Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

Pick your battles. Don’t turn everything into a big deal

No!stunts their growth​:scream_cat::hushed:

I’m seriously lmao. Let
The baby cherish those
Memories with her grandma. People don’t live forever

I wish she was my grandma :heart_eyes:

Like SERIOUSLY? This is not about coffee🤦

Suggest hot chocolate

Let it go lol. It’s fine

If that’s the hill you want to die on…

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Very little to worry about :joy::joy:

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Yea :joy: my kids take sips of mine all the time

I let my 4 year old finish my ice caps :woman_shrugging:t2: not like it’s everyday it’s no big deal

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Grandma knows what she’s doing she’s just including her in her morning routine. It’s cute imo :tipping_hand_woman:t3::coffee:


I totally understand, but at the same time your daughter will forever remember those days and cherish them… My gma and I would sit on her porch on her swing and eat Cherry’s and spit the seeds out on the ground… Plus if its not much and your not the one that has her during that time I wouldn’t be too worried

When I was a child, my grandmother also gave us “coffee” or “tea” whenever she visited to have with her. It was mostly milk, not creamer, and a spoonful of coffee.

Yes I would be fine with a little splash of coffee in a cup with creamer, it probably just makes her feel extra special when really it’s no different than drinking a little syrup in milk :joy::woman_shrugging:t2:

At the end of the day YOU are the mother. YOU have final say! If your mom cant respect the boundries or rules you set for your child your mother has made the choice to not have visits. YOU ARE WELL WITHIN YOUR RIGHT TO SAY NO. NO MEANS NO.

One of these days your mom will no longer be here and you’ll long for the days when she drank coffee with your daughter on the front porch

Let it go.
I have great memories with my grandma. Now she’s gone and I’m thankful I have them

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Yes, it’s completely fine!! She’s not having enough to worry about and the memories they’re making are all worth it.

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Tell her to use milk instead of creamer or make hot chocolate instead

I’m leery of giving small kids too much caffeine plus coffee is a diuretic. A small amount occasionally is harmless. There is nothing like those moments with grandma. I miss mine

At 5?!!

What the heck?

Caffeine is a drug. It is classified as such and in school curriculums. Older generations did this but it’s not for growing bodies unless under direction of a medical practitioner.

She can have chocolate milk or warm milk. It’s the ritual that is sentimental. What kind of moron gives a 5 year old coffee? :woman_facepalming:t2:

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My mother would sneak and put Coca-Cola in my infant daughter’s baby bottle… shaming ME for freaking out bc she added water to it. Like… really? Grandparents often seem to believe they know better than their children, or at times pushing boundaries to be “vegas”. If something is off limits, people should work around that to suit the wishes of the parents. However… that rarely happens.
I ended up moving a few states away to preserve the relationship my mother had with my child… and my sanity. She did not see it that way. She tells people I keep my child from her. My daughter is 15 now, and knows that is not true… but she was greatly confused at a younger age bc she didn’t understand why I was often upset. There were several times she was put in danger by the choices my mother made… it seemed she made them simply bc it was opposite of what I wished… but I will probably never know for certain. She has convinced herself I said I wished she would die, and refuses to speak to me.
I do not forbid my child to have a relationship with her… even though she refuses to stay in her lane. The most recent thing I had to repair was my mother’s declaration to my child that her birth father is evil. He is or at least was extremely dangerous… but wtf! I could have spit, I was so angry. She said many things to my child that day that was her opinion and completely inappropriate to say… but I am grateful that my daughter is intelligent and spoke with me about what was said afterwards. I wish with my whole heart that a cup of coffee, even at full strength, was what I dealt with… that doesn’t make it okay, but count your blessings and hug your mom. :heart: I understand this is not normal behavior… but I thought perhaps hearing about it might make you feel better in comparison. Good luck to you and your baby!

Ask your mom to do decafe

Yes. It’s a special memory and special time with Gma

No but I do give my kids hot chocolate as their “coffee” when they ask for it

You would really stop her weekend with her nana over this? A little sugar isn’t going to hurt her (unless she’s diabetic?) and a little coffee, in the morning, isn’t going to hurt her either. If there’s an issue, buy sugar free creamer to keep over there and ask nana to use that instead.

Send some decaf coffee with her when she goes over there and there is creamer that has little to no sugar in it- almond milk coffee creamer with a little vanilla flavor.

Maybe send her with some hot coco instead but I would never take away their visits. My 6 year old drinks coffee with me. It’s our special treat if we go to burger king or something. It’s not often and she loves getting what mama drinks.

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Coffee stunts growth I wouldn’t be ok with my 5 yr old having any amount of coffee hot chocolate

why would you want to give your kid coffee :see_no_evil:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?


