Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

I did what she did (with milk) with all 5 of my kids, now adults, and nothing is wrong with them… But they have good memories.

Sensory memories are some of the strongest ones humans can form. (The smell of grass, the taste of coffee, the way the air feels sitting on the front porch when you’re five…)

Don’t steal that from your child.

I remember almost nothing of my great-grandmother, who passed away when I was 10 or 12, but I still remember the way the tiny teacups felt in my hands while I had tea with the rest of my family at the kitchen table in her house, and was actually treated like a human, instead of a child.

It’s a special memory she is making with grandma. I’d let it slide. It’s not cocaine! Maybe come up with something that you both can agree on that she can have and still feel special with grandma.

We give our 5 year old a sip now and then. Like no more than a 1/4 cup that is mostly creamer. It makes him feel like his big like mommy and daddy. He doesn’t realize he is only getting like 2 TBS coffee.

Mine always liked to sip it with my grandma in their porcelain tea sets. I buy them cappuccino or decaf and she used decaf. We mix with lots of milk too. I WISH I LIKED COFFEE so I try and let them have what their tastes prefer. :woman_shrugging: In appropriate amounts of course. I also got the hot cocoa kcups so I can make my 4 and 3 year old kcups and they see it done the same way as everyone else. But you’re the parent so it’s up to you and don’t let anyone tell you different!!

My toddler is almost 3 and she has a very milky coffee with me in a morning on our doorstep, or on the sofa if weather is bad.

Most creamer has far less sugar then what I’m sure your feeding her. Let her have fun and make memories. One day it will be all she has left!!

For Pete’s sake. Maybe ask your mom to use real cream or to use almond milk or rice milk. None of this is that big a deal in the long run. What IS important is the time she spends with her Nana.

That being said, not my kid, just my opinion.

Grow up. Seriously. No offence but there’s worse things in the world your mum could be feeding your child. Be grateful your mum wants to be around in her life, not every kid is that lucky.

I’m sure she isnt giving her enough coffee to do any harm. Does the creamer really have anymore sugar then if she was eating pancakes and syrup or drinking a coke?

Anything goes at grandma’s house. Why take their moments away…

I mean if you put A LOT of milk in it I don’t think it hurts anything on occasion. I let my son have it. He’s 13 and now likes iced coffee sometimes and he’s perfectly fine.

Please don’t stop her, I would go over my grandma’s and sit at the kitchen table or the patio from age like 6 until about 6 years ago when she, we drank so much coffee I literally put one of the prepacked Duncan Donuts coffee and ended up getting buried with her, I will still go to her gravesite and I will sit then and talk to her while I am drinking coffee, it was my greatest memories with her and I will never ever forget it, pick your battles wisely my friend

In some cultures its normal for kids to have coffee and pastries for breakfast

I wouldn’t allow my kids to drink coffee but however I wouldn’t stress overly to much its precious memories.

My children are 12 & 14 and have never had caffeine. I would maybe just ask your Mom to use decaf coffee instead.

Id prefer milk with a dash of coffee. I prefer no coffee but at grandma’s, anything goes. Sounds pretty cute thou

I dont even let my 11 year old drink coffee.
She can get packets of hot chocolate!

It’s not like she’s drinking and entire cup let her make the memories because those memories is what your daughter will remember the most waking up and sitting on the porch, it’s not going to ruin your daughter especially when it’s only sometimes and not every single day. Don’t take that from them

Oh Jeeze… lol I used to drink “coffee” with my grandma every morning as a child too… a drop of coffee and milk … ask your mother to add milk or almond milk instead of a creamer.

Yeah I’d flip too. Give her milk or even cocoa but not coffee and not creamer.

Once in a while at that age sure. Not everyday

My grandma and grandpa used to mix warm milk with like, a half ounce of coffee so I could sit at the table and have “coffee” with them. It’s one of my fondest memories!! :black_heart: me and my grandma and grandpa are very close to this day. And still have coffee together al the time :black_heart:

Girl atleast it isn’t Irish :joy: let that baby be unless something comes up

My grandma always made me very weak tea and said coffee makes you ugly…lol

Oh hell no! You’re the momma!! Nip that stuff in the bid now! Trust me when I say that not only children will take advantage of manipulation.

Ask her to make her tea instead or just use milk not creamer

My grandpa used to do this but it was mostly milk lol

Coffee settles a kid down believe it or not? but don’t give the kid a whole cup​:thinking::rofl:

Ask your mom to switch it to decaf for her and use milk instead of creamer

My granddaughter has coffee, three fourths milk, one fourth coffee and a teaspoon of sugar.

