Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

I’m with you on this one. When my little one (2.5 years old) wants to drink “coffee” with me in the morning then I’ll give her Apple juice or milk in her tiny coffee cup. Maybe ask your mom if she’s willing to do that instead. Kids get spoiled when they go to grandparents house but coffee isn’t for children.


My mom does the exact Same thing. I don’t love it by any mean and I sure don’t give it to my daughter but she’ll always have that memory with her mamaw that I never had with mine so I let it slide but she also doesn’t get sweets while she’s there to even it out a bit. She adds more healthy snack options since she gives her coffee.


I started giving my oldest coffee at 5 but it helped with her ADHD but each parent is different. You just need to do what’s best for your child


Good lord. This is a memory she will always have with her…and you wanna ruin it over creamer/sugar and a taste of coffee? Get a grip.


that’s priceless memories with her grandmother that she will always remember!!! she will survive with a little bit of sugar


I mean… coffee in the mornings with my grandparents brought special memories. Especially of those who are no longer on this earth. It’s not every day.


It’s a special time. LOL I used to think I was having a whiskey night cap w my granddad every night when I was about 6 and 7. I found out about 5 years ago that I was having tea and ginger ale :smile: The coffee (real or fake) won’t stay in her system long but the memories will last forever.


My 2 year old has drinks of coffee with my grandmother (her great grandmother) and I would never stop that because I want her to make as many memories as she can with her. One day we won’t have our grandparents so I say let her drink coffee with her grandmother.


What happens at grandmas stays at grandmas. Worry about yourself


That sweet little girl is going to treasure those moments for the rest of her life. You guys could always find an equal medium (compromise) so she still has these moments with your mom. Tell her what you’re comfortable with your child having in those moments I’m sure she will respect that :purple_heart::black_heart:.

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Maybe buy some decaf or hot chocolate for over At your moms? I used to love drinking coffee with my grandma


Meh… lots of cultures that give children coffee or tea. If YOU’RE ok with it… then it’s cool. My suggestion would be not everyday… or in large quantities.


This is what is so wrong with the world today. Everyone worries about every little thing and a lot of it is because as parents we are judged on every little thing! This is what childhood is all about. This is what makes good people. These are the memories that our children are going to carry into adulthood of their grandparents, parents, etc. Grandparents have been spoiling their grandkids since the beginning of time! We all did little things like this growing up and we’re all just fine! Stop striving for “perfect” (whatever that is) and start striving for happy and loved kids!!:heart:

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Omg pick your battles. One cup of “a little bit of coffee” with some creamer isn’t hurting anyone. Memories made last forever :heart:

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Maybe ask her to do a cup of milk with a splash of coffee instead! warm tea or hot chocolate could be other alternatives!
Personally I wouldn’t have a huge problem with this being a weekend treat with grandma. It Sounds like a lovely memory to have :blush:

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When i was little my grandma let me drink all i wanted. I know she made it so it wasnt strong. She died when i was 9 and believe me that is some of the best memories i have. I am 50 now

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Jesus Christ. Let that little girl make memories with her grandmother. :woman_facepalming: she’ll remember those weekends drinking coffee on the porch with grandma FOREVER. she deserves those happy memories. It’s not everyday, it won’t hurt her. But stealing that time will. And making her grandma feel bad for it is just wrong.

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My mom did this with my daughter. Mostly creamer or milk. Made her feel like a “big girl” and it’s a memory/tradition they have that’s just theirs.


I used to butt heads with my dad a lot on things when it came to my daughter. He used to pretty much let her do what she wanted, eat too many snacks sometimes, stay up too late on school nights, play video games with her when I wanted to limit screen time… they had a lot of fun together but then he suddenly became sick and passed away soon after. It made me realize that some of the things I nit picked about weren’t worth it because he enjoyed his last years spoiling her and she enjoyed her first years making memories with him. I wish she had more time with him.

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I lived with my Grandparents as a child. Weekend morning getting a cup of my Pee Paws strong coffee in one of my Grandmothers China cups was the highlight of my weekend. I’d give anything to have a cup of coffee with them now. Let the child have this memory.

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That’s their Special Time. I used to give my son coffee with molasses, milk on Sunday morning while he watched his cartoons,in a VERY SMALL CUP. He had his Special Breakfast Sandwich TOO! That was Our Special TIME. :wink::kissing_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


We grew up drinking coffee milk and so have my kids. Let her have her coffee with Granny, she will remember those moments for the rest of her life


Does your child eat cereal? Does your child ever have a cupcake once in awhile or a piece of cake or a cookie? There’s nothing wrong with it. I think your issue is a little bit deeper than just drinking a little bit of coffee with creamer with her grandma?


