Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

I do with my granddaughters, but it’s MILK with a little coffee for color. They youngest 3 has to sit on Papa’s lap and have coffee with him.
And my sister, cousins and I all drank real coffee with Poppy growing up. We all turned out fine.
Just change what’s put in the cup, coffee with grandparents is the best.:peace_symbol::revolving_hearts::pray:

I don’t allow my daughter to drink coffee but she’s the only one that loves to have “coffee” with mom in the morning. So what I do is warm some milk and put chocolate in it and she thinks it’s coffee :joy:

I started drinking “cowboy coffee” with my Granny at a very young age. One of my favorite memories.

It is actually better for them than soda. I was adverse at first, but a fitness instructor told me that it is better than soda since it doesn’t have the additives, coloring and sugars. And those memories!!! that can never be replaced. And it doesn’t happen every day. I remember my kid eating petrified French fries out of the floor of my car as a kid. They eat trees, sticks, old food, the occasional dog treat… I think occasional coffee is ok.

I let my kids, it’s not like it’s everyday. let them have the treat and enjoy the time with grandma. I bet that’s one of the things she’ll remember later on down the road :heart:

I was gna instantly say no.
But i remember having coffee with my grandpa and had to reverse. Idk how old i was and mine was mostly plain milk not creamer. But to this day it is one of the reasons i love coffee.

If it was a straight cup of coffee no, have her use mostly milk and some creamer for taste and a little coffee. Those are going to be great memories for her.

One of my favorite memories with my grandma is walking to the local gas station by her house and her buying me a cappuccino and butterscotch candy. I miss her …

I personally wouldn’t fight this particular battle if it’s just an occasional thing that’s special for them. A bit of sweets or caffeine on an occasional basis won’t hurt anything but if it bothers you that much, she needs to stop because it’s your child and your rules.

Don’t focus on the coffee, think about the deep connection they’re building, the conversation los they must be having and the priceless memories they are making!!
Your little one is
A very lucky girl to have an awesome grandma!!!

Ummm… NO!!! My son is allowed 1 pop a week and it’s always one without caffeine… he’s gets a sugar rush and that’s enough for this momma!!! I’d seriously have a discussion with g’ma!!! If they like the taste of coffee they have those hard candies!! I would frown on that one girl!!!

I make my kids cafecito which is literally a tiny dash of coffee with milk and a dash of creamer. They like to be like mommy. My grandpa did this with me but in my family we also start drinking coffee earlier in general. I started drinking normal coffee or cappucino drinks at 11ish

Maybe buy some instant decaf and some milk & send it with your little one next time as a friendly nudge. I completely understand your perspective. I am very worried when my little one becomes big enough to eat normal food and what people will give her when I’m not around. I don’t want sugar in her diet at all, for a very long time. I hate to be ‘one of those parents’. But, there are just some habits you want to instill in your little one since they’re young, if you can help it . Not saying, depriving her of every single thing forever. I do think the memories with her nan are so important though, and wouldn’t end any weekend dates with her. But, it’s also important as a parent to feel like you stood your ground, even if others make you feel weird for it. Ultimately, she’s your child and family/friends should respect your wishes. Hoping this helps

My mother has had “coffee” with all 4 of my daughters since they were little. My daughters love them memories :heart: It was a splash of coffee with milk and a little sugar. I would never take that time or memories away. That was their time. My girls are now almost adults and are just fine. I did nicely confirm that it wasn’t full cups of coffee with my mother just to give me a piece of mind.

My daughter had this with her grandparents and it is one of the best memories she has … Just let her be with her grandmother and make memories… If it is only there and not everyday don’t stress … She will thank you for that time when her grandmother is no longer with her

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Awk wise up and let the child enjoy a wee moment with her nanny she will look back on that for the rest of her life. Everything in moderation fs

Ask that they use a sugar free one or one with natural sweetener that’s not sugar maybe? Seems like a cute little tradition making memories with grandma to me. It won’t “hurt” her exactly and you can also as her to make her “special coffee” with instant decaf and alternative sweetener with the creamer … compromise ??

Normally I would say no. Gently suggest decaf. Grandma time is important. This is their time together. Something your little girl will never forget. I’m not sure if this is worth making a big deal over.

