Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

That is one of my favorites memories with my “meemee”. We would go to her dad’s house ( my great grandfather) and they would have coffee and fix me a little cup as well. I was around 4.

I had a strict no rubber ducks with bath time rule for my son and my mom followed it and my boyfriend followed it but when ever we went over to my dads, which was like twice a summer, my dad would fill the kiddie pool with rubber ducks and even though I wasn’t super happy about it my dad was making and effort and spending time with my son and my son loved it and honestly it was the only time he got rubber ducks so it was an extra special treat for him

My son had Cafe con Leche starting young, as did I! It’s a Hispanic thing for me… it is warm milk with a teeny bit of Cuban coffee.


Juice also has alot of sugar. I get ur upset but sounds like she’s happy to spend those times w her grandma. Maybe ask ur mom to give her warm milk and a tad coffee…I wouldn’t make a huge ordeal and hurt ur moms feelings. She did raise you… To each their own though…

My son has a small cup w me in the mornings thats half creamer. Its always been our thing

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This is a touchy subject I wish my daughters grandparents were around for her to make memories.

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Grandmas are special people, i wouldn’t let a little coffee ruin their time together. As a kid i drank coffee with my grandparents, and those are some of the best memories!! Mine gave me a full cup of black coffee, so yours is at least limiting it :joy:

I see no harm in this. What a beautiful memory she will have to cherish for a lifetime. My dads mom passed away before I was born and I was never close w my moms mom, so I wish I’d have had the kind of relationship your daughter has w her grandma! I say ask her to get sugar free creamer or switch to milk, but let her have a little coffee w grandma. What’s it gonna hurt?

I’m 60 years old and I remember sitting at the kitchen table with my great grandfather and he would pour coffee into a saucer for me to drink. He passed when I was 12 but I’ll always have that memory with him!

The memories is going to be all that matters at the end of the day !!! I hated my kids drinking soda and having all these snacks when they went to my moms house !! My mom spoiled my kids like crazy and my kids loved they’re grandma !!! And I wish I could get it all back for them cuz now all they have are memories ! They were suppose to go to they’re grandmas house but instead my mom passed away unexpectedly on may 7th 2021 !! You just never know when your last day is !!! Cherish the moments :heart:

Is there a child alive that doesn’t remember drinking"coffee" with their grandparents. Wonderful memories

My mother did this with all of my girls…I didn’t love the idea and she gave them milk in theirs but…my mother is gone we lost her in 2013. My youngest just turned 18 and they are all completely healthy…as for stunting their growth my daughters are 5’10 and 5’11 they both out grew me. And everytime I smell coffee I think of my mom and so do my girls. Those are memories that death can’t take from them so let it go…in 15 yrs I promise you won’t care about this issue…and in 15 yrs those may be memories she cherishes

In the south, we grew up drinking coffee milk at maw maw’s. She’ll survive.


This reminds me so much of my grandma. She would make cafe con leche. Basically milk with a dash of instant coffee she’d sweeten it slightly with sugar. It was more of a warm milk kind if thing but it’s a memory I treasure. I dont see anything wrong with it if it’s something in mild doses. I guess I’d have a problem with it if it was an everyday thing.

When my daughter was very young , she used to always ask to finish my coffee but instead of say mummy can I drink the dregs she always used to come out saying "mummy can I drink your drugs " :rofl::rofl: got us a few weird looks :eyes: I can tell you :rofl::rofl:

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Oh good grief let the kid have coffee with grandma! It’s not like she’s giving her cocaine. Those precious memories she will hold onto forever. Don’t you dare take them from her, or Grandma.

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Let her have the sip of coffee with her grandma. She sounds like a super sweet grandma. I remember being around the same age up in the tree stand with my dad hunting and all we had to sip on was black coffee in a thermos. Still one of my earliest and favorite memories with him.

Some of my best memories with my great grandmother was having my “coffee” and saltine crackers. I swore it was coffee but it was mostly Milk with a drop of coffee to make it not white.

I don’t think it’s a big deal and wouldnt you rather her sit with grandma and chat vs screen time?

I’ve been drinking coffee since I was 3 Dr had my mom start giving it to me in the morning to help clear my airways and chest out because of severe asthma.

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My now 4 year old was introduced to it by great grandma years ago. Not that I was comfortable with it, but it didn’t hurt her either.

I drank coffee most of my life. It has the opposite effect on hyper children. It actually calmed me down so if I wanted coffee, they was more than willing to give it to me and I was off the damn walls lol

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My grandson drinks coffee with me every morning when he comes over. I don’t put as much sugar in his as I do mine. We are making memories that no one can take away from either of us. Let them have their fun.

