Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

I think it’s fine… I let my five year drink coffee with me on the weekends… why? Because I to used to drink coffee with my grandma and clip coupons when I was that age, still to this day it’s one of my fondest memories… all things are ok in moderation and the memories are worth it…

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Lol I was literally just telling my son how I’d go to my grandmas and they’d give us basically coffee flavored milk. We loved it, we turned out fine. It’s just good memories!

My Grandparents used to serve me full blown coffee. Also, my Pa would buy me powdered donuts and chocolate milk from the gas station every morning after he took my Granny to work. Now that I’m an adult I appreciate that little bit of spoiling even more because they didn’t have much. The sugar content isn’t going to ruin her life as a treat. The memories will make her feel special forever.

I allow my 6 yr old a tiny, tiny bit. He has adhd and the caffeine actually mellows him and he can focus better.

A little coffee with mostly milk occasionally is fine. I do this with my grandkids… its something they look forward to and love to do at my house!

My mom used to have “cowboy coffee” with my grandpa:-) milk with a splash of coffee. Just ask grandma to change from creamer to your preferred milk! I think the bonding experience is more valuable than the issues a splash of coffee might bring about…

I had “cowgirl” coffee (half coffee, half creamer and 1 spoon sugar in my own lil baby coffee cup) since I was 2. Didn’t hurt me at all and I cherish the memories. It was my mom, our dog (Maltese and yes he got coffee too) and myself all sitting at the table in the mornings. Now Booboos was mostly creamer with no sugar and just a splash of coffee. I understand OP where you are coming from. But the benefits and memories outweigh any risk there might be. I have an almost 2 yr old son and he gets a couple drinks of my coffee every morning since he was about 15 months. Brings me his spit towel (as he spills cause my coffee cup is so big) gets a drink or 2, makes a mmmmm sound, puts the towel back and goes back to playing.

My son has been swiping my coffee since he was 3 lol. Maybe see if she will switch it for hot coco? And tell her it’s a special flavored coffee that taste like hot coco? I did that with my son until he was 7 and he caught on. Lol.

This is my mommas house lol basically my kid just stirs it likes to hold the cup she’s 9 has been doing this since she was 4. She might and that’s very unlikely take a sip.

It’s not something that I’d do on a regular basis, but it’s their thing, she will remember that always. A little coffee and sugar on occasion never hurt anyone!

My children never got to meet my grandma… she passed away at a very young age. But she used to do that with me. Tiny cup of decafe coffee with a splash of creamer. I treasured those moments… she passed when I was only 10 :pleading_face:

good lord it’s just coffee and a nice little morning ritual with her gram. ask her to put sugar free creamer in it. dont ruin their special time bc you got issues with your kid having a lil treat with grandma on a weekend morning. My daughter is 7 and has been stealing sips of my coffee since she was a preschooler. and now at 7, i will get her a small decaf iced coffee from dunkin if we go together.

My oldest would sneak my coffee all the time.
If you have an issue with it, buy decaf for nana’s house.
Pick your battles wisely. This is seriously a non issue when you look at the big picture of parenthood.


Maybe ask her to make tea instead (and pretend it’s coffee) and add some cream or milk…it will be a memory she will cherish.

Me and my grandma did this at that age….there was so little coffee honestly probably got more caffeine from various foods, and at 44 it’s a sweet memory that I now have :woman_shrugging:t2:

Coffee isn’t necessarily bad for children. If given in moderation. I’d let grandma have memories but would tell her. You’d appreciate it if she made milk tea and added just a little coffee instead. Less sugar, less coffee, and it’s good.
Then, your opinion also does matter and you’re trusting your daughter with your momma. A talk with love and respect goes a long way! There is always a way to compromise. Maybe take your own prepared coffee mix for your daughter!
No doubt your daughter will have good memories with her memaw!

My mom gave me a shot of whiskey when I had a cough I’m pretty sure coffee is fine

Maybe have her mix it with milk instead of creamer and just a little bit of sugar and coffee. My kids get it every once in a while.

