Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

My grandma used to make a special coffee for me to drink with her. She used chocolate milk powder instead of coffee and it wasn’t until I was older that I realized our coffee wasn’t the same. I’m glad my mother didn’t fuss about it, but I should have known because she would have raised hell if I drank coffee so I thought the power of grandma let me get away with it. I really miss those mornings we had together. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss her. And my coffee never tastes like she made it. :sob:

My dad who has now passed 8 yrs ago used to sit with my son and drink coffee. My son talks about it all the time it was a great memory. I wish my daughter had memories like that with him but she was too little

Let her enjoy the memories. All
My kids did this with their nana and papa. It did not affect them one bit negatively and they love the memories now. Especially when my dad passed away at a younger age. It’s what they remember of him.

Maybe tell her decaffeinated. I would be chill about it . I love my kids making memories with my mom

If it’s not a daily thing and truly mostly creamer, let her have this moment. These are the memories in she’ll cherish and moderation is key.

In moderation, and if it weren’t frequent. Like, less than an ounce and not every day, personally I’d let it go, taking away the grandparents interaction is a little harsh. But its your child and your gut should tell you how to handle it.

My nany used to do this with me. Shes my great grandma and my children’s great great grandma. Shes still alive.
We use to sit on her carport in the mornings. She had this little blue set that she would put coffee cream and sugar in for me and her. We would have coffee each morning and listen to the birds sing. And watch the fog roll down the mountain. Its memories like that that ill cherish forever

My kids loved coffee at that age. Especially special trips to iHop or their grandparents house. If you’re worried about the caffeine just ask your mom to make her decaf. Don’t take that memory away from your daughter. I cherish the memories with the grandparents I no longer have. It’s the little things. And it’s not that often anyway so why not?

Stop her weekend w Nana over her enjoying a sip of coffee with her? What exactly do you think is going to happen to your daughter??? Lol thats ridiculous. No, I don’t think there’s anything wrong w it. One day your mom isn’t going to be here. Let her enjoy her time w her granddaughter stop being petty.

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you’re not ok with it - end of discussion :wink:

having said that, my brother and i both enjoyed cups of coffee with our grandma when we spent the night (it was a coffee cup with milk and just enough coffee to color it LOL). we’re in our 40’s and my grandma is pushing 90 and we still tease her about that being the reason we both like coffee now (our parents have never liked coffee)

My kids drink coffee, or Frappuccinos from McDonald’s, we just try to limit what they have of it. But if anything ask her to make her hot chocolate.
Other than that I wouldn’t let it bother you too much. My grandmother, their great grandmother, always loved sitting and having coffee with them. You’ll miss it when you can’t have it. My granny has been bad ill and not going to be around much longer. Enjoy the little things

Be grateful your daughter is growing up with her grandmother. I cherish the memories of being a young child and my grandmother making me French toast AKA toasted bread drenched in syrup :joy:

Let her make memories with her grandma, they will last forever. I come from Germany and I drank coffee since early childhood, it did me no harm, I am 86 years old I still like my coffee. I can still smell the awsome

I don’t think coffee really has any negative affects if she isn’t constantly drinking it. I’d let her continue to have that time with her grandmother. Those memories will be treasured forever later.

I did this with my grandma when I was a little girl she now has dementia and soon memories are all I’m going to have with her it’s just a little coffee but its a big impact on that little girls heart believe me

All of my kids have had coffee. But this is a rule that you have made and your mother must respect that. You need to let her know in a respectful manner. If she continues just reduce the amount of time she spend the night. Not their time, just spending the night

Been drinking coffee since I was 4 because of my Grandma an I loved it as a kid cuz I felt like grown up like her lol

Well, my children have had coffee at that age. More my daughter than son. She had horrible asthma. It actually helps with that. Was never a daily thing by any means. As I do feel another individual, regardless of who it is, should respect the parents wishes, I also don’t feel like what her grandmother is doing is severely detrimental. Furthermore, I’m sure your child will always remember those cups of coffee/creamer with her grandmother as she grows up. Some memories are more important than being right about something.

I grew up drinking coffee with my grandpa at that age and it’s a great memory I have with him. My daughter is 4 and every now and then she’ll ask if I’m done with my coffee and if she can have the rest so I let her :woman_shrugging: a little won’t hurt.

This is completely stupid. Get over it mom. You want to hurt Grandma because of coffee stupid get over it. I gave my grandchildren coffee and they’re fine and loved every minute of it.

Yes my kids have always drink coffee with their grandparents. They use to water it down when they was little. Just curious did your grandparents not sneak you a extra cookie, or something that your parents wouldn’t approve of?

