Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

I wouldn’t mind. I let my daughter have it with me once in a while.

I used to call hot chocolate coffee for my kids when they were small :coffee:

She can substitute milk for cream. She can also use Decaf which has less caffeine. You can put a drop of coffee, for color,in hot water. Add some milk. Then a tiny bit of sugar. I think will suffice for “coffee”

My kids have been. Drinking coffee since they were like 1 especially my oldest bc it helped with his asthma. My kids r now 11,10, and 7 my 11 year old drinks coffee every morning before school

See if grandma will give her warm milk instead maybe

Maybe ask grama to substitute with choc milk or hot chocolate if you really don’t want her drinking coffee? Please don’t make her stop completely. These are going to be her fav memories one day.

We drink, Baby coffee or kid coffee with our grandkids. It literally consists of cocoa and marshmallows with whipped cream, lol. We have passed this down for generation

My 13 year old drinks coffee and has since I don’t remember and so does my 4 year old,

my son drank it. it actually calmed him because he was add/adhd and asbergers

My grandma does the same to my 6 year old

Tell them to get sugar free creamer? I mean she’s only little once and will cherish these memories. Don’t stop her from it. There’s hardly coffee in it anyway

When I was younger my
Grandma used to give us like a fake coffee. So we felt like we were drinking it with her.

My boys are very close to my mom. Reality is that someday she won’t be here and all of the memories they are making will be all they have left of her. If that means they get a cup of cream during a sleepover, so be it. There are way worse things. Someday your daughter will look back and remember those mornings on that porch and smile. If you have concerns about the sugar, suggest she do milk instead of creamer, but a few cups of cream aren’t going to affect her. Life is short, choose happiness and don’t dwell on the little things. :heart:

If that’s the only complaint you have then CHILL OUT. If you would cut your child’s contact with her grandparent over that you petty as hell and need to get a grip on life.

Have her sub it out with hot chocolate and see still gets to have “coffee with nana”

Maybe ask her to have decaf available for your child so they can still share the memories or even hot chocolate? My kids grandma did this as well and I felt the way you do we compromised with hot chocolate.

Coffee or tea .mostly milk or cream…
I’m sure she’s not having a real cup.
We all grew up doing this…
Not a big deal

My 5 year old granddaughter and I do Coffee with Winnie. It’s coffee…geeeez. My grandpa and I used to drink coffee together and I wouldn’t trade those moments for anything!

Awwww that’s too damn cute. Dont be a prude let her have her mema time. Because one day she will realize how much that meant to her

Maybe ask if they can switch to a decaf tea for the little girl? :woman_shrugging: Compromise?

First and only kid?

Bieve me, there will be bigger battles than this. Even if she’s getting a cup of Death Wish , it’s definitely not the end of the world.

Relax and let her make memories with grandma.

I do the same with my 4 yr old. I add coffee milk and creamer.

Suggest tea with milk added. My 2 year old is ALWAYS sneaking our coffee. Any form of caffeine is not good for children.

I didn’t read all the comments so it may have already been suggested but can you just provide decaf for her little bit she gets?

No, but I was a Granny’s girl, so I sipped out of my Granny’s mug from time to time.

Shit…my Gramma let me have sips of her beer and coffee. It’s an acquired tastes. Builds character.

Maybe offer an alternative you are okay with? Hot coco? There are a lot of alternatives here besides cutting it off.

Nope! My MIL and GMIL used to do the same and I had them stop. Now, the kids get hot cocoa if they request “coffee” and she just calls it her new coffee. Lol

Memories are one thing, disrespecting your wishes and her health are another. Please don’t back down from your wishes as her mother just for them to make memories. She can easily give her water or juice or an equivalent that’s not coffee or creamer. Respect has to be there. Sorry.

There’s probably more sugar in a bowl of fruit loops.

