Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

If you’re worried about the sugar check out you breads nutrition label I’d just ask her to get decaf or hot chocolate for the kid

Idk but my children re 3 & 6 and enjoy coffee with momma and Grama on the weekends.

How dare you bond with my child and give her memories she will cherish long after your gone!! Bad nana

We all drank coffee growing up. My kids did too. I don’t see an issue with it as long as it’s not an every day thing.

Lol I started drinking coffee at 6 and had tea in my bottle as a baby (we’re British). It didn’t stunt my growth or affect my brain. I was a Mensa level student and stand 5’9 in height :woman_shrugging:

I was diagnosed with asthma when I was 4 and doctors told my parents to give me Coffee and it helped. So personally I don’t have a problem with coffee and would be okay with it as long as it was given in moderation and wasn’t made like espresso. I had my own tiny little mug that was maybe 4oz and it got diluted with milk. My dad was the one who would prep it for me and he never gave me the same amount of sugar that he gave himself.
The coffee creamer I use now is the bliss naturals so it has less ingredients so if I were to allow my child at that age to have it I’d prefer her to have that creamer over standard ones with all the garbage. If she’s going to have sugar it’s gotta be real so I feel you on the creamer part. Just have a talk with her maybe she can make some changes to make everyone happy

My 7 yearold drinks coffee with his pawpaw, like straight coffee lol

My grandma used to give me decaf that was 99% sugar and creamer. I’d literally eat the creamer with a spoon.

my daughters have both been drinking sips of double double since they were 2.5… nothing wrong with it

Maybe she could make her decaf and use more milk then cream.

Ask her to switch to milk instead of creamer. Thats what my daughter and i do when we head out to the garden

It doesn’t sound like a problem to me

Almost every 100 yr old person still alive or lived to be 100 years old drinks and drank coffee!! Most from an early age drank it…

My older two 12 and 11 have been drinking coffee for a few years now. Not regularly but on occasion.

My Cajun friends do “coffee milk” for their little kids… I actually just gave my 3yr old daughter some this morning lol! She had “coffee” like mama :blue_heart:
My favorite way to take my coffee is the way my grandmother would make it when I’d spend the night at her house, mostly milk and nicely sweet, it’s something that takes me right back in time! Maybe see if she would do milk instead of creamer so it’s not all artificial and overly sweetened
My mother use to give my kids all sorts of stuff like dr. Pepper, icing, white gravy etc and it would drive me crazy! She died in 2018 and now I look back on those things that made me nuts very fondly, and we always do a DP toast on her homecoming anniversary


That kiddo is gonna remember that special time for life! Nana won’t be around forever…just saying…

Let her drink it. Grandma won’t be around forever but memories will.

I actually don’t let my daughter, my bfs grandma has tried to mix some with creamer and give it to her since she was little but I haven’t wanted my daughter drinking it so little, she’s almost 3. Now I have let her take a sip or 2 of a Caramel frappe but only a drink or 2, she’s got enough energy lol

So we let my daughter have hot chocolate in the morning and we call it her morning coffee :coffee:, she’s 6

Nope I won’t even allow my 13 yr old to drink coffee

I let my almost 6 year old have coffee only due to the fact its seems to calm her down some.

My kiddo drinks tea, but not coffee, she’s 10 now and has been doing it since she was about 4. Her gma would have me over for tea after having my kiddo for supper, we’d chat, and my ex mothernin law would have a little mini cup for her. It was a treat and special for her to join us

My grandmother made “fairy coffee” for me, cup like hers, milk and 2tablespoons coffee,2 sugar cubes. Milk to the top of cup. So special :sparkling_heart:

my 10yr old has a cuppa every morning … full cup of milk wit a quarter teaspoon bland🤐 coffee& 1 sugar only

she once tasted my normal made coffee … her reaction "eeuuwww how can you call that coffee its gross":joy::sweat_smile:

I would assume you don’t give said child caffeinated soda either?

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No problem. Began drinking coffee with my Dad around age nine (9). Lifelong memories and excellent health. Drink up.

I think its fine…if it’s mostly creamer now harm at all. It’s a special thing between grandbaby and grandma.

What a great memory, once a week with grandma. Once a week a little sugar. I think it’s awesome


I splash coffee in hot chocolate and they don’t know the difference lol, decade would work too

You’ll both want those memories to look back on when she’s gone…

My kids have “coffee” it’s a splash of coffee in a cup of creamer or milk

It’s the memories. They have that special moment that she will grow up and always remember.

They only get one Nana and you only get one Mama… the morning coffee on the front porch with Nana will eventually be a MEMORY…

It’s once in a while, not every day. Relax and let them enjoy their time w/o mom having to control everything.

I’ve been sharing a sip with my daughters. It doesn’t bother me. They are one and two. I think it’s ultimately up to the parents.

I didn’t read all the comments so it may have already been suggested but can you just provide decaf for her little bit she gets?

Drinking coffee milk with my gramma in the mornings is one of my fondest memories.

My grandma did that to me it’s not a big deal

All my kids have been drinking coffee since they were tiny… I have never had issues they dont get aton but quite often ask for sips when we have it

Nope. I would NOT be okay with it, my kids, my rules. But to each their own.

Honestly ill give mine “coffee” mainly just hot chocolate with some creamer, not much lol mainly because I was would drink coffee and then they start asking for some, if anything ask her to do something like that

Could always just have her make hot chocolate for her.

