Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

I’d ask her to switch the creamer with milk. My daughter is addicted to black tea with creamer, not much better than coffee :rofl: I learned to choose my battles when it comes to her time with my parents.

You are the parent and tell your mom that you don’t appreciate that and maybe use hot tea or hot chocolate as a substitute?? Still creates those memories without you worrying about it :heart:

Milk coffee is okay for kids which is like 3/4 warm milk and rest coffee with like one or two sugars. There is sugar free creamer that you can buy for her if you want it sugar free.

I used to love going to my nans house and her making me a coffee. My grandad never approved :sweat_smile: but its a very fond memory I have of going to her house as a child.

From the perspective of someone who has lost all of their grandparents and their mom (amongst others) I wouldn’t normally allow them to have coffee but man to have that memory. I know it’s tough but I would allow this. I think it’s sweet and whoever her nana raised is still alive and ok right? We put worse things in our system and who knows if she’s drinking the whole thing.

Absolutely! My parents always made/make decaf. Imagine the chit chat over these cups of coffee and the memories being made. As soon as my 1st could talk, she would ask my mom, “Ima, you make me coffee”? Plus back then it was more milk than coffee. Cafe con Leche. :coffee::cake::white_heart:

Although I’m not okay with my kids drinking coffee a tiny bit with their grandma is something I could only dream of. My mom died a month before my first child was born than my dad died two years later. My kids don’t know what it’s like to be loved by anyone but mom or dad, cherish those moments she has with her nana they won’t last forever.

As a kid this is one of my favorite memories my great gma did the same with me and my brother

Ask her to make decafe if its the caffeine your worried about my daughter has been drinking it since she was 5 and even some regular coffee and creamer has less sugar than most of what she eats more than likely. And theres health benefits to it too my daughter has afhd and coffee will calm her down. My son has had bad asthma attacks that has helped him open his lungs when we was out of jello (hot jello before it firms up) its not a bad thing health wise either

I give my kid coffee sometimes when she asks. I worked at a fast food place in a very latino area and so many happy meals with coffee were purchased. Its culture for some. Coffee wont kill the kid.

How does coffee calm down kids with ADHD but causes jitters on adults? I have never heard of that.

Is there a drink you rather have her have offer to buy it so she can make it for their special morning time

But no I wouldn’t want my kiddos having coffee not even a little

Maybe hot chOc

Herbal tea

Warm vanilla milk with cinnamon

Let her make as much memories possible. My baby lost her grandma in March and it hit her so hard. Now we are learning to live without my mother and grandma :pleading_face::pleading_face:

I was drinking coffee at 5 with my grandma. And it is one of my most favorite memories. Don’t take that from her over a little caffeine and sugar.

I’d be fine with it but I was drinking “coffee milk” at my grandmas house by that age too. If the sugar content is an issue ask grandma to get some sugar free creamer.

Pick your battles!! I would love to have memories like these with my grandparents! I’m assuming since this mother is so against any sugar then the child is only drinking water or milk and absolutely no sugary sodas and juice.

My husband gives our 4 year old daughter a tiny bit of coffee if she wakes up on the weekend while he’s still drinking… She wants to drink it like daddy. Sometimes she drinks it most of the times she doesn’t… I’m OK with it because it’s only like 3 drinks… I don’t drink coffee…

I love my memories with my Mimi drinking coffee. She also let me have coffee ice cream. Didn’t hurt me and I barely had any coffee but it’s one memory that stands out to me with her.

Please do yourself a favor… let your child just be with her grandma. She seems to have done a pretty ok job to have gotten you or you husband this far in life. One day grandma wont be there. Let her makes as MANY memories as possible. Maybe compromise with an decaf tea or dec coffee just for your lil one.

It’s a very cute memory to have but she’s your daughter and if you don’t want her drinking coffee at 5yr old (rightly so imo) then ask nana to make her tea instead or a hot chocolate :woman_shrugging:t3:

My mom had coffee with my daughter when she was young and my daughter still talks about it. My momma is gone and that’s one of the memories my daughter talks about.

I had coffee in my bottle,my kids too. My granddaughter is 18 months and loves to have coffee with me

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Speak to your Mom about how you feel before making a drastic decision such as not allowing her visits. A tiny bit of coffee is not a huge deal, especially if its decaf.

Leave it alone. Let your child have memories like that with her grandmother.

We drink what was called coffee milk it’s a little shot of coffee and the rest of its milk. The memories that she is making is worth the coffee and the creamer. It seems as if you’re pretty on top of her sugar intake so those moments with her grandmother are not going to hurt her that’s. my opinion.