You would actually stop the weekend visits with Grandma because of this??? Leave it be……. if you take this away, you are taking away precious memories for your child and taking way quality time for Grandma.

I would ask for her to replace the creamer with milk. A little coffee isn’t the worst.

It’s memories with her grandma she will cherish forever! Let it be. It’s not hurting anything.

If you only know what other things your mum allows as the Nana… one tiny little coffee in the morning + a lovely memory. No issue here.

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I did it with my papaw and a favorite uncle although Mom never let me. As long as she only gets a little and not a full cup, she should be fine. :blush:

Just lost my mom last month… I wish to God that my kids would’ve had memories as such with their nanny. Its 1 cup like what once or twice a week. Let her have that moment cause once you’re mama is gone your gonna be glad she has those memories

To me it’s the same as giving a child caffeinated pop. If she’s only getting it in the morning I dont see an issue. I remember my grandparents let me try a cup.

My nanny sneaks my girls sips of her coffee an she did me the same way growing up, I think in my opinion , it’s jus a small bonding act between Gma & GBabies. It’s not like she’s having a cup of coffee or creamer every single day, it’s a weekend treat only her grandmother provides, if it was everyday I could see the scare and prob. Jus my personal opinion, but always do what you feel is right, it’s your child and no one else’s.

In my fam coffee milk is what the kids have been served for over every bit of 100 years or more. (The history I’m aware of)
I remember mine my mom hers my grandmother and my great grandmother Wow what a thought. Now my daughter enjoys it. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: If nothing else thanks for boosting my memory.

When I was a kid this was a regular thing with my grandparents. As an adult now, I’m glad my mama let me have that with them. It’s a memory I hold onto. Watching the birds and feeding the squirrels while we had a cup of coffee. It wasn’t a big deal to my parents though because my mama always felt if I was safe and cared for that’s all she needed to know. Let her have that memory. One day her grands won’t be here and she will reflect on these morning memories. :slightly_smiling_face::heart:

I used to get “kid coffee” which was a little bit of coffee mainly a ton of milk and a few drops of creamer.

In regards to it being with her nana, she’ll treasure those moments forever. Let her keep those memories and enjoy them. Plus it’s not going to hurt her. Maybe just ask to swop out most the creamer for milk.

It’s not hurting the kid to have a cup of milk with some coffee in it and one day those memories will be the only things she has left of grandma. I would just let it go. Creamer may have sugar but so does ice cream, so does cereal, so does almost everything so try not focus on that

A grandma is going to do what a grandma wants to do. Maybe talk with nana and let her know you’d rather it be mainly milk with a splash of creamer and a drop of coffee. No need to take love and time away from your baby just because she wants to feel important and big like grandma :heart:

Let her have fun and make memories! My kids are both grown adults and I have three granddaughters now. Trust me these little things will not be important in the long run. You got to pick and choose your battles and this one is just not worth it.

We always had coffee with my dad, it was a splash of coffee with milk but we swore it was full strength coffee… If anything maybe ask if she can have hot chocolate instead. Or maybe a special decaf coffee splash…

My 6 year old drinks coffee I get him decaf, he always sees mom with one and it’s our thing together to get coffee and donuts at Dunkin
He likes iced coffee with a lot of sugar free creamer and sweet n low sweetener

I would ask her to give her hot cocoa instead. She can still have that memory with her grandma while having an age appropriate drink. I wouldn’t want my daughter drinking coffee at 5 either.

Nana should respect your wishes. You are the parent and you’re right kids that age shouldn’t drink coffee even if it is “ just a lil “ like nana says, it’s just the principal. If the parents says not to give your daughter coffee Nana should respect that.

Would you let your child sip on a soda or drink a juice box or even a cup of sweet tea. All these things are loaded with sugar and or caffeine. No child should have these things all day every day but once in a while won’t hurt. Especially if they’re making memories that last a lifetime with a grandparent.

It won’t hurt her. My grandson has adhd and it does level him out

It’s a really sweet ritual. Ask grandma to make it milk instead with a little creamer. And a splash of coffee so she feels important.