Ask her to use milk instead of creamer with just a tiny bit of sugar that was a huge memory of my grandmother from my childhood that honestly every morning when I drink my coffee it’s like she’s still here for just a minute- she passed 16 years ago and im so thankful my mother let us have that

Ok so my grandma did this with me and I turned out fine. It is some of my greatest memories with her along with her letting me eat raw cake batter every weekend. She died 11 years ago and I’m still not over it. Don’t take this fun experience away.

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I give my 5 year old grandson coffee milk when he stays with me. It makes him feel special sitting with Nana and having “coffee” with our breakfast. My grandmother did that for me and I have fond memories now.

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I’ve always been told my grandpa use to put coffee in my bottle after I turned one, now whether or not it’s actually true I’m not sure… but when I was in my teens until I had my own children I’d go have a cup of coffee every morning with my grandpa and still occasionally go. It’s a great memory for sure! So id say if there isn’t much coffee, let them do it and maybe ask if she can get sugar free creamer since it’s mostly creamer in the cup.

I would let her cherish these memories with her grandma… how beautiful that they do that every morning together :heart_eyes: I remember going to red hat parties with my grandma drinking tea and hanging with all the ladies.

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As a mother to a 5 year old who just lost her papa this weekend I say let her enjoy that porch sitting. My daughter was my dads favorite person on this whole world. He taught her to drink out of the milk jug, he taught her how to spit :roll_eyes: but I am so thankful for their memories. It’s a teeny bit of coffee and some creamer. If you’re uncomfortable about the amount of sugar buy some sugar free creamer for her house. I have the hazelnut sugar free one and it’s so good.

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I did this with my step mom.growing up, it made great memories and we have a close bond. But I tend to be more lax than some.


Yes let them have this. My daughter did this with her grandma and it’s one of her favorite things to do with her grandma till this day. Yes, it has sugar but think of the bonding they are doing. Don’t sweat the small stuff. My daughter will be 20 in December and she still does this with her grandma. :heart:


When my kids were younger we did roughly a third of the mug straight black coffee then topped off with milk. Usually no creamer but a splash for flavor wouldn’t hurt.


Let her have the memories :purple_heart: it may not be an every day thing, and it might have a little sugar, but those memories will last forever, and she will thank you for it :purple_heart:

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It’s a small battle imo her memory of sharing the porch with her Gma outways the bit of coffee. Children grow so fast nowadays what a treasure this will be for her.

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My grandma used to give my son coffee…he started around 1 :expressionless::triumph: didn’t really do anything. He’ll be 15 next month and almost 6ft tall with no health problems


I think it’s sweet. A little coffee isn’t going to hurt, even if it has creamer. Ask your mom if she can switch it out for half creamer and half milk! :orange_heart: It’ll be a wonderful memory for her when she’s older! She’ll remember how special it was having coffee with grandma :orange_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

Pick and choose your battles, she is spending precious time with your mom, her grandma who told you it’s barely any. Sounds really petty on your part💯

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My 4 yr old drinks coffee with my dad on their random visits it’s usually a little coffee with ice and sugar and sometimes he drinks it with his dad because dad loves coffee is it the best for him no but he’s been doing it since he was 2 and it means a lot to my son I just balance out the rest of his diet on those days extra water heathy dinner

One of my best memories is of drinking coffee with my great grandma out of a special cup. I say leave it be. Especially, if it is mostly creamer. Grandma’s are suppose to spoil their grandchildren :heart:

My daughter is 6 and has her very own little mug at my parents for when she camps over lol. She has coffee and breakfast with them :smiling_face:. They’re making memories.

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As a mom of four who used to stress about the little things let me tell you what I learned. She’s probably getting that much sugar in her cereal. A splash of coffee won’t hurt her. Memories with grandparents are treasures. And most importantly, learn to let go of the little stuff. Your child will be healthier and happier and you will be less stressed. If grandma was smoking cigarettes with her, then I would worry. But there will be SO many things that will happen in the coming years that are going to piss you off. Learn to let a lot of them go unless whatever it is will matter in a year.

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I wouldn’t be upset about it. Those are memories in the making… I miss my grandma. She passed away unexpectedly on June 11th. But all of the things I remember we did together, including little stuff like a coffee date- they make me the most happy.