Maybe ask grandma to only use a little sugar and regular milk instead of creamer, thats what i do for my grandchildren

I’ve been drinking coffee with my granny since I was 3. Its those memories I remember the best

I think it’s super cute…they are bonding and having moments together your daughter is going to remember for the rest of her life.

Hmm does she have chocolate buttons or anything because they have a ton of sugar in as well. Maybe suggest her nan buys some decaf coffee and use that instead xx

I personally wouldn’t be okay with it. However, if my child were to enjoy coffee with his grandma, I’d prefer it be decaf. Just talk to your mom about it.

Why would you stop her visits? I think it’s up to you whether or not she can have coffee, but maybe replace the morning drink with something you and she can agree on? And maybe reserve that drink as special and only for mornings with Grammies?

No I don’t believe children should drink coffee, it’s an adult drink and can be very addictive. This is just me how other people raise their children is their own damn business

I drank coffee with my grandparents every weekend, they started in my sippy cup. Lol mostly milk with just enough coffee to change the color. It’s one of my favorite memories and I think of them everyday when i drink coffee now :woman_shrugging:

I’m pretty sure at least 90% of grandmas do this.
All three of my kids had their first “coffee” at grandmas house :joy:
Maybe buy her some decaf and sugar free creamer to take to grams?

Lighten up, my kids had crossed when they were small. They are adults now and are healthy. My brother who will be 80 in Jan was the one who called it cossee.

I don’t usually comment on these things but I remember my Mammy and Poppy doing that for me when I was little and as I got older I was allowed to drink real coffee. Those memories are absolutely precious to me and I will cherish them for my whole life. I don’t think it’s hurting anything, but if you’re concerned about the amount of sugar in the creamer maybe suggest she uses milk instead.

Do you give your kid syrup on her pancakes… that is just memories with her nana that she will never forget!!!

If it is just big issue then ask nana to give her hot chocolate instead! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Let them make those memories together!

I always let my grandkids have a little coffee with me when they’re here. A little coffee is nothing to the memories that you don’t want her to have apparently. Even our dogs are like hey, I need my coffee if we’re outside setting. Its summer and if she’s there, then Nana has to deal with the sugar high, not you.

My 4 year old loves a cup of coffee. Caffeine keeps kids calm not the opposite

If you’re not okay with it, it’s not okay. Its that simple. Ask grandma to offer something else to kiddo for their morning time. Low sugar hot chocolate can be a good alternative thats different than normal drinks but lower in sugar :slight_smile:

I drank milk coffee with my grandma. Those memories will always be the fondest. My kids drInk milk tea bc of their grandparents. It won’t hurt her.

I grew up drinking “coffee milk” with my granny & when I drink coffee I tend to give my three year old a little bit to drink with me .

We used to make our kids decaffeinated tea with a splash of milk/creamer. They called it kids coffee and loved that they could have ‘coffee’ with the adults.

Grandma wont be around forever. This is there memory. If you give her chocolate milk your doing way worrse

Let her have her memories. I did the same to my granddaughter. We are super close and we still laugh about sneaking the coffee

Well coffee milk was a past time.many kids enjoyed with their grandparents around here

My grandma did this for me and I assure you it is one of my fondest memories and now when my coffee is too creamy I always think of her.
That being said, the feelings you have can definitely wait until her older cousin/sibling/auntie offers to share a blunt with her later lol JK, but your reaction to this is my reaction to that

WOW. Some of the comments here. I could understand if Nana was giving her booze or having her sit up and have a smoke with her, or God forbid have a thermos of coffee. So many missing the idea that its something special she was doing with her Nana. Apparently only on weekends as well. The memories she will have and the little talks they have while doing this far outweighs any possible “risk” it poses to the little girl. :disappointed_relieved:

Please don’t stop the child from having that bond and those precious memories with her grandmother over a cup of coffee…I understand we all have different rules and wants for our children, but there is much much worse to stop visits for hun

Pick and choose your battles, seems like your daughter enjoys these moments with her grandmother :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My son has always drank coffee!! He loves it still… one cup with Grandma isn’t going to hurt her!

I think you are overreacting. Nicely ask grandma to make it with milk or something you both can agree on. Life is short, pick your battles. Memories with grandma will last a lifetime.

Well I think you pretty much answered your own question. You’re the mother you don’t want her drinking coffee so stay so. Who cares if she’s with her nana over the weekend she needs to respect the fact that a five-year-old should not be drinking coffee. She wants to give her a tea or something that’s fine. I don’t agree with this at all.

