Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

No but I’m would ask her to give her hot chocolate or tea instead. One morning of some sugar won’t hurt her (assuming she has no health concerns)

Well. I’m not gonna win any parenting awards but all my kids have drank sips of my coffee their entire life.

I use to do this with my grandparents and this is a wonderful memory for me! You never forget those memories! And I am 50+!

I don’t really have a huge problem with it… but I started drinking small cups at 3… :woman_shrugging:t3: I wanted to be like my parents so they would give me the equivalent of 1-2oz of coffee with cream and sugar when they had their coffee.
My 8 year old loves to have small cups with me, especially iced coffee.
That being said, I know that’s not the norm., but it’s sweet. Unless your daughter is diabetic, I wouldn’t worry about having a bit of creamer once or twice a week. But if it’s bothering you THAT much, I would politely tell you mom that you aren’t comfortable with her giving your daughter coffee and creamer and that it’s non-negotiable. Have the conversation with your daughter as well about what she is allowed to have and not allowed. You can even tell her that you don’t keep secrets and that if someone, no matter who, tells her to keep a secret from her parents that it’s probably a bad secret and she needs to let you know. So if you mom still goes against what you want and feel is best for your daughter, you will know about it.
It’s a personal preference and as a mother, you are the one who chooses. Not Nana.

Coffee milk lol its a southern grandma tradition

:woman_facepalming:t2: pick n choose your battles! It’s not an every day thing and coffee even with a little creamer, has way less than soda and juice. It’s making memories with her grandma, don’t mess that up. If it’s that big of an issue, ask her to use milk instead.

Us 60-70 babies have the best memories of sharing coffee or tea with our elders let this child have this. Worst case the kids gets out the house and runs off the caffeine boost.

My favorite memories are having coffee as a child with my grandmother at her koi pond. Gramma can change the “coffee” but can’t change the memories :heart:

Just give her chocolate milk in a mug or hot chocolate and tell her she’s drinking coffee with Nana!

Its totally okay for this to happen. One day your child will cherish those memories!!!

Making memories with little negative impact…sugar is all around

It’s called “Little girl coffee” watered-down coffee to feel like a big person.

I Say it’s a great memory with her grandma!


Just ask her to change the creamer for milk. Or even warm chocolate milk, I don’t think your kid craves the coffee, I even assure is just sharing the moment with grandma and doing as she does.
Cause i pictured it on my mind and it’s so cute.

Mine used to make me chocolate milk, so I would wake up it was already on the table, I’d grab it and go outside with her to see her working in the garden. One of my best memories.

Have her make her capicino or hot chocolate instead, but what a beautiful memory for her to have with her nana

Have her use decaffeinated coffee and milk

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I agree with most people here. Normally no but in this case, a cup with grandma that is mostly creamer would be fine. Those memories will be worth it. It isn’t going to harm your daughter, so let it go. As someone who lost both her parents in the last year, trust me. You’ll wish you’d have let something so simple go.

Funny story but my son was 7 years old wanted to try coffee and wouldn’t stop asking me. So we made it for him. Black. No cream or sugar. Of course he thought it was the grossest thing ever lol.

Let her have her coffee with her Nana. One day Nana is not going to be around and those memories will be all she has left.

My grandmother gives my daughter the last sip of her coffee every morning but its not even a teaspoon. Shes only 1 so I was not happy about it but the look on her face when she’s sitting in her great grandmothers lap getting to be a big girl made it worth it.

I would give hot chocolate maybe but hot often probably not gonna hurt her

No. We make ‘special milk,’ with mainly milk and a little creamer. Maybe you could suggest that to her?

It’s about spending time with nana, buy nana some hot chocolate packets and she can make that for her instead.

Maybe she can have tea or hot chocolate instead

Let her make the memories and tradition with grandma, its something she’ll treasure later on in life plus its not really hurting her any

My son is five and he has “coffee” occasionally. It’s almond milk with a splash of coffee and a splash of coconut creamer. Hot chocolate would have more sugar and also contains a small amount of caffeine.

All of my kids drink “coffee” with me every morning.

It’s a splash of coffee. A splash of creamer and thr rest milk. It’s one of their favorite things

I have an espresso cup that my current 5yo uses for his “coffee”. It is mostly creamer but it is a much smaller cup than a traditional coffee cup. It was my 15yo daughters “coffee” cup when she was 5yo as well.

Oh my God. Is that all you could think of to complain about. Be thankful she has a Nana who wants to spend time with her.

