Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

Awe thats a right of passage lmao
Its more cream than coffee im sure.
We all did it and we will all do it lmao
My son had ‘joe coffee’ it was cappuccino froth with about a quarter cup of coffee in it.
He had it every morning with his grandpa.

Send a box of hot chocolate mix over or have her do milk instead of creamer New England kids drink coffee milk and it’s literally a choice along with chocolate milk and white milk at school. .

Maybe granny could make her some hot tea instead of coffee…

Send her with a bag of decaf… it’s not worth killing the relationship.

Apparently my grandma gave my kid Brandy ice when she was that age. Coffee creamer is way better

Back home in the city, I grew up around a lot of Spanish families and usually they gave their kids toast and black coffee for breakfast

She’ll live. It’s pretty common here in the south.

I mean there is half/caff and no-caff coffees. :woman_shrugging:t2:

If it’s decaf it has no caffeine :woman_shrugging:
I started on coffee around the age of 4

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My daughter also “drinks coffee” at grandmas but it’s hot chocolate in a fancy mug.

If you don’t want her doing that, maybe have her switch to tea. Not going to hurt her, though.

Omg :woman_facepalming:t4: if your mother died tomorrow would you really care about a bit of coffee and cream…which is mostly fat not sugar. Try to look at it that way, only one life. Live it.

No. It’s a stimulant.

Met my grandparents as an adult… made me hot tea with milk and showed me how to pour some in the saucer to cool it down and drink from the saucer…

It’s your child. Requesting a different beverage in the coffee cup, with nana, isn’t wrong.

You just answered your own question lol.

Have you ever even expressed why you have a problem with it. To jump straight to no more grandma’s is beyond ridiculous

Decaf with mostly milk should be fine

Just provide grandma with a big pack of hot chocolate and she can still have a warm drink on the porch with grandma.

Suggest getting some instant decaf:) or decaf cappuccino :slight_smile:

Let Grandmother and child build their own memories ., have their own time together and you do something else . Gtandma raised you didn’t she ?

I’d let it slide . Let her make memories. Not like they’re Sharing a pack a smokes and a fifth of jack :laughing:


In many cultures this is completely normal, JS

Could she have cocoa instead?

I mean a cup of oj has a ton of sugar aswell. I dont see a problem with it imo


Just have her replace the creamer with milk?

Yeaaa. I’m gonna say let this one slide for me. There’s other battles to choose tbh.


My grandma did it with me.
Now I do it with my grandkids.
And we are all alive to tell you about it.
Let her have her moments with her grandma. :heart:

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I drank coffee with my granddaddy, wonderful memories, I miss that man.

I’m sure she can find a better alternative

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Let you kid enjoy these moments with her grandma. They love her and won’t do anything to hurt her.

Nope. Grandma needs to make her a different drink just for her

I mean I live in KY… we start young here🤣 but not like every morning thing… like an occasional sip

Be grateful that you have a Mum and a Grandmother for your child. Stop being pathetic. Pick your battles. If that’s one you insist on picking then I don’t know what to tell you!

Let it go, it’s a grandparent’s prerogative to spoil a little.

Send her with some instant decaf and let them bond. I’d give anything for my baby to have her other grandma too.

I dont think a sip will hurt but no ive never let one of mine

That’s probably a REALLY strong childhood memory for your mother and her own grandmother :heart:

Oh good gosh.get a life.its not gn to hurt her n if u stop it then u stop her memories with her grandma.go find u a life.

:upside_down_face: I would just ask them to give her decaf coffee and sugar free creamer or dry creamer with honey

Maybe ask her to make her hot chocolate instead and add some creamer to it this way they can still enjoy their mo rning sipping together

I let my grandson sip my coffee. He thinks it’s chocolate milk ( I get mocha iced coffee). He’s 4.

Ask her to give your child decaf and sugar free.

It’s really not that serious it ain’t gonna kill her let her enjoy her time with grandma

I remember every cup of coffee I shared with my mom and dad :heart:

Omfg :roll_eyes: you’re gonna be a grandma one day and you’ll probably do the same lol

Once a week won’t hurt and think of the memories that are being made :heart:

Your mum prob done the same with you!

Let her drink the “coffee”…

Have her make decaf for her

Don’t take that special moment away from them…

I mean, it’s not booze. So :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

Should see if she can tea instead

Really?! Must be rough to have no real worries…
They are #makingmemories.

Not every day but a lil here and there

Hot chocolate instead :yum:

I say leave it alone!

It’s not going to her

Leave grandma alone!!

What happens at granny’s stays at granny’s…kidding… kinda… my grands always have coffee with me. My kids could care less. One if my grands wrote this at school when he was in kindergarten… he will be in 7th this year. My daughter used to bring him early in the morning and he would catch the bus from here. They have moved right across the street from school, and he is a big boy and can walk now. I sure miss those morning coffees and walking him down to the gate!