My now 10 year old had morning coffee with his mamaw up until she passed away she would add a tad bit of coffee and the rest milk in a giraffe coffee cup its going on 4 years since my mom passed and its still one of his most fondest memories with her he will sit and tell storys of how they sat on the front porch and watched the horse and cats while drinking there morning coffee or even when she got so sick she couldn’t leave bed they still had there morning coffee and would lay in her hospital bed in the living room and watch out the bug bay window

Kids with ADHD can drink it I think she’ll be okay as long as it’s a cup and she’s just making memories with her Nana!

Oh gawd. I get the coffee thing… But the sugar - your kid is five… Let it live a little, it’s not every day.
Ask for a tea as a substitute rather than coffee - simple.

Honestly I think it’s fine. Making memories and having conversations with gramma are far more important than worrying about a lil caffeine or sugar.

:rofl::rofl: These comments really crack me up whats the difference in a 5 yr old drinking a small amount of coffee with alot of creamer in it? Yes the coffee has caffeine and the creamer has sugar… Chocolate has caffeine in it and juice has sugar in it do these children never get these things? As a mom of 4 let grandma have this if it’s only 1 in the morning every once in a while who is it hurting? My 7 year old son would give anything to have just one more sip of grandpaws special coffee made just for him ( a little coffee and a whole lot of water) … A couple of sips of coffee isn’t worth the hurt feeling of both child and mom over this one day grandma won’t be there (hopefully a very long time from now) and this is something that may keep your childs strength in being ok without her and everytime she smells coffee she will think of those special moments with her!

But all kids do this though…

My baby cousins would throw complete tantrums. And basically you just have to make sure she has food in her.

And yeah literally it was just all milk with like 3 tablespoon of coffee because it was enough to change the colour. And a bit of creamer and sugar was an issue. They always wanted more. But that one you just trick em and pretend to put more. But then say ‘if it’s still bitter then sorry hun. I just made really bad coffee today. I think the kettle is getting to old and has finally broken.’

I let this happen for 5 days and then i stopped drinking too. To make them get over it.

Like honestly it is just 1-2 mornings. It’s not a big deal…

Its good for kids to spend time with their grandparents.

Why don’t buy some decaff coffee for her to take and ask your Mum to give her milk instead of creamer? You don’t have to stop them making prescious memories, just change the drink

I drank coffee with my grandpa. It’s one of my sweetest memories. I say unless it has whiskey in it? Let her enjoy it. :heart:

My grandma made us uncaffeinated coffee-flavored stuff and we pretended to drink coffee all the time, I cherish the memories! If it’s mainly creamer I wouldn’t worry at all. Maybe switch for a low fat milk if that’s the main concern.

Man. If this upsets you, your gonna be mad a lot.
Pick. Your. Battles.
This ain’t the hill you want to die on sweetie.


I use to drink coffee at my Gma’s house when I was little. I mean if u are a parent that doesnt want her child to have caffeine then I can understand but if not…then it really isn’t going to hurt ur child.

I’ve been giving my child coffee (not daily) for about a year. For 1 he’s ADHD and it helps calm him down and 2 we enjoy drinking it together. He used to sit in the recliner with me so we could share a cup. Now he enjoys drinking it with my parents when he stays with them.

as an every day thing? nah. but once in a while bonding with grandma? absolutely! she will remember those mornings forever!

My nana did this every morning with me. It’s not something I would do with my kids, but I don’t think it’s too big of a deal. Your feelings are valid nonetheless! It’s totally valid to tell your mom you’d prefer decaf and low sugar creamer!

She can totally just drink something else duh lol doesn’t mean she has to stop her weekends

Id say if you dont like it maybe ask her to do hot coca instead while shemakes her own coffee. I ised to drink actual coffee with my grandparents and still do now. But if its health wise youre concerned about you could also do hot chocolate milk heated up instead too,

Wow you sound petty. Let it go. My parents spoil my kid rotten and their other grandkids too. They are safe, happy and we’ll looked after so a bit of sugar is not my concern at all

I would let my mom have her time and my child have those memories. If you are that concerned about the sugar go buy some sugar free creamer and drop it off with :heart: problem solved

Also, if it’s just on weekends with Grandma, it may not be too bad. As long as it’s not a habit, and she knows what she can and can’t do at your house with you, then maybe it’s just a fun bonding moment with Nana. But if you aren’t ok with it, then maybe lay down the law with Nana about it.

Memories or not.