The memories will b that, don’t ruin it, life’s to short to micromanage anything

FFS pick your battles. Coffee at 5 is not that bad.

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Maybe ask your mom to give your daughter tea instead of coffee. Personally I would be ok with tea but not coffee

She could just do hot chocolate for her at the most. Like come the fuck on coffee or creamer for a child NOOOOO

If it’s an issue, send her to grandmas with hot cocoa packets. That’s what I gave my kiddos when they wanted coffee in the morning with me.

Ewe. Y’all are gross. If mom says no it means no. Y’all acting no better then the “grandparent”

How are people more concerned about the sugar than the caffeine intake? Lol

She can always drink something else like chocolate milk while Nana drinks coffee

Has this woman heard of decaf coffee? It’s a thing

These are very precious memories your mom and daughter are creating. :heart:


Not a big deal as an occasional thing.

Really? Cant you just say I’d prefer she have no coffee please and thank you. ?

Can they maybe switch to chamomile tea? :neutral_face:

I gave it to mine and sent him to his dads. He said he got a energy tonite​:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: I bet extra express shot please

Oh good Lord :roll_eyes: Get the stick out of your butt and let her have a good time with her grandma

That’s a sweet memory with Grandma. I would fine.

Calm down and let the girl enjoy a cup of creamer with her grandmother. Damn.

Have her make coffee milk for her instead :wink:

Just ask her to use sugar free creamer…

My child’s 1.5 and has been taking sips of my mom’s coffee for AWHILE now :woozy_face:

Chill! It isn’t going to hurt her!

I stopped reading after the first sentence… That’s ridiculous.


Just tell her to give her decaff, no issues there

Hispanics give their kids coffee

Omg stop it!!! It’s a special time with her nana she’ll never forget!!! You would ruin it because she had a little coffee and sugar? Pathetic. :rage::rage:

I’m so glad I was born in the 80s :woman_facepalming:t2:

Oh stop! It won’t hurt her

Ya your making a big deal out of nothing.

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Decaf and sugar free creamer :woman_shrugging:t3:

Decaf? Creamer with zero sugar.

My three kids and there great grandmother gives both my 8 & 7 year old coffee they have it every other morning with eggs and toast at first it bothered me but she drinks decaf and uses milk :woman_shrugging:t3: could be worse I say and it’s making memories so even tho it does bother me a bit I do let it slide she won’t be around forever

This is a good unsweetened creamer (vanilla) and do a splash of decaf. Make some memories while being a little bit more mindful of sugar intake.

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I’d seriously suggesting relaxing.

Christy Blevins Bergin is this you lmao

Purnell Mia I guess I’m a bad nana :sob:

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Oh my eeefffff, settle down. She’ll be aight

Relax let them have their special time

Madison Jayden it’s like a right of passage… folgers+French vanilla+nana&pawpaw=best memories🙌

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Awhhh. She will be okay.

You can’t be serious….

Yes just do t give alot

Don’t even have to read the question. From the title…NO. personal opinion.

Ha ha sounds like my grandma

Don’t sweat the small stuff!+

Tracey Young please don’t give bubba coffee :joy::joy:

She’s YOUR kid tell her Nana no :woman_shrugging:t2:

I think it’s fine personally.

Memories Let them enjoy

Pick your battles Geez!!!

Nicole this is so sweet, Parker likes his tea with nanny

Let her enjoy those memories…

Bunch of damn crybabies.
What did you do at your grandparents place that your parents didn’t wsnt them doing?
You’ll do the same damn thing when you have grandkids.
From acting like they smoking, having a sip of alcohol and the list goes on.
Stop being a freakin Karen.

This world is a complete shit show, let her enjoy the good parts

Splash of decaf :weary:and vanilla almond milk for sweetness​:woman_shrugging:t5::woman_shrugging:t5:

Seriously? Let it go lol

Pick your battles and let Nana have Nana time…you won’t regret it🥰

Sooooo I make my kids coffee every Sunday morning :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: we love our coffee!!!

Girlbye. You need to relax.

Lord Jesus - let them have their special time together. Let it go

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pick ur battles wisely

OMG, that’s all I can say!!!

Just give her decaffeinated coffee

Send her with some hot chocolate

If that’s the only time then it’s ok.

I love this for the two of them​:gift_heart::coffee::coffee:

Eh, my 2 year old loves coffee lol.

Choose your battles…

Ask her to give her sugar free creamer💁🏼‍♀️