My son drinks coffee since he could hold a cup. Only its 95% milk and 5% coffee… he thinks it’s normal coffee because I make for everyone at the same time…shhhhh🤐

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My brother drank coffee since he was 2 with grandma turned out he helped with his adhd better than his medicine. So they took him off of it and to this day he drinks coffee

My son started drinking coffee with my grandma at 3 every morning when they woke up they would have their coffee and both playing on the computer he still to this day loves coffee with nothing in it… it was good memories that he can now treasure it forever since she is no longer with us anymore

Wow this child will always have that special memory. It’s not like it’s everyday. Chill out mom

Does she get ice cream on occasion?? Chocolate? Candy? Juice? All sugar. A little bean water isn’t going to hurt her. Grandma’s won’t be around forever.

Yup my dad has shared coffee with me as a child and all 7 of my kids share his coffee its a tradition I love the bond he has with all my kids :heart:

My kids have been drinking coffee since they could sip through a straw. I drank coffee as a child as well.

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I would ask her to change it for decaf or hot choc. For me the action of having that lovely time together is so important but the drink itself can change so it suits the child x

I let me daughter at 5 and 6 drink coffee. But it’s a splash of coffee cream and sugar. I think it’s fine. I never give her expresso though

I used to drink creamer with a splash of coffee with my grandmother as well. If she’s anything like mine, it’s literally coffee flavored creamer. That tiny bit of caffeine is no different than having chocolate.

I used to do it w my grandparents when i was a kid. Its still one of my favorite memories. I miss them so much.

I use to do the same thing with my grandmom around that age. And when she’s around now, we still do that. Its our thing and a great memory. Hmm thats probably why I’m addicted coffee now :thinking: but nonetheless its not going to harm her and if you feel that strong, ask her to put milk instead creamer to cut down on sugar or maybe change the coffee to tea.

My son is now 34 years old, & when he comes to visit, he asks for Coffee Creole. Just like I Used to make When he was little…:+1::wind_face::kiss::sunglasses:


Honestly, there are so many medicinal reasons on why I would be ok with! Black coffee actually helps reduces the chances of heart disease, along with opening blood vessels that have collapsed.

My kids grandmother used to do the same but it was mostly milk with a tiny bit of coffee

I mean when I drink coffee I let my lil one have “coffee” too, which is just milk with a tad bit of coffee in it. Maybe ask her if she’d put milk instead of creamer? Or suggest something else to drink with her? Taking this away from them wouldn’t be fair, I remember doing exactly this with my nana and I cherish the memories more than anyone could know. :heart::heart::heart:

I don’t see why you have a problem with it. Granted high sugar caffeine but its not like she gives it to her all weekend. It’s a special moment between her and grandma that she will remember…

When I was little I used to drink coffee with my Mamaw in the mornings and that’s one of the best memories I have with her. I don’t think she gave me much at all either but I loved just spending that time with her. I wouldn’t personally give my two boys coffee I guess because I’m their mama but if I could have my Mamaw back and have her be able to meet and spend time with my boys, I wouldn’t say a thing :pleading_face:

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Me and my 9 year old occasionally sit on the porch and have a cup of coffee together. He loves those mornings.

Up to you honestly. My now 8.5yr old loves coffee. Sometimes (not all the time) my mil lets her have some coffee, but its mostly milk and little honey to sweeten it. I don’t mind bc she doesn’t put a lot of coffee in the cup. And its not very often.

Mine did the same thing with my kids and I love it. It’s a special bonding moment and memory for them. Mine also was mainly creamer which is why the kids liked it but I tried to not let it bother me.

I’d let it be. What I wouldn’t give for my kids to have these kinds of memories with loved ones. A little coffee and creamer doesn’t seem that bad to me.

They make sugar free creamer and decaf coffee, maybe buy those for when she is with grandma, and then let her enjoy the memories.

I would have a problem with the sugar too but if it was more milk than coffee I wouldn’t have a problem with it. As long as she had them till the caffeine wore off :rofl: my boys are hyper as it is. No caffeine needed.

