Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

My grandma did this with me when I was little :heart: I treasure those memories. It sounds like she is not giving her a whole actual cup of coffee but just a splash. If the creamer content is that worrisome maybe ask her to swap out some of that with a bit of milk instead so it’s still flavored but not just straight creamer…problem solved and they get to keep their special ritual together.

When we were kids, we were treated to “little folk’s tea”. It was a little bit of coffee in milk which only needed a tiny bit of sugar. I can’t imagine even drinking those God aweful creamers

I loved sitting on the porch drinking coffee with my grandmother. We would bring blankets, a little carafe of coffee and bird watch for hours. My grandmother is now dying of congestive heart failure. It’s my favorite memory of us.

Sounds like you are making a mountain out of a mole hill unless your child is allergic to something in it. Be happy grandma is able to spend time w her snd still capable of fixing coffee!0

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Get over it. It’s time with grandma. And she’s loving the bonding time and she even admitted to milking it down. If you’re throwing a fit over this. Then you best not ever give your kid soda or a chocolate bar

My half brothers grandma used to give him, like not even an inch of coffee in the bottom of his mug, then filled the rest with milk… or was it creamer… but anyhow, he now has those memories with her. I don’t see a problem with it. If my sons other grandma did that, I’d he happy. My mom can’t drink much coffee

I give my daughter since 4 iced coffee after it gets mostly water and she always thinks it’s so special.

My little enjoyed his “coffee” with me - his was diluted chocolate milk

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I use to drink coffee with my gma and Gpa some of the greatest memories I have in life are with them drinking coffee on their front porch. Tell her sub out the creamer for milk and maybe decaffeinated coffee or even tea.

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If you’re not comfortable with the amount of sugar, maybe instead use milk and then just a tiny bit of creamer. When I was a kid I always wanted to drink coffee with mom too and she would put basically no coffee, a ton of milk, a little sugar and vanilla extract. Decaf coffee if you don’t want her to have any caffeine what so ever.

But if you don’t want her to have it at all, that’s your choice and your mom should respect that also. Just making suggestions so maybe everyone would be happy.

My nana used to do the same with me everytime I spent the night with her. Now everytime I go through dunkin my 2 year old cries for one too so I get her a decaf coffee, thanks to her uncle for getting her hooked on it🤣 (completely by accident, he had his on the counter and she came by and scooped it up and ran off) I’m okay with it as long as it’s decaf and I get her a small, she doesn’t drink the whole thing.

Its a trivial thing to ruin her memories for. Its not like a pot of coffee or a everyday thing
Let her enjoy her time with grandma, we wont always be there for them so let her enjoy her time with grandma

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You would actually stop her weekend over that? Let them bond and try to figure out what your actual problem is…


The coffee time with gramma seems much more important to me than a dash of coffee with creamer. Making memories to last a life time.

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Buy some decaf for her house specifically for your child or hit chocolate. I didn’t mind my son having a taste of it at that age and I do think it’s sweet but at the end of the day… this is your kid. If it’s not what you want that’s literally all that matters. I would personally try to provide alternatives so they can still have their time

My grandkids all got 1/4 cup coffee filled rest way with milk and a little sugar every morning they stay with me…not any worse then a cup of hot chocolate or cocoa… let them have good memories ! start doing something every morning with your kid!

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I would add some coffee to a glass of milk. That’s what my grandmother did with me


I never remember having milk as a child. I never liked it. I started drinking coffee with my breakfast and after school as far back as I can remember. I’m almost 80 years old and in perfect health. I don’t think a little coffee is going to do any harm.

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This is something that my dad did with all my boys and to this day they all talk about coffee dates with papa… It’s kind of like giving them a soda once a week for pizza night.

Don’t make a big deal out of it. When grandmas gone, it may be her fondest memory and if you tarnish it you’ll always wish you’d just let her drink the “coffee” …trust me


That little bit of sugar is not going to kill her. Let them have their little memories together, time is precious.

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Our kids do with grandma. She buys the sugar free coffee creamer. She barely puts coffee in and milk and a little creamer. The kids think it’s the best.

We have given all our grandchildren coffee whe they were young, and one of my grandsons looked forward having coffee with me when he visited.