At first I freaked out, but after reading it all I think it’s ok if it’s really just a little coffee (no more than a tablespoon or two) and creamer or milk.

Tell her to add more coffee and less creamer and the kiddo probably won’t like it :grin: or just do it black because coffee does have good health benefits :wink: idk about starting at 5 but I am a suckered for a good cup of coffee so idk who to root for :joy:

Mine drinks the breakfast essentials while his grandmother drinks coffee. He thinks its coffee. Even drinks it out of a coffee cup. It gives them their time together and still gives him some of the things his body needs.

I would give anything for my kids to be able to spend time with grandparents my grandparents always did this with me and tbh most of the time they would use mostly hot chocolate and put a splash of coffee and half and half was what i got to add to be like the adults enjoying bread and coffee listening to stories oh what memories sorry Hun hope you find a common ground.

As a “Lovey” there are just a few certain things are special between me and my grandbabies. Things that mama would never allow. Some that took her a long time to come around to but the babies & I will cherish for our whole lifetimes

My children all drank “coffee milk” with their grandparents. None of them were harmed and it’s a precious memory. It’s only once in a while. Do you let them drink colas or tea?

My youngest daughter would want coffee with me so I would mix a splash of creamer in her milk and that was her coffee lol it won’t hurt her either way

my nana always gave me coffee milk at that age. from 5 until i was old
enough to have regular coffee. and that’s memories i will forever have.:purple_heart:
as long as she’s not giving her a full cup of coffee with just creamer. milk and a little coffee for tatste!

I make my 4 year old decaf coffee with sugar free creamer because he wants to be so much like daddy.

Drinking coffee with your grandparents is a lifetime memory. My grands started just over a year old with half of the cup being milk. Its more about sharing something with them. If the coffee affects them, that is different. If it doesn’t, no harm is done.

This is something I wish me and my nan did growing up. I love her to bits and feel like I’ve missed out on quite a bit.

Let them make these memories. Forget about healthy choices and caffeine. Seriously - time with grandparents is rarely guaranteed. Don’t take those away over a little bit of sugar.

My daughter has been drinking coffee with me since she was little she is 8 now and almost taller than me. Also we found that the caffeine helps calm her down

If grandma wants to deal with a kid hyped up from coffee once in a while have at it :rofl::purple_heart:

I would trust your mum and let your daughter make some memories with her grandma!

My grandma used to make what she called cambric tea. It was a cup of mostly warm milk with a tea bag basically dunked in. I am now a coffee drinker. She passed two years ago and I still use her special flower mug for my morning beverage.

Maybe ask Grandma to switch to decaf, if you’re worried about caffeine?

My daughter is now 13 … she has drank coffee since she was 3. It is our time, and she has more cream then coffee. She also has trouble with her stomach, and the doctor encouraged it to help move things along.

One of my favorite memories of being little with my grandma was drinking her coffee.

I always did this with my grandma and the memories are some of the best that I have :heart:

I would suggest getting an all natural creamer & decaf coffee if you’re concerned about sugar/caffeine intake. I don’t give my daughter coffee but when my MIL is in town she has “coffee milk”. I take it for what it is & am grateful she has an amazing grandmother that wants to spend time with her.

I had a hard time with this with my oldest… But, I never said anything to him or his Papaw about it as it didn’t seem to hurt him, Maybe amp him up a little … His Papaw passed when he was 7. He is now 13 and his fondest memories are sitting on the back porch with Papaw drinking coffee. :two_hearts: Today I am so Grateful I didn’t disrupt that for him. JUst my insight. Parenting is HARD

Let them have there thing when she gets older and she drinks coffee she’ll remember her weekends at grandmas

If it’s because of the caffeine then just a lil bit of info for you caffeine in small doses are not bad it actually helps baby’s when there born and having issues with breathing on there own it’s sends singles from the brain to lungs to help them remember to breathe that’s also why it helps during asthmatics during an attack

Ask grandma if she will give her hot cocoa instead- they’re making memories and that’s beautiful! I have a daughter with ADD so she has gotten small amounts of coffee since kindergarten because caffeine doesn’t affect kids with ADD/ADHD the same but I do not give it to my other kids. You can also get her some decaffeinated instant coffee packs to take with her to encourage that special bonding time grandma has made for her!:sparkling_heart:

NGL and hopefully I don’t get roasted for this, but in my family we let children drink coffee. My 2 year old asks me for coffee and I give her milk with sugar and a tablespoon of coffee to darken it. My parents and grandparents did the same for us. I don’t think it’s a big deal, I’m ok with it, but it’s alright if you’re not okay with it. You could ask Nana to make a hot chocolate for her instead or something else that mimicked it so that your daughter feels included.

