This is just an opinion.

Always drank coffee with my grandparents one of my favorite memories :heart: they are no longer here and I cherish those memories dearly!

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Doctor told me to give my child black coffee .it counter acts the hypoism and would calm her down guess what it did

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My son is always stealing sips of my coffee when I’m not looking they get it whether you mean for them to or not

There is some sugar free creamers on the market. They taste pretty good. Have grandma use the sugar free creamer. Go buy it for the grandma. Don’t take away special moments. Some grandparents aren’t with us very long. I use sugar free creamer and Splenda on my coffee every morning. Tastes great!!

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I see a lot of people in these comments saying “let her drink coffee with her! Don’t ruin the relationship over coffee.”
Relationships are all about compromise. This doesn’t have to be as cut and dry as let your 5 year old child drink a cup of creamer with a splash of coffee. I suggest you ask her to give her an alternative… like hot cocoa and grandma can call it coffee? Really no need for a child to be drinking coffee or even a cup of creamer… there are too many alternatives too choose from for this situation.

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Oh stop it… she already said it’s barely coffee and your daughter probably cherishes those moments. Don’t ruin a good thing over something so silly… even chocolate has caffeine in it. She’ll be alright.


Buy the decaf and ask your mum to make the decaf for your 5 year old

My grandpa used to spoon feed me coffee, it was “bonding” for him :rofl:

Serve hot chocolate!:wink:

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It’s what grandmothers do. Rules are not the same as at home that’s why we are grandmothers!


one of the best memories with my grandpa as a kid was drinking coffee with him in the mornings. my mom didn’t like it but I cherished it and still think of it to this day.


Think of the bonding and memories being made. Let her have a little coffee. This is worth a million dollars


I hardly think a few drops of coffee now and then with a few drops of creamer and milk will not harm or effect your child in any way . I am imagining this isn’t every day , and even if it is … pick your battles. The small amount of sugar she gets now will increase tenfold over the years. Grandma may be gone .


I drank coffee with my grandma from a very young age. It was actually just milk with a splash of coffee which is what it sounds like she is doing. If that is the case, I think it’s fine. I would be concerned if it were a full cup but mostly milk with a splash of coffee won’t hurt her.


She shouldn’t have told you!


One of my favorite memories was coffee in the morning with my grandmother. I think of her every time I make that perfect cup. Pick your battles, at least your mother is involved in her life.


Some kids are recommended to drink a little coffee for health reasons. I won’t chance it with my kids, my doctor did not recommend it

My 2 yo son loves to sip on my coffee. He’s not drinking a lot at all. I think he likes the sweetness of it. Couple sips here n there won’t hurt

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When I was 4 and 5, my grandpa would let me take a puff of his cigar, on the way to church on Sunday. That certainly was a lot worse than a little coffee, but it still didn’t kill me.


My grandma used to drink coffee with me. she would use milk instead of creamer. Maybe that would be better or like others have said sugar free creamer. I also drink “coffee” with my 6 yo son except I put hot cocoa in his coffee cup.

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Maybe have her make it with milk instead. My grandkids used to have ‘tea’ with me. Very weak tea with warm milk and honey. They all had their own mugs. It’s a memory your child will cherish when she gets older and probably makes gramma smile!!! Don’t ruin that special ceremony for them!!

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Tea and choc have caffeine. It doesn’t hurt them

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Your problem is the sugar? Caffeine is the problem :woman_facepalming:

Children and adolescents are also still developing and the impact of caffeine on their nervous systems and cardiovascular systems is not fully known. Too much caffeine can cause issues such as increased anxiety, increased heart rate and blood pressure, acid reflux and sleep disturbance. Too much caffeine is dangerous for kids, and in very high doses, can be toxic.Is Coffee Bad for Kids? - Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital

It’s called “coffee milk”. My four year old loves his coffee milk at his Mimi’s. It’s their thing they do together and I don’t mind him having it when he’s there.


Ask your mom to use decaffeinated and let her enjoy this time with her grandma. If the sugar bothers you she can buy lite creamer.

I tell my daughter she is drinking coffee, its really hot chocolate. Ask grandma nicely.

Coffee is not recommended for children but mainly, you’re not okay with it. Grandma needs to stop this right now and respect your decision. I don’t think stop visits, it’s a mistake, but if she continues it that’s another issue entirely

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Does this child drink soda? Artificially sweetened juices? If so then coffee isn’t your biggest concern.


there is coffee without caffeine for children. buy that

Something she’ll always remember… Let it happen!!

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Stop!!! Pour that baby another “cup of Joe”!

I use to LOVE drinking coffee milk with my grandmother! Only a little coffee fill the rest with milk and maybe half or just a spoon of sugar (to make them think it’s real).:sparkling_heart: We did this with my oldest also when she was like 2. My grandmother, unfortunately, isn’t here to do the same with my almost 2 yr old. Some of my fave memories with her was with coffee. We’d do coffee dates as well with her brothers and sisters.