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My greatest memories is sleeping over at my grandparents and every morning my grandpa would make me the best pancakes and have coffee with me.
I’d give anything back to have just one more morning like that.
Let the little girl enjoy this time with grandma, one day she’s going to look back at that memory and it will make her so happy.
Grandparents are the absolute best and she’s so lucky to have coffee or the porch with grandma :heart::heart:

My mom passed away five years ago. One of my daughters favorite memories is drinking “coffee” with her mamaw. This is one that I think you should pick your battles and leave this one alone. It’s not an all day every day thing and the memories are going to be worth so much one day.

Yes. My daughter has always loved coffee. When she was little I put mostly milk in it. Now she is 17 and drinks it closer to black. Sooooo many kids drink sodas and she doesn’t care for them. Pick your battles. If this is one you want to have then fine. For me nope. I didn’t have a problem with it. She has turned out beautifully.

My dad did it with me and I didnt start drinking it as an adult until I was 30. So yes. I’m ok with it

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My son has autism & g.i. problems… his doctor actually recommended that I give him a small amount of coffee :coffee:. I’d say pick your battles mama, I know tons of sugar is not good but she’s not getting a ton, just a small amount is not gonna hurt her. Let her have that little treat with nana, she probably doesn’t realize it at age 5 but they are making amazing memories.

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So you’re considering stopping your child from seeing her grandmother over coffee??? Really??? Be thankful that’s all it is! She could be a narcissist, toxic person who treats her grandchildren like crap, bad mouths every choice they make, and every choice you make as a parent. With no room to talk herself! Trust me! :roll_eyes: You’re making a huge deal over nothing!! It’s not the end of the world. Be thankful!

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I’d be okay with my child committing light felonies if she could go off and spend the night with my mother.

I genuinely hope you’re not actually considering stopping the weekends your child gets with her grandmother because of a little extra sugar. :woozy_face:

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Both my sons are diagnosed w adhd and one cup of coffee calms them right down. Totally irrelevant to your question but honestly I would talk to your mom and express your concerns because at the end of the day you are the parent and everyone and I mean every one. should respect the way you parent your child.

There’s much worse things out there for her then that. Let her make the memories with her grandmother. Nana won’t be around forever.
I’m sure if you ask your mom to put something a bit healthier in it and still let your daughter think it’s coffee, everything will be fine. Stop blowing things out of proportion

You are the mom, all these other moms shaming you for the grandma overstepping are in the wrong. If it makes you uncomfortable, set the boundary. Grandma will listen or lose out. Sick of these elderly people thinking they can call the shots. They had their kids, they got to do it their way. Don’t waver mama. You got this. :100:

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Wow!! Coffee drinking grandma’s usually make a cup for their grandchildren and I know for me it’s usually very safe and only a small cup,it is a great bonding time . Mostly more milk then anything.

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We let my brothers drink coffee with our grandma growing up it honestly didn’t do anything to em and they spent time with the grandparents


My grandma lived with us. One day we found out she kept sneaking my son coffee candy! :rofl:
We couldn’t get her to stop. It’s a great memory now.
I would let them have their special moment.

Seriously she’s making memories with her granddaughter it’s not hurting anything. I doubt very seriously she even finishes it but it will be a lasting memory :heart: I’m sure she gets candy or donuts unless she’s a a strict no sugar diet . Let the child an grandmother make lasting memories :heart::heart:

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Yes, I give my kid coffee. I drank coffee with my grandpa as a kid and it’s one of the best memories I have. And I drank it straight black like a little psycho child. Coffee has great health benefits.

When I was little, my grandmother would pour me a cup of milk and add about 2-3 teaspoons of coffee from her own cup. We would sit together and I would just feel so special. I just loved the taste of my “coffee”

I do the same for my 6 year old now. :heart:

I feel like these are such important memories. I would recommend you asking your mom to substitute the sweet creamer or reduce the amount of coffee so that you’re more comfortable.

Knowing how quick this life passes by and grandparents die, moms get older and children move out. I would 100% let my kids sip a little coffee with their grandparents.

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My fondest memories with my great grandpa are having coffee and donuts with him on the patio on weekend mornings. He did the same thing it was the tiniest but coffee and mostly creamer and milk. Now that he’s nearing the end I’m thankful for those “coffee” dates with him.

Maybe instead of all creamer you could have her to mostly milk instead? Or something similar?

We called that Aunt Virgie coffee. She would make us a cup in the mornings too. Mostly milk with a little coffee in it. Such great memories. I made it for my kids and grand children. Didnt hurt them at all. But it made special memories that have lasted generations!!!