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If you really don’t like it maybe could she have hot chocolate or something??,

Did you not have a grandparent you were close to? This is absolutely a part of that and don’t you take that away from that baby

Pick your battles. She will cherish those memories, one day.

Could she have got chocolate while nana has coffee? They could still sit and enjoy the time together

Why ruin a memory that kid enjoys. So what. It could be way worse.

Hahaha!! My 20 months old asks for coffee in the morning coz he’s sees us drinking coffee. So I also make a cup for him (in a coffee cup, yes). With mainly homo milk + cocoa + honey. I looks very muck like coffee with cream. Lol

Since it isn’t often I would just ask her to use decaf. Don’t worry about the sugar…… but if you are that worried then they make sugar free creamer too

My 6 year old has a cup about 2x a week since he was 4 or so. It’s mostly creamer with a dash of coffee. He’s aight :woman_shrugging:t4:

I gave mine a little had more milk than anything in it .

I would leave it be. I grew up doing the exact same thing

I wonder how many of these parents saying “no” let their kids drink Kool aid, sugary soda and eat chocolate? :person_facepalming:

My 4 year old occasionally steals sips from mine. It isn’t an all day every day thing.

Do or don’t, your kid your rules but remember you own the outcome

I put hOt chocolate, juice, water, or milk in a coffee mug for my son. Then we sit together and “have coffee” (I have coffee, he has something without caffeine)

My gran did this with me. I now drink 3 pots a day

its making a memory between these two, let them have it, it may be the beautiful memory your child remembers of your Mother, let it go

You could ask her to use decaf coffee and milk instead of creamer.

That’s a special bond that her and her grandma share something she will remember her whole life look back on and cherish don’t take that away from them it’s not gonna kill her

I mean there are various forms of this that kids enjoy … coffee or mocha icecream or shakes or slushies … coffee or mocha desserts … coffee milk or mocha or hot chocolate … there is zero harm in any of this unless your paranoid about sugar which is an issue that you need to work on so your child doesn’t have an unhealthy relationship with all foods.

Maybe suggest an alternative if you’re not happy about the coffee? Suggest hot coco or maybe even decaf?

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I started having coffee at around 7 years old. I would have it in the morning with my grandfather. I don’t think it’s a huge deal you could suggest maybe decaf for her if you’re worried about caffeine.

There could also be different alternatives besides coffee, what about hot chocolate

Calm down karen. It’s just coffee. It’s not like nana’s doing shots of bacardi.

I would make a exception. Maybe just ask her to do half milk instead of creamer if your worried about the sugar.

Replace it with cocoa! Or a different alternative :smiley:

To be honest I wouldn’t get upset about it, I wish I could go back to when I was a kid and drinking coffee with my popo and nana on the porch again :broken_heart: I miss those memories even more now than I did back then

My Nanna used to do this with me lol. But still the answer is yes but only if I dont have to deal with it :joy:

See if decaf is an option for her and maybe milk instead of creamer

My baby drinks her coffee (chocolate milk) while I have my cup. One thing I have learned is let Grandma be she is gonna do it anyways

I used to give my son and daughter hot cocoa when I’d have my morning coffee.

They make decaf coffee and sugar free creamers. Make adjustments.

Trade milk for creamer. Let them have their time. Probably enough to slightly change color

Seriously people?!?! Your child/children are making memories with someone who won’t be around their whole lives and you want to restrict or stop them from having relationships with them because why, because they don’t follow your rules? Unless they jeopardize your child’s safety, let the control go and enjoy your day and let the child enjoy their grandparent. Your going to complain over a special moment and memory that can’t be replaced or ever returned, yet I bet your child has had candy, pop, donuts, cinnamon rolls, cereal high in sugar content etc. If your child hasn’t then be prepared for them to be sneaking it when your not around instead of being open with you. Keep them from their grandparent and be prepared for the child to resent you over time for it. Children learn lifelong lessons, memories, habits, and history from their grandparents that you can’t provide, or provide in the same context.
No child should ever be used against a spouse, grandparent, etc as a tool to control our hurt the other person because you don’t like something they’ve done, In reality your hurting the child & stealing precious time from them.
It is a grandparents right of passage to be able to spoil and build memories with their grandchild!!! Grandparents aren’t meant to parent, that’s your job. So again unless they are endangering your child, let it go and enjoy the break you get to have on occasion, enjoy the fact that your child will be grateful for this time in the future, and enjoy the life that you’ve been blessed to have.