My husband and daughter do this every morning. But hers has a splash of coffee and the rest milk. Have her switch the creamer to milk.

I definitely used to do this when I was a kid and still remember the good memories today
It’s a bit of sugar and a TEENY splash of caffeine every once in awhile it’s not going to hurt her

I have a 2.5 year old who copies everything I do. I bought her a coffee mug, fill it with milk and then add a splash of coffee because she’s too smart :joy:

As a grand mother that does the exact same thing. Our daughter says no more coffee, but these tiny moments with my grandsons are the most treasured moments for me. They are too little to realize it’s NOT really coffee, so I put 2% milk in the cup then add a dash of creamer, for flavor and then the smallest dash of coffee, for color. The boys love it and think they’re “big” like gram and pap and we get to sit with them on the patio and talk and listen to their stories and have “coffee” together!!!

My son insists on stealing my coffee and drinking it. We have tried to stop him, tried letting him have a sip of black coffee he liked that as well. So instead of a fight everytime I try to drink my iced coffee I get his sippy fill it also all the way up with milk and splash a little of my coffee in it while he watches. Then we drink our coffee together. He’s 2.

My baby used to have coffee with his grandparents and nothing happened to him! He’s just fine, a tad spoiled but he’s fine lol.

Lady, there are far worse problems that you can have with a grandparent. (Believe me because I do with my in-laws). If your mother told you that she just gives her a “taste” then it’s no big deal. Maybe buy her a decaffeinated blend to keep at her house for your baby. Like everyone else said up here let them have their “thing” together". My family use to let me have a little wine glass every holiday of both White and Red wine. I’m not an alcoholic and though I am only 5’3" I think that’s more from my father being short than stunting my growth​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: considering he is shorter than me.

I don’t see anything wrong with a kid having a little coffee my great grandpa started me on coffee at 6 months old and I turned out just fine when I have coffee my 4yr old will get a little cup with mostly milk and a little coffee in it she likes coffee and surprisingly it doesn’t make her hyper

I dont think that small amt will hurt her and be thankful that her Nana spends time with her the way she does. She will have those memories forever. Dont do that to her she will only remember what you do take her away she won’t remember the why…seriously it’s not that bad

I personally am not ok with it with my kids, not that young. You could always talk with the grandma about decaf coffee instead. It still has caffeine but not nearly as much. My 11 year old will get a decaf latte on the rare occasion she goes with me to Dunkin.

I wouldn’t take her time away from her but I would talk to her about what you’re comfortable with your child eating/drinking. Instead of coffee maybe they can have breakfast/brunch outside, or ‘tea time’ with something else instead of that.

My two boys 4 and 9 have a ‘coffee’ with there nan every known and again my only issue with it is the caffeine and it affecting their sleep. However they get a little dash in the morning or alternatively decaff coffee, what lovely memories for your little one and relaxing on a porch try see the positive in this rather than focusing on the negatives

Some of my most fond memories are drinking coffee with my granny🥰 (it was mostly cream a little coffee) I do the same with my daughter now.

Let them have this. And if it’s really the sugar you’re concerned about politely ask her to substitute most of it with plain milk instead of creamer. I suggest you choose your battles in these situations. Unless she has strict dietary restrictions due to medical conditions you really should just let this one slide. They’ll have beautiful memories together. <3

No, I wouldn’t be happy about my kid having coffee, tea, hot chocolate or anything like that.
As a ‘treat’ we make her ‘coffee’ sometimes- oat milk made warm and frothy. That’s good enough

My now 10yr old drank coffee since he was 15mo old. It helps with his asthma :person_shrugging: now that he is older he drinks a full cup and has been off his breathing treatments for 3yrs. He still has an inhaler for emergencies tho as we live in the south and it gets hot/muggy

Im a cuban girl born and raised in miami this is completely normal in a hispanic household. Stop her visits because of coffee?? I think thats a bit much :roll_eyes:

:roll_eyes: my kids drink “coffee” with me. Be happy she has grandparents to spend time with

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I used to pitch a fit for coffee when I was younger. I saw all the adults that I looked up to drinking it & I wanted to be like them. If course mine was very little coffee with milk & sugar, but I felt grownup. I give some to my daughter nowadays & she’s 7. She doesn’t get it all the time & she doesn’t get a lot. But she remembers it.

