Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

My son’s 8. He’s been drinking coffee since he was about 2. It helped open his Airways when they restricted. Even when his puffers would fail.
Then now, we just enjoy our coffee together.
I just have secret decaf coffee and that’s how his is made…the kuerig machine tells no secrets lol
So then we add cream and sit and connect with talking, watching a show, sitting outside etc while we enjoy our coffee together.
If you’re worried about the caffeine and such. Talk to grandma and just get her to alter it. Like getting decaf for the little ones cup, then maybe the creamer with less sugar added(altho creamer allows you to omit adding sugar to, as it’s sweet enough. I don’t add sugar to our coffees cuz of that).
But to take away precious moments…without finding a compromise …that’s wrong to me. Esp when they can still do it, and eliminate most of your worries…just by having a conversation with grandma and offering up alternative ideas …cuz who knows, granny might be on board with the changes :person_shrugging:.

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Have sub hot chocolate or have her drink milk. I wouldnt allow my little one to have coffee at all no matter the amount.

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Absolutely! My boys drank coffee with their papa

I had coffee only on weekends with my grandmama and my kids had coffee and so do my grands… they could definitely have worse.

Girl we grew up in a house filled with cigarette smoke, shits not as bad as you make it seem.


Would not ever allow coffee at that age. My mother would also never give my kids, nor did she let me have coffee, at that age. You need to have a discussion w/your mom about what you allow and what’s a no no!

I think you wanting to monitor the sugar intake is a good thing. Have you considered asking your mother to use sugar free creamer? Maybe volunteer to send a small bottle of it? Or send a few dollars and grandma and your daughter go to the store so she can pick out her own sugar free creamer. Decaf coffee or even hot chocolate (they make sugar free as well) would be other alternatives. While working out a situation you feel more comfortable with is important, I think you also should feel so blessed this get this bonding time. When some day your mother is gone, you daughter will have these beautiful memories. And that, is by far the most important part.

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Memories are worth far more than being upset about a little bit of sugar imo. If my mom did this with my son, I’d just shrug it off, it’s only once in a while.

You’re complaining now until she passed and you’ll miss complaining about it some battles as a mom are just easy left alone not everything needs micromanaged

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Grandma won’t always be here to have coffee with. It will always be a special memory for her to treasure.

My girls are 19,17 and 15 and its a great memory they have drinking coffee with grandma :two_hearts:

That is so adorable. Yes I would be ok with it. What an incredible mother you have.

My grandmother let me have half a cup with milk and little sugar didnt hurt me at all had more milk in it

Sorry…at 5 years of age? It’s a no for me!!
My almost 12yr old is only starting to taste coffee now and it’s very limited. Mom should also respect your wishes.Chat about it and find an alternative :slight_smile:

Grew up drinking coffee and I wouldn’t have it any other way love my coffee

My kids “drank coffee” with me when they were little. Milk, a touch of creamer and a splash of decaf.

So my son likes to partake in “coffee” drinking as well with Grandma or when I drink it at home. We have a special Elmo cup. But it’s not coffee or anything remotely harmful. It’s either water or watered down juice. He’s 4. But will tell you until you he’s blue in the face, that he’s drinking coffee. Maybe see if your mother is willing to just put milk in the cup and maybe a dribble of vanilla extract or vanilla almond milk if she’s not allergic to almonds? Not sure which creamer she is using.

My mom let me have a few sips on the weekend when I was 5 or 6. She wouldn’t let me have more bc “it would stunt my growth.”

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Wow! What a way to kill a good time and bonding with grandma…maybe you could just ask her to use decaf and less creamer but I wouldnt end visits…that’s a little extreme imo.

In this context, it doesn’t really seem like a big deal. Let your mom and your kid enjoy this together.

I’ve given my children coffee before, it’s mostly milk, a little bit of coffee, & a little bit of creamer/chocolate syrup. It taste more like hot chocolate but they get the joy of believing they are drinking coffee.

