Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

my mom did the same stuff with my kids i didn’t like it but i did ask her to buy decaf coffee instead

Just get your mum to give her chocolate milk instead, personally I wouldn’t give my child coffee and he’s 6

I let my kids have coffee with me, it’s mostly milk but enough coffee that they feel included in morning coffee, it won’t hurt them.

Awe man , let her keep doing it. If she LIKES it and it is special why ruin that ?
Besides she’s over THERE when the sugar hits

Just let her go with it. She will love those memories with her Nana. No need to make a mountain out of a mole hill

I’d ask nana just to switch to a warm cup of chocolate milk or regular milk and keep making those precious memories. It’s not that big of a deal if you have good communication

My 2 and 3 yr old steal my coffee all the time. This is ridiculous :roll_eyes: this is obviously a bonding time they have together and your going to take it away why? Let it be. These are special memories for your mom and child.

Wow. It’s 1 little cup. Your mother isn’t going to do anything to hurt your child. Let them have their “coffee”. Someday that will be a cherished memory for your daughter.

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Leave them alone they are making memories! I made “ coffee” for my grandkids, it was milk and a little color. They loved it . No harm no foul

My mom used to do this with my little girl also. It was mostly milk and just some coffee for color

I wouldn’t stop her from seeing her grandma because of coffee. Pick your battles. Those memories of sitting on the porch and drinking coffee with her nana is one day gonna be a treasured memory. I understand that you want what’s best for her but you can’t control everything.

I drink coffee with my daughter. That’s one of my favorite memories is drinking coffee with my grandma. Once in awhile is fine IMO.

My kids steal my coffee all the time and drink it. :joy:
By the time I notice my cup is half gone

Do I give it to them? No. Am I upset about it? Damn right Starbys is expensive, they can have a dang kcup :joy:

But really, as long as they’re not gulping down espresso and chasing it with a cigarette, I couldn’t care less lol.

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I gave my son coffee at like 11 months lol :rofl: obviously not a whole cup but he would dip his finger in it (lukewarm coffee) hahaha he’ll be 7 this month… :rofl::woman_facepalming:t2:

I’d ask her to make her hot chocolate or herbal tea instead. The caffeine is the main worry.


I do coffee milk with my 2 year old. He loves it. With more milk and creamer…

My oldest sons grandma did this with him. Cold watered down coffee. Normally I wouldn’t let him have caffeine, but those memories with Grandma will be irreplaceable as he grows older.

No I wouldn’t but why is nana giving her coffee and creamer anyways?? Lol that’s just seems silly, maybe they can find a different drink and claim it’s “coffee” and still have that bonding thing

Absolutely not! There is plenty of other things she can drink in a cup while Gran has her coffee… A kid that young shouldn’t have any coffee at all …it can cause numerous health issues… No memory is worth hurting a child’s health.

I drank coffee when I was in preschool and turned out fine…I hate coffee now though :woman_shrugging:

You’re being way too extra imho. Abit if coffee and creamer won’t kill the kid. Let her enjoy.

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I wouldn’t make too big a deal of it, for the reasons mentioned already. My biggest issue would be the creamer, because of the sugar and trans fat. If there’s already very little coffee in it and she makes it with milk instead, I’d let it go.

My 2.5 yr old had “coffee” with me in the mornings. I give him a cup of frothed milk and either a pinch of some protein powder, or a teaspoon of my already mixed coffee to his cup.

I wouldn’t be okay with my daughter drinking coffee either🤷🏼‍♀️ have her switch to alternative, decaf tea maybe? She can still sit on the porch and drink it with Grandma, still get the memories. But it’s not coffee

My sons abuela does this, it’s a cultural thing. I allow it, I think it’s sweet. I won’t take that away from my kids because of what’s considered acceptable or not only in the U.S.

I would make my five year old his special coffee which was actually hot cocoa and he would drink that with me. Maybe ask your mom if she could do that instead?

Normally yes, but this will be a great memory for her. She could also add hot chocolate instead of coffee and then oat milk and some creamer !

My son used to sneak my coffee and drink it when I wasn’t looking, ever since he was like 4 or 5 yrs old. It’s such a fun memory especially now that he is an adult and we continue drinking coffee together.
Now, if it was whiskey, I’d say there was a problem. :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:

Maybe ask her to get hot choc instead or some other drink she can enjoy on the porch with her nan… I wouldn’t want my daughter drinking coffee either but I certainly wouldn’t stop the staying over maybe just talk to yr mum and ask to change the drink x

My 3 year old drinks coffee with me every morning i really don’t have a problem with it

My grandma used to do this with me when I was little she would put it in my bottle, sippy cup, etc.

Had Coffee and Toast with Peanut Butter and Honey, or Jam, growing up. Loved it

I drank coffee milk with my grandparents all the time !

Maybe have her make a cup of Decaf and do half water half decaf so she feels like she is “having a cup of coffee” with grandma.

Really ? Your child is spending quality time and marking memories with her Nana and you are worried about a little sugar ? These are times your child will look back in and cherish when Nana is no longer around.
Why would you keep your child from that ? Maybe suggest sugar free creamer instead.

