Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

I started at age 6 I used to get up with my dad and sit next to him drink it and chat

Lol. They wanna be like their mum or grandma and it makes them feel grown up. Don’t interfere and pick ur battles.

I can only speak from my own experience. I have drank coffee as far back as I can remember. About 4, I think. My dad would pour it into his saucer to cool and I’d pull myself up over the edge of the table and sip it when it had cooled enough. I have loved coffee all my life. I’m 68 now.

It’s a no for me! She can have memories with nana & nana can make her milk or oj. I will say I live in Italy and kids drink coffee like it’s water but I don’t allow my kids to have it.

Oh dear. Don’t worry about a little coffee or sugar from grandma. Sharing grandma’s time is a thousand times more important than bothering that relationship.

My daughter had coffee in the mornings which was suggested by her primary rather that put her on ADHD meds

My dad gave me a teaspoon of coffee with milk at 4 weeks old which I’m pretty ii spit out. He was killed in a mining accident when I was seven months old but one of the stories my mom, brothers and sister s told me . Later my favorite memories of my mom was her baking apple pies and letting my sister and I make our own. Then she would sit down with us and have a tea party with us. But we didn’t get tea, we had a child’s small toy cup of coffee with milk which was mostly milk. The reason we didn’t get tea was bc we had only herbal kinds that were used to treat many ailments, including diarrhea, flu, sore throats , etc. these were all wild plants and roots. My first memories of the “coffee” parties I was about 4 years old. . The thing that hurt me most was the smoking going on in the house. I am almost 72 years old so there were no warnings back then. But I suffered hearing loss before I started school and there have been studies done proving there is a connection between cigarette smoke and hearing loss in young children

My 2 year old snatches my ice coffee…runs and chugs it lol im sure its fine.

If you don’t want your daughter to drink coffee just ask her nicely to replace it with hot chocolate or something else :grin: don’t let your daughter know either just ask your mom

If this is the worst thing your mom does, she’s rocking it. Let it go. Let them make memories.

Let her enjoy the time she has with her nana. Lifes too short.my grandma did the same and I’m still living at 70

my little girl does this with her nana but we do hot chocolate and call it cocoa coffee

Worried about sugar. lol idk what creamer y’all use but half n half don’t have a “ton”
It’s really the caffeine you should be worried about. But if it’s not affecting her and ur mom is the one keeping her all wknd not a big deal?! But u should see how much she really puts in there. lol.

Your child your call
The memories would be just as sweet with warm milk …

My mom gives my 5 year old son coffee as well

I’ve been drinking coffee since I was younger than five. This is always been the norm in my family. My kids have been coffee drinkers since before five also. We use more milk than coffee. No biggie :woman_shrugging:t5:

Nope. No coffee until she’s 21. Then she can decide. A lot of creamers have those cancer associated chemicals too. :nauseated_face: I don’t even consume creamers myself. Why doesn’t she just add a little cocoa to some milk and heat it up and then that’s it?

I don’t allow coffee. The only thing I do every once in a while is a cream based Frappuccino from Starbucks but it has no coffee. I started drinking coffee at 6 and it started a problem with caffeine and made me dependent on it. Ik that can happen even when you don’t drink coffee til you’re older but I wouldn’t allow it to start that young at all. Caffeine is serious and makes the heart race.

My mom used to give me coffee and cream when I was 5

I would talk to you mom about it and tell her if she’s going to give her coffee, then a tiny bit is fine but ask her to put milk in there rather than the creamer.

This is ridiculous. Kids eat dirt and they turn out fine! It’s coffee and creamer, not cocaine! Who cares :roll_eyes:

When my husband was alive we would have coffee in the morning with our youngest but she had peppermint tea with a drop of cream she just wanted to be included :coffee:

Btw, in the human body, sugar breaks down into glucose and then energy. It doesn’t cause hyperactivity.