When my daughter was little (now 16) everytime she stayed at mamaw and papaw’s, she would sit next to him in his chair and drink his coffee with him. And as she got older he gave her a cup of her own. He has since passed, and those are memories she talks about most with him. And now, loves coffee :rofl::rofl: I hate it. Lol let them make memories, and have their own way of bonding. Its bigger then just a little bit of sugar intake.

Ask grandma if she would switch the creamer for a cup of milk with the tiniest hint of coffee, she’s still too little for that much sugar and caffeine

My niece and nephew both love having “coffee” with the grown ups. Watching their faces light up is absolutely priceless. All they want is to be included and treated as equals once in a while. We do give them decaf since that’s what I drink anyhow.

I used to sip it with my grandma when I was that age. It’s a fond memory and I think about it from time to time. It’s kind of trivial to upset about that sugar. I’m sure you give her candy on Halloween - what’s a few drinks of coffee on a weekend with grams gonna harm.

My daughter has been given sips of coffee here and there since shes been a little over 1. She loves coffee, even with just almond milk and no sugar. Is she sipping on coffee all day and night and in huge amounts; nope. But, I do let her drink it in small amounts from time to time and shes fine.

I understand you not wanting your 5 year old to drink coffee, but stopping her weekend visits with her grandmother over coffee is a little overboard IMO, especially if she is only drinking a cup in the morning and only when she is there. It’s a special thing they do together and that child will remember those memories for the rest of her life. Maybe ask your mom to give her sugar free creamer instead. Or hot chocolate?

My 8 year old is obsessed with iced coffee :sweat_smile: she’s allowed one a week

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Look … my daughter is 12. I can not stand the fact that she would go to my mom’s and get coffee. It drove me bonkers. She was about 5 when my mom started with her. Same thing too…more creamer than anything.

But here’s what made me say screw it and get over it…

I WISH I had cool memories like that with any of my grandparents.

For 7 years now … my daughter and her mimi…they get up early to have coffee with each other and if someone’s at mimis house, my daughter makes a point to get up before the other people…just so she can have her time drinking coffee and front porch sittin with her mimi.

Let it be. Your mom would no more put your child in danger than she would have with you. It’ll be ok.

When I was younger we always drank coffee at my grandmas house lol all of us kids did lol I always thought it was a Spanish thing to do (we are Puerto Rican :puerto_rico::heart:)

Every sunday after church I had coffee and donuts with my Nana. My coffee was really hot chocolate with a little creamer. It was fun sitting in the church event room with my grandma and her friends, it made me feel special and loved. When we moved away those were what I missed most. At 31 though I am still blessed to have a good relationship with my grandmother. Try and come up with a compromise. Like hot chocolate or maybe ovaltine. These times are fleeting.

my mom did it will my kids and my niece and nephews. It’s a dab of coffee, ton of milk and a Lil cream. It creates a special bonding time and my kids love it

My Mom used to say drank “coffee” with her Grandmother. My Grandkids drank with their Nans. Its bonding time so leave them alone. A memory!

Wow! Grandparents or not, making memories isn’t about giving kids a pile of “treats” and letting them do and have whatever they want. Boundaries are so important for parents to have, regardless of how they are perceived by other people. I would NOT be okay with anyone giving my 5 year old coffee. There are other options for a 5 year old to have and pretend it’s coffee. If you are not okay with it as her mom, then you get to tell grandma it’s a no no. And she SHOULD respect your wishes as a parent. There are so many ways to make wonderful memories.

Let you child enjoy every single precious minute she has with her grandmother. A little bit of sugar now and then will never measure up to the extraordinary memories that your daughter will have for her entire life!

Shes making memories with her grandma and having a little sugar… My 5 year old drinks some of my coffee sometimes? Its not gunna hurt her.

YOU are the parent, you don’t need to do something you feel uncomfortable with just to please other people. They can still enjoy their “coffee” time on the porch without giving her coffee or creamer. I’m quite amazed at the amount of people saying to just let her have that time. No one is asking you to take the time away from her Grandma. I see zero reason why she couldn’t find something else to give her to drink and still enjoy their bonding time.

Actually yeah lol. She has ADD and the caffeine calms. The sugar would send her through the roof though. Maybe a sugar free kind of creamer and pretend to pour the coffee :thinking:


I would just ask if she could do hot chocolate instead of coffee. That’s what we did with my youngest son and his grandparents

I have a 9yro with ADHD and I let him have coffee. Helps to calm him down some with no problems however you are said child’s parent and if you really don’t want your child to have coffee then the grandma should understand and respect your wishes. But personally I see no harm in letting children have coffee.