My daughter asks for her kid coffee everytime I have my coffee. She knows exactly what hers is too, hot cocoa with milk like my coffee with creamer. Maybe try suggesting something like that so she can enjoy the quality moment with grandma in a child appropriate way

Don’t end her weekend. I use to drink coffee with my grandma in the mornings when I was little. Now it’s one of my favorite memories now that she has passed away! Don’t take that memory away from her.

I used to have “tea parties” with my aunt when I was little. It was a tiny bit of tea, with mostly milk. But it is still such a vivid and fond memory I have of time spent with her. We used her fancy tea cups, I felt so grown up and fancy, and it was time just for the two of us. For me, I would allow it for my daughter because it is infrequent and I remember how special something like that was for me. At the end of the day, it is your daughter and your choice though.

What about asking to switch it to a little cup of hot chocolate instead! That’s what I had as a kid, it was my “kid coffee” and Still a very special treat and way that she can still share that special time.

If that is the only issue you are having in life…move on love…a loving grandmother making memories and loving your child.
Get over it

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Each to their own but if your mother says it’s only a little coffee then I’d leave it be. Like others have said, they’re memories your little one will remember and treasure for years.
I wouldn’t be a fan of young kids drinking coffee because of the caffeine content but a little, once a week shouldn’t be harmful.
When my youngest was small, we’d go to a café and I’d get him a Babycinno…he thought he was great but it was more frothy milk than coffee :grin:

Awww that sounds like some great bonding time I’d rather my child be happy with a lil coffe and bonding with grammy . Not a big deal

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I definitely was drinking iced coffee with my parents that age but it was mostly milk. Maybe ask if she can put milk instead of creamer? I mean idk I know my parents and my in laws spoil my daughter like my grandparents did and I am okay with it unless it would be seriously endangering her immediate health. Also I wish my 5 year old still had her Gigi. My mom died a month ago and I would give anything to see them together again.

When I was little my great grandma would always give me a cup of coffee, glass of orange juice, and Cheerios for breakfast. The coffee was literally milk with some coffee in it. That was 20 years ago, and I still remember those memories with her in the mornings! It’s not killing your child, so let them have this moment together because it will always be remembered.


My dad use to take my daughter at 4 for breakfast on Saturday mornings. It was their special thing together and she had milky coffee and butter packets. It was ONCE A WEEK and they both loved it so much.

What a bizarre thing to control. It’s one coffee and with a special family member. You are lucky to have someone to spoil and love your child that way and I can’t understand wanting to intrude on what will be a very sweet memory.

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YES! I started drinking coffee at five. My sons tried it about the same age and weren’t fans till they were grown and on their own. My grands sit with me and their mom to enjoy a cup to start a day. Not every day or it “kills” the special treat.

As a parent I would be apprehensive too. But as a child one of my own favourite memories was having a tiny glass of wine with ice with dinner from as young as I can remember with my grandparents. And I do want my kids to have their own special thing they get with their grandparents so I try not to get in the way.

My grandma use to do this when I was little. We’d sit and talk while I drank my “coffee” and now that I’m an adult there some of the most precious memories I have of her. Ik it’s not great as far as sugar but it’s not a very big deal. She’s a kid let her enjoy “coffee” with her nana.

I did that with most of my grandchildren whenever they asked for a sip but if the parents ever objected I would definitely not drink it in front of them!

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My Nan has been giving my kids small sips of her hot drinks since they were babies and my kids are fine. A small amount is not going to hurt her, sounds like they are creating beautiful memories together.

You don’t realize how unbelievably lucky you and your child are to have family to make memories like that! Don’t take it for granted! It is something she will probably cherish as a memory some day, and your mom as well. Don’t sweat the small stuff, a little coffee and creamer to make her feel special with Nana is such a small thing to stress over…

When my kids go to their grandparents, they can do as they please, eat as they please and sleep past their bed time.
Obviously they did it right raising me and obviously they did right raising my husband.
And it’s the best days they have when they do all the things they want when we say no, they have an amazing relationship and I woudent change one bit of it.

I used to have coffee milk when I stayed with my grandparents and it’s a memory I will forever cherish. Im 32 and still remember. I thought I was so grown up lol I wouldn’t make a deal of it honestly

My kids have all drank coffee since they were small. Now at the age of 14, 16 and 7 they are healthy smart and strong. I drank it from a small age and i dont think i turned out bad. Never had a cavity and i am 35. She will be ok.