They always gave children coffee in the “olden days” as it was cheap and warm. My. Grandparents have told me they drank coffee just black for as long as they can remember and it never hurt them.

Your kid say no I have a 5 year and three year old grandkids I take care of and absolutely no coffee for them it don’t ruin my relationship with them

When I was little my dad would let me drink coffee it was a tiny amount of coffee with a ton of milk and a little sugar. He would warm it up so it would be coffee like and I would drink it while he had his two pots of coffee every morning when I visited. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that considering how many parents give their kids kool aid or soda and those have a ton of sugar and or caffeine … it’s just to make the visit special and make the child feel included

My mother does it too. No matter how many times I told her no, she would still do it. She eventually stopped but I guess it was thing that grandma and granddaughter did

I started drinking coffee with my grandma and grandpa when I was like five and my grandma made it normal she didn’t add extra cream and I love every single memory from my childhood hang out on the porch drinking coffee with him or sitting at the table in the den watching the price is right while having that warm cup of coffee let your baby make those memories she will be absolutely fine I promise

Suggest caffeine free tea instead.

No I would not be ok with a child under 16 drinking coffee


How often is this happening? Enough to effect her teeth or health? My kids rarely get to stay with their grandparents so it’s a given they will be loaded up on sugar and whatnots they don’t typically get at home. But this is like once a month or less. If this is happening multiple times a week or something I could see wanting to find a healthier option, but if only on occasion I say let it be.
My mom never wanted me to have any of those things and made such a huge deal of me not having them that I would sneak them whenever I could. I didn’t even like coffee and still don’t as an adult but I would still drink it just for spite I guess​:grimacing::woman_facepalming:

Your parents will not always be here, my dad passed in December and I cherish all the things we did. Even when my mom was mad about it. My children don’t get that with my dad because he passed when she was a year old. Personally she can always make her some hot chocolate or something if it’s a big deal. But no matter you’re the parent, what you say goes. Just don’t take away al the memories.

Is this post for real?!:joy:
Man, some people be upset at the weirdest shit! If you take this special morning bonding moment away from your child and their grandmother, there’s something wrong with you.

I started drinking coffee when I was 4yrs old with my grandparents I’m a major coffee drinker but the point is my grandparents are gone but the memories r still there and love. Every morning they use to drink coffee and make me a cup and talk.

Your girl will treasure those memories! I wouldn’t put a stop to it, but give grandma some herbal tea caffeine free and tell her to tell your kiddo it’s special flavoured coffee. Healthy and enjoyable

I grew doing this with my pappy… I ve the best memories from him. Plus my white grown up coffee…

My dad use to give us decaf in the morning because we wanted coffee with him so badly! It is a cherished memory I have with him. So simple yet made impact that I still remember it to this day.
It felt cool sipping coffee with daddy-o on the weekends :heart::joy:

i have this memory with my grandma, and my mom and my daughter is making the same memory with her grandma. she is 3. i dont mind it on occasion.

Not every day but those memories with nana are priceless. I bet my mom wishes it was coffee, my gram gave me Butter shots in hot chocolate :laughing:#80’skids

All 3 of my kids, ages 11, 9, and 7 drink coffee. Not often but they do. They do the same with their Nana, sit on the porch and enjoy the morning. Let them make the memories, one day it will be all she has. Maybe ask her to add milk instead of creamer. That’s what I do.

My kids get “coffee” when I make mine (latte) sometimes. I just microwave milk, add a little caramel syrup and scoop some of the froth off of mine on to theirs.

Kids like to copy grownups they’re attached to.

It’s not going to harm her and it’s a fond memory she’ll have years down the line, don’t ruin that for her.

My MIL used to make my kids a cup of ‘coffee’ but it was milk with a tablespoon or so of coffee. They thought they were so special, and they were getting their milk.