My 9 yr old drinks “milk and decaf coffee” in a small cup once a wk. He loves it and his Dr. doesn’t mind at all. He’s fine.


Some of my best memories are sharing coffee with my grandma. Plus caffeine has some health benefits especially with hyperactive or asthmatic kids. I’d just make sure your little knows it’s only a grandma thing.


Loved having a little “coffee” with my grandparents! I still remember those great times!!

Seriously hope you can find it in your heart to not deny this great relationship bond!!


Absolutely. Your child will probably cherish the memories with grandma and coffee. My son started drinking “soft coffee” (milk with a dash of coffee) at like 3. He enjoys a little coffee now and then in the winter months with me and cold coffee in the summer- we don’t offer it all the time and it’s not huge amounts.


Benefits of closeness and bonding with grandma totally would outweigh the bit of caffeine and sugar in my opinion. She will cherish the memories later in life. I cherish every bit of my memories of my Grammy :slight_smile:


I don’t give my kids coffee, but this sounds like a special time with grandma and not often enough to cause anything harmful. I wouldn’t take it away.


That sounds like a very sweet moment with grandma. Have her add whatever kind of milk your daughter drinks with the creamer and coffee or just the milk with the coffee. She’ll be okay with a little bit


That will be a memory she will cherish for the rest of her life. Grandmas aren’t around forever and a tiny bit of coffee and sugar aren’t going to hurt her. Get some sugar free creamer and decaf instant coffee to leave with grandma.


My time with my mamaw I will cherish for the rest of my life, my mamaw and I used to sit on her porch and drink coffee as well. We are all human and we don’t really have long on this planet so don’t nitpick the little things if she only gets it with her mamaw let them have that time cause next weekend isn’t promised


I say let it go, it’s not hurting her. This is going to be one of those cherished memories she’s always going to have of her grandma. Something she’s always going to look back on with fondness and love. To me that’s more important then a little bit of sugar and a splash of caffeine occasionally.


There is absolutely no danger in a child having half a cup of coffee. Literally none.


Let her drink the coffee. It’s not constant and that priceless memory she will treasure!!


I think its fine to bond over. Its the morning. It wont keep her up later. Id love for my daughter yo have that opportunity with her grandma. My grandma said she started drinking coffee at 2 years old


I drank coffee with my grandma and aunt from the time I was like 3/4. It’s only a little bit it won’t hurt her. It’s not about the coffee so much as the memories she’ll have of her drinking coffee with grandma like a big girl. If it’s that much of an issue for you you can ask her to do decaf coffee and it doesn’t seem like she’s really not giving her much.


My grandparents gave me straight black coffee in a sippy cup. I turned out fine.


I grew up drinking coffee with my grandparents and great grandparents. It was always in moderation like a special treat. I can see your concern and I’d just voice them to your mom and the two of you could come up with a solution or alternative. Something so they can still have that special bonding. My middle child has to have coffee everyday. She’s 3, her “coffee” is milk with ice cubes and a drizzle of chocolate syrup.


I think it’s sweet and it’s not a daily thing so I wouldn’t be hard on her about it. Those are things your daughter will cherish when grandma is a memory


My mother used to give it to my kids, they loved it. I give it to my granddaughter occasionally and she loves it. Her mother has no problem with it and I see no harm when done in moderation.


My granddad let me have coffee when I was 10 years old. It was milk with a dash of coffee, but to this day it’s one of my favorite memories with him, sitting on the porch swing having our morning coffee and waving at traffic.

If the worst thing about Grandma’s is morning coffee, then that’s a good grandma.


My husbands great grandma would put a little bit of coffee in our sons sippy cup full of milk so he thought he was getting coffee. I would just ask her to use more milk than creamer and a little coffee so she gets the taste and “experience” of it. It’s probably not more sugar than a treat of some kind or even juice. Let that be her special time bonding with her nana. Those will be memories she will treasure forever.


It’s a treat with grandma and they are making memories. Let it be. My dad used to give my kids “frozen milk” (ice cream) for breakfast. He passed 9yrs ago and my youngest never got to make memories with him. Let grandma drink “coffee” with the kid.


Sounds like it’s a bonding experience for grandma and granddaughter. The memories. I wish I would have had a grandma growing up.


It’s no different than giving a child a regular soda or even some sweet tea. It’s ok in moderation. My mom does the same thing with my 5 year old. It will be a sweet memory of her and her Grandma one day.