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Well I know when was about that age the doctor put me on coffee instead of the drugs and it depends on what your mom uses as creamer flavored cream has sugar milk is what I would guess is being used

It’s not a big deal I feel like kids can drink coffee no biggie all my kids drink coffee :coffee: it’s something especially in the Hispanic heritage and culture coffee is very common plus we make it mostly with milk and coffee so it’s not as bad :heart:

No unless my kid is gonna stay there to wear off that energy lol
Memories or not i wouldn’t be ok with it

You cant have grown up with grandparents in your life cause you would not have asked such an idiotic question. It’s a bond and if you break it you may lose your bond with your child. So think wisely before you make your decision cause you could come off worse

Sipping coffee with my grandma when I was a kid was one of my best memories!!

Thats what my mamaw did it was mostly milk and a table spoon of sugar id drink it with her before we spent that day harvesting the garden

That sounds so sweet. Im not gonna lie I left my vanilla sweet cream cold brew on the table once and my kids drank some now they ask me for coffee :joy: maybe ask her to give her decaf with milk or like a sugar free creamer? Those sound like some sweet memories she’s going to have

My kiddos been drinking coffee milk since that age lol splash of coffee, sugar and the rest milk

My 2 year old daughter loves to deep her bread in my coffee in the am :joy: I don’t mind it at all!
I have memories of having coffees with my grandpa when I was little :sob: I miss him so much! Grandmas knows what to do and they love their grandkids to pieces; I wouldn’t worry too much about a little coffee MO.

I give my granddaughter a slash of coffee and the rest of the cup warm coco.

Please for your child don’t take that away. Both my kids 17 and 13 just last year lost their last remaining grandfather n they miss him so much

My 6 year old LOVES coffee. I give her coffee if she asked for it. I see nothing wrong with it as long as the caffeine doesn’t bother the child in any way.

Just ask that she uses milk if your little one drinks milk! Or maybe find some decaf coffee and send it so she can use that too if the caffeine is a concern (they have instant coffee to make it easy). I’d feel the same way though, your feelings are valid!

It’s not going to hurt its a bondi g thing and will be a fantastic memory when grandma is no longer here I think your over reacting a bit. My auntie used to let me like the bowl out when making cakes and it’s one of the things that really sticks out in my mind

His father was having his friend watch him and my kiddo ended up with a lap and face full of java monster. :triumph::unamused:

In my opinion, as long as she can burn off that sugar/energy it should be fine. But that’s just me. Mine are 4 and almost 3 and aren’t interested, lol. But they have alot of energy and we just let them play it out until bedtime.

My kids 6 and 2 years old join me and their nana for coffee in the mornings. I dont see anything wrong with it tbh i love their company and I’ve gotten some very nice pictures of us enjoying our morning brew.

My son is almost 13 and he has a single cup of coffee with me every morning.

Could ask grandma to give your daughter hot cocoa. My boys 5 and 3 like to have hot cocoa in the mornings while I have coffee.

Coffee is not bad for kids. I had the end of my dad’s like 2-3 sips of it before school everyday from 1st grade and look at me now I need like 5 cups before noon :rofl:
But for real it’s not bad helps em poop too…my cup says so

My son is 3 and he drinks a little bit of coffee and I add milk maybe try that instead of creamer

My mother gives my kids (3&7) the same “coffee” it’s not a issue in my opinion. Limit sugar elsewhere and let them make special memories with grandma.

:rofl: my granny would give it to both my kids at age 1 as they got older they knew granny would give it to them… but of course it was decafe…. now they love coffee & I always let them have a few drinks of mine in the morning.

My grandson drinks coffee with me at night it puts him to sleep. He’s 6 my 3yr granddaughter drinks it with me as well.

