Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

My dad let me do this when I was a kid. Just a tiny bit of coffee and mostly milk but I thought I was the coolest kid and had the best memories doing it. If you’re concerned about the creamer tell her to do milk instead but don’t take away the good memories she’ll have to look back on.

Let her do it. I remember drinking coffee with my grandma on Sunday mornings starting at that age (coffee was mostly cream and sugar). My grandma has been gone 5 years now and I’m 48 but I hold dear every memory I have with her and a big one was drinking that coffee and talking with grandma like a grown up :heart:

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My 2 year old does just to chill him out

Send her to grandma’s with hot chocolate .

One day that will be the best Memory you daughter has

My babes drink coffee

Send her with some coffe flavored milk. Or switch to hot chocolate that’s sugar free

Ummm no not really. she’s autistic so it would make her behaviors worse.

My daughter has been stealing my coffee for as long as she’s been able :joy: but seriously that’s such a precious moment and memory that your little one will forever treasure with her nanna and maybe one day do the same with her grand babies

Suggest hot chocolate instead xx offer solutions instead of confrontations, xx

Let your daughter have that with her grandma. If you really wanna make a stink about it maybe ask that it be mostly milk with a little coffee and creamer. But seriously, it’s not gonna hurt her, but you will by taking that away. She’ll treasure that memory one day.

Don’t be over the top and take that memory away from your little. One day that’s all she is going to have and that’s something she will always look back on. Ask her to do milk and sugar but don’t take that away from your little or from Nana

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Let them have their moments. She won’t die from it

Definitely over reacting!!
My grandparents would give my brother and I cereal and coffee before bedtime when we would spend the night :laughing:
Best memory ever!!
Let them have a good time.

Special Occasions with Grandma, it’s FINE!!!

Coffee actually contains less caffeine than tea. I doubt a 5 year old would drink a hefty black cup of coffee so your exaggerating in my opinion… let grandma be grandma if it’s not harming anyone. Some things didn’t fully sit right for me when it came to my mum, but you need to choose your battles in this life. Surely you turned out just fine? Have a little more trust your mum isn’t going to ruin your child’s life by giving her a very weak coffee. Your opinion does matter of course, but your opinion IN THIS SITUATION isn’t worthy of stopping grandma-grandchild time

Easy momma. A little lady time with grandma on the front porch just taking in the morning together… sounds really awesome!! Sounds like something she will remember for years to come. She definitely won’t remember the amount of sugar in that cup tho… :black_heart:

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My 5 year old could have coffee with her mims. She occasionally has a little bit with me. She’ll remember those moments.
I remember drinking coffee occasionally with my mom when I was little and I love those memories. Coffee with sugar and milk still tastes like my childhood lol.
I’d let her make the memories❤

Try grandma giving her chocolate hot drink. Coffee is a No

MYbe just ask gma to add more water to it :wink:

I little bit every once in a while won’t harm her. My grandpa used to pour wine in our pop cans when we were kids.

Seems awfully selfish of you to take away such fond memories over some diluted coffee :roll_eyes:

That diluted coffee isn’t going to hurt her. Taking away her memories with her grandma will hurt her.

Ask her to make her hot cocoa instead :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Everyone saying absolutely not, should just be happy their kid eats at all. My 3 year old has a feeding tube and gets all the chocolate pudding and Dr pepper he can stand for no reason other than he will actually put it in his mouth. :person_shrugging: Seriously need to lighten up.

That is going to be a story she tells about her Gma when she is gone … Something she holds onto and everytime she sits on a porch with a cup of coffee her grandma will be there with her in her mind … I say decaf coffee and creamer is perfectly fine my son drinks decaf starbucks drinks with me every Sunday and has a Don - Don … :woman_shrugging:

It’s grandma need I say more

My grandma always shared her coffee and toast with my son from Age 2 up until she died 3 years ago. Today is his 18th birthday and he survived completely unscathed with tons of memories of his favorite person in the world… Let them enjoy each other while grandma is still here. My grandma died one week after my youngest was born… he never even got to.meet grandma.

Add milk and just a splash of coffee

OMY! Lighten up! Grandparents are only around a little while. Allow the time for them to cherish that small guilty pleasure. It won’t harm but will make memories that last far beyond Grandmas years. Oooo….How I miss mine! Would love a coffee with her.

Coffee gives them energy … sometimes helps with ADHD… I wouldn’t stress it cuss 1 day she longer he here & thts great momeries lit 1 will always remember

Ask grandma to make hot tea not coffee :coffee: ur child won’t think no difference if they enjoy it

Me, personally… yes.
I did this at my grandma’s when I was 5 and my little girl did it at my dads when she was 5.
Not a lot. Not like a 20 ounce bottle or anything- lol.
It made for some really fond childhood memories. Bonding with my grandparents. I felt so special drinking “coffee” with the grownups and my little girl felt special drinking with her grandparents too.
My grandfather is gone now and my grandmother has alzheimers, so I cherish these memories more than ever.
Despite the alzheimers my grandma still fondly remembers pulling my cup out of the cabinet and pouring me my own “coffee” so I could sit and socialize and drink with the grownups. Such a simple, simple thing… but such beautiful memories were made.