In the 70s it was something to calm hypetactive children

It’s coffee not alcohol or drugs :joy: honestly grow up like your mother says it’s mostly creamer one time a week

Um, what happens at grandma’s stays at grandma’s. Unless it is puting a chd in imminent harm ket them be

I’ve been drinking coffee since I was 9 or 10 as far as I can remember…
My mom put milk & brown sugar in it…

Pick your battles. I would definitely not make this one I picked.

I would not. I would suggest something like hot chocolate to drink with nana on the porch.

Wouldn’t be so bad if it was a cup of milk with a splash of coffee.

Mum of 6 aged 17, 15, 13, 9, 7 & 3.
Deffinatley not! My 2 eldest are allowed to if they want, but they don’t like it.

I started around that age but it was mostly supar and cream

Maybe suggest hot chocolate or a hot tea instead

Be thankful your mom even does this with your kid’s how bout that


Not any different than drinking sodas. Both have caffeine.

Have her do milk instead of creamer with a couple packets of stevia

Milk has tons more sugar than creamer. The thicker the cream the less sugar in it.

Ask her to buy decaf coffee for your daughter and froth her milk instead?

NOOOOOO! Have grandma make tea or hot cocoa instead!!

There is nothing wrong with coffee if drinked in moderation.

She could buy decaf… that’s what I do…

If she stays every day I’d worry. If only now and again-what’s the harm?

How about Pero? Its a grain product that tastes like coffee. And then you supply the half & half for creamer.

I mean coffee has as much caffeine as a soda, and usually less sugar, other than that I don’t see any issues.

Or maybe just even Tea? Made in a coffee pot to still think she’s having coffee with nana

Couldn’t be as bad as sodas or “juice” boxes for that matter, full of sugar!

Its the time with Nana… when you are a grandma you will do the same things with your grandkids. The coffee doesn’t matter its the memories they make with their Nana and being treated special. I get that it has ALOT of sugar though… maybe see if grandma could switch to milk and just a small bit of creamer?
My grandpa drank Lipton black tea at breakfast and dinner. He drank it with just sugar in it. Well I always wanted tea with grandpa but my mom didn’t like it. So grandma gave me an empty pimento cheese glass 75% full of milk. And grandpa would add a few teaspoons (his spoon filled 3 ot 4x) of tea to it from his cup after he stirred in sugar. It was just enough to warm the milk and give it a sweet tea flavor but not a cup of tea. I miss my grandparents so much but those tea times will ALWAYS be in my memories

Barbara Saline pill up obituary on WRMJ for Hollinrack shows not at Galesburg so O will have to ask

Talk to your mom how hard is that?

It’s cowboy coffee :coffee:! What happens at grandmas stays at grandmas​:kissing_heart: myob


Maybe try decaf with half and half instead of sugary creamer?

Granny can drink coffee and granddaughter can drink cocoa or cappuccino.

Ask Nana to give chocolate milk instead of coffee? Or use milk instead of cream?

My kid chugs my coffee. Daily. Shes good lol. I always let her have a drink. :tipping_hand_woman:t2: My oldest won’t even try it lol.

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Leave it be. That’s their time. Stop the control.

i give my TWO year old a little decaf with tons of milk and ice and she has iced coffee with her momma, she’s way young and i don’t care :woman_shrugging:t3:

Let Nana give that Coffee WITH More creamer . Sweet Lady :woman: you Wont have Nana forever and think about . Tell her to Just MILK!

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All time favorite memory with my great grandma I honestly do not see a problem with it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Enjoy your coffee with grandma little one. If it were vodka, I may have an issue :woman_shrugging: Life is to short, childhood is even shorter

I did with my grandpa at her age I thought I was so cool lol years later I found he was giving me decafe lmao

The benefits of porch time with nana far outweigh a sip of coffee

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Pick your battles wisely. Let her enjoy her beautiful moments and memory making with grandma. :heart: Let them define their relationship, is a beautiful thing. XO

Relax and be grateful she has a grandma to spend time with.

Omg it’s one cup of coffee :roll_eyes: get over it that’s something she will remember dining with her grandmother for the rest of her life

Wow​:woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3: WTH did I just read. This little girl will remember these moments for the rest of her life and you’re worried about a little bit of caffeine. Smh. If you don’t like it have her switch it with chocolate milk or something but really is it THAT big of deal???

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be thankful her grandma even wants to spend time with her!!!

Just have her add mostly milk a little creamer and a little coffee.
My daughter loves coffee

Yep I will be okay with it , that’s her routine with her grandma .

I put extra sweet milk in it for my granddaughter and she loves it🤣 it’s our secret lol

Let the kid have some coffee with her Nana!!!

Yea, just let them make memories. My grandma gave me coffee and I’m fine. Didn’t stunt my growth, that’s for sure!

My youngest daughter was drinking out of my cup when she was 2yo. Now the grandtwins occasionally drink mine & Papa’s coffee :v:t3::face_with_spiral_eyes::laughing:

Let them have their moment, there are way worse things your child could be consuming.

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I drank tea as a kid all the time!

I grew up drinking coffee but we had cold nights when we visited family in Mexico :woman_shrugging:t2:

Have nana give her some healthy herbal tea instead with a splash of milk :heart:

Just be glad grandma takes your child over night omg shut up

Our son *drank coffee * with his grandma……

I personally think it’s not worth stressing over but that’s just me

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I think this is just a grandmas way of more bonding time with them cause I do it myself

Take some hot chocolate over and let them enjoy their time together