I did this as a kid w my grand dad; we had so many mornings when my mom would work, my dad was military & I got to be w grandma and granddad and he’d get his black coffee and I’d get mine w way more milk than coffee. We’d sit on the front porch and drink our coffee and he’d teach me all the names of the birds or all the flowers. It seemed normal but he passed away in 18 and never got to see me grow into the person I am now. I got pregnant w my first early on and made a lotta mistakes on my way to figuring out how to be a mom. I’m now clean and sober and have custody of my kids and I wish he could see it. Those memories are one of my few as a kid and I still sit on the front porch w my daughter and give her coffee w milk and we sit there in the quiet and watch the world wake up. Relax mama it’s a very small thing in the grand scheme of this crazy life and one day she’ll be thankful for those memories w grandma.

Thats about the age I started. I had my own mini tea set so the cup was smaller. I used to drink it black tho. I know you’re her mother and what you say goes, but she’s probably gonna sneak it anyway… maybe you could ask her to just drink a little less? Or maybe make a trade… like today because she had coffee she cant have ice cream or something like that?

Maybe just ask her to use milk instead of creamer :woman_shrugging: I wouldn’t have her stop completely though, those are memories.

Yeah. I’d be okay with it. She’s making memories and it only happens at grandma’s.

My son and I drink coffee together(he is 3) and his coffee is hot chocolate

I used to drink coffee with my grandparents and it’s something I remember from weekends over at their house. I don’t see anything wrong wrong with it. It’s not like she’s drinking multiple cups a day to keep herself awake like adults do.

I did this with my grandparents too when I was young. It created amazing memories. And honestly didn’t hurt anything.

Yes my son had adhd and I was told by his doctor to give him coffee or Mt. Dew.

My 4 year old been drinking cookie monster chocolate milk “Coffee” since he was 1

  1. I see your point. You don’t want her to have it that’s your choice and your rule.
  2. I see your mom’s point of view. She is making memories.

I’d suggest talking to your Mama and let her know your concerns and hear her out on WHY she did it. Alomg with your daughter. If she understands that is only a her and grandma thing then I’d see no harm in it :woman_shrugging:t2:

My mawmaw did coffee milk it was more milk than coffee but it was still good and I have memories with her drinking a cup early in the morning with her

Oh my grandma’s are notorious for this. I’m one , and am. One of a few granny’s. Be nice ease it grandma if you dont want your 5yr old to have . This is a treasure to us Gramm’s we did this with our grandmas

Your momma raised you good. I don’t think she is gonna let her grand child down either. Let them be. It’s their time. Making memories is where it’s at!!!

Good grief :roll_eyes: I’d be mad if it was alcohol but coffee? Get over yourself!

if it bothers u go buy toffee nut syrup or hazelnut syrup and tell grandma put that into some warm milk instead of coffee and creamer it works for my 3yr old who gave me his starbucks strawberry frap and said “no thank u mommy i want coffee.”

They are forming a bond that your daughter will never forget! Be thankful and send some Yoo-hoo for your daughter to drink during “Coffee with Grandma.” I’d give anything to share that experience with my late grandmother again! Love and hugs!

Hot cocoa instead with just a little splash of the coffee just so your daughter still gets the joy of it feeling like “real” coffee if it’s something that bothers you enough. Those kind of little memories are what makes life when it comes down to it. The special ones held close to the heart. Promote things like that :heart:.

Tell her to use milk instead of creamer. It will be okay. My granddaughter has been doing this for a long time ana she is a normal 11 year old and in very good health.

caffeine is not for kids this is ridiculous. ur mother needs to find something other than a caffeinated beverage for this young one. wats next a shot of whisky smh

I drank coffee mostly milk with my mom every morning since I was 4

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I started having coffee with my grandma but that was when I was about 11 years old. So age 5 I do not agree on if my kids were given coffee no matter it being with nana

My MIL gave my kids coffee milk. It was not all the time and since I did not make a big deal out of it my kids no longer wanted it. Only if it is forbidden it has more appeal. Offer a warm drink ahe can have.

I was drinking coffee at age 3 due to my grandparents :joy: my daughter is 5 and I let her have half a cup. Not strong either. Nothing wrong with that.