But that’s me. That’s my childhood and my child’s childhood.

Only YOU can decide what’s best for YOUR child. If you are truly uncomfortable with it then you have every right to say so and ask that she not be given this beverage anymore.

She is making precious memories with her grandmother. 5 drops of coffee with lots of cream is not going to hurt the child as much as you ruining such a precious ritual.

I started drinking coffee with my grandmother at 3…. Not a wonderful thing but I’m fine I do however have an addiction to coffee but my father also would take me everyday to get one with him from that point on as well. :rofl: as long as she doesn’t have any health issues to worry about , she’s gonna treasure those times for the rest of her life :heart: it’d be better for her to drink decaf maybe, and an actual regular cup of it that’s a smaller size so it’s not all creamer and then it’s also only a little bit, But I think she will be okay.

Usually I would say no to coffee, but that memory with gma is priceless. I’d say let her have her “coffee” with gma

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Yes - I grew up drinking coffee with my pappy and while my mother passed away, my pappy repeated this with my kids and it’s such a lovely memory and it’s even more so that we can reminisce it together because we shared a different and yet similar experience. My pappy passed away in 2015 and these memories are so special to us, I can’t even imagine being the monster that would take that away from them as I surely would have hated my mother had she tried to take it from me.

Let her treasure those memories… they will last forever…:pleading_face:

My mom always did this with my girls when they were younger, my now grown up girls always remember when they use to make coffee with their grandma and now drink it as she does, it’s not going to hurt them just ask her to try decaf or less sugar etc but don’t take away the memories.

My grandparents did coffee milk with me too when I was younger, mostly milk with just a splash of coffee

It’s one cup with her grandmother. They are making memories and shes mimicking grandma. I dont see the harm.

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Omg not a big deal lol

Let them do it. Its a memory for then to share and it’s not like it’s every day. :slight_smile:

Maybe hot chocolate with coffee creamer

It is harmless and it is building precious memories with her grandmother. Good grief.
We smoked candy cigarettes as kids, but it did not make me want to grow up and smoke! I just wanted to act like my grandma at that age. I looked up to her and loved her. I wanted to be like her.

Wow I can’t imagine being bothered by this

I let my mom give my kid milk with I tiny bit of cream and a tiny bit off coffee (she drinks decaf)

Chocolate milk is a good alternative! Or hot chocolate

I drank coffee at 2 with my dad … some parents are extremely uptight

A few sips here and there. Not full on cups every day though

We all grew up drinking coffee in my family. My grandparents raised me and I ALWAYS had coffee-milk with them. Let nana spoil him!

My grandpa would do this with us as littles :heart: if it’s just when she stays the night it wouldn’t bother me. You could even ask her to swap the creamer for milk and a tsp of sugar instead.

No, make her a hot chocolate.

My mom does this with my daughter and I’m ok with it. It not like they have it all the time. If you’re really worried get her decaf to give her. The sugar won’t kill her.

My great grandma had a good hand in raising me… she would put coffee in my bottles (she let me drink bottles until I was 7!)

Umm no, kids shouldn’t have caffeine

It’s very back for kids so no.

It’s a social thing…

My mom does the same w my kid. I don’t mind… heck, sometimes my kids brings out her money and asks if we can go to Starbucks :joy: which, we do! But she’s 8 and she gets decaf at Starbucks

Then perhaps a nice tea that you get and semd when your daughter visits along with some special cups your daughter helps pick out. :heart:

My mom does it with my youngest it is mostly milk and a little creamer and very little coffee

Not okay with real coffee but I wouldn’t have an issue with milk & a little coffee to make the kid a part of morning routine. They don’t know any better.

I had coffee at my grandmas I was a kid :woman_shrugging:t3: and my son likes to drink it and my daughter occasionally. It’s coffee not crack :joy: tea has caffeine too and surely you let them drink tea

I was her age drinking coffee with my grandfather. Unless your child has an underlying health issue, it shouldn’t be harmful. Let her enjoy this little ritual with grandma.

Compromise with hot chocolate

Mine drink mine all the time

maybe switch it to sugar free coco? that’s what my daughter does with my parents! she treasures their “morning coffee.” :heart:

This is not a big deal, and a special moment between her and her grandmother that she will carry with her forever . Let it go.

Tell her to use plain milk instead of creamer. They also have sugar free creamers.
Don’t stop your daughter from having “coffee” w grandma.
How would you feel if your parents did that to you when you were that age??