My 3 year old sips on my coffee. Its not a big deal unless your one of those moms who feel like a little bit of sugar is equal to poison lol

Ohh there is nothing wrong with the little girl haveing coffee time with her gma. In excess is where the problem comes in but one little cup in the morning ? To each there own but I don’t see the issues

My dad used to put some in my bottle at 6 months or so. No wonder I love coffee and my Dad so much :heart:

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Growing up I was always given coffee milk. It was mostly milk and sugar with a little bit of coffee. It was my favorite thing ever. I was only allowed a little cup and not everyday. Now my mom does it with my children. So does my dad when he visits. My heathens ages are 11 months(doesn’t get coffee obviously), 5, 8, 12. Here at home every few days they get coffee too. It’s mostly creamer, milk and a little coffee. Two of my heathens are also adhd. So the coffee kind of helps focus them a little better. I don’t see an issue with it. But I also think it’s important to set boundaries if you’re uncomfortable with it.

I’ve had coffee since I could hold a mug. I turned out just fine. Slightly medicated, but fine.

My kids steal sips of my coffee all the time. They are 3 and 4.5. Its mostly creamer. Juice and soda have more sugar. The caffeine can have benefits especially in asthmatic or adhd children.

Don’t ruin her special time with grammy,Grammy, little sugar once in a while won’t hurt

Coffee is a natural laxative as well as proven to help children with ADHD (not all are candidates). However, a small cup wouldn’t hurt, in my opinion. Decaf is also another solution. I would, however, only add a touch of creamer and supplement the remainder with milk of choice or soy.

I’m 64 years old and one of my fondest memories was having coffee with my grandfather and dunking steal italian bread. The best!

I have a two year old who loves coffee :person_shrugging::joy: I have two older kids who never really liked it. Every once in a while is fine ( my opinion) but I personally wouldn’t every single day .

Ummm… My son recently turned 5 & we’ve been sharing coffee for a while now. It’s mommy & me time we do on the weekends & during summer break before we head out to the barn.

Be thankful she has a Grandma to go visit ,dont worry about a little coffee and creamer.

When 2 of my grandsons would stay with us, they wanted to drink coffee with us, so I made them hot chocolate and told then it was coffee. They never knew unless they read this post. Teens now lol

My kids love coffee and both my girls are 6.

Send her with some sugar free creamer if you’re worried about that. Even with regular it’s once a week, my kids drank coffee more often with their dad at that age.

I drank coffee from a cup since I was 7 yrs. No sugar. I’m really old and now drink decaf. Dunkin
.brand. Hasn’t seemed to hurt. I’m still taking care if myself and house. No maid.

I am a Nana, Gran-nan soon to be a great Gran-nan and no way would I go against any moms of my grandkids on what they want. I’d give her a glass of milk or juice and sit on the porch. It’s not what they are drinking but the time they are spending together. Just my opinion.

maybe ask her to substitute milk instead of creamer? a little bit wont hurt but you are correct creamer is bad for you

As long as she’s diluting it with water and creamer, maybe a dash of coffee in the cup would be fine. Seriously it’s not that bad. My kids grandma would let them have anything they wanted, and now that she’s dead and gone, my kids remember those fond memories. Please don’t ruin it lol

My 3 year old drinks coffee with my parents any time we visit. But, if you don’t like it, tell her. Maybe have her do hot chocolate or something.

As soon as my kiddos took up one full hand (5) they got a coffee mug for their birthday and then they got to have “coffee” with me I did the same thing as your mom barley any coffee mostly creamer but I used natural creamers there’s tons out there that are not full of sugar

Well you’re mother raised you. She did nothing to hurt you so she’s not going to hurt her grandchild. Grandparents should be respected, they know what they are doing.

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You should talk to Nana and tell her that you are against your daughter drinking coffee and you would hate to have to put a stop to visits because of it.
I had a friend give my kids coffee when they were 6 & 7 and I tell you, he never saw me so upset. Coffee is not a beverage for children even if it’s decaf. Neither is pop.

Personally see no problem with that…but we each have our own rules! Many kids drink coffee to help with Attention Deficit Disorder.

Let her drink coffee with grandma. Thats a memory your daughter will always have.

