Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

Sure, how often do they go stay with their grandparents? Like once a month? Who cares it’s one day out of your life they may stay up slightly later, atleast they are building bonds and comfort
It will have been burnt off by the time they go to bed and it’s unlikely there’s a large amount in it just enough to make them feel like a big kid
Go for gold.

My 2 yo old is an iced coffee queen. I drank coffee as a toddler as well. Seems to be a right of passage. Lol

Most teas has more caffeine then coffee… My nieces have all had “kid coffee” with auntie its 98% milk with a splash of creamer and coffee

These are priceless memories ! Crazy to even consider addressing this! Pick something more significant to complain about!


Please don’t make this out to be a big deal. She isn’t at her Grandma’s every night. Let them have these special moments. It’s bonding times. Her grandma will not be around forever.

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I was advised to drink coffee from age two by a doctor because of asthma. It opens bronchial tubes or something. I digress… I let my kids have coffee. It’s mostly milk with enough coffee to change the color and sugar to taste. It won’t hurt.

Nope, not at 5!!! I never let my kids have any caffeine, except a soda now and then, I always let them drink as much decaf tea as they wanted though. They would have been wired for days.

Nothing wrong with it

I bet you don’t bat an eyelid at giving you kid McDonald’s.


I remember my dad doing that to us kids and my kids.

I think your over reacting


My 12 year olds both sit down with me in the mornings abd drink coffee. Its a memory. Not something to lose your mind about

Then people ask why is my kid so hyper, oh my kid has ADHD, oh my kid can’t settle down and sleep etc. At 5 years old, the don’t need any caffeine! If you really want to enjoy a coffee with a 5 year old, at least give them, caffeine free.

You must be Italian. My nana did that with me and I’m 35 years old and almost 5foot tall. I really believe it stunts growth.

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If you are uncomfortable, ask your mom to put something else in the coffee mug so they can still enjoy that time together. I agree though, no caffeine for young kids

If you let her have pop let her have coffee my one daughter drank coffee when she was two

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Coming from a premmie mum who’s daughter had caffeine to survive (and the equivalent to 30 expresso shots a day, docs orders) I wouldn’t worry to much, one coffee here and there won’t harm your little one
But if you are truly concerned just ask grandma to swap it to hot chocolate?surly having a warm beverage together would be the same bonding experience as them both drinking coffee

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I think your mom knows what she is doing. You are still alive right?

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Not a good thing for a young body.

Maybe take a box of hot coco with and just ask your mom to make her hot chocolate instead of the coffee/creamer! That way she can still have her drink with grandma in the morning on the porch. I lost my grandma almost 10 years ago now and we would sit on her porch in the morning too and just be in each other’s company. Your daughter is going to appreciate this time she has with her one day, just make the swap. Don’t take the time away from her :heart:

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I agree & wouldn’t allow it. You’re the mom to your child so drawl the line and if you’re mom can’t respect that, that’s a whole other issue. Also you can suggest decaf coffee as a compromise but that’s it. Good luck!

I was five when my mom would let me drink her black coffee after it got cold. I loved it.

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Or you’re the mom. If you’re not about it, then you’re the mom and that needs to be respected.

My son is 18 yrs old and loves coffee thanks to my dad letting him have some before a year old. He was probably more like 8 months old. :joy::heart:

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Chill! It’s coffee! My daughter is 7 now, but she has been for about 2 years now drinking coffee with her grandma (my mom and MIL until she passed) and it hasn’t hurt anything! Didn’t hurt me growing up and definitely won’t hurt her either. They enjoy that time spent together. No different than her drinking a soda! I’m sure ur mother wouldn’t do anything to hurt your child!


Let them have their time I’m sure your mom is watering it down. They are making memories. I wish wish wish my kids had a gramma like yours.