Goodness me. This is a small thing. We drank from a filthy hosepipe when we were kids and sat in rooms full of cigarette smoke while the adults around us drank alcohol. Let her have her watered-down coffee with her grandma and pull back a little. This tiny amount of sugar every so often won’t harm her - in fact growing kids need a certain amount of sugar just for the energy they burn. Save your protectiveness for something major and sit lightly with this one. When she is a teen you will have far more to concern yourself with than a small watered down coffee once in a blue moon.

I’m a gma to 7 my oldest is 9 now n were extremely close. Let anything or anyone bother her she always comes to me. Let them drink a little coffee its really not hurting her n you will be happy your daughter knows she can always go to her when she feels she can’t come to you than a random stranger comforting her or giving her bad advice.

You are over exaggerating. My great grama used to do the same with me (a small cup). Those were the best memories i have with her

Ohhhhhh really? :woman_facepalming:t3: It’s your kid do as you wish but I think you’re over exaggerating it. It’s not everyday and a bit of coffee is not much more caffeine than a piece of candy and ask her to change to milk instead of creamer. You’re ruining a good bonding there. Let it be and learn to puck your battles. This isn’t one of them.

There’s people who’s grandmothers are dead and these will be special memories. Just an FYI, I used to drink my moms coffee out of those little creamer cups at the diner. I’m Finnish and all of us drink coffee from a very young age. We are still here. Maybe You can ask her to do decaf tea then.

My grandma and daughter have been doing it since she was 1. I was doing it probably around 1 too. Maybe ask her to use milk which is what they gave me and my daughter add just enough coffee to change the color.

Mine grabs mine all the time

As my 3 kids grew up without any grandparents at all- I’d say, let it go. They’re making memories together, one creamer at a time.

My grandson is 4 and I give him hot choc when I have morning coffee. He loves it. Calls it choc coffee. Uses the same coffee cup everytime. :revolving_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: cherish these moments. They won’t be little long

Mine loved coffee milk at mawmaws. It was their thing, from like a year old until she died that was their thing!

Don’t rob your child of beautiful memories with her grandma. I promise creamer with a splash of coffee once a week isn’t going to kill her.

My Child was severely constipated so she had to drink 2 tablespoons of miralax a day and an enema once a week. Lots of children’s hospital visits. We went to a wedding in Vegas and my dad had my daughter for 4 days. He gave her some of his coffee every morning and I started doing it at home. We haven’t used miralax or been to the hospital once since. Of course I asked her doctor about it and she said that the coffee and creamer was way better for her than the medicine messing her up internally. Oh and she’s 3 btw :crazy_face:

Offer hot chocolate instead :coffee:

Coffee is great for adhd kids and kids with asthma

Chill out. Let grandma have her time with the baby. She raised you and youre fine.


My pappy use to let us have coffee and dip animal crackers in it it’s one of my favorite childhood memories CHILL OUT

Can’t you just ask grandma to give her decaff? I don’t see the issue with that’s happening personally.

So tell her to stop. Simple :person_facepalming:

Is it just me or is grandma and grandpa’s coffee totally weak? They like it clear like tea :nauseated_face:
I don’t think a tiny bit is going to hurt anything. Worst case get her some caffeine free coffee

When I was a kid I used to help myself to the creamer in the fridge :face_with_hand_over_mouth: anytime my parents wasn’t looking I would go chug creamer :grimacing:

Decaf would be an option though.

One of my most greatest memories of my childhood is my grandpa letting us drink coffee milk during the winter when he would walk us to the bus stop.:pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face::black_heart: He had a major stroke 4 years ago, paralyzed half of his body and he lost most of his speech. I cherish that memory of us drinking coffee together.

Well my grandma gave my son when he was younger coffee while I was out of town and it didn’t surprise me at all cuz she did the same with me and my sister. :joy:
I didn’t give it to him tho, he’s 13 now and I let him have it.

Oh my lort. Its just a little coffee ffs. I didn’t like my kid drinking coffee with my mom either but guess what? She wont have my mother long so whatever happens, oh well. All your child is gonna remember is spending time with her grandma.

Some of these comments are astronomically stupid. “It’s not the same if it’s milk.” “Let her make the memories with her grandma.” Blah blah blah. If the MOTHER doesn’t want her child having a damn cup of coffee creamer, then that needs to be respected and UNDERSTOOD.

How many cups is she having a week? 1? She says it is mostly creamer. No harm is being done.

My daughter has coffee every time she hangs out with my dad been that way since she was 6 months old

What’s once or twice out of a month…she’ll play it off. Have water and food. She’s totally fine.

Coffee mate creamer doesn’t have a lot of sugar.

Or make it hot chocolate

Your kid is going to remember those mornings forever and I promise if you take those days away from her, she’s going to resent you for it in the end.

Relax. Its not often, its not gonna harm her 1 bit…let them make that memory.

Leave her be shes making memories… I can’t wait for my granddaughter to start sleeping over