Aweh, I think that’s beautiful. My daughter has a very special bond with both her grandmas, that being said I couldn’t imagine disrputing their morning coffees if thats what they liked to do.
My best advice would to perhaps ask if she could switch over to a mocha type kinda deal…
Lil splash of coffee, still some creamer, milk and hot chocolate! Just an idea.
But really, I think this is precious. One of those memories your daughter will definitely look back on and smile.

My grandson has coffee with me… it’s our special time together… I use almond creamer or natural bliss :heart::coffee:

My favorite memories was drinking coffee as young as 5 with my grandmother…. So yes! It didn’t affect my health or height at all! It did however create happy memories and and a happier child hood.

My youngest is 7 and loves to drink a small cup of coffee every now and again. He has been doing it sense he was about 4. It makes him feel special and I’m okay with that.

Drinking “coffee” with my mamaw is one of my greatest memories with her. Don’t take away a great memory over some sugar! There are much bigger things to worry about than making memories with :older_woman: :sparkling_heart:

One of my best memories Is my Oma doing this for me. I felt so grown up and we would sit and just talk. It’s something she will cherish forever. Ask your mom to grab some sugar free creamer!!!

This is a special bonding time with her and her grandma I honestly don’t see the big deal.

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My gram used to give me coffee when I was young and it’s one of my favorite memories. I miss her so much, however it’s your choice. If you don’t want her drinking it then let her know.

Shes gonna get sugar at grandma’s whether its coffee, cookies, cakes, candies or kisses. Its like a right of passage going from mom to grandma. The rules change lol. I wish my grandma was still here. I’d give anything for one more cup and the conversation to go with it. So what she might be alittle more hyper than normal but having that time with grandma is precious.

Take your daughter to goodwill & let her pick out cool looking containers( for a creamer & sugar holder) matching fun cups too maybe… Mix up a mixture with her(almond milk, banana or vanilla extract, honey etc) And in the sugar you could use monk fruit sweetner so she can pretend to scoop sugar in too. Make a label that says (childs name)s super secret special creamer. I’d use an approach like this instead of shaming them for having a fun thing they like to do together. Minimal amounts of coffee will not harm your child.

If my kids could do that with there nan I’d be happy as Larry, unfortunately for my kid they didn’t get to meet my mum and they don’t ever see their other grandparents sugar in doses is fine it’s not like they have it everyday! But ultimately your child your choice!

Yes. Yes, I sure would! My mom has done exactly that with all of my children. A tiny bit of coffee in milk or creamer. My children are just fine, the coffee will not harm them in any way, shape, or form, and if it’s the sugar you are worried about… do you allow your child to have candy, ice cream, hell, fruit juice? Not any less sugar in any of that? Especially the fruit juice. I would take my children having that amazing, wholesome, memory with their grandmother, than worry about the sugar any day. I couldn’t imagine ripping them away from my mother over something like this.

I order my kids coffee, decaf. Now when my adhd daughter starts her “crazy” I will give her my actual coffee, somehow caffeine calms her down (she’s now 10 and taller than me). Growing up we weren’t allowed coffee mom said 1 to much caffeine and 2 it would stunt our growth. Well ill agree with the 1 but the 2 is false (I didn’t touch coffee until I was 30, I’m 5’1"). Lol

Ugh, let the kid and her nana be!
Why is it such a big deal if it’s occasional and supplied in moderation!? They’re spending quality time together and creating memories that will literally last a lifetime and you’re worried about a little coffee and the sugar content of the creamer!? Even considering cutting off their time together because of it!? Maybe I’m missing something here, but this all sounds super nit-picky and overly obsessive to me🤷🏻‍♀️

It’s just something Grandmother’s do! She will survive on that cup of coffee. My grandma did this when I went to her house. Loved the memories it entailed. It was mostly milk.

My mom would let me have coffee with her in the mornings when I was 6, it was never given to me hot and was always half milk half coffee. Sitting with her and talking was always a favorite memory of mine. I wouldn’t take those memories from her but if it makes you feel more comfortable ask her to use mainly milk, and if the creamer is flavored just use enough for the flavor to come through.

So I’m like you, and would not want my child having coffee. And I don’t let them. But saying that, my mom also had the rule no coffee. When I went to my dads moms, she would give me coffee and I’d get to sit and have morning coffee with her. We had some of the best talks and I treasure those memories. :purple_heart:

One of my favorite memories of my grandparents is sitting with them at the kitchen table and having “coffee” with them. If your child had health issues where coffee could cause harm(epilepsy, a heart condition etc) I’d be more upset about it.
As others have stated maybe get some decaf and milk for a healthier alternative

I have inlaws who have no respect for what we says as parents! Im sure your mom is just trying to do something special maybe ask her to do milk with coffee or hot chocolate instead if you don’t want them having all the sugar! And who knows she could be using a low sugar creamer! It’s up to you as a parent but if your daughter is only spending say 1 weekend a month with your mom it wouldn’t be a big deal with me!