It’s not going to hurt her my granddaughter and I did the same thing it’s making memories


Honestly I would be grateful that your daughter has a grandmother to make memories with. My daughter is almost 5 and sadly her grandmother passed when she was a month old☹️ but you could buy sugar free creamer for your mother to keep at her house😊


Let her make the memories. That’s something special she’ll share with her grandma. It’s just creamer, have her do vanilla almond milk if you prefer but honestly -on the weekends- if she’s not getting it on the regular, I don’t see a problem.


My grandma took me to our local downtown diner every morning when I was that age and gave me coffee and a “tractor tire” it was some kind of a donut that looked like a tractor tire lol honestly it was the best memories ever and I found out years later it was basically milk with a little coffee in it :rofl: I would say have her change out the cream for milk and call it good :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: by the way I now hate coffee lol


We used to make what we called Baby Coffee for our grand daughters when we had sleep overs with them .It was 90% warm milk and 10% coffee with sugar. They still remember that treat and suffered NO ill effects :sneezing_face: Just great memories :slight_smile:


My grandma and I always had coffee when I was little! She got a laugh out of it because I was a little kid and I liked coffee, and those are literally some of the best memories that I have of her :heart:
(I turned out perfectly normal and healthy too :wink:)


My two year old gets a cup of steamed milk with a little chocolate or honey when the rest of us have our coffee so he doesn’t feel left out


Some of my daughters best memories with my mom are drinking coffee with grandma. My mom passed away 14 years ago, you just never know when those moments are memories.


I’m sorry to see a lot of these comments about don’t worry it’s her grandma she can do what she wants. No, she can’t. You’re the mother and if you don’t like it, tell her. Maybe offer some alternative like a hot chocolate or something. I know it’s still a lot of sugar but it’s something else. It is making memories and it sounds lovely, but you can’t let the grandma push boundaries that you set. YOU are the mother here and shouldn’t let anyone do something with your child that you do not like.


It’s the thought of drinking coffee with grandma, not the actual deed itself. She’s probably not consuming enough coffee or creamer in all actuality.


Definitely not! YOU are the mama. Tell her she can drink choc milk with Nana, but coffee isn’t for little girls. If Nana doesn’t want to listen, then you’ll have to put your foot down.


I’ll always remember my cuppas with my nanna, always. It’s a memory for her forever :heart:


Yep it dates back all nans used to do this my kids dont get the luxtury of having grandparents around its so rare and special these days its a real treat dont take it from them its not like its all the time the rare special moment between the tqo outways a littke suger.


Sounds like making memories to me❤️


My almost 2 year old has sipped our coffee and loves when we poor a little out of our cups into her cup that has milk in it. I think your 5 year old is fine you are worried about all the sugar at least it’s once a day on the weekends while they are bonding. And I’m a mom of an 18, 12, 10 and 1 year old all my children are perfectly fine and healthy! My daughter’s grandma gives all her grandkids coffee in the morning from the time they are old enough to drink out of a cup although I didn’t allow my daughter until recently.


Lol ya. My grandma gave me mostly milk with a little coffee and a teaspoon of sugar. Felt all grown up having "coffee " with my grandma’s and having grown up conversations learned alot about life.


We did this with my grandparents in the “country” (farm). They put a little in our milk and we thought it was the best thing ever! We sat on the porch with them when we would visit and drink with them, listening to them talk Cajun French. Some of my best memories. Don’t take that away from her. Kids these days don’t know what it’s like to have that.

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My 8 year old has been drinking decaf with me since she was 1…its our special thing…to each their own.


So my mom does the same thing with my 4 year old and she gives her more creamer than coffee but there is less sugar in creamer than most cereal. I say let her be little let her enjoy the memories it’s not going to hurt her it’s just sugar probly less than what’s in the chocolate milk to.

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I’d say why not! My 3 year old drinks cups of tea and biscuits, she loves have a cup of tea with pa and her dad…

Having a bond and something special that’s her and nannas is more then just a little bit of sugar

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I mean you don’t have to stop the visits but you can ask her to use milk or hot chocolate instead. I know when I’m out with my daughter and I stop for an iced coffee, I get her a cup of milk with whipped cream and she absolutely loves it. So we still make memories this way too


My nana used to let me have coffee at her house when I was a young kid, no my mom didn’t like it, but it’s one of those things I’ll never forget. If you’re worried about the caffeine you could always ask her to make your daughter decaf instead.

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You could ask her to make her hot chocolate instead and mix it with milk, but I wouldn’t be worried about the sugar since it’s a special treat at grandmas.

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Creamer actually doesn’t have that much sugar unless it’s flavored. If it’s flavored then just have her use milk. I used to do this with my grandma as a kid. Best memories I have.