My son has drank coffee since he was 5 he 14 now turned out just fine coffee calms him down

I gave my daughter little sips of cold Starbucks Frappuccino when she was 2. She loved it. She always got excited when I brought some home.
She’s 7 now. Every once in a while she drinks coffee with her dad.
She’s fine.

I use to sit in the sun room with my grandma and have coffee thru out my entire childhood and Into my adulthood :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: oh how I miss those days! Let that sweet baby have that memory with her grandma!

Maybe instead of getting mad, go look for a coffee like brand you can give to your mama to make for your daughter instead! So… showing you totally support this grandma granddaughter moment, but also having a better option for your kiddo?

I believe that’s what I’d do. :thinking:
Postum is a coffee like brand if I remember correctly.

Then I would just talk to my momma about it. I mean, you can always put your foot down, but sometimes I feel like there are bigger mountains to climb. :thinking: just depends tho.

I would love if my 5yrs old would sit with me on the porch early morning and enjoy a cup with me.

My son is 6 and drinks coffee on weekends with me :woman_shrugging:t2: he calls is “a special day” cause he knows it’s not an every day thing. I think there are worse things that kids eat/drink but that’s just my opinion.
As far as your daughter and her special things and memories being made with her nana, I would let this one go.

I don’t allow my kids to drink coffee but my moms lets my son has coffee at her house but the rule is if he drinks coffee at your house you have to keep he for the whole day because he gets to hyper but she mainly do Decaf coffee and he don’t know the difference

Coffee milk. I grew up drinking it. My kids did and now my grandkids do. It is fine. Let her enjoy this with her grandma

My grandmother had a special pot for kids coffee. It was so weak but it was so special to share the dinner table while we told stories

The memories are what matters, honestly if it’s a once in a while kind of thing I wouldnt care, that’s if it was my kid.

My Nana always let me have coffee. And it was like a 1/4 cup coffee and the rest steamed milk. It was our special " thing".

Might be cultural/regional however I know coffee every now and again won’t harm. My kids dad is Eritrean and children as young as a year old are given coffee with lots of milk as coffee drinking is quite a social occasion and can go on for hours.

Its coffee… its not like she’s giving her anything super bad.
Tell her to switch it all out for decaf coffee and normal milk. Still tastes like coffee just no caffeine.

That’s one of my memories of my deceased grandma.
Sitting on the porch and drinking coffee with her. If it’s occasional, I don’t think it’s a big deal

I wouldn’t have a problem with it but those are some of my best memories. They didn’t let me have a lot and I enjoy a cup to this day but not more.

Kids eat McDonald’s and processed foods, I think a cup of coffee with grandma is better for them than what we tend to feed our kids. Let them both have the memories they are only kids once.

I have been doing this with my grandaughter. We have a antique coffee cups and saucers and I showed her how to pour coffee into the saucer to cool. Let that be their special thing together. Mostly creamer she said. As a mamaw I BEG YOU TO LET THEM HAVE THIS MEMORY. My granddaughter said she’s always keeping our special cups.

Yea, my toddlers 1 and 2 sip on my Starbucks caramel frappe when I’m not looking… even run off with it lol. I do get it back…. They are fine and healthy kiddos.

We called it “white hot coffee” cause there was enough milk in it that it was basically white. Probably too much sugar but this was the 90’s lol we loved it!

:rofl: so I had the same problem with my mom but my daughter is asthmatic & coffee is good for that. But I asked them to switch to tea or hot chocolate

While I agree that you should be in charge of your child’s diet, don’t overreact to this. I drank ‘coffee’ from 4 or 5 on. It was mostly milk with a splash of coffee and a little sugar. I still remember how grown-up it made me feel to have coffee in the morning with my dad, and that was over 60 years ago. I’m sure your little girl feels the same. She’s making precious memories…they both are. Perhaps you could ask grandma to back off on the creamer and add more milk.

I give my 2 year old Starbucks! :rofl: let them be kids!!!

I was drinking coffee at 5 with my daddy. It aint gonna hurt anything and those memories are irreplaceable

Yes my kids do the same with their grandma. Its their thing. To each their own though.

If you are going to have your mom watch your kids for entire weekends, I don’t think you should really get to pick what she gives them. Don’t like it? Keep your kid at home.

Yep my 5 year old get coffee every few day (she has bowel issues and it’s the only thing helps her go)

Not all creamers have sugar. Just let your Mom know not to put too much sweetened creamer if she uses. Or buy decaf coffee.

Then just say that. She’s not doing anything wrong. She’s making memories but if you feel that strongly about it just ask her to put something else in the cup.

Chill and let her have that special thing with her grandma. Be glad she spends quality time with her.


I’m probably going to get crap for this but
This is the only Country that doesn’t give their kids coffee
I for sure had it (not with parent approval) and I have given coffee to my kids mostly milk in it and their pediatrician doesn’t mind it

My 3 yr old will drink small sips of nanas cold coffee. It’s not very often so I let it slide. If it’s not often it don’t hurt anything and the memories that go with it they will treasure always

Ask if she can do mostly milk instead. I think its sweet literally and figuratively.

