Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

My 8yr old drinks a cup of cold brew every once in a while. It’s not a daily thing so I wouldn’t worry. If you don’t want her to tho that’s different and nana needs to respect that decision.

My two year old drinks coffee. :woman_shrugging:t3: In Scandinavia, it’s really common for children to drink coffee.


Don’t take away that Bonding time. Don’t get a hissy fit over it when that’s their time together. So she spoils her grandchild, who doesn’t? I had coffee at my grandparents when I’d stay there or visit my whole lifetime and it was the best part of my visit was sitting with my grandpa, picking out my cup and having some coffee with him and talk about the days plans were or school or whatever. When he passes I’ll always remember it as that was OUR TIME, despite my mother having her hissy fit about it. Let her pick a decaf blend in of you’re concerned about the caffeine. Please just don’t take that away from your kid. That’s your kids best time in the world and they will cherish it.


Let it be their little thing. Reminds me of my grandma❤️


Buy some vanilla pediasure and ask if she could give her that stead to prevent so much sugar intake. Be gentle, she’s just a grandma who obviously loves to spend that quality time with her and share those precious moments.


Your mom would never do anything to harm her grandchild. Be glad she spends time with her. Don’t sweat the small stuff.


My daughter is 1 1/2 and when my mother is in town, they both sit on the swing in morning and drink coffee. It was my favorite memory with my grandparents and I’m so blessed that it will be hers also :woman_shrugging: maybe ask her to switch to milk instead of creamer but other than that I say let them be and let them make memories… when she’s gone that will be the only thing your daughter has to hold on.


It’s once a week, and it’s a treat. Those are precious memories with grandma, I’d allow it personally.


Oh gracious…its fine…I give mine coffee, 85 percent milk with a shot of coffee…makes them feel included


I wouldn’t mind , instead I’d bring over some decaf for the next visit haha


Get over it, life has way more difficulties then a little coffee once a week. They will be teenagers and young adults and wished all they drank was coffee & spent time with their grandma. Life is way too short to sweat the small stuff.


I don’t let my kid have coffee.
Tell her to give her something else and pretend it’s coffee. Like chocolate milk or something.

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Stop over reacting, let the child and grandmother share some special moments. That creamer is probably less loaded then your fruit juice, or cup cakes you might give the child.
Be thankful because of distance, time, obligations, finance, or other circumstances, alot of kids never get to know their grandparents.


It’s not going to do any harm let her have that moment juice has more sugar In it then alittle coffee and creamer. And if it’s on the morning your child will run that energy off in no time. It’s one of the memories I have with my gram and pap.


I recently lost my grandma & I miss her dearly but I’m thankful I have those great memories of her. And she will be too, you never know how long you have your loved ones, let the small things go.


Yes ! What a lovely memory :heart:

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Let her live! Sounds like a special time between them!


My most cherished memories with my now late and Great Aunt were of me and her having coffee together on the screened in porch while we watched the cows :cow2:
I was allowed 1 small cup by the age of 6, and to this day, her coffee was the best coffee I ever had, I’m 30 now and still drink coffee everyday, and often think back to better days when I was on that porch, let her enjoy coffee with Nana, maybe compromise on the creamer, and maybe send her with a better addition to her coffee that you approve of.


It’s okay. A little coffee every now and then it’s alright.
Its the memories that count.
My best memory with my grandmother was something similar to this :heart:

You’re a good mommy for being concerned but it’s okay to let some things slide at times


Sounds like a wonderful morning with Grandma :heart:


My 2 year old started drinking it with his meemaw. It’s a bonding thing. It’s mostly coffee flavored milk honestly. It most definitely hasn’t stunted his growth


Let her have this one, or ask her to use milk instead of creamer.

Swap it for hot coco

Maybe ask Gram to switch to tea for 5 year old.

What little coffee the child is getting will cause no harm. What happens at grandma’s house stays at grandma’s house. Don’t make a big deal out of it. Grandmas have a right to spoil their grandkids . they’ve worked hard to get where their at … And creamer is much better then those store bought cereals most parents feed their kids


My grands had perked coffee on campfire every morning while camping ain’t gonna hurt em!

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Yes to the coffee and cream :heart:

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My 2.5 year old drinks coffee with my mom every morning. (She lives with my husband and I.) He has a certain cup he uses everyday an she fills about a 1/4 of the cup with coffee an the rest with his lactose free milk. I don’t see an issue with it. :woman_shrugging:t2:


It will keep them regular :joy::joy:

ADHD kids drink it because it does the opposite. Let them make memories and stay out of it.


I think she’ll be fine. Let her make these memories before it’s too late, grandma’s aren’t around forever.

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It will not hurt her at all. She will always remember doing that with her.