My kids in like the 99th height percentile, I HOPE it stunts her growth :joy:

Buy this and milk makes coffee milk it’s the official drink of rhode island let her pretend to have coffee without the real thing

I have wonderful memories of my dad giving me coffee when I was little. I had this teeny tiny tea cup he would put it in. I still have the cup, here is a picture of it lol. I will never forget that. I miss him every day❤

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No. Im not ok with my 14 year old drinking coffee…iced or otherwise. Thats a groundable offense in my home.


That’s a special memory with her Nana, I started coffee at six because I had to get up and work on the farm with my dad before school. I’m 5’10 perfectly healthy, not diabetic, I actually hate pop and processed foods. Try little spoon of sugar and milk, thats how I used to drink mine.


I gave my kids coffee when the was younger… My grandson drink a small coffee when I have him . he is high strung and it does calm him down. Grandma isn’t hurting anything… She has raised kids before… Grandma’s not going to do anything to hurt those kids.


If it’s literally just enough for taste, then shes fine. You wouldnt have an issue if it was tea & tea also contains caffeine. Creamer by itself does have some sugar, but not enough to give her the hypes. Let her & nana have their weekend tradition. Its sweet. Chances are she did this to stop your kid from stealing sips of her much stronger coffee. It’s a flavor enjoyed in ice cream & milk & even candy. Trace amounts of caffeine does nothing, I know bcuz my Gma cannot tolerate caffeine, but enjoys dark chocolate & coffee ice cream. This cup of glorified coffee probably has less caffeine & sugar than your standard chocolate bar, for reference. Let her make memories. You never know how much time you’ll have to make them.


I drank coffee in my bottle when I was a 2 year old and up
Different reason though, I have had severe asthma my whole life and coffee helps open the airways.


My grandma when I was young always made me a cup of coffee and we drank it together every morning on our porch or by the wood stove. My grandmas thankfully still here physically but mentally she is gone, those are the moments and memories I cherish forever. Let them have that. She’ll hold those moments so close one day.

What an amazing memory… I would kill for something like that to look back on. Don’t take her away from grandma! I mean, you could always ask grandma to make decaf for the little one.

Your daughter is young and if you were to cease visits, she most likely wouldnt understand why you’re not letting her see grandma anymore. You wouldn’t want your child to hold that against you, when they’re older. Which is a very real thing. Let the girl keep her memories with grandma, just talk it out with grandma first and tell her you’d like to have your daughter drink decaf.

My mom tells my toddlers they’re drinking coffee with her and she has her coffee and gives them milk or like whatever. A little bit is ok, my girls are 3 and they sneak my coffee every single morning when I put it down they always sneak some sips doesn’t bother me

Let the child have “coffee milk” with her grandmother. They give caffeine to premies so they can stay alert enough to remember to breath. The occasional caffeine shouldn’t hurt her.

I give my daughter “coffee” which is just milk, creamer and sometimes the tiniest splash of coffee. She cherishes those mornings so much. I say let her have those memories with grandma. :black_heart:

Have her do mostly milk with a splash of coffee and some creamer. It’s one of the very few childhood memories I have with my father she’s gonna cherish these moments with grandma

I would just be thankful… seriously. Me and my sisters saw our grandparents maybe twice a year and now they’re both gone. And now my mom has nothing to do with me or my son. I would give anything to have had something special like that.

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How could you even think about cutting their weekends? That’s selfish on your part. Creamer isn’t filled with sugar just suggest she use whole milk then ! let your little girl enjoy her memories with her grandma time isn’t on their side so let her enjoy grandma while she can. You sound more jealous then worrying about sugar content. Worry more about what she eats when at a play date … you sound like your mother raised you just fine why question her just be lucky you learned from the best. Follow in your mother’s footsteps she did just fine

I know people are gonna say something but i believe she should ask before giving her coffee shes your child my momma and me are very close and she will not give my two boys anything without asking me because there my kids and there is stuff they can’t have my youngest son is special needs but point is no one should give a child anything without asking

Dude shes with her grandmother, take a chill pill. It’s something they do special. These memories will last a lifetime but Grandma will not.
Grandparents are supposed to spoil and have less rules.

If she’s not giving her that much coffee than it shouldn’t be a problem, what matters most is the memories she’s making with her grandma🥰

Let that baby have coffee but ask that grandma make if decaf and there is powdered creamer or a light whipping cream option if you’re really THAT concerned about sugar. Let grandma enjoy her time with that baby. My parents spoil my kids and they love their grandparent’s time with them.

My grandma let me drink coffee with her as a small child, I was about 5 too. I’m 29 now, and my grandmother died about 8 years ago and I still remember early mornings sitting on her balcony drinking coffee and talking to her when I was little. As I grew up it became our thing, and now I wish I could have her for one more of those morning talks. It meant everything to me and I remember them so clearly because I knew my i wasn’t supposed to have coffee lol but grams let me with her and it made me feel special and I’m sure your child will feel the same about it one day! Grandparents don’t live forever honey, that baby needs these memories so if I was you I’d leave it be. There’s no harm in it, I yet sugar and caffeine could be an issue with bouncing off the walls but if your mom can deal with the child sugar up and caffinated, just let her.