I let mine drink diluted coffee with creamer, but let me ask you. Do you let your children drink tea, if so tea has almost twice the caffeine then coffee does.

If you’re not okay with it, then you’re not okay with it. You’re the mom and you call the shots. It doesn’t have to be coffee, either. My grandma used to make her coffee and my hot chocolate in the mornings, and we’d watch tv in our jammies and robes and slippers, then sit out on the swing in her backyard and look at the flowers and the birds. I know I’d personally not want my daughter to have coffee, she’s already the most energetic person I know.

My grandma’s starts every single baby in her possession off at 7 months…and through all the children ive seen there wasnt any difference in behavior or otherwise

I let my 3 year old have sips from my cup, but if she wants her own then I give her milk with ovaltine chocolate mix

It’s about time shared with a loved one who has been there…calm down mama!

My parents started me out with coffee at a young age, and honestly I wish they haven’t.

My kids have been drinking coffee since they were 6 they are now grown and older teens i used to drink tea and coffee with my grama all the time

i used to get decaf with milk and sugar from my grandma, but it was never a whole cup.

its a cup of coffee its not that horrible espically since its not a lot of coffee. maybe offer up a switch if you don’t like the idea of the creamer. ask her to put real milk in it instead. or find a suitable replacement for the cream and even purchase it yourself so she can bring that with her when she goes.

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Does not bother me. Let kids enjoy there grandparents. Do not be so nit picky. Let them have fun.

I have this same memory
Sitting on the porch drinking coffee with my granny… she’s been dead a little while and I only wish I had more.
Maybe decaf and milk?
But its not too bad.

My son has always finished my coffee of it gets cold. He’s 5 now.

My nephew drank coffee as a kid… my daughters make my husband’s coffee and taste it… maybe grandma could leave a little creamer in the bottle and add milk to it so your daughter doesn’t know the difference :woman_shrugging:t3: idk. When our kids go to grandparents’ houses it’s pretty much a free for all BUT they don’t really get sugar at home

Ask grandma if she can make her hot chocolate instead? They have sugar-free options too if that’s still a concern.

Not that serious… I used to drink it with my grandma when I would stay with her. It’s a good memory, why deprive her of that over something so insignificant.

I wouldn’t let my 5yo have caffeinated drinks full stop, he’s only ever had cola once and that was when my (then) 19 year old cousins didn’t realise he wasn’t allowed it, think he’s had lemonade maybe 4 times in his life - his last 2 Christmas’ and last 2 birthdays -
however I was drinking sweet milky tea from a bottle from 9 months old (thanks to my grandma)
TLDR; no I wouldn’t be ok with it

There’s nothing wrong with her having coffee. My kids have been drinking coffee since before they could walk never hurt them at all and it was my mom that started it. They’re 20 and 9 still drinking coffee

I don’t see the issue if it’s an occasional special moment with her grandpa. I mean looking back at my life it’s memories like that I have with my grandfather that made out relationship special and be passed away more then 20 years ago but I still remember those moments.

Is your main concern the sugar, the coffee, or that you weren’t asked permission?

If it’s the not being asked part, just talk to your mom and explain that.

If it’s the sugar: regular sugar is better for you than artificial sweeteners by a long shot. Aspartame is gross and actually makes you crave sugar.

If it’s the coffee: just ask your mom if she can make hot chocolate for your daughter instead of coffee.

Heck my granddaddy b (my great grandfather) would give me straight black coffee to drink with him when I was little. I never drank a lot of it, because let’s be real, what little kid is going to want black coffee? But it’s a sweet memory that I have with my grandfather who is not longer with us. Let them make memories. Your daughter will thank you for it later on in life

No. Definitely not!

I’ve made chocolate milk and put it in a mug and told them they were drinking “coffee” with mommy. But they know they really aren’t.

Get over it, a once in awhile thing that will be a sweet memory for your child

Pft let them have their little bonding thing. As long as its random occasions and not everyday and she is brushing well it will be fine

Bring some decafe grandma can brew for the little one. They just want to be part of the routine

I had coffee and toast almost every morning growing up.