Honestly, I think it’s ok… you could request decaf coffee for your 5 year old & less creamer (just enough to make it taste sweet for her) or use a sugar free alternative syrup or creamer… if it isn’t an every day thing and something special to her and Nana, I would let it happen with modifications. My cousins daughters drank decaf every morning at age 2 (now that I feel is too young personally, but not my kids). Maybe offer some alternative ideas like hot cocoa, tea, or decaf coffee or something that she can enjoy sitting on the porch with… these are special moments she will definitely treasure.

Every morning when my granny would make her coffee I asked for some just because I wanted to be like my granny. I don’t even. care for coffee and I barely drink it as a kid I just wanted some because she was drinking it. I’m will like that today if I see my granny drinking coffee ima go make me some but I only get a little and still don’t drink it all lol

Let your kid have her moment. She wont be tiny for long and grandma wont be there forever. “Coffee milk” was one of my greatest childhood memories and I hate coffee as an adult

Everyday no, special treat at grandmas yes!

These are memories she will have a lifetime

Find a win win. The real treat is a tradition with grandma.

My dad used to give me coffee when I was younger. We would sit on our lazy boys and watch the news in the morning. One of my fondest memories before his drug addiction took over. If it’s so much of a problem ask grandma to give her decaf. These are memories in the making.

My daughter drinks coffee with my mom. Its their thing. She’s also 5.
Buuut those memories she’ll have to cherish for a lifetime.

Tell her to put milk instead of creamer and only a little bit of coffee. Me and my mawmaw used to sit out on the front porch and drink a cup every weekend. I turned out just fine. :purple_heart:

Just grab some decaf to keep there for when they’re going have their morning coffee, problem solved. She’ll always remember having coffee with grandma, she’ll cherish it and probably share it with her own grandkids someday.

Honestly just tell Nana to brush baby’s teeth an extra time after that and go for more water after instead of juice. If that’s the only complaint you have with them being with your mother, then you’re gonna be okay.

Don’t say anything to your mom , step back from this one :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: I’m not even sure why this is a question. You should feel proud your kid has someone to make memories with. Every child doesn’t have that and I don’t think you should take it for granted.

Not all grandmas give their grandchildren the respect to their parents. This can breed discontent in the heart of your daughter. I personally feel worthless when it comes to loved ones overstepping the boundaries of parents decisions. I’m not sure if this is only about coffee.

Memories with grandparents are way more important than a splash of coffee every now and again , let them build memories

So have grandma use chocolate milk or whatever kinda milk your child drinks and just have her add a splash of coffee. She’ll be fine. I used to get my own frap from Starbucks at like 5 and I’m normal. Let her have these memories Be thankful she has a grandparent that spends time with her because some kids dont get that

Every time my little ones went to grams house she would have the coffee. It was mostly creamer. I don’t think it’s a big deal unless she is eating horrible all the time.

However if that’s a boundary you want to set then she also needs to respect it. Maybe have a talk with her and see if they can choose something else. Like a healthy smoothie for breakfast or something like that

As much as I want to say you’re being harsh your parenting boundaries must be respected. Maybe come to a compromise with less sugar and milk instead of cream

As someone who had no Grandma growing up due to a drunk driver, Yes.
As a mother to 6 kids who only have one grandmother who works fulltime, Yes .
I don’t have memories of a grandma
My kids have very few but good ones.
Let your kids make memories, time goes by so fast.

P.S. my daughter is 4 and gets coffee that is more milk and sugar then coffee and Ice. Let them make memories, Please I am begging you. I yearn for that kind of relationship for my children.

I know it’s strange, but, sodas, and juices have just as much sugar…I used to do the coffee/ milk thing also wasn’t an every day thing.