What mom or dad says goes. I wouldn’t want my child having coffee either. She can drink something else with grandma in the mornings & it can still be special. Just saying.

My kids drank cafe con leche with their abuela and it didn’t hurt them. However, my bigger concern would be that someone would undermine your authority as the parent. The boundaries you set should be respected by anyone who watches your child.

I wish my grandparents would’ve spent time with me like this :disappointed:
Maybe have grandma add some milk so less creamer is used. Coconut or almond milk may make it sweeter :slightly_smiling_face:

Sounds exactly like my kids. They go to Nana’s they come home telling me all proud they drank her coffee. People may not agree or like the fact our 4/5 yr old are having sips of coffee but whatever lol. Memories with Nana and Grandma

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A little bit doesn’t hurt while with grandma. it’s almost a right of passage

Oh my gads if that is all there is to worry about let them have bonding time on the porch drinking coffee or cat nip tea as my grandma called it!

my 5 yo drinks coffee and i make it for him he’s just fine and I make him the instant coffee he loves it :woman_shrugging: even when I buy iced coffee or Frappuccino he asks for some and I give it to him. I had coffee as a child as well. But that’s common in the Latin culture

Yes I make “kids coffee” my nephews loved it, my kids don’t care about it that much

This is not a battle I would fight… I would let my kid have coffee with grandma

You answered your own question. You’re not comfortable with it. Ask that nana pretends to put some coffee and then adds milk instead. She could even put a splash of vanilla to make it look more like coffee

That’s memories with their gram… let them do it. It’s not really hurting anyone and if you’re concerned about sugar ask my our mom to put like an organic creamer, almond milk, or regular milk in it. My son is going to be 5 soon and we drink coffee at least once a week together. It’s a bonding time for me and him, plus he’s always hyper and coffee counteracts his hyperactivity

Tell her to add mostly milk and a little coffee. Nothing wrong with it.

Yep not a big deal for my family at all. I let my kids have a bit of decaf here and there when oma visits or we have a big weekend breakfast. They make sugar free creamer or you can put milk in instead.

My aunt used to give me coffee when I was young and I will always remember those memoriesIf you’re worried about the caffeine in the coffee tell your mom to use decaf and for the creamer have her use sugar-free creamer.

I started drinking coffee at 5 years old and I’m a healthy women…also 5’8" so it didn’t “stunt my growth” either :wink:

I give my daughter decaf instant coffee with sugar free creamer. I barely put any coffee in it. So it’s like a forth of a cup of water with the rest creamer. I use less than a half of a spoon full of the instant coffee. My daughter loves it.

We will even go on “coffee dates” but then I give her hot coco and just tell her it’s coffee.

Ask Grandma to make it decaf, drop her off with a low sugar Creamer product. Let her make the memories.

Absolutely not - however if grandma wants those morning moments / memories she can make her hot chocolate

I definitely did I have severe ADHD it was recommended by pediatricians. I mean like all of them

Maybe ask your mom if chocolate milk could be a substitute if you don’t want her having coffee. But those moments will be treasured forever.

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I’d totally be ok with it! That is what I used to do for my daughter. A drop of coffee, the rest milk and sweetener. She never knew and enjoyed our coffee time.

When I was like 5 I used to wake up when my dad did at about 5 am everyday and drink some coffee with him before he went to work and he’d give me a note for my mom and I’d give it to her when she awoke. It’s a nice memory to look back on & as an adult I don’t drink coffee lol.

Let her keep it The memories will far surpass the actual coffee in time! :heart:

One weak cup on the weekend is not going to do any harm. However, she will carry that wonderful memory the rest of her life.

I used to drink coffee with my grandma out of a sippy cup as a little kid but it was mostly milk :heart:

If it’s with her gma. I don’t. See a issue. She will have those memories forever. If it was coffee coffee. I would be upset.

I drank coffee from a young age with my maternal grandfather. It’s some of my most fondest memories and gave me my love of coffee. I don’t see the big deal bc everything is bad in large quantities and in small quantities everything isn’t bad.

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Search caffeine brain effects in children in scholar.google.com
Look at the studies and conclusions from them. Caffeine in a growing brain harms more than anything else. It is a drug, why would you do that to your child? There are other substitutions like hot chocolate, non caffeinated tea and just about any other drink that can provide the same memorable experience with the grandparents. Do the research

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I personally wouldn’t mind I occasionally allow my daughter to have coffee but if it bothers you that bad maybe you could ask her grandma to substitute regular coffee for hot chocolate when my kids were little they had it every morning we called it baby coffee