Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

Ask her to switch to tea and milk.

Oh my.
At least they building memories
You don’t trust your moms just?

Ask her to give her decaf?

Pick ypur battles.!! Those memories with Nana are priceless!!

Can you provide her with decaf to give her instead?

Let her have her memories. What i would do for poland to be closer.

Decaf is fine. If caffeinated I’d ask them to give only decaf and add milk instead and only a tsp of sugar

They are making memories. Leave them alone.

Why don’t you just tell her to put hot coco in the cup instead?

Just tell her the creamer is full of singer and to add milk instead with the coffee. I grew up drinking coffee and milk when I was small. It will be fine.

Maybe she could make her hot chocolate instead?

No, I would not be okay with my 5 year old drinking coffee.

These moments are all that some have with their mother or child. If anything, make your kid decaf.

If it decafe I won’t mind it with my six year old

Just have her get decaf and sugar free creamer. ?

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What about decaffeinated coffee? I personally think it’s harmless.

Your feelings are valid, I wouldn’t be okay with that either.

Ask her to buy coffee syrup and milk?

In most European countries its quite normal. Ask mom to just use real milk.

Put hot chocolate or tea in her coffee cup instead?

Memories!! One day her nana will be gone but those memories will never die!!

So tell her not to give her coffee? Or tell her to give her maybe hot chocolate or something instead?

I use sugar free creamer myself. Maybe suggest that?

I wish my Mom cared to even see her grand kids. In the grand scheme of things I’d say let it go.

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Pick your battles there making memories and one day your daughter will look back on those times … it’s not a big deal.

Send decaf coffee and sugar free creamer to keep at nanas for her🤷🏼‍♀️ hot cocoa? It’s not that serious, don’t ruin something special to her.


Send her to nana with hot chocolate packets, that way, they can both have the time together, let her know you are so thankful for her spending time with her and love how they do that together but you dont wat her to have the coffee, hot cocoa might be a better option for daughter.

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Ask her to make.it tea send the bags with her.

Why would they want to​:face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

You’re the parent. Stand your ground. Tell your mother no

maybe add mostly milk some creamer and a tad of coffee?

I wouldn’t worry about it… It’s not a big deal

Absolutely not. It’s your baby, if you don’t want her having stimulants, put your foot down. I’m with you mama!:revolving_hearts:

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Omg please smh :rofl::woman_facepalming:t3: that juice you give you’re baby has more sugar in it then some creamer let her enjoy her time with her grandmom they are some of my best memories with mine now that she’s passed is having coffee and toast just her and I when I was little. Have her buy the sugar free creamer for your daughter there is literally 15 calories in it :rofl::coffee:

I feel like it’s not a huge deal. :sweat_smile:it’s not an every day occurrence.

I drink coffee with my grandma every morning I was w her and I’m fine today! :heart: I cherish those memories!

I did with my grandmother beautiful memories :gift_heart:

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Maybe have nana switch kiddo to hot cocoa?

Maybe sub the ‘moffee’ to hot chocolate?

I’d let my daughter have that special time with her grandma :white_heart:

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Maybe hot chocolate or hot tea… decaf?

I’d give anything to have a drink n a chat with my granny just 1 more time xxxx I’d just stay quiet n let them make lovely memories

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I say let it go … That’s awesome she does that with her

It won’t hurt her. She’s making memories with nana and it will probably help keep her regular! :poop:

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Yes. I’ve drank coffee :coffee:for as long as I can remember. And some of my best memories are sipping coffee with my grandparents.

Yes me and my kids drink it for relaxation . We also all have adhd .

This is the sweetest thing I’ve heard in a long time. How special. What wonderful memories for your daughter. You need to relax!!! Geeze

My 3 year old takes sips of mine


My grandma gave me coffee as a kid and I turned out fine🤷🏼‍♀️ I mean this grandma gives mostly creamer so I don’t see a problem

Your kid, your rules. Maybe some low sugar hot chocolate in place of coffee.