My grandma did the same with me. A little coffee doesn’t hurt and I doubt that she’s drinking enough creamer for there to be a sugar high. Think of it like giving her an occasional ice cream. Besides, those memories out on the porch with her grandma, with no TV, just sitting there talking are the best memories any child could have of their grandparents. I wouldn’t take that away from her


I used to dip biscuits in my nans coffee in the morning while she had her ‘cuppa’. You could ask her to make your daughter a hot chocolate or something and get her to pretend it’s coffee

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Well, how about, rather than creamer, some plain milk and then a splash of coffee? Or there’s always decaf

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I use to drink coffee at a young age (7 is the earliest I remember) with my great aunt and uncle. It was mostly evaporated milk, a couple teaspoons sugar, maybe an ounce or 2 of coffee and ice cubes.

Hot chocolate in the morning with nan having a sip of her latte, coffee in morning or milo with nan how cute

My Nana gave me a spot of coffee with extra cream and sugar. I felt very special.


I’d be fine as long as she wasn’t giving her coffee & sending her back to me. Lots of grandparents think it’s funny to sugar them up & send them home. You gave it to her, you deal w it.

If it’s a treat, let it be that. It’s something special she shares with her nana… and it isn’t harmful, and as long as it is acknowledged as an occasional treat I don’t see the need to make a big deal over it.


What long term harm could this possibly have? Some of my fondest memories are having “coffee milk” with my grandmother. My children did too. It wasn’t an every day, all day long event. It was special moments spent making memories with a loved one.
I’m so glad I grew up in a time when parents weren’t so prissy and let us be kids


Don’t stop this wonderful moment for your daughter and Grandma. That little bit of coffee is nothing. Think again.


My grandma let me have coffee as a kid at her house granted it had lots of milk and sugar I don’t think it’s a big deal either.

My granddaughter drank French vanilla coffee at 3…… it was mostly water with creamer. Grandma’s house, grandma’s rules, what happens at grandmas stays at grandma’s. She’s 18 now, getting ready to start college, it won’t hurt them

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We always had coffee with my grandma she made a special Finnish bread that we dipped in it… now I realize it was mostly milk with a splash of coffee but it made me feel so grown up and is a really special memory :heart:

My grandma give me coffee with milk and sugar! The best memories was drinking this with her while she read me a story :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It’s not a big deal. But the memories will be.


Having coffee with her grandma is going to give her lots of memories , maybe ask her to use sugar free creamer. But don’t take this from her because it’s important to have that bond :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It’s something to share with her grandma and to make memories between the two of them.

Seriously please let them enjoy and make memories. My children are adults now and still talk about the time they use to have coffey and biscuits when they use to stay over mums… im sure she’s aware of how much to give…

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Then just tell her she can only drink Beer ! Would that work for you ??

If you are so worried about it how about you buy your daughter some decaf for at nanas house. Same experience no caffeine. :heart:

She isn’t always gonna have grandma around, let her have those special times its not like it’s a ton of espresso. Your child will be fine and have great memories with her grandma I wish I had more with mine let her have these special moments


I used to drink coffee with grandpa but grandma also gave me “extras” that grandpa didn’t get. (Hot chocolate)

I drank coffee and sugar cubes with my gma…was only there we had it and was special treat. She had half coffee and half hot water…lol

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No different than pumping pop and sugar drinks in them.

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I would tell her to do all milk with a splash of coffee and a splash of cream

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Tell her your okay with hot cocoa every now and then but not coffee. Coffee is unnecessary for children

Growing up i always had hot tea with my grandma in the morning. Maybe just give grandma some options that you’d feel better with. Sugar free creamer etc


I always let my grandchildren drink a little of my coffee… no much but they enjoy it …


Bonding time with her Nana far out weighs the once a week cream with a little coffee.


My children love coffee! They watched me and would sneak sips here and there and the started asking for thier own cups. I don’t mind that they do, it’s an every now and then kinda thing.

All my cousins and nephews grew up drinking “coffee” with my dad or pop pop to them. It was mostly milk with a splash of coffee for the color. It’s the memories that will mean the world to them when they are older. Definitely dont take that away from your mom or daughter.


When I was a little girl, my Grandpa bought me a little white cup and saucer so I could drink coffee with him in the morning. It was mainly milk, but I didn’t care. 70 years later, that cup and saucer is in my hutch. Every time I look at it, I remember my wonderful Grandpa. Let your child have this special bond.