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Not with coffee, but my grandma has always given all the great grandkids Diet Pepsi. Not an absurd amount, just a small drink. It’s something they all look forward to when we go see her. We live 3 1/2 hours away, so it’s not very often. But it’s still a memory for them.

Sounds like a super special moment shared with nana and under these exact circumstances it sounds okay and like nana is conscientious of keeping the drink kid appropriate. Not the same thing as hitting the Starbucks drive thru every day to hand your kid a double espresso.

As a side note, my now 10yo middle child was obsessed with getting my coffee mug when he was a toddler. Every morning if I left it unguarded for a moment I’d find him chugging. The draw was probably the fact that I drank from it every morning and he wanted to as well. :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:

Honestly that’s your choice, if you say no tell grandma to give her a low sugar chocolate milk or a treat drink that you are ok with. I will say though that these are gonna be memories with her grandmother that she will never forget so while I agree it’s your choice on what your child my have, I’d say try to find the best alternative you can do so she doesn’t lose the memories she’s building😊

I think l would worry more if it was Dark color Sodas messing with her kidneys!!! Let her Enjoy her time !!!Gma’s are So Special l have so many Great Memories with mines!!!

I’ve drank coffee since I was 3 my Mom would give me more milk than anything but it was a time for us to sit together and enjoy. Let them have their little treat together

Yep! Especially with her grandma. Special memories. And like she said hardly any coffee. I come from the land of Starbucks. Born and raised in Seattle, WA it’s a very uncommon thing for kids NOT to drink coffee at that age

My son had tea and creamer with his grandmother and great aunt. I think that’s just as close to coffee. I didnt mind. It was a special treat and special memory.

She is likely putting a smidge of coffee in a glass of milk. Let your mom (or MIL I’m guessing) make memories with your daughter. Later in life you will realize how insignificant this is as a concern and how significant it will be as a memory (when your MIL is no longer around to share her morning coffee with your daughter). Let it go and find bigger things to worry about. Don’t cause a problem where there isn’t one.

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My Grandma did the same thing with me and my three siblings. We had probably next to no coffee with vanilla ice cream that melted in it. It was served in special coffee cups and saucers bought for us individually. I love those memories. Yes let her have that time and memories of doing something special with her grandparent. Unfortunately, my kids got short changed and were only lucky enough to have my parents in their lives for a very short period and my youngest has never met them.

My son did this with his grandma since the age of 3….he is now 13 and they still enjoy their coffee together :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I used to be against it, but coffee is completely natural. If you’re worried about the sugar, get a sugar free creamer and let it be a special treat for them to enjoy together every now and then. Literally won’t hurt anything, I would let this one slide :heart:

Does the child ever drink chocolate milk or eat candy? I mean even juice is full of sugar. I think an occasional cup of “coffee” won’t hurt them and it’s wonderful memories. Grandparents won’t always be there. As someone who only had one grandparent growing up that I really remember it’s precious indeed.

When I drink coffee in the morning my 6 year old asks for coffee to drink with me. She’s add/adhd and the coffee and sugar isn’t good for her but I give her milk in a coffee cup to drink. She thinks it’s the best thing ever♥️

Just ask her to stop the creamer and give it to her in milk.
Honestly that’s such a fantastic memory for your daughter to have I find it a bit drastic that you would stop their visits over a small amount of coffee

I still remember sitting on the porch drinking coffee with my grandparents. Let her enjoy it.

It’s a once in a while treat shared with grandma, just let her have it.

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My son calls hot chocolate his coffee. Maybe have her make that instead that way they can still have the bonding time but you can feel a little bit more comfortable with what’s going into your kid’s body

Technically no, I wouldn’t. BUT I’m also not going to stop my dad (he drinks coffee) from doing it if he ever decides to or my son asks him. I remember spending the mornings doing the same with my grandparents when I was little. I couldn’t take those memories away from him, plus I technically have no place to tell my parents no when my grandparents did the same with me. :two_hearts:

My grandma used to make me “Boston coffee” it was a tiny amount of coffee and the rest was sugar and milk. It created some of my fondest childhood memories :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My 4 year old has a hello kitty coffee cup and every once in awhile she gets a half cup of coffee with a little creamer, and we drink it together. It’s a little bonding time. A little coffee is worth the memories❤️

I wouldn’t be too worried especially if it’s just once a week and very weak. But if you are concerned maybe just suggest a hot chocolate instead of coffee with Grandma instead. I definitely wouldn’t stop them going over it though. Spending time with grandparents are some of the most special and best moments for a child and the grandparents too :blush::sunflower:

It’s better then what my grandma use to give me a red cup with half of beer or wine in it , at the age of 6!! Cause my grandpa would go out of town for work and she didn’t like being alone so I was her drinking buddy on the weekends😪

I’m sure it’s fine if it’s just a little . Won’t hurt her. My daughter is 8 and she asks for a cup here and there . That’s precious memories between your mom and daughter that your daughter will never forget!:heart:

Then tell your mom to stop. She’s your kid & bottom line grandma needs to respect your wishes. (Grandmother of 6, I never give the kids anything without asking their parents first. And I respect their wishes for THEIR kids.) Edited to add: don’t stop the porch conversations, just request your mom give her a drink you approve of. It’s the time with grandma that’s important NOT what she’s drinking.