My kids have their own “coffee” cups. I am happy to share coffee with my kids as my dad used to share with me. Milk with coffee and sugar or creamer. I add as much coffee in their milk as I do my creamer, which isn’t much. It’s not everyday or every weekend… just when they ask, which isn’t very often. I think your child will remember and when they’re older and they decide to drink their coffee during one of those sips of coffee, the aroma will bring back those precious memories of coffee time with grandma. :heart:

Tell her to give her cocoa instead. But don’t stop the tradition. Because a lot of us don’t have these kinds of memories.

When my 14 year old was younger, I let him drink coffee (starting at the age of about 3). He had a speech issue and the coffee made it so he could speak more clearly and was able to concentrate. Look at it like this. Coffee with some cream and sugar compared to soda, juices, etc. I’d rather my child drink coffee than the other drinks with fructose syrup.

Just let the kid drink it. Whatever dribble of coffee and sugar is in it won’t hurt her any more thank depriving her of those memories will.

Barely any coffee, I’d be okay with that. That’s such a sweet memory to have between your child and their grandma.

If I have said not to do it, then I would have a problem with it.

If I was just advised of the situation I would probably let it continue. Because it sounds like a sweet memory.

I used to sip coffee with my grandma I remember it was instant coffee she would mix it up in a cup just like hers but she used milk for me and just a wee bit of coffee. And we would sit on the back porch and swing. If it really bothers you ask your mom to use sugar free creamer or oat creamer

My gran used to make me baby coffee as a kid and I’ve turned out fine :,) As kids you want what the adults are having and it makes you feel like a grown up and it’s really cute x

My grandpa used to give me a little cup of O’Douls (non-alcoholic) beer when I was little and I CHERISH that memory. No harm, no foul. Pick your battles, this shouldn’t be one of them! Now, I found out my in-laws were letting my daughter eat Nutella from the jar like pudding with no limits and I put a stop to that real quick :joy:

A splash of coffee, a little creamer and the rest milk. My grandma did this with my older brother except his was milk with a splash of coffee.

My grandma used to give my sister and I coffee, too. It was never a lot, mostly milk. It’s not a big deal, in my opinion. Why do you think it is a problem? Do you let her have soda?

My 6 year old granddaughter drinks coffee with me! Mostly creamer with coffee.

Get her grandma decaf coffee and surger free creamer for her house. Don’t take away the moments with her Grandma simply change some thing so you are more comfortable with them.

My grandpa introduced me to coffee when I was about 2 (or so I’m told). It was basically hot milk with a splash of coffee and a little sugar. He’s been gone for 9 years this December and I treasure those memories, and all others I made with him :heart: my daughter (2 almost 3) has weekends with my grandma while I’m working and she loves her “coffee” with Nanny​:joy::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

We let our kid have kid lattes (splash of coffee and the rest milk) every once and a while and she’s 3. :person_facepalming: If you’re really uncomfortable with the creamer - buy one you prefer and gift it to grandma special for the kid when she comes over. If you don’t like the coffee aspect, perhaps pick out a fun decaf tea together that grandma can make her so they can still share the experience.

The absolute last thing you should do is stop her weekends with nana if she enjoys them and grandma is willing to adjust a bit.

Grandparents spoil the kids, it’s what they do. I used to drink my dad’s coffee when he went outside to start his car in the winter, he’d come back and jokingly act like his coffee magically disappeared. He said it would stunt my growth… my sisters are 6”-over a foot taller than me, oh well. Lol. I’m otherwise fine :woman_shrugging:t2::laughing:

Not trying to cause a war… Creamer alot of sugar… So do you not let child drink soda or juice? And fyi… When my 5 kids little… I limited their soda intake too. Im not huge on kids with coffee either. But… Sounds like grandma is not giving a entire cup thankfully… But making a sweet memory mostly. Id not stop their relationship and time together. Talk to her about how you feel… But memoroes with grandparents are precious. Id do ANYTHING for one more moment with either grandmothers. Im 44 and cherish my grandfather’s days I am my kids have together still.

We actually buy 0 sugar Coffee Mate creamer! Maybe that would make you feel more comfortable! This is special memories being made! Hope this advice helps!

Yep my kids have adhd and honestly the caffeine helps them calm down.