I wouldn’t be ok with the coffee or creamer. I might be able to consider it if it was all milk. Ma

Mine always drinks from my cup when I’m not looking. At least she’s cut down now :rofl::rofl: she did it a lot before but not so much anymore. But growing up and seeing the younger kids, we grew up drinking tea and that has more caffeine lol

My daughter wants coffee with me sometimes. I fill the cup up milk mostly milk then I add coffee from my cup (that has milk and sugar) and I top off her cup. It’s like coffee flavored milk at that point. To each their own.

I learned to drink “coffee” with my grandma in the mid 60s.

My coffee consisted of about a half inch of actual coffee topped off with a glassful of milk.

To this day, I like the smell and flavor of coffee, but I’ve never been a coffee drinker. I still smile thinking about my talks with Grandma over coffee. :heart:

Buy some hot chocolate to take over for their Saturday mornings :person_shrugging:

lmao my grandma has let me taste her nasty red wine when i would sleep over and i cherish those memories forever. only thing is i can’t stand wine now :joy::joy::joy::woman_facepalming:t2:

I’ve done this for years with my grandchildren. But I call it Coffee Milk.
75% milk with a touch of coffee for color

I tell my baby she’s having coffee with me when really ots hot cocoa… it makes her feel special.
Also… one of my fondest memorys of going to my aunts when i was little being able to sit and have coffee with her. Its ok once in a while :woman_shrugging:

My kids (10 and 4) love coffee. But each person is different. We are coffee lovers over here lol

That’s special moments with grandma. Don’t be this way. These are memories.

I am not Cuban, but my children are. Cubans give their kids some strong a$$ expresso every morning from young. Lol. I used to freak out about it, but really…it’s not a big deal. I didn’t start drinking coffee until my 30s. Personally, I never gave mine coffee…but once in a while my youngest will ask and I appease and we have a coffee moment. Let that baby have her moment with grandma. Those will be the best memories ever. :blush:

It’s not like it’s every single day! Let her make these memories for Pete’s sake!

Lol yall worry about EVERYTHING!! My grandparents used to give me coffee straight from the pot in my cup at age 2. Guess what I was completely fine. As far as the creamer goes yeah its got sugar in it but so does the fruit gummies and fruit juices you give her to drink and snack on.

Milk instead creamer, but how about hot chocolate?? Maybe grandma has some with her instead of coffee if drinking the same thing is important to your child

It’s one day, I think it’ll be okay. Occasionally I let my 4 year old have “coffee” with me. It’s literally milk and creamer lol

Replace creamer with milk and let her have her memories. Don’t forget to show her how to drink with her pinky up.

Let her make memories with her grandma, there is a million things wrong in this world and coffee with gma is a precious thing. Its fine.

I give my kid hot cocoa and call it coffee lol but a big thing of hot cocoa from Walmart or tell grandma to give her chocolate milk

I had coffee milk as a child but I would not be okay with a ton of creamer instead.

My just turned 8 year old drinks black coffee every morning . If she enjoys doing it, I think you’re highly overreacting .

Ask if she could make her a nice (non caffeinated) tea!! My kids love it (especially when sick)

I used to do that at my Grandma’s house! It’s one of my favorite memories.

Just ask your mom to use milk instead of creamer. The memories will last a life time

Pick your battles :blush: it’s not a shot of whiskey. But it is a memory she’ll have forever. :heart:

My 2 year old gets drinks of coffee whenever we have it🤷🏻‍♀️ seems very dramatic to be mad about

I wouldn’t mind at all. Sounds like amazing memories with grandma that she’ll remember forever :heart: sometimes those memories are worth the added sugar :slightly_smiling_face:

My grandma mixed it half and half with milk. Still remember waving bye to mama waiting until she got out of sight to drink coffee with grandma. I’m 64 now.

I used to do the same with my nana but also don’t want mine having coffee. We give her hot cocoa occasionally to be her “coffee”. That or have her add more milk than anything

This special ritual they share for out weigh any side affects the coffee may have! Treasure This!

My Gramma did the same thing! We all survived! Dont sweat the small stuff!!!