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I always dunked my cookies in mom’s coffee, after sipping just a little. Oh, how she loved me enough to accept the crumbs in the bottom of the cup & I drink it just the way she did, to this day :purple_heart: just cream

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Literally why I enjoy coffee as an adult. Nostalgia. I remember my grandparents each time.

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When my 26 year old daughter was little, we used to have "Tea"parties with her fancy tea set. We would use decaf coffee instead of tea. She used to sneak sips of my decaf all the time, so I figured a that a child sized teacupful would be fine for our tea parties. Now that she’s an adult, she recounts her fond memories of tea parties with her Mommy!


Let her drink it. Mom and dad gave our kids ice cream for breakfast. Their memories are so special.

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My kiddo has always drank coffee with his nana. A drop of coffee, a little bit of creamer and milk. He loves his “coffee” time with nana and papa. They are making memories. Don’t take that away. I would ask your mom to not use so much creamer if you’re worried about the sugar intake. Maybe add water or milk instead of mostly creamer.

Many times I had coffee with my mom. It was almost all milk but a little coffee. Let them have special times.

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Well for one, this tradition has already started. And nothing bad has happened to your daughter from having some sugar and caffeine! My kid’s are 11 and 16. They both love iced coffee with Carmel swirl. So I buy the iced coffee already made. You just add ice. You can’t cut out all sugar! She’s only having a little bit when she’s with grandma. There’s nothing wrong with that, that I see. And grandma is not wrong! She’s a grandma, that’s what she’s supposed to do. Be a little more lenient, than mom is. And she has every right to do that. I’m sorry, but parents that say, NO SUGAR, NO CAFFEINE, NO THIS, NO THAT. It’s just absurd to me. There’s sugar in everything. Let kids be kid’s. I feel bad for kid’s these days.

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Yup! I think it’s just an adorable Gramma thing…is your Mom Italian BTW!!! My grandson since about 4 (he’s 5 now) has had coffee with my mother-in-law. While neither me or my daughter would do it, we both think it’s adorable!! It’s something special they share together. (He only has, like, a third of a cup, originally black “like my Nani”, as he used to say, but now puts a drop each of sugar & cream).

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I mean it’s not all the time or every day, i would say let her enjoy her time and memories with her grandmother, she won’t be around forever. I gave my daughter a sip of my coffee bc she kept trying to get my cup. She tasted it like twice then went back to playing she’s one.

I mean I’m sure she’s not loading her cup with espresso! I think it’s a bigger deal than needs to… My favourite memories of my weekend sleepovers at my sisters grandparents was having tea in the morning/night with my breakfast… it’s a memory she will always cherish with nana, I wouldn’t push the issue to this extent :roll_eyes:

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I grew up drinking coffee with my grandma every weekend.

Don’t take the weekends away from her. Pick your battles.

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It’s not a daily thing. Let it go. She will cherish these memories forever. Ask grandma to use milk instead of creamer.

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Maybe mostly milk with a little creamer to sweeten it up. Still a special “coffee” drink with grandma.

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I think that is something special between them and silly to get upset about… I used to do the same thing with my grandmother and absolutely loved it! It never hurt me and it was more cream than coffee… I think the bond and special time with grandma is way more important than worrying about sugar and caffeine. But that is just my opinion… Pick your fights carefully not every thing has to be perfect ! I still miss my grandmother so very much and I miss her making me coffee…

I wish my mom was still here to have coffee with my kids when there gone it all seems so irrelevant something so small that she enjoys

I mean if it really bothers you go ahead and intervene but honnestly if you haven’t seen any side effects I personally see it silly. The only reason I would object is because one of my kiddos is special needs and caffeine would effect her whole day.

Some of my best memories are drinking milk/coffee in the morning with my grandparents. We would watch the news together drinking our coffee after my moms dropped me off on her way to work. Don’t take there special time/memories away from them! A little coffee every once in awhile isn’t going harm anyone

Is it about the caffeine? I could buy that if you also keep her from iced tea, soft drinks or dark chocolate or dark chocolate cake, etc. I know my parents gave it to my brother when he was young because it actually slowed him down as a hyper kiddo. In the end, you are mom. Maybe she could have a hot chocolate with a lil coffee twist to it instead?


We had coffee as a treat when we were little and I have even had doctors say a little never hurts. Let her keep her little memeries with her grandmother she will never forget them and will always treasure them.

Yes, I let my kids drink coffee. Still do. They never finished the cup and it was mostly creamer. I had them brush their teeth afterwards. That’s a sweet memory that your child will have and look fondly back on. I know I do. If it is a major issue, just buy a decaf international delight French vanilla coffee mix for grandma to make while she makes her coffee.

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When at grandmas, let the child live their best life. That’s what grandmas are for, after all.

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