No different to fizzy drinks really. I asked the paediatric doctor if my 2 year olds could have small sips because they love coffee and small sips are okay not a full on full strength coffee.

My kids drink a little bit…its not a big deal

She’s making memories with her. Maybe ask her to just add milk “splash” of coffee and creamer. If it’s not every day then she will be fine

Ask Nana to use milk, cows, almond or whatever you want your child to drink. A couple of spoons of coffee and mostly milk ( whatever kind you approve of) . The wonderful memories made will far outweigh whatever negative side effects of a little coffee !

My kids grandma does the same. You can find creamers that aren’t loaded with sugar.

I know someone who gave it to her daughter at 2 with creamer and all whenever she wanted

Let her! But if all the cream bothers you, then ask grandma to add more milk instead of cream. My 3 year old loves a steamed milk with a bit of honey and thinks it’s coffee and we drink “coffee” together lol

Let them bond … she adds lots of milk / cream and makes your little one feel important… I really do not see any issue … does your kid eat hotdogs and processed food ? Seriously worse then this …

Some of my favorite memories with my nana are sitting on her porch sipping coffee with her and I have no health issues. I wouldn’t take that away

Honestly I’m ok w it. She’ll outgrow it. I used to go to my grandmas every morning to have coffee and my daughter will want her own too. It’s always a tiny kid cup and hardly any coffee. I used milk as creamer for her. She’ll drink it w a spoon lol but never finished it. She was doing this when she was almost 2? She outgrew it when she got older. She’s 5 now. It’s something for them to do w the ones you love. She sees us always sharing coffee together like ritual and she wanted to join in

Some girls I nanny call hot chocolate “coffee” and they drink it sometimes in the mornings. They love it!

My mom would fill a mug with mostly milk and like a tablespoon of coffee for me just so I could feel cool lol

I think a smidge of coffee is harmless BUT you are her mama so I would tell your mom your not cool with it and maybe to buy coffee syrup and just make her a cup of coffee milk so they can still create a nice nana granddaughter memory. She can still put the coffee milk in a mug :wink:

As if. Be glad gramma loves your kid. Karen you’d hate it even more if gramma didn’t make time for coffee with your kid.

Coffee is so good, even more delicious with granny!:orange_heart:

me and my grandma used to do the same thing and my mom hated it. now my grandma is gone and i cherish those memories more than anything.

I grew up on coffee milk. Pretty sure 95% of it was milk lol so I guess it just all depends

There’s more caffeine in chocolate than a few sips of coffee. And not all coffee creamers are full of sugar & some aren’t even that bad. Most kids snacks, juices and preservative filled foods are worse than some coffee creamer once in a while when she’s with her grandma. Unless you feed the kid all organic all the time & no chocolate or treats with caffeine I wouldn’t worry about it.

My son was hyperactive growing up and his doctor told me to give him coffee it would have reverse reactions on him he’s now almost 50 and still loves his coffee

I would allow it because it is a special time with grandma and only once a week it’s not gonna hurt anything and it’s a special memory for your child

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Grandma won’t always be around. I’ve learned this the hard way. Just let them have those memories. Maybe ask her to get a sugar free creamer if it’s that big of a deal. I totally get it, but for this situation I would choose my battles and let my baby have her time with nana.

Ask her to switch to get some decaf for whenever your little one spends the night, or maybe hot chocolate. The sugar shouldn’t have too much of a negative effect but idk about the caffeine.

Everyone is different. Some parents are against and some not so much. I let my daughter have a little coffee every now and then. I grew up in Germany dunking broetchen mit erdbeer marmalade into my coffee.

What about caffeine free tea, my two year old loves having tea time with me. We have all kinds of dessert flavors we drink. Her favorite is a sugar cookie one we have.

Seriously one of my favorite memories with my grandma, who passed in 2009, is drinking coffee with her at the kitchen table and reading our books together every morning. I started when I was 6. I still remember how she drank hers. Tall clear glass, black coffee, 1 single ice cube and a straw and napkin. Every time. Let them have their mornings.

I can promise you that will be one of her very best memories with her grandma.

Then tell her to give her coco instead but don’t take that away from her! It’s her grandmother and making memories,one day you’ll wish you never even thought about taking her grandmothers weekend away.

Those are the precious moments your daughter will remember for life. Why take that away?! It’s not going to kill her. I think it’s sweet actually. Life is too short to worry about too much sugar, 1 morning a week with grandma.

Please don’t stop grandma… I remember back around that age when I would go stay with my grandparents in the mornings id come up the stairs crawl into my grandpas lap to cuddle and sip on his coffee with him… I was only allowed a few sips but now that he’s gone its one of my favorite memories of him :heart:

Absolutely not! Coffee is not good for children of any age… i would suggest some other way they could have special moments on the visits.

Eh… if it’s just every now and then, I wouldn’t be concerned. But you could always ask her if she could fix her some decaf and use sugar free creamer? If she has a keurig, that would be a simple fix.

Just come up with a substitute for the coffee, buy said substitute and give it to her grandma for sleepovers :slightly_smiling_face:

My mom would occasionally make us kid coffee like milk with a splash of coffee lol