Coffee won’t hurt, IMO. All 3 of my kids have drank coffee since before they were 5. My oldest 2 are now 26 and 20 and they drink it all the time. Their grandparents drink it too so when they visit their grandparents, they will sit and drink coffee and visit. That’s the memories they have of them.

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She’s making beautiful memories and you’re worried about coffee but then I can understand because I was that way with my oldest but now I have six kids and a lot has happened over the years and those memories are so precious to her so I guess what I’m saying is just let her have coffee

Girl that’s silliness it ain’t that deep


My grandma gives my 2 year old niece coffee. You’re fine. Let the child create those special memories with the grandparents. Don’t you dare go ripping Nana privilege of seeing her precious baby by making those sweet memories. Coffee is not bad for you, only if you’re packing it with loads of creamer and sugar!

As a treat its not that big of a deal… My son is 3 and he sips outta my cup. Once in awhile … Cold coffee is actually really good for the immune system… My gramma used to make us a big cup when we were sick

When my baby girl was two weeks old, she came back from a visit with my German neighbors with “coffee breath!” Not speaking the language, thru gestures, my sweet neighbor laughed and said yes, but “Kleine”, only a little. She survived. It happened often. Soon she’d come home with brown milk, not chocolate, but coffee. When she was five, she told the waitress at s popular breakfast spot”just leave the pot on the table…”She’s all grown up with girls of her own. They ALL drink coffee. In our family, there are many memories of having coffee in every situation, as it seems to be a bond between family members, to share a cup o joe. Her grandmother is bonding with her. Your daughter will remember these times for all her life. When she’s my age, and grandmother is long gone, she’ll recall those special times. Leave them alone. It won’t hurt her a bit. Neither will the sugar. Lighten up Mom. Really. Leave it be.

Mine drank some once in a while at that age. Maybe half a cup w creamer and sugar. I think it sounds like a sweet bomding moment they will cherish.

Lol. I drank coffee when I was little an it never hurt me. Don’t take away the special time she has with her grandmother in the morning. Does she drink tea? Does she drink soda? Does she drink hot chocolate? All of these things have some caffeine in them. Best of luck!

This is a Puerto Rican tradition. One cup of milk, sugar, and one tablespoon of coffee. Every summer at my grandmas house. Oh the conversations we had and the memories we made. I don’t drink any coffee as an adult.

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that’s her and grandmas thing just maybe ask her to use another substitute if your that bothered but come on let grandma have this one☕… we rooting for you grandma❤️

My son has been taking sips of coffee since 6 months old :joy::rofl:. Now he gets a slash of coffee with his creamer in a 4 Oz mug occasionally.

Yes. My nana did this with me and it’s one thing I remember of her and cherish. Like your mum, It was the tiniest amount of coffee but it’s left one of the nicest memories of her. Italians live for coffee and give coffee young and they all grow up ok also.

Tell her and if she keeps on, put your foot down and don’t send your daughter. Set boundaries and if your mother can’t honor your wishes, she shouldn’t get rewarded with seeing your daughter

Tell your mom to give her something else for those moments. I wouldn’t be okay with my 5-year-old having coffee either; she can still have special one-on-one time with Nana without coffee.

I think you should calm down. How often does this happen? Truly, the only issue with kids having coffee is the activity level that comes with it. If your mom wants to do that to herself, let her have at it. Maybe tell her to replace the creamer with milk, and make the coffee decaf(it might already be.). When I was little, when my parents had friends over, I would go around the table taking sips off coffee cups, or drinking what was left in the nearly empty cup, at NIGHT and it wasn’t a problem. I, in fact, started to hate coffee and didn’t start drinking it regularly until my 30s.

Yep! All 4 of my kids have had coffee with their grandparents. I would never stop that memory from my kids, as that would speak volumes of what type of mother I am… especially over some petty crap to where it’s a memory that my children will cherish forever…

My grandma used to give us a little coffee in the cup with mostly milk then we would have crackers with it.

Voice your concern. But don’t make a deal out of it. It’s not as if the grandma knew you were against and then went against your wishes. In her mind she was sharing a precious moment with her 5yo granddaughter. My dad died when my kids were small. He drove me up the wall with the things he did. But now that he’s gone, BELIEVE me it doesn’t matter. I don’t care that he gave them an extra chocolate, or excessive sugar, or let them have coffee. Now I’m just grateful my kids have those memories that told them how much their Papa loved them. Voice your concern but don’t make a biggie out of it. Make suggestions. She’s only there on the weekend and the memory is what’s important.

Nana needs to respect boundaries. If you say no, the answer is no. You don’t have to answer to anyone. It doesn’t matter what someone does for their kids, or what their parents did for them….no is no. You’re the parent and that’s that.