Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

I would do anything to send my kids away for entire weekend. Coffee? POUR IT UP, idc, just take themmmmm! :weary:

Send her with a Box of hot chocolate for her “morning coffee” with grandma.

Oh come on, let grandma give her a little kinder coffee, and a beautiful morning.

My 4 year old gets coffee with his nana

Man, I’d let my kids have coffee with grandma. Those are special moments.

I think you are overreacting… send decaffeinated coffee and sugar free creamer to grandma’s house and let them have their mornings … they are only little once

Tell her to stop giving her coffee and give her hot chocolate instead

Coffee helps calm kids down.

Oh my goodness, with all the other stuff in the world going on .I’d say let it go .drink coffee xx

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That is so cute :pleading_face::heart:
I would just say to your mom to please replace the creamer with milk so it’s less sugar for babygirl. :smiling_face:

I tell kids they are having coffee nuts chocolate milk

Ive been drinking coffee with my grandma since i was 2!!

Thats one of my fondest memories I have with my gramma… let it be!!!

All of my kids drink coffee

Maybe ask her to replace the whole drink with cocoa? No coffee. No creamer. Just a cup of hot cocoa. :woman_shrugging:

If you don’t give her sugar then that little bit won’t ever hurt her or her figure or her teeth. Let her enjoy grandma, their way!!!

Maybe switch to hot chocolate :chocolate_bar::grin:

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Eh doesn’t bother me any. My mom does 99% milk. It’s a big kid thing

Let her enjoy that moment! I’m sure it’s not that bad

The memory she will have is more important :heart:

Have grandma make her caffeine free tea and add milk and a sugar free flavored syrup to it. I bet she would still love it and she’d still get the memories :slight_smile:

Maybe she can have cocoa instead.

Get her some decaf and mix with milk, problem solved

I do decaf with stevia and milk for my kids

Who cares? It’s a beautiful memory of her and her grandma. Chill.

I give my little one decaf​:coffee::two_hearts:

Oh my gosh let grandma and baby have their bonding time!

My daughter steals my ice coffee all the time :person_shrugging::person_shrugging:

She’ll be fine. Let her enjoy her time with Nana.

Really put a little coffee in some milk and enjoy

This is precious , let them have the moment :pleading_face::orange_heart:

Aw that’s so cute :pleading_face: one cup isn’t going to do your wee girl any harm whatsoever

I dnt kno of any mawmaws around that dnt give their grandkids coffee milk

Yep. I actually give it to my son for his adhd

Girl let her have her coffee with nana!!! Relax and stop stressing over small stuff

My kid been doing this with her gma. It actually ok 4 them

Get decaf and drop it off with grandma.

Are you kidding me. Quit being a hel acopter parent. Let the child and grandmother have some memories

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Not a hope!
Edit to add: my boys are wired enough without adding coffee to the mix

Let babygirl make memories with her gran… :heart:

Definitely not okay with that!

I give my son chocolate milk and tell him it’s coffee.

Yes, coffee actually has many benefits for children.

Tell her that you don’t want her having coffee… :woman_shrugging:t4:

I would not. I’d give her caffeine free tea

Those memories will last her a lifetime :heart:

I let my 2 yo drink small cappuccinos. She’s 25 and fine.

I give my kids virgin coffee: 1-2 oz caffeine free coffee, a dash creamer and 5-6 oz milk

Have her make her cocoa…they have sugar free at the store…

Yes, because I have such fond memories of me and my grandma doing that.

Depends it calms some kids down

My daughters “coffee” is milk with whip cream and drizzle on top😂

That’s a really sweet tradition. Let it be.

Your gonna have the right answers, the day your first grandchild is given to you.

Tell grandma to give her hot chocolate then if you don’t want her to be drinking coffee. . .

Nope. That being said just follow your gut feeling and do what you would prefer!!!

Tell her what you want her to use (i.e. milk).

Coffee with grandma is a must.

Just tell her omg mom lol don’t give my child coffee!

Aww ask buy some decaf for Nana to use instead. Precious time :two_hearts:

I would treasure the memories and let the other go.

That girl will hold those memories for life, priceless.

I don’t see why not. Most parents let kids have soda :woman_shrugging:t3:

Tell her to make cocoa instead

Have grandma do hot coco…

I’d say send her to Nana with cocoa or chocolate milk to sip on with Nana!

R u really stressing over stupid shit… fire grandma keep your kid home…. Of course you don’t want to mess up”her” weekends….

Do y’all know how much sugar IS IN EVERYTHING? Let the girl have memories with her grandma :older_woman::two_hearts:

Tea would be good tho!
My kids have tea often

We were raised on coffee

Personally I agree, but if you’re not okay with it, then I’d say something…

I wish I could go back, back to my Grandma’s house and know she would be there, waking up in the early morning to drink a cup of coffee with her on her east facing deck…oh Grandma, how I miss you and those quiet moments we had together.
18 years later and her loss still cuts deep.


My 6 year old snatches my coffee when I’m not looking and steals drinks :woman_shrugging::joy::joy:

My son gets a few sips everymorning with me. Hes 2. Ive given my 7 year old like 1/4 a cup.

I’m probably gonna get shit for this, but one of my absolute favorite memories with my granny is exactly this.
There are sugar free creamers she can substitute. But what a lovely bonding time it was.


My daughter and I would have “coffee” together. Hers was mostly milk. It was something special that we could do together, just the two of us. We would also have “cocktails on the veranda” which consisted of juice in stemware on the front porch. Please don’t make a huge ordeal out of this and put a damper on these special memories this little girl will have of her grandmother…

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I wouldnt sweat it… but if its a big deal to you then you can just ask her to substitute for TEA and creamer :woman_shrugging:t5:

Tell her to make her hot cocoa or chocolate milk instead

Noooo way. I’d be okay with tea that has no caffeine in it

I think small amounts are ok. :grin:

Some of my fondest memories are having that hardly any coffee cup of coffee with my gram.

Let her have this ritual with her grandmother.

Send her with hot cocoa packets and say ease use these instead of coffee :face_with_monocle:

It won’t hurt her I have gave it to mine

Sounds lovely. I’d let them.have there memory making. X

Tell her to make her a hot chocolate!

Suggest hot chocolate or tea with honey so they can still sit and drink together

My mom made me coffee milk my entire life!

Grandma always gave me siips out of her coffee cup when I was little.

I wouldn’t mind, it’s their special thing.

I wish I could have a little cafecito with my abuela…:two_hearts:I would have so much to ask

It’s a memory they will cherish , let them have it.

I think you have a serious case of micromanaging going on, it may help to focus on your own worries or anxiety that’s blowing up a simple harmless treat into something so big in your mind that you would consider ending what sounds like a special time with her grandma and cutting a loving family member out of her weekends.

You’re being ridiculous. I am 29 years old, and the once or twice a year I have hot tea, I am right back sitting on the porch with my grandma and nana. Let your daughter have the memories. Oof is his irritates the snot out of me. :roll_eyes:

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Uh yea thats a yes for me. Id definitely not take that away from them.

Awwww that’s like the only memory I have of my great grandma. She’d add A LOT of milk, some sugar, and a tiny bit of coffee. It was the best time with her. She died when I was 5, so I do t remember much more.

Grandma can give her hot chocolate and put it in a coffee cup :woman_shrugging:

Just ask her to giver her warm milk instead

What happens at nanas house stays at nanas house lol. Mind ya business

Ask her to switch it to hot chocolate