Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

Ask her to use milk with a dash of coffee instead of creamer? When i was serving this was asked for a couple times:)

It’s ok if it’s grandma’s house you don’t want her drinking coffee at yours.

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Get her some decaf and add milk instead those precious moments with grandma and grandpa will mean so much later because they won’t have them forever.


Lmfao tell her tp add milk instead. Thats what my mom used to do when my brother and ibwere kids. Mostly milk with a splash of coffee for the color.

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It’s mostly cause then they have their time… Let your mom give her tea instead… She won’t know the difference, and sugar is ok in small amounts Aslong as she doesn’t over do it… My daughter doesn’t like coffee her choice, she allowed sugar, but doesn’t like a lot of sugary things… I’ve never with old her from anything as long as it’s in moderate amounts, and I have a kid that doesn’t drink fizzy drinks or realy eats sweets… With holding will only make them want it more… And sounds like your kids loves there nana time… So comprimise… Or let it slide… Your the mom it’s you kid and your rules are the ones that count

I would give anything for my kids to be able to be close enough for time like this with their grandma. If it bothers you that bad, ask her to add a little milk with the coffee and less creamer. These are the memories she’ll never forget.

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Would you give your child a can of red bull??


If it’s only the one in the morning I don’t think itd do any harm she’s having one to one time with her grandma I’d let her be let her have fun

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I drank coffee with my grandmother as a young child

Pick your battles… this is a great memory and bonding time with grandma and it would be worse for her overall health then some extra sugar every so often. You can ask your mom to change it up to have mostly milk but to just not let her go over is an over reaction


My daughter’s grandma (her father’s mother)did . If your worried about sugar in creamer ask her to add milk but I’m with everyone else the memories are the most important thing here. I would have given anything for them to have a cup of “ coffee” with my mom they never got to meet her.


I am a grandma and I would make whatever changes you ask, but please don’t take that time away from them, they are our pride and joys !


This is totally a grandma thing. & I promise your daughter will never forget the time. My grandma did it. My mother’s wife does it with my daughter and even my step daughters grandmother does it. It’s a grandma thing dont take it away.


Why not give her hot cocoa? If she’s worried about the sugar, there are unsweet hot cocoa. Never take your child away from her grandparent or be jealous of their special bond. It will hurt both grandparent & child in the end.


My 5 year old loves to dink coffee. However when I make her a cup she gets decaf and more milk than coffee.

Its a little treat i certainly wouldn’t have a issue my kids love tea and occasional have drank coffee since they were little.over a year old

Shut up. Be thankful she has grandma.

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Hot chocolate for her to drink with grandma not coffee

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It’s ok my mom did the same thing with my girls. Your mom is just making nice memories with your child.


More like Tea than coffee and she waits for Nana to come down for breakfast

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

Be grateful, she has a Nana. Maybe giving her another drink instead. Have good memories with nanna.

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As a grandma I have shared morning coffee with all 4 of my grandchildren. Its our sitting, relaxing and sharing moment. Giving a small amount of coffee is no worse than giving tea or chocolate. They all have caffeine. As grandparents we would never harm our grandbabies. It’s a love like no other. My grandchildren are 4 to 15. They are perfectly happy and love coming to granny’s for our special time.


Let ur kid enjoy a drink with her grandma. That will be a memory that she will cherish long after grandma is gone. I’m sure your kid enjoys candy and sweets any other time


I would not be okay with the drinking coffee part but maybe buy a pot of decaf for them so they don’t lose their little thing

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Think you need to get a grip it’s once in a blue moon not like grandmas popping over every morning sneaking it into her window ffs :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Let her enjoy a drink with her nana.

Our grandparents are not around for very long so we have to cherish every moment we get.

I’ve lost both of mine and wish I could go and have a cuppa with them :broken_heart:

It was a shock to me at first (especially as I hate coffee myself) but my partner is brazillian and they regularly have a coffee with thier breakfast :slight_smile: he’ll make decaf for the kids and they all sit together and talk which is lovely xx

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I’d personally ask for it to be decaf, but wouldn’t stop the ritual as it sounds like a lovely memory for her xx


I don’t see the harm, but I give the tiniest amount to my 4 year old because she asks for it every time she sees me drinking it :joy: doesn’t do any damage to her… but we use milk not cream so slightly different

When I was a kid, I’d stay at my nan and pa’s house, we’d have a pot of tea on the back veranda, I can still taste the pot of tea and have very fond memories of my pa and my nan. Sadly my pa isn’t here with us anymore but those memories will forever live.