I don’t think it will hurt once a week, I drank it all my childhood and still do of course today I drink decaf

My girls have all drank it - it’s mostly milk with a splash of coffee. My youngest is 3. They call it “meme’s coffee” they think they are big stuff

Is this all you have to worry about??? an itsy bitsy bit of coffee :confused:

My nan used to make "coffee"for me when I was young and also to my children. I am 58 and have only started drinking coffee in the last few years. Our coffee was mostly warm milk with a touch of coffee granules in it. I’ll always remember and my children too. I have done this with my grandchildren too.

My kids used to drink it with their father. It was mostly milk though.

My mom & daughter drink morning coffee when together. I see nothing wrong with it…

Just because you say no to coffee/creamer shouldnt stop your mom for wanting to see her. If thats the case, there’s deeper isdues.

Ask her to buy decaf :slight_smile: I know there is still some caffeine but not much in comparison to hot chocolates/chocolate in general

She will remember that for the rest of her life. Thats great memories. Maybe bring over creamer tou approve of. But don’t take that from them, Mama.

And anyways if that’s the only time your daughter gets it, consider it a treat between her and gma.

If you let her drink soda, let her have coffee. What’s the difference? Although I would say mostly milk with a splash of coffee and creamer

Just ask her to change to Tea in cute China cups!! That’s what I do & the girls love it!!! Can use a little honey to sweeten the tea!!!but I use a tea pot it’s a big deal to my g-girls !! You can use herb for no caffeine!!!

Nah not coffee. But I do make my daughter Hot chocolate that I completely milk down for her so it’s cool enough. It makes her feel special and included.

My daughter drinks “coffee” but really it’s chocolate milk lol. Let her indulge a little with grandma. It’s not every day so don’t make it into a bigger deal than it is.

Mine all love coffee! Most of the time they are happy just smelling it. A few sips would be OK

So I would say this. If you feel this strongly about it then provide Nana with a drink that you approve of. Tell her that you want your child to drink this and not the creamer loaded speck of coffee. I will say this though. What your child is taking into her body is not going to harm them as much as removing this bonding time with Nana. Some fights are not worth that pain.

My 5yo drinks coffee. She drinks it with me and with grandma. She loves it. She thinks its amazing. We have coffee and donuts.

I had coffee with my grand parents it was fun.

Meh. Been drinking coffee since I was 8. Behavior was in check, grades were honor roll, and I reached 5’11” at 13.
I’m not sure what we are afraid of.

Maybe tell your mom to do mostly milk- little creamer and coffee?
But also as long as grandmas the one dealing with sugar rush- a cup of sugar in an otherwise healthy diet isnt going to do much.
You could also counter act it a little. For every cup make it a day of just water or milk- no sugary juices or drinks at home. :woman_shrugging:t2:

How dare grandma… hahaha nahh im joking… chill out mama. Gramdma raised you didnt she… its sweet your little girl will have these memories… its not like shes having a smoke with the coffee too Hhaha

Bottom line, she is your child and if you establish a boundary your family should accept it. Yes there are benefits and memories to be made but she could also make a switch. They have decaf, no sugar chai lattes. Benefits with no bad. Its a moment they share… not the drink.

Get over it lady, my Grandma gave me coffee at the same age with sugar cookies, & Im still living with good memories. I M 78 NOW

What happens at Grandmas house stays at Grandmas. She did all right with you did she not!

Mine drink coffee with a lot of milk not cream , dont see anything wrong with it.

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If it’s only once in a while what’s the issue. It’s bonding time with her Grandmother. My Grandpa did the same thing with me when I was a kid

I put a tablespoon of coffee from my cup into my son’s cup of milk . He called it his cup of coffee. No big deal . Coffee was the only breakfast we had as kids growing up. There were 5 of us . We all survived our childhood.

If it’s that bothering to you . Ask your mom to give her decaf coffee and use milk instead of creamer… let’s grandma and granddaughter still have that special time in the morning .

It sounds like you can’t really call it coffee since it’s not much at all. But yes, I’d be okay with it on a rare occurrence. Maybe suggest milk with a dash of cream and coffee.

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