I think it’s okay if it’s in the mornings. Cute memories with grandma :heart:

I’ve honestly gotten my toddler a decaf iced coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts before because he wanted to me like his daddy and I so bad. :sweat_smile:

Exactly the same with my 9yo daughter. She love staying overnight sometimes with her grandma because she said grandma let her drink a small cup of coffee in the morning😑

I let my 3 yr old drink little amounts cause at her agent mom gave me espresso

My grandma did this w me and my mom did it w my kids… its one of my favorite memories w her… one cup on the weekends isn’t gunna hurt her… don’t take her special time w her grandma away over a little sugar…

My 5 year old has coffee at her mamas and she looks forward to it. I was a little apprehensive at first but she’s been doing it since she was teeny tiny and I see how much she looks forward to it especially now that she’s older :slightly_smiling_face:

Let it go. It’s memories those two are making and I’ve given my grandson iced lattes

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Coffee milk! They put more milk than coffee in the cup! I did it with my grandparents and so did my kids. We made good memories with this just to be like them. It really is the sweetest

My in-laws always gave my kids “coffee”. It’s one teaspoon coffee and the rest milk. They bond and spent time talking while sipping their coffee. I say feed her clean when she’s with you because you can’t control what other people will feed her. As long as it’s done out of love, let it go.

Not that it’s any better but I give my three year old cocoa so she doesn’t feel left out. She loves getting that when I go to Starbucks or a coffee shop.

Let her drink it. The memory is worth it. I used to drink coffee with my great-grandma. It was mostly milk and sugar but the sweet moments were worth whatever stunted growth I had. It’s once a week. It won’t hurt her in the long run.

Ultimately you’re the mom and it’s your choice, but if it were me this would be one I’d let go.

Both of my kids drink coffee with me. I fix it the same way I make mine, just put less in their cup. No, it’s not an everyday thing, but they both look forward to it. My granny used to give me and all my cousins coffee when we were little. Don’t take a special memory away from them. If you’re that worried about it, ask your mom to make decaf for her.

When I was little, my parents would take us to my grandparent’s house every weekend. My grandpa would make decaf coffee to have with desert and I would get some in my special “moon cup”. It probably amounted to about a half cup and it was mostly milk anyway. I will always remember those times with my grandparents. They passed away when I was 11.
As a parent, I understand the hesitation about giving our little ones something line coffee, but I say let them make those sweet memories with family.

Its not something to stop visits over. My kids did it with my mom barely any coffee and lots of milk. And my daughter that has asthma the doctor said coffee is goodnfor them because it help open them up to breath easier. I feel you are making a mountain out of a mole hill. This is something she will always remember…

My nephew always wants coffee. We give him milk with a little coffee in it and maybe some flavor syrup. Moderation is key!

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Please don’t stop them from going to Grandma’s just explain to Grandma not to give them coffee make something else and to drink with her it seems that she wants to be special for them

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My son was so sick one time couldnt keep anything down not even water he always wanted grandpas coffee so he gave him some in his bottle and he kept it down and was playing a little bit within 30 min so let them enjoy cause a only had 1 grandparent lost him when i was 11

Pick your battles, most nanas load up the grandkids on lollies and treats, a drink with a bit of sugar isn’t the end of the world, and to me suggesting her not seeing her nana over it, is a huge over reaction, I know it can be hard to let some control go and let others do things their way, only no no for me was honey before 1, that’s it, I trust my kids grandparents to do what’s right, and know they would never do anything intentionally to hurt my children.

A little bit wont hurt them my daughter start wanting to taste it every now and then and my husband let’s her . And shes fine . I was worried about it stu ting her growth but she 98th percent tile in height weight so she deff healthy

Call me horrible but my kids don’t get soft drinks however they love having a little coffee in the mornings with me in their little mugs…mainly milk with a little coffee…

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What great memories she making I used to drink coffee with my Grandma and I will always cherish the memories I wish she was still here

I think it’s fine on occasion at Grandma’s. A little treat isn’t gonna harm her.

:open_mouth:Why would you ruin that moment between them… You’re pretty lucky to have family that are spending time and loving your kid… Maybe bring up that instead she gets hot chocolate but it’s more important she gets that special bond and moments with her nana

Maybe suggest mostly warm water with the little bit of coffee and creamer. I think it’s cute and I’d be ok with it.

My grandma did this with us it was mainly milk with some sugar and a little coffee… its one big thing I remember as a child with her. Its a bonding moment for them. I get you don’t want the sugar for her but its about them and living those moments together. With that being said my 2 year old steals my iced coffee all the time.