I’m sure that time on the porch with Nana outweighs whatever is in the cup! :two_hearts: Both of my kids had “coffee” with my mom when they were little. They are teenagers now and neither of them drinks coffee, is obese or even have cavities… they do however cherish the memories and the bond formed. Maybe suggest milk instead of creamer if you are that bothered by it.

It’s common for kids to drink coffee in other countries. The memories she’s making with grandma are so important. I think you gotta pick your battles and this isn’t one I would make a big deal about.

What your child calls coffee is probably nothing like the coffee that we drink as adults strength-wise . Your little girl obviously enjoys these special moments with her Nanna , and I’m sure it’s the tinniest “sniff” of coffee that she actually gets .
My Nanna used to let me have root beer in a wine glass . I always used to feel special when I stayed at hers and have the best memories…… and for the record , it never caused my teeth to fall out , turn me hyper , or into an alcoholic :blush:

Let her do it! I remember doing that at my grandmas house! It was a special treat! You can get sugar free creamer.

If that’s the worst thing she is doing at grandma’s just let it be :heart: those are memories she will never forget…and may be the highlight of grandma’s day :blush:


:woman_shrugging:my 4 yr old loves coffee started out with her taking sips of whatever I was drinking tried hot chocolate but she was definitely not impressed :unamused: so now I buy her cappuccino mix but to be fair if you allow her tea or even chocolate you may as well allow an occasional small coffee drink with her grandma because tea and chocolate are also both loaded with caffeine and sugar.

Maybe ask your Mom to give her sugar free hot chocolate instead. That’s what I did with my grandchildren. The oldest had to have a solider in his cup like the coffee commercial :yellow_heart:

I get where you’re coming from. I didn’t let my children have caffeine or sodas, even decaf, until their late teenage years. Even then it was a special occasion type of thing. I would probably try to navigate it with your mom that she stick with decaf coffee. Maybe she could get some instant decaf coffee that tends to have a lot of flavor without a lot of caffeine in it. I would see if she can do mainly milk with a splash of cream.

They are your kids so your say goes, but as not to ruin her special time with Grandma maybe suggest hot chocolate? All of my older boys (9,8 and 3) drink coffee but it helps to calm them down and it’s our “thing” in the mornings. Do what works for you, but keep in mind that the best memories are made with grandparents. pick your battles

my mom gave me coffee (not a lot though) when i was young because it calmed me down a lot. (i have adhd) it helped me focus in school a lot better too. she’s the reason i still drink coffee & see it as a way to help me relax & enjoy life.
BUT you’re the mama!!! so what YOU say goes & what you feel comfortable with should be happening. don’t let anyone overstep or do something you don’t want done.

I loved drinking coffee with my great-grandparents and grandparents when I was little.
I don’t allow my children to have caffeine at all though. Whereas we always had soda and stuff in our house growing up.
Obesity and diabetes run in the family. I think it’s fine as long as it’s a little bit though. They also make unsweetened almond milk and unsweetened creamer if you don’t want your child having sugar. Cow milk has a lot of sugar and carbs in it. So I try to stay away from it.

Chose your battles- sounds like grandmas is aware and doesn’t want her to have coffee either, but wants to have a precious moment with her grandchild = memories THEY will never forget… unless you make a big deal out of it, then you will change their good memory

Sharing coffee on the riverbank with my papaw is one of my earliest and best memories. I didn’t get to keep him long so I’m thankful for that little thing between us. There wasn’t much coffee. I didn’t realize until I was an adult though when I really tasted coffee lol

My mom does this with my 3 yr old. Watered down coffee with milk and sugar. He loves it. They look like two old ladies sitting there gossiping :joy: My 16 mo old likes a sip here and there. I also have an 18 yr old that she did it with.

I think it’d be reasonable to ask her to switch out creamer for chocolate milk or hot cocoa or something of the sort. I think ending visits would be a horrible thing to do when your daughter has a close bond with her. I would just try to come up with an option that isn’t taking away from that special moment from your daughter, but also makes you more comfortable with what she is having. I make my son warm milk with chocolate syrup and cinnamon when he wants to have “coffee” with me.