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my aunt used to do this with I grew up just fine

So you want to ruin a special bonding moment between your mother and your daughter over coffee and creamer I feel bad for your mom and kid

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Listen…What happens at Nanas…is at Nanas. Let it go. Much worse things could happen. An occasional coffee (1x a week) will not hurt her. Give some grace mama. :wink:


My best memories are of drinking coffee with my grandpa in the mornings. I found out later it’ was mostly hot milk.But the memories made are pure gold .I had tea parties with my grandbabies,also caffeine and sugar and golden memories.

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Try asking grandma is she would get sugar free creamer or use milk so baby girl can still have those memories with grandma.

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My son often sneaks a sip of mine. Every blue moon we well do 1/4 coffee 3/4 milk

My daughters nana has been giving her Pepsi since she was two. As much as I may not agree with it you gotta pick your battles.
And yes I’ve let my daughter drink coffee also. Not a lot but there are worse things than a coffee. If it bothers you, send some decaf with her when she goes. It’s the memories that count

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Mine both drink coffee with gma … And sometimes with me … Kids fine

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My daughter it get a cup every morning about a inche of coffee and rest milk

I’m from the south and coffee milk with maw & paw in the mornings are some of my greatest memories! If its only when she visits let it it be. I can sympathize with your concerns but think about it… its not enough to cause harm let her & grandma have those times together cause she won’t be here forever and those times will be the ones she cherishes the most when she’s gone.


Precious moments you shouldn’t kill

I’d allow it. She could always do mostly milk with a splash of coffee. My parents let me have coffee at a young age and it didn’t stunt my growth or whatever. I’m 5’10. Lol. I haven’t started it with my own child but I wouldn’t say no, if they wanted a tiny bit every once in a while.

I mean personally it was a family tradition to soak vanilla wafers in coffee as soon as we came out of the hospital as a new born lol and I grew up drinking coffee never did anything to me and honestly made me focus alot better for some reason and I could sleep better it never messed with my sleep schedule but each kid is different

My siblings and I always used to sneak my grandmas coffee when she wasn’t looking! A little bit isn’t going to do any harm

My kids have all drank coffee since they were babies :woman_shrugging:t5:

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My three year old always takes my Starbucks and he will drink it all if I let him​:woman_shrugging:t3: I think it’s okay as long as it’s occasionally and not all the time. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Maybe ask her to use sugar free creamer with just a bjt of coffee

I do this with my girls, I put warm milk in a cup and add alittle creamer and that’s their coffee

My grandma and grandpa used to give me a little when I was young. I’d have coffee with them. Won’t ever forget it <3 let them have that bonding time. She’ll always remember it!

Give her milk with a little coffee in it so she feels she has that special time with grandma

I have fond memories of “having coffee with grown ups” I don’t think it’s a big deal. Its not like she’s having it every morning.

Maybe you should just forget you heard it🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s so rare to have good family connections now, I wouldn’t even try and take it away!

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A little bit of coffee on the weekend isn’t going to harm your child. My daughter is 2.5 years old and sneaks sips once in a while. The biggest issue with coffee and sugar is her teeth. Just make sure she brushes her teeth after and she’s not drinking a ton of it.

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My mom used to take my 9 year old shopping their tradition was snickers bars and Pepsi for lunch she is 28 now and it is one her most precious memories. Let her have her coffee with her grandmother.


Send her with some herbal tea, or let her pick her own… then she can have her own “coffee” and its better for her :woman_shrugging:


My son started it with his grandma at 4. Now when I make coffee he get half coffee half milk and some creamer. He said it helps him focus at school so I’m like whatever works bro. He’s 8 now. We do it maybe 3 times a week

Girl get over it. It could be worse. Drugs … alcohol… abuse ect. Don’t be a Karen and ruin something her nana and her do . If she grew you up or your husband then your daughter will be just fine :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

I let my 2 year old drink coffee with me. I don’t give her a lot and usually mix it with chocolate milk. I think it’s something that she will hopefully be able to look back on one day and smile at the memories

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Yup. My grandfather started me on milky sweet coffee at about that age. No. I loved it and still do.

shut up and let them bond even if a cup a day.the coffee won’t kill him but will give him what memories and love you can find easily


They are making memories


We’d drink coffee milk with our Maw maw it’s was just a splash of coffee with mostly milk and a little sugar.

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Courtney, you settle down young lady, your mother is not going to do anything to harm that child. A little coffee is not going to turn her into a raging caffiene fiend. I know you want to protect her from the would, but you can’t.


Two inches of coffee, a little sugar and creamer fill the cup up the rest of the way with water. That’s how I make it for my kids. Coffee is a natural laxative so… :person_shrugging:

My kids get half a cup with a tiny bit of cream and sugar…they usually don’t drink it all

Maybe just ask her to add milk instead of creamer? Otherwise, I don’t think I’d worry TOO much about it. Just let them have their moments together.