Omg let her have her memories with her nana. Not everyone is lucky enough to spend that time. If she were giving her idk edibles or something I can see your problem. However her having creamer with a splash of coffee on her mornings with her nana ain’t hurting anyone but your feelings

We all drank coffee with Mom and Dad when we were little. They put milk in a cup and very little coffee with sugar. Didn’t hurt us.

one of my children has sever asthma . the doctor told me to give him coffee not a lot but coffee about 4 to 5 oz in his bottle ( this was in the 90’s) … so I did due to nothing was helping him not the cups for the back not the inhalers nothing lasted long he was about 8 to 9 months old. yes it had sugar and milk in it … it helped so much .trips to the doctor / hospitals disappeared. So yes I am okay if there is a reason . if there’s not a reason then no way

I don’t see why a little bit of coffee once in a while would be harmful, even with creamer. Unless the child has certain health issues. It’s definitely not as harmful as juice and pop. I’m guessing the coffee would even have less sugar than hot chocolate. Sometimes I let my 7-year-old have a sip of my mocha. Not often though. But I do think grandparents have to respect parents’ wishes.

I do this with my granddaughter also. We love it. Special memories. Lighten up mom

Are you really as stupid as you sound. Coffee with grandpa and grandma was a high spot in my life and that occasional treat certainly would not hurt anyone and the bonding and loving certainty made up for the sugar

Don’t be a kill joy babe. My best memories with my grandma and her making me a mini cup of coffee with her,mostly cream and some water lol Maybe suggest decafe

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My grandmother did this too and it is one of my best childhood memories. She did milk instead of creamer to limit sugar though. Now that she is gone, anytime I miss her I grab a cup.

Yes, but in moderation. A small amount of coffee will do but don’t do it everyday. A glass of milk is way better for the kids growth.

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My son is 5 and I give him coffee milk… a little coffee alot of milk… makes no difference to his eyes… but the memories is what’s important…
My son jus lost his grandpa and that’s what they did every morning… I think it’s my son’s way of saying he misses his grandpa…

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She could do more milk with a little creamer for flavor instead. Less sugar but I wouldn’t take the bonding time away voice your concern but throw other options you’d rather they do instead of creamer and coffee. That’s how I bonded with my aunts coffee and sudoku in the mornings lol wasnt every day tho.

I used to drink coffee with my grandma and it is a very special memory I treasure. Every now and then I make the perfect cup that tastes like hers and I go back in time.

Let grandma and your daughter have their coffee! It’s not hurting anyone! I have always had coffee with breakfast. It’s an older generation thing. Be happy that they love each other and want to spend time together.

Buy a bottle of sugar free creamer and let them be. They are making memories and it’s not going to harm her.


Sounds like everyone is putting Grandma’s wants first instead of mom’s parental decision.
The world was incredibly different then. Kids were given coffee and told to fuck off with the neighborhood kids. We are allowed to change traditions fit with our modern lifestyle.
What other boundaries is grandma not respecting.

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I drank coffee SOMETIMES with my nana growing up… I’m pretty sure it started that young lol. I PERSONALLY wouldn’t let my 5 year old drink it… I’ve heard it could actually calm down a hyper child though

My daughter is 4 & she drinks coffee with her pap. She’s been doing it since she was 2. He doesn’t give her a lot & it’s pure black coffee but she loves it. But all parents are different & if you don’t like her drinking it then I’d pack something else for her on the weekends. Maybe tea or hot chocolate.

I actually give my five year old coffee to help with ADHD so it’s not terrible for them to have. Maybe have Nana get sugar free creamer. They have some good flavors that Lil one may like.

They are making memories. My daughter had coffee with my mother when she stayed with her Nana. She felt so special. Mom made her coffee the same way, mostly creamer. One cup of creamer with some coffee won’t hurt her. Just be grateful that they have a close relationship. :heart:

My mother in law used to give my kids coffee and I would have a fit. I didn’t drink coffee. I was a young mother and stupid. It was mostly milk and didn’t hurt my kids at all

My son isn’t even two and loves to dip his think in to coffee and then try to drink the coffee off of them and stealing the last sip of his grandparents black coffee :nauseated_face: but until probably 13 I don’t think I’d be cool with a whole cup. Personally

My granddaughter drank coffee with her other grandmother. Mostly milk,a little sweet. I thought it was lovely. She never asked for it with me,and I never thought to offer.

I have memories drinking coffee with my grandparents as early as I can remember (3-4yo) it’s something they’ll cherish forever :heart: you are lucky to have an active grandma in your kid’s life.

YIKES at a lot of these comments dismissing a mother’s concern. It doesn’t matter WHO it is, family or not. If the mother has a problem with it, that is the ONLY opinion that matters. Boundaries are healthy and important and need to be respected.

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My step dad has done this with my 9 year old since he was 2, every morning they’re together. But… when i flipped out about coffee my step dad started using hot cocoa and puts creamer in it for him and my son calls that his coffee. To this day he has “coffee” almost every morning.