Hell yeah. Wakes me up 7 in morning. Te Te make coffee. Need more sugar

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My oma made schmoo…a quarter cup of coffee and the rest milk. And suger

I’ve always done this with my son it started around that age, he’s 20 now & still love it

My daughter is 3 and askes for coffee too. But like your mom i add mostly cream and a splash of coffee and she loves it. Its not like its a while glass full its just a few drinks its not gunna hurt and itll give them memories that will last forever


I too was like this with my dad & my little girl until one day I caught them drinking coffee together…laughing, eating sweet bread and bonding. He would add a splash of coffee and the rest would be just milk. After seeing that moment, I didn’t mind at all that grandpa let her have coffee because it wasn’t all the time but the bonding memory will always be. That little girl is now 20 and that coffee did no harm and she still remembers having coffee with her grandpa :heart::heart: they still have coffee together just now she can have the real stuff in her words. Sometimes it’s about the beautiful bonding moments and those for me outweighed my no coffee rule :heart:


Had coffee with my nana every time I stayed the night with her, those are the memories I cherish now that she is no longer with us! Let the little thing’s in life blossom :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Somethings that aren’t that big of a deal , you need to let go and let your child build some awesome memories with her grandma. It’s not like she’s doing it everyday. I think this is really awesome that your mom and her have this special time… Btw your mom raised you and I’m assuming you turned out alright.


My 3 and 4 year old always steal my ice cap, they don’t drink the whole thing. Just little sips as a treat.

I don’t allow it at home, but my mil does. I try to not make an issue of small things, because grandparents are supposed to be fun. If it were riding in the car without a carseat or something dangerous, I’d say no, but I try to be understanding. Grandparent memories are so precious, even if they give too much candy or a drink of coffee.


My grandma used to give me “coffee” but it was a little bit of coffee and a lot of milk. Maybe that would be a better alternative.

That was always one of my favorite things to do with my grandma. Maybe she could do just a little coffee in some milk instead of creamer?

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Pathetic! YES I would definitely be OK with it. My son’s grandmother did the same thing with him. She gave him a cup full of milk. Then added a little coffee. When she passed away an my son was ask what all he wanted that belonged to his grandmother. He said nothing except for the 2 coffee cups that him an his grandmother drank coffee/milk out of. The cups could be bought at any garage sale for $.10 each, but they were full of years of happy priceless memories for him. He grew up healthy an smart. Became somewhat wealthy. In his 40’s now an those memories are still relived an cherished. The coffee cups are on display. Your 5 year old is BLESSED to have a grandma that puts mostly milk in the coffee and spends time listening to your child. Because she cares enough to make your child feel important, loved, an all grown up. While drinking that coffee. What kind of person would even consider stopping the visit with Nana over something as petty as this. Why would you threaten to / consider robbing your child of what are priceless little talks an memories made with grandma. Who won’t be there forever.


At least its not brandy

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Lighten up people … it’s a special Time with her grandmother. Stop being so controlling. Yes I get it… ur kid. Blah blah. I’ll certainly get repercussions on this comment


I would not have a problem with it at all. My Nanny made me coffee when I was a little girl (mostly sugar milk with a little bit of coffee added). To this day it is one of my most precious memories of our time together.


It’s really not a big deal and probably makes her feel like she is a big deal. Unless it’s all day black coffee, a cup of “coffee” in the morning with grandma is not a big deal at all

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For Christ’s sake lighten up ! I always got “coffee” at my grandmother’s and at 63 it is still a cherished memory for me. Don’t try to dictate every little thing. let them be children


Coffee is fine gave it to my grandkids before they were year old

If it’s something special for the grandma and the kid to do together on weekends then I wouldn’t mind, I’d trust the grandmothers judgement, I’m sure she not going to be giving her double espressos :joy::joy::joy:
And it sounds like a nice moment for them both to share, and something your daughter will remember well into adulthood


Hot cocoa has much more sugar and caffeine that a normal cup of coffee. Herb tea could be a healthy alternative

Let her be. It’s their special thing. No worse than having an ice cream cone once in a while.