Just ask to switch to decafe, that’s what we do, we switched to decade t for my kids as they love a cuppa and a biscuit treat :upside_down_face:

When I was small my grandma used to let me drink the tea out of her saucer and my grandad used to let me have the bubbles off his Guinness…I turned out okay and these wonderful memories live on even though they aren’t here with me! X


When I was a kid my mid morning snack was usually coffee, served in my tea set, and either some biscuits or fruit. My mum tells me now there was barely any coffee in the pot,just enough to colour the water really, but I always felt so grown up having a coffee morning with my mum :grin:

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I think it sounds really sweet! Its a memory your daughter will cherish when she’s older

Me and my Nan used to have a glass of wine on a Sunday night with our ready salted crisps before bed……she had wine…… I had the smallest amount of wine topped up with water :joy:
Let her have her “coffee” it’s a memory she will always cherish


My nan used to let me have a small brandy and lemonade and my parents didn’t mind. I will add it was like a teaspoon of brandy topped heavily with lemonade. Everytime I drink it it reminds me of my nan. At the end of the day it’s up to you, but I wouldn’t take that memory away from your daughter. I wish I had more with my nan x


I wouldnt be too fussed, more so by rhe caffeine so I’d get her some decaf but other than that, it’s kinda cute tbh. It’s not going to do her much harm to be honest, one small cup a week :slight_smile:

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Sounds like they’re creating wonderful memories together, I would let them continue to enjoy that time together.


You dont have to stop the whole weekend :joy::joy: just have a word and say its not ok


What normal person would stop there child seeing there grandparents over a cup of coffee, that’s more harming to your child than the coffee will ever be.
I think it’s lovely they sit and have that time together. If a tiny bit of coffee passing your child’s lips bothers you then just ask her to change the drink.
I personally wouldn’t mind my child having the smallest bit of coffee once a week with her grandma whilst making life memories


I can’t believe how many people let their kids drink coffee

I would ask her to do warm milk with the slightest bit of coffee. Xxx

An odd weak coffee won’t do any harm. Sounds like she is making magical memories with her grandmother but if you’re really against it then the decision is yours and she should respect your wishes. You could always send her with a jar of decaf :joy: xx

I would ask her to switch to decaf tea. With a little cream and sugar it still tastes like coffee and they can have the memories still

Not the end of the world , give her a special mug and her own jar of decade when she goes next , all sorted then :grinning:

That sounds so adorable… if its not everyday then I would say the memories for both grandma and daughter outweigh the sugar/ caffeine in the 1 cup of coffee/creamer.
The amount of kids that drink hot chocolate or tea which I think is worse (HC is packed with sugar and Tea has more caffeine than coffee

Would not be happy if my 5 year old was drinking coffee tell them to change the drink to something like warm milk/hot chocolate

What about frothy milk with a little bit of cocoa powder?? Looks like coffee but it’s not

You could compromise and ask her to use decaf instead.

Nope, wouldn’t even be okay with my 12yo drinking it.

How about suggesting warm milk instead? X

Id suggest her giving your child decaf tea instead of coffee to drink with her!

Mine does here no there don’t hurt

Sitting on the porch drinking coffee with gran… Sounds wonderful… Please please don’t ever stop her going to her grans over a cup of coffee


Personally I’d say get a grip and stop trying to wrap your kid in cotton wool ffs


Well moo has expressed lol

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?


We did “coffee milk” which is a cup of milk, warmed up, with a single spoon of drip brew coffee, and one spoon of sugar… from the time I was about 3, on. It was a treat I ONLY got in the mornings, with my great grandmother. Some of my fondest memories are of sipping “coffee” with her in the kitchen, with the back door & window open to enjoy the morning air. We listened to each other, sipped, and CONNECTED as loved ones.


Ask if nana can do a splash of coffee and creamer and the rest milk. There are also creamers that have lower sugar. Drinking “coffee” from an adult cup with my grandparents is one of my favorite kid memories.


I’d let my baby make as many memories as possible … grandparents don’t live forever … I had that harsh reality a few years ago and I wish we could go back and have more time … my 14 year old gets 1 coffee a day and she’s just fine


It’s not that big of a deal. Let your kid have this moment with her grandmother because grandparents don’t live forever.


Please just let the child have this precious time with your mother. These are sweet memories for the both of them. Pick your battles… oh what I’d give for my boys to have their grandmothers alive🙂


I personally dont give it but my dad has always shared it with my kids. Even my now 15mo will get a tiny sip. I just roll my eyes and let him do his “papa” thing. It’s a memory that your child will carry on forever and a little bit of coffee(and creamer) wont harm them.


Dude when I was 5…me and my cousins would drink out of empty beer cans while the adults were all getting wasted…a little coffee wouldn’t hurt.


Normally no, but one day that little girl is going to treasure the memories of getting up on those mornings with her grandma. I had a wonderful grandma who did these sorts of things for me and I miss her everyday!


I would not. My kiddo doesn’t need that level of caffeine regardless of the amount. Just say what you told all of us. I dont understand why people are so hesitant to express their concerns and what their children can and can’t have. Like nope… You follow my requests or visits are done. Your kiddo your rules Momma!! And while yes, it’s cute to be included that might be their special bond in the morning, perhaps the little one can be offered something else?


That’s like a right of passage! Every kid deserves coffee with their grandparents. I wish I could go back and have that with my Grandparents again. I miss them so much. I dunno, I wouldn’t have a problem with it as long as it’s not making my baby sick.