I don’t intervene with grandparents time unless it can cause long term physical or mental damage. A little coffee & creamer from time to time isn’t going to cause any long term damage. The joy of spending quality time with grandma will last a lifetime. Pick your battles.

These comments are partially what is wrong with society… anyway… it’s a memory when gma is gone it’s something your daughter holds special in her heart. I’m not sure but I don’t think your mom is out to harm ur child… but I’m sure ur gonna take someone else’s advice and crucify ur mom for having a memory

You can set boundaries with your parents. (I just learned this lol) tell your mom to stop. If your mom can’t respect that boundary than unfortunately no more sleepovers. Day visits only. Have your mom prepare your daughter a hot chocolate or something instead.

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There’s nothing wrong with her drinking coffee. Let them have their bonding time!

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My grandma gave us caffeine free diet coke while she drank coffee. I dont let my kids have pop either. I dont see it as a problem.

The moment and memory your daughter is getting is worth way more than anything else. Let them have their moment. It won’t hurt her any

Especially if ADHD tendencies
Slows them down
Dr told my son to drink a soda before school

I loved having “coffee” with my grandmas when I was little, and now they are some of my most treasured memories, if it’s mostly milk, and cream I see no harm

I give my kids a little bit of decaf coffee or low caffeine teas when we have little tea parties. Little sips of my Starbucks every now and then. A lot of things have caffeine in it not just coffee. If they’re eating processed foods coffee is not going to the worst thing they consume.

Y’all are Karen’s js my granny gave me coffee when I was little and here I am 36 years old nothing wrong with me I lived sitting in the morning with her

My kids love coffee…they call it mommy’s special lol. A little coffee, a little creamer, the rest milk. No extra sugar added.

My 2 year old doesn’t really drink coffee but in the mornings while I’m having my cup, she’ll stick her finger in there and suck it off her finger

As an 8 year old I would drink tea in moderation, my mom wasn’t a coffee person. My son sometimes wants to drink coffee with me so I make him hot chocolate instead, maybe suggest that to grandma :woman_shrugging:t2:

Decaf coffee. I think the time spent with grandparents is very important but you are the parent and the decision rests with u :two_hearts::hugs:

A lot of kids drink soda( mine doesn’t), but that is more socially acceptable…some how. Caffeine in chocolate and sodas also. I don’t think a little is going to matter.

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No I have an almost 5 year old and I am very strict on no coffee, a little tea is okay but it has to be watered down. If I found out my family was giving her coffee that would be the end of her spending time alone there. I am the mom its my child my rules.

Omg lol :joy: sorry but this is kind of funny to me. I absolutely respect your decision tho. My 3 year drinks coffee and my 6 year old too. They don’t drink a whole cup but they do take several sips. It’s ok though

when mama was a child she would ‘sneak’ under the table and grandpa would pour a little coffee in a saucer for her. Grandma didn’t know, lol.

My son drank coffee with his great grandma every weekend he stayed there it didn’t hurt him a bit he’s 13 now and 6’1 and healthy just tell her to water it down and find a creamer that’s not so sugary I know there’s some out there but I think it’s a special thing or just recommend she drink something else but still have it in a coffee cup. Cause it’s a special moment they have together so don’t stop that

Let her do that. Like the grandmother said it’s mostly creamer. They don’t do it every day. They are making memories together. When the grandmother is gone the girl will something special to remember

I’d be just fine with it! Making memories with grandma to last a lifetime :heart:

All of my grandkids have had coffee with me swinging on the porch on a weekend morning just chatting. I would be devastated if my daughters took that from me

My grandparents gave the kids espresso I think it’s an older people thing

My daughters grandparents have given her drinks of there coffee since she could drink from a cup . occasionally she will ask for some when i make it the morning and we drink our coffee and go on about our day .

That is not coffee and the amount of sugar amounts to memories. Grandma has experience and great judgment, leave her alone and let her be grandma. When child is home be mommy

Your the mom

But I let my little one have coffee with me in the morning mostly creamer
And I had it the same with grandma growing up
Memories :blush:

My 6 yr old takes sips here and there of my coffee, when he wants to be like momma.

Instead of creamer, maybe your mom could use milk. That way the memories can continue. What works for one may not work for the other. But my heartbreaks for the memories that could be made, being cut short.

i bet this is something she will cherish as an adult when your mother is gone… one or two nights at grandmas and drinking coffee on the porch in the mornings is something kinda petty to take away from a child making memories.