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Yes we let all our kids drink coffee at a young age no problem with it


My 2 year old does with my mom :woman_shrugging:t5: and I did with my grandmother.


I would not let her have coffee either. I would just have a talk with your mom

My grandparents let me have coffee

Oh my Jesus!!! :woman_facepalming: I have seen some of the most ridiculous post here lately. My kids have been drinking coffee with their grandmother since they was old enough to hold a sippy cup. “Coffee” which is made with barely any coffee and the rest with creamer or milk along with sugar added my daughter is 10 and still does this. Parents are seriously taking things way to far these days. Let kids be kids :unamused: :roll_eyes: :woman_facepalming:


Tell your mom not to give her any,what’s so hard about that,I’m sure she,ll listen

Yes but I grew up as a small child drinking coffee with my grandma as well!Lol


One of my favorite memories from childhood is drinking coffee with my Paw Paw. He would let is have some out of his saucer. He always poured out in the saucer to cool.

My daughter is 3 and drinks “coffee”. It’s either creamer with a tad bit of coffee or hot chocolate. She doesn’t really know the difference.
I personally don’t see the issue with it. It’s memories she’s making with her Grandmother and c’mon now she’s eating or drinking sugar somehow unless she’s a rabbit.

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See if she’ll switch to hot chocolate.

My daughter drinks it w my mom & my grandmother when she stays w them. Because on of my mom’s favorite childhood memories is drinking it on the porch with her grandmother. Let it happen.


I started drinking “coffee” at around 3 and by 8 I was drinking it without sugar.

I literally almost laughed reading this! Is this a joke? She’s a kid, making a memory with her nana… what’s the problem? I did this with my nana all the time growing up! I miss her so much! You should seriously calm down.


Its not like she does it every day she is making a memory with her grandma

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No. None of my kids drink coffee and my oldest is almost 8.

No way! A child at the age of 5 does not need coffee! Maybe a weak tea at best but no coffee!

I would let this one go. It’s a nice thing she has with grandma and a couple of ounces of coffee and creamer will not hurt her.


Nana make s happy memories. Coffee won’t hurt .

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My daughter did she loved a few sips here and there, she didnt have her own cup or anything and she’s fine.

It’s a memory with a grandparent . If it’s the caffeine you’re worried about ask grandma to use decaf for your daughter or see about switching it to hot chocolate


I personally don’t allow my children to have caffeine at all and limit their sugar intake as well, so it’s a big no for me unless it’s decaf or something

I drank coffee at home for years mostly milk don’t even drink it now

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Tell her you don’t want her to have it. Give her milk instead so they can still sit together. You are the parent. You get to make the rules no matter what they are.

What I wouldn’t give for one more cup of coffee with my grandma.


We all drank coffee milk with our grandmother it was mostly milk and I let my grandsons have some. It doesn’t have much coffee and I only put a little sugar

That’s such a sweet memory. I would let it go. It sounds like barely any coffee. Maybe mention mixing some milk in if your concerned about the sugar but I think that’s a really sweet thing she will remember for years to come.


When my family members have my daughter - I let them parent their way as long as it doesn’t involve scaring/intimidating my child​:woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: not biting the hand that feeds me

My children both love to drink my coffee. Iced or hot. But it’s decaf, with a splash of cream. Sometimes I’ll add a little maple syrup to the iced coffee, but not enough to actually taste the sweetness. I have no issues with them drinking it, one is 4, the other 9 months. Let them have the memory, it means more than any dietary concerns.

Maybe ask her to get decaf coffee for your daughter and sugar free creamer. I wouldn’t stop this awesome memory she will cherish though.

Down south we call it coffee milk. And it’s just a special drink you get to have it with the grands.

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We drank possum. It was an instant decaf. Still have memories from 55 yrs ago doing that. Never hurt me. Let them make their memories

Goodness, let them make those precious memories.

If it had a lot of coffee in it your daughter wouldn’t like it. Maybe grab some hot chocolate as an alternative?


One of my favorite memories with my grandmother is coffee milk in the morning on the swing. Kids consume crap that isn’t good for them all the time (processed food and sugar) I don’t see any harm in a little coffee… we’re quick to pick up McDonald’s for our kids and that’s stuff isn’t good for them either. It’s not like it’s a daily thing. Let her enjoy her coffee date with grandma!


I definitely would not be ok with a five year old drinking coffee to many kids try to be grown let her be a child.

Ask her to add milk instead

Interesting info regarding kids drinking coffee and caffeine comparisons to tea and sodas.

My 4 year old has ADHD, sometimes she needs tge caffeine to calm her brain.