Normally it would be a hard no for me… however, some of my best memories were just this. My grandma did the same thing when I stayed with her, a little coffee and tons of creamer and it was honestly the best time with her that I wouldn’t trade for the world. You’re the mom, you set the boundaries, so if it doesn’t sit right with you maybe come up with an alternative drink for your daughter to have and still spend those mornings with grandma. :heart:

I have plenty of memories of drinking “coffee” (mostly milk and sugar with a splash of coffee) with my grandmother that I cherish as well and wouldn’t mind my son having this same memories. But at the end of the day, we as parents set boundaries for our children that we see fit and expect everyone to respect them. Maybe have her switch to hot chocolate instead if you aren’t okay with the coffee, the memory will still be the same.

My son enjoyed these moments with his great grandmother! Everytime he stayed the night they’d sit on the front porch and and just talk and drink his small cup of offee! Now do I give him coffee? Absolutely not! But he didn’t stay often with her and he’s loves it and still talks about! It’s his favorite memory with her!

We drank tender coffee as kids, lots of milk and little bit of coffee in our cups some mornings. Loved having coffee with my Nay Nay, and kept loving it in my adult years too…she passed away 2 years ago and I’m glad I have these memories with her.

My 3 year old granddaughter loves coffee, whenever I get an iced coffee she get 4 oz.

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My grandpa used to give me coffee, my kids coffee, and he did the same with the great-great grandkids lol :joy: :heart:. Those are precious moments and memories to be cherished! It’s not an all-the-time, every day thing so let them have their special time together.

My grandpa grew up on a farm and told me that he started drinking coffee when he was 4 yrs old. Your daughter will be just fine.

Honestly if it’s a small amount and your mom takes her every weekend, have at it. I would be over the moon to have a break :sweat_smile:

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Just relax & let them both build those loving memories. Quit looking for reasons to control your mom thru your daughter. If you’re doing a good job parenting - a grandmother’s love won’t destroy her in a weekend. Lighten up & let that love grow.

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My son is 3 and BOTH of his grandmas give him coffee in the mornings when he says with either of them. It is mostly milk with a little bit of coffee but it’s something that I don’t want to take from him because it will be such a fond memory with the both of them. They even have their very own coffee cups for him. Being an avid coffee drinker myself as long as it doesn’t make his stomach hurt or give him a sugar rush, I don’t see the issue. (I also don’t give him coffee at home) But that’s memories I really don’t want to take from all of them, nor a battle I wanted to fight. Good luck with your decision, it’s a hard one to make💕

Let her drink a little bit of creamer with her nana
The memories are better then any harm your worried about sugar or caffeine ……

Or tell your mom to make her some hot tea instead with honey ……

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Why on earth would you even consider stopping her weekends with her grandma over a cup of coffee? Common in these times? We are living on borrowed time. Why steal both their joy? Some kids don’t even have grandparents.:cry:

Sounds like it’s a novelty thing. Nans making her feel included and special by making “coffee” I’d be ok with it as it’s only 1 and she’s probably only putting enough in to make bubs think she’s getting a special treat.

Honestly, I wouldn’t be too upset, no. Aside from a cup of coffee with desert on holidays, whenever I spent the night with my grandparents we always had coffee together in the mornings. It’s one of my most fondest memories of them. They passed 10 years ago and never got to meet my kids. I miss and cherish those morning memories dearly.

Omg it’s coffee. I do the same thing with my littles. Splash of coffee, a little creamer and mostly milk. She’s creating memories that your 5 year old will remember and cherish. I don’t think a little bit of sugar is worth the battle and the hurt feelings from bother the grandma and child.

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I was that child and the memories are priceless! If it was an every day thing, I might worry, but a weekend thing , I’d let her cherish the memories. My youngest used to get decaf on occasion because she’d insist on having what mom and dad had.

My greatest memories was with my grandma and boy do I miss her now!!! I would give anything to spend more time with her but she is in heaven! Ask that she give sugar free creamer and let that child make memories that she will cherish forever!

My Nonna made me my “coffee” from the time I was about 3 on. I have the espresso cup she used for me on the shelf in my dining room. Some of my most wonderful memories are of sipping coffee with her. I miss her every single day.

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My grandmother was a tea drinker and I was at her house most of the week during the day for summers. Some of my best memories with her are making homemade sun tea which is chock full of sugar and my mother loved that I could share those times with her, especially since I didn’t get any sort of tea or other sugary drinks at home. These are memories she will cherish later in life.