Maybe suggest using hot cocoa instead of coffee? Or mix up cocoa and add a splash of coffee for taste, shes building memories with grandma so instead of flying off the handle and risk her nana time try asking for substitutions :woman_shrugging:

We make our toddlers a glass of chocolate milk and tell.them that’s their coffee so they can sit down and have a glass of “coffee” with us

If you’re not ok with it, it’s not ok. Your mother should respect you enough enough as the mother to your daughter not to do it, period.

Its probably just “coffee milk”. I wouldnt care. Kiddo is making memories

I would ask Nana to use milk and a dash of coffee to make her feel good.

Could you have her switch to a sugar free version, or mostly milk or whatever kind you use? It seems like it’s more about the time together, but she wants to copy grandma.

My 5yo has his coffee with grandma every weekend and he enjoys it. I’m not taking that away from either of them. He doesn’t drink caffeine otherwise so :woman_shrugging:t2:

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My mama gave me coffee the first time and my papa gave my daughter coffee for the first time and sometimes I give her coffee off a spoon

I always let my kids drink it, if they wanted. I don’t see anything wrong with it.

I don’t see anything wrong with it personally I normally give my son who is 9 now coffee every so often …

One day. Once a week. Let your daughter and mother make memories she won’t always be here

I give my boys not so hot hot coco when I have coffee & they want some

A. Of course its fine! I grew up on coffee! :joy:
B. If you take issue w it maybe ask her to use milk instead of make her a hot chocolate, etc.

Do you wish you had this time with your mom instead? because to nit pick creamer once every weekend seems like there could be more

Just tell her no coffee. Try and find another alternative. I think it’s cute they are hanging out like that.

A small amount won’t hurt that little one. Let them enjoy their time with grandma as long as it’s not large amounts and not affecting the child’s behavior. Some kids really don’t do well with a bunch of sugar, but some are hyper no matter what

I let my almost 2 year old have coffee but it’s like a splash of coffee in milk :woman_shrugging:t2:. Ultimately it’s up to you though whether you want her to have it or not. I agree with the other comments saying to maybe ask her to put it in milk instead of the sugary creamer. But if you don’t want her to have it at all it’s definitely worth talking to grandma about, hopefully she will understand your concern and respect your decision

My kids had tea with my mom and she has been gone for almost 20 year’s and they still talk about it, also specialist’s told my sister to give her kids coffee for their ADHD

Mine gets hot chocolate “coffee” . :joy: lol cus the energy he gets with coffee it’s a no bueno. I’m quite the opposite you see I get sleepy with coffee. :roll_eyes::tired_face::joy:

I give coffee to my 3 year old sometimes when I cook breakfast

Wow, the problems some people have. I wish my kids could spend some weekends with grandparents … more often than once in 6 mos.

Send her with some hot chocolate if it’s that big of a deal it’s not every day I wouldn’t make it a big thing but that’s just my opinion

My boys weren’t allowed coffee until 13. They drank rooibos tea.

My child loves coffee but its 95% creamer really.

Keep the tradition and offer healthier creamer alternatives. Milk, sugar free syrup, and some coffee is what my grandma did with my son. She did coffee milk with me.

Make the kid a cup of tea. The drink doesn’t make the memory, the time together does. I don’t allow my children to have caffeine at all

Coffee is fine maybe ask that she doesn’t put sugar in it if your are concerned about the sweetness

Not at all it’s not good on their wee hearts. I would tell her to stop, maybe look at providing a substitute? Sugar free Milo or something

I went through this EXACT thing with my mother and here’s what I decided: it’s MY kid. I make the rules regarding my child, and it doesn’t matter how stupid you may think they are, if you can’t get on board, then my kid can’t spend time with you. I have never wanted to use my child as a pawn, but if they can’t follow simple rules you set, they sure as hell won’t follow the big ones. Take it from me, my oldest has zero respect for my mother because she refused to lay down the law at an early age.

My son has been sense he was 5 because of his ADHD. I. I dont mind it at all. If its a bonding thing i would let it be. There is worse things to worry about. Those memories she will cherish forever.

I grew up drinking coffee and tea. My kids don’t like coffee or tea.i was raised by my grandmother…

Maybe ask her to use decafe or switch to Hot coco with marshmallows or whip cream…

My son with ADHD has had coffee since around 5. It calms him and allows him to focus better. He is 13 now. Has not stunted his growth in any way lol. He is 5’8 and 130lbs

Have her get a cappuccino mix and add milk instead dog coffee and creamer. Or hot chocolate and milk. So she still get to feel special

My relatives that drank coffee at the same age are freaking tall now :laughing: I should’ve did it too :rofl:

Try having her do milk with a splash of creamer in it for flavor.