My grandmother puts barely any coffee or sugar in a cup and fills it up with milk. My son and his meemee have coffee together almost every morning. I’d suggest using milk instead of creamer but let them have their moment

I have such fond memories of sitting on the porch with my grandma at the old family farm and drinking coffee with her early in the morning. It was loaded with sugar, but I only drank a little bit. We had a cup and saucer, and would pour a little into the saucer to cool and then drink it from the saucer. It’s actually one of my most vivid memories of visiting my grandparents at the farm. Thank goodness my mother didn’t ruin it for us.


As a grandmother myself, I follow my children’s wishes. I personally wouldn’t have given my grandchild a coffee but a Milo, as I know what the children’s parents would want. But the idea of sitting together and talking over a hot bevy is just beautiful. I’ve done it many times and it’s a closeness that is creating a lot of memories.


I have 3 very healthy little boys ages 4, 7, and 8. They have all stolen drinks of my coffee since they were old enough to reach the cup on the table. My 4 year old has been known to swallow down half a cup before I even know it’s gone. It’s not gonna kill them, make their toes turn brown, or any of the other things that my grandma used to tell me when I was stealing swallows out of her cup. Coffee isn’t near as bad as other drinks they are exposed to.


Time with her grandmother is much more important. Take that away from them and alienate them both.

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Short version: if you’re not okay with it, you’re her mom and you shouldn’t have to justify it. Acknowledging the efforts to share a special bond, find a substitution you are good with. We love lattes in our house but my 4yo is absolutely not getting one. We make her a super special honey latte that is chamomile tea brewed in hot milk with honey drizzled in or on top. And baby girl is over the moon.

So, I see the concern. We set boundaries too with grandparents. My mother used to say her house, her rules and what happens there stays there so we said maybe our daughter just won’t go there. Secrets are never okay and trust between all parties is crucial if our kid is having unsupervised time with anyone. We told the grandparents that while secrets weren’t okay and we don’t break or bend rules, we can make certain exceptions that everyone knows about and is okay with . For example, paternal grandparents want to give her sweets at every visit. At home, desserts are earned by eating well all day. If there’s a visit to the grandparents, she can have one cookie and anything else comes home in a ziplock. If my mother wants to have ice cream with her, that’s fine IF she eats most of her meal and same kind of thing with staying up late.

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I never drank the coffee “cause I didn’t like the taste of it and still don’t”

But I always had the foam off my nanas coffee when I was a toddler and I’m now
I’m 26 with a 7week old baby and I still do it “before COVID lockdown” if nan and I go out for coffee …
And I have every expectation my mum will do it with my daughter when she gets older :crazy_face:

Grandparents are special they need that time with their grandkids. Kids have soooo much time to eat and drink exactly the way you want a few special moments with grandma is wonderfull, if it’s still a big deal then send her off with decaf. But really, such a tiny thing


Good Grief…really…lol


Well, her grandmother won’t be here forever. Let them enjoy their time together. Assuming it’s not an everyday thing. She will live. :grin:


Compromise so that they can still have this special time n tradition :heart:
Maybe hot cocoa or decaf with sugar free creamer…


All my 5 children drank coffee when they were around 2 and it didn’t kill any of them.

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Not at all, change the creamer to milk and call it a day… they also sell coffee syrup from Autocrat can purchase online or if your grocery store has a speciality area from around the country favorites could find it there. Its a Rhode Island staple. Kind of like chocolate or strawberry syrup but coffee flavored, add it to milk, stir, and you have yourself a coffee milk. You’re welcome :tipping_hand_woman:

I say use milk instead of creamer and good to go. My girls Gran does that, milk, a splash of coffee and a smudge of sugar. They love it!!! And they have the best memories with it.

One day he will be gone, and all she will have are those memories. It won’t kill her. Let her bond with her grandpa


Your child is making precious memories. Let them enjoy their time together.


My 5 yr old drinks a tiny bit a few times a week.

Maybe just… Google it? Lol

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Meh, what’s the harm. She’s having fun, making memories. Trust me, your child will thank you for having that time with her grandma.


Quit being a helicopter mom…


What goes on at grandma’s stays at grandma’s