Yup, my grandmom always gave me a tea cup with 75% milk, 2 spoons of sugar, and the rest coffee so I’d feel like a “big girl” while drinking it with her and my grandpa

Actually we gave my daughter coffee instead of Ritalin. The dr said if we ran out to do a cup of coffee, scoop of protein powder, add ice and blend. It was the same as 5mg Ritalin. So I might as well give her coffee to calm her down instead of Ritalin :wink:

I’m the mom that put about 5 tbs of coffee in a cup with sugar free flavoring and creamer. My youngest is the only one that actually wanted to drink it. I sat with my grandpa and did the same thing as a kid. Drank mostly milk but was so excited to have coffee like my grandpa. We lived with them so that was my morning ritual for a long time. Coffee and oldies. Wouldn’t have traded it for anything.

I remember coffee and chips ahoy cookies when I would stay the night at my grandparents. One of the best memories I have with them❤️

I actually remember drinking coffee with my grandma when I was six, we would get up really early and sit down and chat a bit, I was very happy :purple_heart:, I on the other hand don’t let my daughter drink coffee, but whenever she’s with my grandma she gets hot chocolate, or a bit of tea, you can still make memories with a different beverage, it’s the company and time spent that matters, it all comes down to respecting the way you raise her, my grandma doesn’t make a fuss about it or anything, she doesn’t try to force me to let her try it, she just gives my daughter alternatives of what to drink :blush::purple_heart:

Ask her to give regular milk. Yet as a Nana, the fun here stops here. My mom let my kids do and eat things I wouldn’t allow at home. I knew it wouldn’t hurt them and it was special memories. My daughter allows some things but I listen to what she wants.

I mean she could do decaf like my grandpa used to do with me when I was that young. I made a lot of good memories with him drinking coffee and sitting at the kitchen table talking about our plans for the day. Don’t take that away from them.

I did that with my grandparents. It was mostly milk with a lil coffee added in. Wish my grandpa was still around to drink coffee with. Let them make those memories

What goes on at grandmas stays at grandmas. My kids and grandkids drink coffee. If you deprive them of something, be it sugar, soda or anything you don’t think isn’t good for them they will eat more of it given a chance

I make a mug of warm milk with a drop of creamer and coffee for my littles. They feel so special and it’s good bonding time to chat over “coffee” if you are uncomfortable ask her to switch it to mostly milk instead of mostly creamer. I’m sure your 5 yr old and her Gram love that special coffee time together.

I think its good memories but maybe have her give your daughter coffee milk, we do that and tell our kids its coffee like us but its just coffee flavored milk :joy:

My 3 and a half year old finishes my coffee dregs most mornings :joy: I think you need to lighten up a little bit if I’m honest!

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What a great grandma she has. I have let my granddaughter have it since she little and shes 17 now. A little coffee a spoonful of sugar and a lot of milk. And so many memories being made. Suggest she use milk.

Ultimately it is your decision and it is your child. But there are ways she can still have “coffee” with gramma without loads of sugar! Maybe ask mom if she can add milk instead or get low sugar/ sugar free creamer? That is a memory she will treasure for a very long time.

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Some things don’t matter. Coffee is one of those things. Time with grandma she’s never going to get back. A little sugar when she stays there is not going to kill her, but losing that special time with grandma and vice versa would be terrible.

Chill out there are way more important battles to fight. Let her enjoy the time with her nana. That’s part of being at your grandparents house doing the small harmless things your mom doesn’t let you do.

My husbands grandparents used to do that with him and it is one of his favorite memories. So just think what you might be taking away.

Well that’s your choice. If your not okay with it ask for it to stop. She can still enjoy warm milk or something with her nana, it doesn’t have to be coffee.

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How often is she there? I feel if this was like a every day occurrence I’d be like yeah no that’s too much, but if it’s just a morning or two a week, then it won’t hurt, and it’s like a special bonding treat/memory to have with her grandmother

As a nana who has those memories from childhood and presently gives my 6 yr old milk coffee, it is part of the memory making of life. The milk coffee is milk, a touch of creamer and a little coffee. Make sure when picking battles the ones you pick are most important. Let little things slide as you might lose more than just the battle. My grandmother’s advice to me 50 years ago