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Yes my girls sip mine occasionally but never there own cup…there fine

My grandmother makes ‘coffee’ for my kids too. She makes them hot coco and they drink it like coffee with her. Maybe mention hot coco to your mom and tell her that’s better than straight creamer

Let her change to mostly milk then instead of being that over bearing. Some people just fuss to damn fuss

We always did that too…my little sister would fall asleep right after it…she was younger than 5 :joy:

Maybe switch her cup of java to hot chocolate or tea if its not sitting right with you.

Bring an alternative for her… my girls have hot chocolate or herbal tea.

No. My son gets “coffee milk” …it’s just milk lol

Could you suggest she make hot chocolate instead and call it kid coffee?

I use to drink coffee with my grandmother and my 3 and 1 year old get sips when they are over :woman_shrugging:

Personally no, I don’t mind a little cup of milky decaff tea but coffee is too much

OMG all of my kids had coffee milk…my twins had it their sippy cups thanks to their dad.

decaf coffee? or hot coco, she will treasure those times as she grows :slight_smile:

It will be fine. Tell her to add milk instead of creamer if you’d prefer. That’s what my mawmaw used to do.

It’s just coffee. Don’t give it to them constantly but giving them some won’t hurt

No. A 5 year old doesn’t need caffiene. But what you could do, is a coffee flavored hot chocolate.

Tell her caffeine is a drug maybe they could do smoothies for breakfast

You need to come up with a mixture that works for you and let the memories continue for Nana and your child.

No. My kids don’t need the extra energy. Maybe give them decaf

Maybe they can do hot chocolate instead?

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Ask her if she could use decaffeinated coffee… or tea??
Or just ask/tell your mother no.

Tell grandma to make her hot chocolate or hot tea instead and call it coffee

I think this is THE CUTEST! maybe nana can switch to milk?

What if she would make her chocolate milk instead?

My mom did this so now it’s “chocolate coffee” for my daughter’s a.k.a. hot chocolate :rofl: girls don’t know the difference because She has a Keurig so I just buy the pods too go in it for her​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::wink:

I mean if your gonna make a big deal out of it just ask her to use something else. I personally don’t see any harm in it.

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Did you tell her you don’t want her to have coffee or that much sugar?

My kids steal my coffee all the time no big deal to me at least. But you’re the parent it’s totally up to you

Those are sweet memories that your child will always have. It’s only here and there. Not a big deal.

I think your looking for a complaint. The creamers has no more sugar then a bowl of ice cream or a piece of cake. Hardly an issue

Can they do decaf for your daughter to keep the cute morning dates going?

Ask grandma to replace it with hot chocolate? There’s still sugar but not nearly as much as coffee and coffee creamer

Keep the ritual but switch the drink. Can’t she have hot chocolate instead?

I make my son hot cocoa and have him drink “his coffee” out of a coffee mug with me.

Ask her if they could do hot chocolate instead?.. with mostly milk?

No offense this has got to be one of the dumbest post I’ve seen on here. Why complain about your child drinking coffee if their technically not drinking coffee. If my child does this with his grandma when he’s older as long as your child is happy guess what? That’s what matters. Now a days most parents find the simplest things and whine about them when there’s more serious issues to worry about. Get sugar free and move on to a more serious issue.

Your kid your rules. But maybe lighten up a little?

Yes, we did it s kids and so have mine, it’s more milk and sugar than anything.