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I remember my dad doing that on sundays. A tiny bit of milk mostly creamer or milk and it was our special time. I remember how much I loved feeling like a grown up kid and having grown up conversations with him. My father has passed away and that is one of my most fond memories, our a Sunday mornings together :heart: honestly she’s probably getting far worse things put into her body as most kids diets are pretty crappy. They’re putting way too many fake sugar sweeteners in foods that kids digest and when they’re eating multiple things a day with that fake sugar or causing a lot of problems in their body. A tiny bit of caffeine and a tiny bit of sugar is far better than all the fake sweeteners


Remember this is YOUR mother. She’s not gonna hurt your child. She’s probably giving her a dash of coffee to go with her creamer. Let them have their special time together having a tea party.


My daughter has been doing this with her grandma since she was 3. I don’t see the harm with a once in a while thing, making those memories

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My grandma did this with us for years and we’re all fine

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They are building a new tradition. Its not going to hurt your child and is giving her special memories of her gran. Please don’t spoil that


My kids drink coffee, even our just turned 3 year old. They don’t drink much, but it helps them calm down and chill out and they love their coffee dates with mom. My ma use to give me coffee as a child also and we would sit and drink coffee in the mornings. But I have adhd and so do my kids, so it literally helps mellow us out too.

Will be such a special memory for her! Allow it? I’d encourage this. Your daughter is a lucky lady.

that is literally the cutest thing, don’t act like that.

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Whatever happened to letting kids be kids im sure you did worse then that as a child. No wonder the kids today are sissified cause of helicopter parenting like this !


Oh jeez🤦 it’s coffee for goodness sake give the child some decaffeinated coffee and call it a day. Mine has had coffee since she was an infant due to asthma. Even if they have a hyper tendency only give them a half a cup or like I said decaf. Don’t ruin a beautiful memory for that baby.


tell her to just use some milk & creamer instead.

If it was decaffeinated, then yes :slight_smile:

Can’t she drink tea and oat milk instead? I love that they have a thing together but just switch out coffee and creamer with something you are okay with!

I’m that granny who shares coffee with my 4 yr old granddaughter. When she grows up in this messy world I pray that drinking coffee was the only “bad” thing she ingested!


It won’t hurt her! My son actually has coffee and it calms him (he’s ADHD) and it’s a natural laxative! Let them have their time mama!

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My oldest son drank coffee with grandma every time he went there. She put milk in a cup and added a little coffee and he loved it. That was their time to enjoy​:heart::heart:

I use to buy decaf for mine

We use milk with alittle coffee

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I drink coffee since I can remember I’m okay, coffee has a lot of benefits and she only does once with grandma be kind, my kids don’t have grandparents my mother moved to another country I just lost my biological father please don’t overreact.

My grandpa did this with me. It was our bonding time. Only he used milk instead of creamer.

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It’s just one cup and probably a little one at that. When I was little we had a special cup we’d drink coffee with Nanny and only had that one little cup! I’m so thankful that I have the memories with her now that she is gone. I wouldn’t worry to much about it. Let them have that special memories.

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Ridiculous. My son thinks he has coffee with me too, but it’s mostly cream and sugar. It’s the memories she’s making with her grandmother! Get over yourself. I swear the more of these posts I read on here, the more I think they are fabricated just for a response. :joy:

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What a wonderful memory the two of them are making.

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Nope never and ill tell em off if they do :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:, my oldest is given iced capps and it pisses me off he is suppose to have limited sugar/caff cuz he has ad/hd and it effects him badly

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We use to drink “coffee” with our grandpa on Saturday mornings at “the bar” in the kitchen, and to this day it is still one of the best memories of going to their house.
So let her have her “coffee” they’re making memories. Just ask grandma to brush her teeth when she’s done if your concerned with sugar.


Then keep her home with you. I am sure Uris a drop of coffee

It’s NOT a big deal so y r U making it one! Lighten up!!

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Absolutely not. Its just not healthy. She has her whole life to drink as much caffeine as she wants. I think its important to instill good habits at a young age. Grandma could give her hot chocolate instead.

My 3 yo drinks coffee at my in-laws. Same way tiny bit of coffee with a splash of creamer. Nothing big and not going to kill him

If it’s one cup and it’s once in a while i think it’s no different then them grabbing a sugary ice cream. My parents had the rule about pop that we could at our grandmas but that was it. It was always like root beer or cream soda etc.

I give my son who is 4 some coffee. He is hyperactive and it actually reacts opposite in kids like that

Be thankful your kid has a grandma to spoil them. These are priceless memories for your daughter.

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