My grandma passed away a few days ago. My sister and I always drank coffee with her. We would sit at her kitchen table and she’d give us our cups, which didn’t even taste like coffee that I drink now. I am thinking about those memories so much right now my heart hurts. I know that sugar and coffee isn’t good for little ones but coming from someone who drank coffee with their grama, its one of my favorite memories with her.

Coffee? Are you kidding me… Just while she stays at her grandma’s making memories… I hardly doubt it’s any worse than fizzy drinks or all the possessed foods they make these days… A bag of lollies would be alot worse than a little cup of coffee that’s mostly milk

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I let my grandparents and parents treat my kids. These are memories both will cherish. Ultimately her time spent with grandma is way more important then not consuming sugar or coffee :heart: NOTHING better than grandparents.

Wowwwww. Just let the kid have their moment with grandma. I had a mother who did things like this… please stop.

It’s not an all day, every day thing. It’s a little caffeine and a little sugar and some priceless quiet moments with her grandmother she can remember forever cause I’m sure it was a treat and she felt grown with grandma sharing a moment. Let them have it.

This is one of the only memories I had with my grandma my mother hated…and my son told me the other day a kid in school had tried coffee and lol he was like wow… lol they think it’s a grown up drink…and I smiled cause I thought of my grandma. And my son had a swig of coffee cause he doesn’t have a grandma in his life…and we had a moment.

I think if your making healthy choices with your children most of the time…that little coffee and creamer swallow with grandma won’t kill them.

But I’ll let you know right now I resent my mother to this day for pulling things like this and not letting me have the time with my grandmother when she was alive for me to do so.

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Okay, but who didn’t sip some coffee with their grandma growing up? She raised you, so she must be doing something right. Appreciate that your daughter has a present grandparent and appreciate the time you get to yourself to regroup while she’s SAFE with her grandma.

My parents did it w my daughter when she was little a drop of coffee & milk . We actually laugh about it til this day , it a great memory we have. My daughter will be 30 , she was about 4 then

It’s not a big deal. I did it with my grandmother and it’s a favorite memory. I do it now with my granddaughter. A splash of coffee isn’t going to hurt the child, and most of the creamer is no problem. It’s a special treat for special times and special memories. We do need to learn to relax a little about these things

I absolutely would support this 100000%. A little coffee and creamer with Nana on the porch sounds like she’s making precious memories the importance of which far out weighs exposure to a little caffeine and sugar.

I did this with one of my great aunts anytime I stayed over with her, and I love the memories I have because of it. No harm done and she’ll forever have those memories with her grandma.

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My Papa used to feed me coffee on a spoon. It messed me up for life. I have a raging coffee addiction that I can’t shake. I require it to adult every day and I’m quite bougie about how it’s made. :rofl: Let her have these memories with her grandmother. Nobody is promised tomorrow.

I used to steal my mom’s coffee when I’d go to my granny’s lol. My mom didn’t care cause at least she would control how much I had in a day. (But the mostly milk/creamer idea is really good.)

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We all parent differently I wouldn’t give af but if u do just bring sugar free creamer and decaf coffee make it fun let ur baby go with u to get it and have her hyped that she’s bringing her own coffee to nanas :heart::heart: don’t kill a memory just add a lil of ur momming into it :heart:
Also one of my very few memories with my grandmother was also drinking coffee in the morning with her :heart:

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Let her have her time with her grandma. A little coffee isn’t going to hurt your daughter and it’s making great memories with her grandmother.

Doctors tell parents to give kids coffee if they are ADHD it works reverse on them. It’s not gonna hurt the child and the memories being made are priceless.

I was drinking coffee at 2 yrs old. The memories with Nana are more important than a little bit of sugar.

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Just ask her to give your child milk instead of the creamer and maybe a tiny touch of the coffee with it in a special cup, or if you are completely against it tell your mom the pediatrician doesn’t want her to have caffeine.

My daughter has a little bit of coffee on Sundays with her grandparents. I’m about to get decaf coffee for her, she likes her coffee black :joy::joy:

Maybe have her change it to hot chocolate and add some sugar free creamer and just tell her it’s coffee? If you’re uncomfortable with coffee. It’s important for her to have these memories with her grandma. My aunt passed away at a young age before getting these moments with her grandchildren and I truly cherish the time my mother gets to spend with my child.

Pick your battles. One thing I’ve learned in the whole big picture is this really worth picking? My daughter drank hot tea every morning when she was little with her grandmother, who is now passed, and like everyone else says those are memories she treasures❤️

Let her drink the coffee with her grandmother. Those are such special memories that she will be able treasure

You turned out fine with your Mom’s parenting! Let them make memories!

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