I mean, if it’s truly a small amount and mostly creamer then I wouldn’t mind at all. What a wonderful memory to have :heart:


Have her use sugar free creamer and decaf coffee. Really not a big deal. Definitely not a reason to stop her weekend visits.


Geez thats very grateful of you to spoil special memories for your child. An occasional treat isn’t going to harm her. You’re being absolutely ridiculous


My 6 year old drinks it but she has adhd and it levels her out a lot


Maybe ask her to add milk instead of creamer? Ultimately, if you aren’t comfortable with it then it shouldn’t be happening and people need to respect your boundaries as the parent…


My 5 year old gets a small cup of coffee a couple of times a weeks. It was recommended by his dr. It doesn’t make him hyper.


It’s a Hispanic thing to drink coffee at a young age though I only give it to my kids once or twice a week.


I’ll be 40 this year and One of my fondest memories is drinking coffee with my Pawpaw when I was small enough to sit on his lap. I was given his coffee cup and I cherish it! Let memories be made🥰


Having a little bit if coffee with some creamer in it once or twice a week has no adverse affects on a child. Not making memories with her grandmother while she can will. Having her mother be the reason that she no longer gets to make that memory with her grandmother will be even worse.

Think about that.


There are other things to worry about as a parent than a tiny splash of coffee.
Like others said ask for the sugar free kind.


Let her and grandma make memories. I am sure what little bit of creamer and coffee she gets every once in awhile is not going to bother her at all.


Let that baby make memories with her grandma! Do you give her candy, soda, ice cream, or any kind of treats like that??


My 5 yo gets “kid coffee”, only on Saturdays. A splash of coffee, just enough to add a little color and taste. The rest is milk with a spoon of sugar.
My grandmother used to give my mother and aunt black coffee with mashed up crackers when they started solids as little ones :woman_shrugging:
Ultimately, it’s your choice mama. I feel like this is a sweet memory your kiddo gets to have with their grandmother, maybe you can reach a compromise? Hot cocoa instead of coffee?


My fondest memories are when I was 5 and my grandpa would take us to the bagel store once or twice a week and we would all share coffee and bagels.
Don’t take that away from your daughter. She’ll resent you for that. It’s their special time.


At least she isn’t putting baileys in the coffee :rofl::rofl:


Do people really just find the smallest things to complain about these days? There’s definitely so many other things in life you could be worried about, but yet you chose to pitch a fit about a kid drinking coffee. Jesus Christ!


The amount of sugar is likely less than pancakes or even some cereal. It’s a nice time with grandma.


One of my biggest memories is spending the night at my grandparents house and they’d make us “kiddie coffee”. Tiny bit of coffee, lots of milk and sugar. That was many many years ago and I can still remember the taste :heartpulse:


I mean it’s cute and all but I definitely wouldn’t be okay with my kid drinking even a little bit of coffee. I’d tell grandma to switch to chocolate milk or something


I think it’s something special that happens at grandmas house. I don’t think your daughter will have any bad effects from this occasional treat.


This is ridiculous. I’m sure your daughter enjoys that time with her grandma. You’re blowing it out of proportion. Creamer has about the same amount of sugar as a piece of candy. I think you’re just jealous because your mom didn’t do it with you .


One cup every once in a while with grandma is perfectly fine. You have every right to complain about it, but don’t be bitter over coffee. Especially if it’s accompanied by time well spent with grandma.


Yeah it’s special memories but it’s not good. ANY pediatrician will tell you that. My bonus kids grandma would let them have coffee after letting them stay up all night before school & it pissed me off. They are way too young for it. Shit when I first started drinking coffee I’d get the shakes really bad. No way in hell would I give it to my 5 y/o. Just my opinion.


My daughter has a brain defect and started taking caffeine nitrate at 6 days old. It’s the only reason she lived for many years. As far as sugar….use sugar free creamer. Not a huge deal and people are really making me laugh with these comments lol


Tell Nana to get sugar free creamer. I used to have coffee with my granny all the time and it’s one of my best memories with her


Get some decaf she will be just fine. My 6 year old son drinks his “coffee”’ with his mawmaw he doesn’t know its decaffeinated and he still gets to enjoy his morning coffee with maw and develop a lifetime of memories


Cute memory but tell her to switch out the coffee for something else if you’re not okay with it. Maybe a glass of orange juice or as a treat some chocolate milk. I definitely wouldn’t stop visits though, grandparents are important and that doesn’t seem like a valid reason.


My 5 year old drinks it every morning and has since she was 2​:rofl::joy::heart:. She looooves coffee!


Maybe ask your mom to stop or to give her something else, maybe low sugar hot chocolate… I would see no reason to stop weekends with nana


Just ask gramma to switch cream with milk. These are memories your child will have always


Imagine in 10 years time she will always remember the memories of drinking ‘coffee’ with grandma on the porch…a little sugar isn’t going to kill her :roll_eyes:


I drank coffee milk or chocolate milk everytime I went to my grandmas in the morning. I started to get upset with my boy having it every once in a while then I remembered being so excited to have some with my grandma and I started being lenient!