The dr told me to give my little one coffee around that age bc he has asthma which is believed to help according to our lung specialist :woman_shrugging:t3:

In RI we have coffee milk. You could look on Amazon for autocrat coffee syrup. Have grandma add a few drops to skim milk or whatever milk she drinks.

If you’re not ok with it then it doesn’t matter what any of us think. Be the parent and say no :woman_facepalming:

My mother gave us on Saturday. Cup of milk and spoonful of coffee added. It was quality time with her. I really miss her.

If it’s just once in awhile it’s not going to hurt. That will be a treasured memory when she’s older

My mom did ice tea watered down. Mine survived and have a ton of memories.

Pick your battles, Grandma won’t be here forever and those are memories she will.never forget.

My granddaughter drinks a little coffee with her (Gigi my mom) it’s not a big deal it’s a memory.

It’s your choice but honestly if that’s the worse your mom is doing I would let it go or ask for milk instead of creamer or sugar free creamer my step kids 1 grandma they haven’t seen in years and my mother in law sees them maybe once a month because of her drinking and the way she talks to my kids

My child has adhd and we have used caffeine to help his brain slow down and make the connections it needs to

I don’t see a problem with it, I did similar with my oldest but his was hot chocolate and i had coffee :rofl:

Yeah I’m fine with it. My kids will have some ice coffee and sips of coffee and tea from our cups I don’t mind.

Also my 3 year old when he has coffee he calms right down so I really don’t mind at all lol

I’m from south Louisana and we drink coffee milk with our Mawmaw and Pawpaw as soon as we can hold a cup. It’s a cup of milk with a tablespoon of milk!!

They’re making memories and you’re a party pooper!

I make my kids “latte’s” with creamer, a splash of coffee and the rest milk. I’d warm it up so they thought it was “just like Mom’s”. :coffee::green_heart:

We call them babycinos here in Australia it’s mostly cream but something for the kids to drink while the parent is having a coffee

My daughter is 3 1/2 and when I buy blue berry iced Dunkin coffee my daughter drinks some with me. It actually can calm children down.

Maybe just ask Nana to do coco or something yes sugary but so what? Grandma’s are know for candy and cookies right? :rofl:

If its once and a while with gma I think it’s ok just have her use milk instead of creamer and a splash of coffee

It’s not every day and she will always cherish those memories made…I’m sure there’s more sugar in soda and candy then in her coffee lol

when my son was 3YO, he asked for coffee with Dada. my husband drinks it black. so we gave him Decaf Black Coffee. He took 1 sip, and hasn’t asked again :rofl:
(also, my son is allergic to Dairy)

My mom used to make me and my sister hot chocolate and call it kiddie coffee and drink it with us un the morning. I never knew the difference until years later. Maybe you can see if she will try that with her instead?

Do you let her have ice cream? Candy? Did you know even milk has sugar in it. Fruits have natural sugars. If you do then what is the big deal. I’d love to have these memories with my gram but I don’t.

My 3 year old daughter loves sharing my ice coffee when I make it. She will ask for her own so I’ll make her chocolate milk with a splash of coffee and whipped cream in her tumbler and she thinks she’s just like me.

Just ask her to switch it to milk and just a little sweetener rather than a bunch of creamer

Who cares?! Once in awhile with Grandma. She will be so happy to have those memories in her heart. Creamer is not the end of the world. The one I use had 2 sugars. I hope u don’t take visits away from her over this.

Look I drank coffee as a kid with my grandma .I think in today’s world folks are to picky about there kids .Hell the kids sit on the internet all day getting no sun get overly Fat and gets told it’s ok .No ma’am A little coffee and cream might be good for that child

My kids are allowed mostly milk than coffee with nannie. Once in a blue moon I will let them have it

Grandma raised kids and they doing OK right? I’m also tickled that you didn’t know 60 percent of grand parenting is sugar. Then drop them off at home. :rofl::rofl:

My mom used to make coffee milk for the kids. Mostly milk with a little bit of coffee, lol.

It’s no big deal really. My baby been drinking coffee since he could drink with my dad. But if that’s your choice that’s your choice. There are bigger fights

I personally would not be okay with it but in some cultures, it’s normal for children to drink coffee. Can grandma just make her hot chocolate and call it coffee?

I do milk and add a small amount of coffee for my 5 and 7 year old

My grandmother did it with me. I do it with my daughter but she gets deaf

My son always wants to drink coffee with me so I make him a cup of watered down decaf and I use honey instead of sugar. That’s our compromise.

Coffee is actually recommended in some cases to avoid having to take medication for ADHD. Now, they do recommend black coffee but maybe she could substitute milk in for the creamer?