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Me personally would let her have those memories with her grandma, but I would also suggest something other than creamer to be a filler :heart: coffee actually has a lot of natural benefits for the body, and for me, a small amount with grandma would be ok.
You’re the mommy and it’s your decision; plenty of other things can be substituted in a coffee cup for a little one and they will still have those special memories with grandma :two_hearts:

I fought this at first too and so did my mom when my grandma gave it to us. Let them share that bond with her, it will stay with them forever!

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It will be a precious memory for her. Also my 3 year old drinks coffee almost every morning. It’s a little bit of coffee and the rest is milk and a squirt of honey.

Hmmm its difficult as a parent you want the best and worry about feeding your children “incorrect” things …and reality is that when they are older they will eat and drink far worse than coffee with creamer :see_no_evil:
Personally I would allow it it one in the morning at her granmothers if she was having 20 then that would be different x

My mom did this with my son but it was a dash of coffee, dash of creamer, and chocolate milk lol. I didn’t prefer it at first but it was their thing and their bond has always been so tight, grandparents spoil so I try not to fight battles that aren’t too large. He is 9.5 now and absolutely brilliant… he asks me every day if I don’t finish my coffee if he can have the rest so I sometimes save him one gulp lol

When my grandson wants to have coffee with me , I make mine and fix him hot chocolate. He says it’s his “coffee”.

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I have been giving my son 1 cup of black coffee a day since about age 2 due to his ADHD. It was excessive but natural since he was too young for medications at the time. His skills therapist recommended it. I do not see a problem with black coffee and a moderate amount of sugar. My son is 7 now and has not had any adverse effects of the sugar or gastritis yet due to the black coffee… I would probably be more worries about that creamer if anything… milk is a good substitute, or just talk to your mom about it. Coffee is an upper for normal kiddos and can cause heart complications in the long run but a downer for hyper active kiddos… maybe take your mom with your child to a doc appointment and have the doctor explain the pros and cons, long and short term effects of introducing coffee at this age. It works for us, but migh not for your kiddo. Best of luck!

If you aren’t okay with it, ask her not to give it to your child. I personally wouldn’t care. It sounds like a special occasion thing for grandma and grandchild.

I grew up drinking coffee with my grandma and at 27 yo I still go to her house just for coffee and my children also drink coffee with her, they mostly get milk and a splash of coffee to make it warm

If your child has ADHD coffee it’s a wonderful stimulant to use to help them calm down I use coffee on my children in my house

It’s not that serious… but I can absolutely guarantee it will a memory your child has forever! My kids lost one grandma when they were babies and barley have memories, they lost their other grandma 4th of July weekend and now they can’t stop talking about all the little things she did with them… you owe your daughter that!

Pick your hills to die on Momma. This is not the one. My Gma did the same with me expect she used milk and sugar. It’s still a memory that I treasure. They’re bonding let them. Maybe ask her to use milk instead of creamer and don’t be extra about it.

My nana did the same with me and it is a great memory I have. She did the same thing, barely any coffee. I was that age too. I say let them have this. It’ll be a wonderful memory

My grand mother did it with me and my brother, and now my mom does it with my brothers kids. My nephews enjoy that time, also they feel it’s something they only do with grandma. I say I would allow it.

It’s memories that she’ll treasure for the rest of her life. It isn’t hurting her to have a tad bit with some creamer

We give my kids milk and put a tiny splash of creamer in it for flavor and they call that their “cold coffee”
Maybe have her try that? She could even warm it up and do it that way too!

I do it with my 2yr old granddaughter, 3yr old granddaughter, & 5 ur old grandson. I did it with my own children when they were that age. It won’t affect them trust. Memories being made, should be treasured

My best ever memories were of me eating and drinking things that some would disagree with, all with my grandma. She was the best woman and role model to me. I miss her so much. She was true love.

Yes I’m fine with it my daughter has had small amounts of coffee since she was a toddler so do all my nephews

It’s just a bonding experience. Ask her to use milk instead. She will reflect on those memories later in life, the precious ones.

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I had a cup every morning for as long as I can remember with my PawPaw! When he died those were the memories I cherish! Don’t take that away from her! Maybe Granny could sub hot chocolate instead of coffee

She will make mementoes with her nana forever and she will always remember them moments with her a little coffee and a lot more creamer won’t hurt a 5 year old. I get it sugar but it’s not like it’s an everyday thing. I would allow it.