:roll_eyes: If this is the biggest thing you have to worry about with your child then I’d count your blessings and be thankful that your child has such a wonderful Grandparent who wants to spend time with your child and have some special moments. They aren’t going to Starbucks and having Venti sized specialty coffee drinks with espresso shots. Also, unless you are feeding your child 100% homemade, all organic, all natural, unprocessed, sugar free foods then get off your soapbox about the creamer.

My daughter is 11 and has drank coffee for years. Her doctor actually recommended it bc of her chronic asthma. It helps open her airways.

That’s such a special time for them, and as a special treat it’s no more harmful than any other sweet treat.
She will cherish those special times with her Nana. I wouldn’t make a big deal of it.

I used to let me girls do this with me and they also did it with them grandma’s I added a very small amount of coffee ,then add milk.and a small amount of sugar.
My girls are now all grown and it never hurt them…They have these beautiful memories .

I don’t give it to my child. But my mom has. It’s their “bonding” thing when she sleeps over. My grandmother used to let me sip coffee too.

No but I’m like anti caffeine for the kids. I know other parents including my gf who lets her son have milk with a little coffee and caffeinated soda when they get burgers. And I do not. My kids have some behavior issues and i try to eliminate caffeine and sugar as much as I can without being a complete jerk about it. Doesn’t bug me if someone else lets their kid do it. I mean to each their own

Stick to warm chocolate milk or simple milk. Coffee isn’t for kids they can still enjoy their morning on the porch but no coffee for the kiddo, her mom says no coffee then listen to her that’s her kid and what she is asking isn’t unreasonable you have to respect her.

I would allow, it’s only a slash to make her think she’s drinking coffee.
Such a precious moment with her nana, very cute.

There will be bigger hurdles to go through, this is small stuff. Grandparents leave us way too soon. I am 63 and not a day goes by that I don’t think about mine, I would give anything to have mine back. Miss them everyday. This is their special time

Ask yourself if you truly want to quell irreplaceable moments between your daughter and her grandmother over the sugar content of creamer.

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I mean under normal circumstances I’d say no but that sounds like an adorable occasional ritual they’re creating together. She’ll treasure that memory forever. Maybe ask grandma to switch out the creamer for your milk of choice?

Maybe just get her some caffeine free coffee and sugar free creamer for nanas house? I would make it work, because that will be very special memories for her

I drank coffee as a kid with my nana. There’s nothing wrong with it in my opinion. It’s a treat and something special she will remember for the rest of her life with your mom.

Do decaf coffee! Being a single mom my son loves to copy what I do and he used to get super upset that he couldn’t have coffee with me when we’d go out, so I started getting him like 1/4 decaf coffee with 3/4 milk and he adores it!

I drank coffee with my papa as a kid and it’s my fondest memories with him. Don’t take that away she will grow to resent it later. Let them have this one thing momma she will be just fine!

My oldest does chocolate milk in a mug and drinks “coffee” with her dad! See if she can swap out the creamer for milk and maybe do hot chocolate? Either way it seems like it will be a great memory for both of them :white_heart:

If she’s allowed chocolate or other sugary snacks then yah I’d allow this too. It’s not different unless it’s a full cup. But if you hate it suggest an alternative you’re more comfortable with that makes them feel happy too

If you are going to shipnher off to grandma’s she’s going eat and drink things you don’t approve of. My kids had "coffee ’ with my mom. It was a splash of coffee. It’s really nothing to be so pressed about

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I would ask your mom to change up what she puts in her cup so she can still have the memories with her. I dont agree with the coffee and tons of creamer either. Maybe suggest milk or juice in a coffee mug instead

My grandma used to do that with me but it was milk. nothing bad ever happened to me just good memories with my grandma

My daughter is 3 and her grandparents have a little tiny coffee mug for her, and put a spoonful of coffee and the rest is milk :slightly_smiling_face: and they have morning coffees together when she’s there

We let our kids have “coffee” it’s like a splash of coffee, mostly milk, and a splash of creamer. My 5 year old daughter and I have coffee dates in the morning cuz were usually the only ones awake super early. It’s our special bonding time.