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Oh shut up it’s just coffee not cocaine


Let the kid enjoy some time with grandma. Tomorrow isn’t promised. This is a precious memory she will share forever.

My 3 year old has been drinking coffee for like a year :woman_shrugging:t2: he just likes coffee time with mom. He wants whatever I’m having.

I drank coffee with my grandma it’s one of my best memories :heart:

She will be fine. Let her enjoy little things with her grandma.

These are memories she will never forget. Little coffee won’t hurt her.

My best memories is drinking coffee with my grandpa in his lap on the front porch in the morning.

Same kid probably plays on a cell phone at home…let her make memories man

Kiddie coffee! Lol let them make their memories. I bet the she’ll alway remember the time her and her grandmother shared

My sister still remembers drinking coffee with our grandma every morning. I dont see any harm in it personally

I think if its just a weekend with grandma let her enjoy the moment and the memory!

It’s not the end of the world :woman_facepalming:t3: it’s not like she’s giving her shots of tequila to wake her up.

Well when I was 5 I was drinking with a whole bunch of creamer and a Tiny bit of coffee. :woman_shrugging: I loved it.

She’s having a memory with her grandma. Let her have those memories.

Let nana and granddaughter have their special time. It’s good for both of them

Once a week won’t hurt. My daughter loves a cold coffee and having a coffee with her grandparents.

Your kidding right? Those are some of the best memories Your kids will cherish :heart:

It’s coffee with grandma, not hookers and blow

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I had coffee and an occasional cigarette while hemming a dress w/my grandmother at 11/12yrs old…and now have wonderful memories :blush::wink::upside_down_face::coffee::raising_hand_woman:t2:

Can it be switched out with hot chocolate?

Geez let them have their thing. Everyone I know grew up drinking coffee milk with their parents!

my kids drink frappes and sips of my morning coffee, perfectly fine :woman_shrugging:t4:

My aunt gives my two year olds a sip of her coffee every morning she sleeps here. A couple sips won’t hurt them! :heart:

Jusy ask yoyr Mum to use milo instead of coffee and warm milk. Can still call it coffee - kids coffee😉

Best memories I have… Let her make some more!!

My 6 year old LOVES coffee. Her Meme used to dip her pacifier in it :sweat_smile:

Ask her to switch to hot chocolate so they can still have their special time - but more age appropriate :slight_smile:

My granny used to make me decaf coffee and we would drink coffee together in the mornings :heart: my favorite memories are with my granny!

Nope. My daughter doesnt even drink caffeine period!!

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Just let the grandma be a grandma you will miss that when she’s gone🥰

some of my best treasured memories is drinking coffee with my granny.

My little ones nanna drinks coffee he had a tea I’m happy with that

Let grandma be a grandma. It obviously means so much to that little girl.

It’s common all over Europe, We grew up drinking coffee and it has not harmed anyone. Ending her weekends with grandma over a cup of coffee??:woman_shrugging:t2:
I have no words. .

Let her be little and make memories with grandma

I wish my daughter had her grandmother to have memories with

One of my favorite memories with my grandma. Don’t take this from either one of them :heartpulse:

If you let her drink soda or tea, it’s pretty much the same. :woman_shrugging:

Choose your battles. This is not one. Let your daughter enjoy Grandma time.
Just brush her teeth good :smiling_face::v:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Just give her what you’d rather her give your baby and set a loving boundary :heart: Communicate with love :heart:

I’m fine with it. My son is adhd and it helps him chill the F out.

As a special treat with her grandmother, I wouldn’t mind.

Whaaaaat? Let that girl enjoy some coffee with her grandma cuz one day that’s all she’s going to have… special memories sitting on the front porch with her.

Let her savor the memories with grandma

Let her have her coffee. It will be treasured memories when she’s older.

Yeah. Let this go. Let her have that special memory.

Would you be ok with grandma giving her hot cocoa? You could take a box of sugar free cocoa

One day you will be a grandma, once a week will not harm her.

This is a treasured memory I have of my own grandmother.

yes it’s coffee milk and sounds like a great time