My daughters grandma did the same but put hot cocoa in instead of creamer. I never thought of it as bad it wrong. She enjoyed “coffee” every morning with her grandma until she passed. Now it’s a memory she’ll always have

I started drinking coffee when I was 2 :sweat_smile: but I have those memories of being at my grandparents’ house almost every Sunday after church and having a cup of coffee (mostly creamer as well for me at that time) and some snacks to hold us over until lunch. I looked forward to it every Sunday :heart:

I have to agree with everyone. Those are moments she will forever treasure. One time a week won’t hurt. I’m sure Grandma is being responsible about it. I mean, you are alive grown and obviously well.

My maternal grandparents died when I was around 5 & then 7. I loved them both so much. I have few memories of the times I spent with them & my biggest memory is the chocolate striped cookies & cinnamon sugar toast. These memories mean the world to me. Not all creamers have sugar but a little coffee with lots of cream & just the right amount of sugar is like heaven :heart: to a young child. I am now 59 & luv to spoil my grandkids with what they call "Yummy Food That Grammy Makes. Let it be…

My daughter is still too you, but me and my sister are 12 years apart. When she was about that age we would put a tiny bit of coffee and the rest was milk. No sugar

We always grew up having “Coffee-Milk” with our Grandparents. It’s a well known thing here in Southeast Texas… But, as her parent, you have a say it what they drink.

Coffee-milk is a cup of milk with like a few tablespoons of coffee in it. Some add sugar.

One of my fondest memories is drinkin coffee with my papaw every morning. It didn’t kill me!! Please, don’t rob your child of these precious memories she’s making!!!

If you’re not ok with it then it doesn’t really matter what others think or what they would be ok with if it were their child. You are her parent, therefore if you don’t think it’s ok then it needs to stop. I would be mad with my mum if It was me though. Yes going to spend the night with grandparents is special and so little treats are given, which is fine, but at least use something that’s more appropriate for a child to drink, put it in a special coffee cup and just call it coffee for the sake of the child feeling like a big girl. Caffeine is addictive.

To drink coffee with my grandma on her porch again would be a dream. Let her have the coffee. You can hold her back other places.

My mom gives my 2.5 year old little bits when she’s at her house, she also did it with my older kids who turned out fine :woman_shrugging:t2:

My 3 year old does this with his grandpa and I would never ask them to stop. Something could happen them tomorrow and I would hate myself for cutting that short.

Trust me when I say this. It isn’t going to hurt. And the memories of that is what is going to be stored in her heart and your mom’s. I was around 3 when I started drinking “coffee” with my pappaw. When I say coffee, it was 2 thirds milk, 1 third actual black coffee, with just enough sugar to taste. I had to give him back to heaven when I was 14, and I still remember growing up and having coffee with him. And now, my two littles will sit on the porch and drink coffee with my mother. And its sentimental and precious to me. Mostly to them, because that is what they look forward to with all their sleepovers and visits. Treasure it.

When I was high school the fancy coffee scene became more popular. I struggled with my step son drinking it and choose to pick my battles. Milk and coffee not creamer should be ok. But you are the mama. If the child enjoys the time with her gram on the porch just ask her to you milk. Theyvwill grow up with her memories of front coffee time with gram. My boys sip and or drink my coffee. It will not hurt them.

I would absolutely… just because my Grandma and I used to this all the time when she would watch me as a child. It was one of my favorite things to do with her. My little coffee cup with 2 ice cubes, porch swing with Grandma talking about the cows accross the street, flowers and what our plan was for the day. Those memories I will cherish forever and I hope my daughter would allow me to make those same memories with my grandchildren.

She’s creating a grandma moment with your child. Just ask her to make it a hot cocoa and tell the child it’s coffee. My grandma moment was 2 chocolate chip cookies with a slice of cheese inside. I’m sure modern parents would balk. My mama kept her mouth shut. My grands and I ride around eating junk food. It’s the only time I indulge and their mama needs to mind her business.

In other countries kids drink coffee all the time. I personally am not worried about the sugar, cause you can put just a little bit you do not need to make it super sweet, but I am concern about the caffeine, the energy it will give them lol. I give my kids coffee with milk, mostly milk though, and when my son asks for it, I give him decaf, because he loves coffee! My son started to like coffee when he was 4 and had asthma, I would give him some so he could breath easier, old timers remedy which really works.

I’m going to mimic a lot of what others are saying. These are some of the last memories that I have of the older generation. I hold on to them dearly. Let her make memories with grandma. You never know what tomorrow will bring.

My 3 year old has taken sips of my coffee for the last year and a half . My brother use to do the same thing with my grandma , he loves those memories

As long as it’s not much coffee. Let her have her mornings with grandma when she’s there. One day those memories are all she’s going to have and will be cherished.