Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

She will forever remember her morning coffee with her Nana.

Sounds a bit over controlling.


Those are the moment she will look back on and cherish . Let them have them.

What happens at Gramas…stays at Gramas…lighten up!

well my 2yr old drinks some of mine.

Yes :100: ok with it coz it’s not an everyday thing

Let her drink the coffee n ask her to switch to decaf

My grandma would do that & I’m fine lol

I think you are being too much! Let her enjoy her nana time… it’s not going to hurt her

Get over yourself. She’ll live. You obviously have 1 kid :joy:

Maybe a hot chocolate instead

Have her switch it out to warm chocolate milk :woman_shrugging:t3:

Not going to hurt her

Chocolate milk with a splash of creamer. .works everytime

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I bet you let her drink juice. Juice has sugar. What is the big deal.

Let them enjoy a special moment! It’s not a bad thing!

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She is making memories with Nana. Choose your battles. It’s only on weekends she goes there, it’s not everyday. Sounds a bit ridiculous to want to end her weekends with Nana over coffee. Be thankful she has grandparents who love her and enjoy spending my time with her.

Nana needs to respect the mothers wishes period

If it’s only a tiny bit and it’s only happening on the odd sleepover here and there I wouldn’t make a fuss about it.


Aww come on… let Grandma be Grandma.

You only have time and time goes by very quickly let nana enjoy time with the grand baby sounds harmless to me.

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Chill. Its bonding. My grandson only drinks coffee with mawmaw on trips. Its creamer with a touch of coffee. Yes creamer has sugar in it. Its special between just us. Unless this child doesnt drink anything but water and only eats organic all natural food, creamer isnt going to hurt. Sound like the mother is just wanting to be controlling.

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I was drinking coffee since 7

Maybe have her switch the coffee to hotchocolate ? I give my 4 yearold hot chocolate and tell him it’s coffee :rofl:


Gads whip Nana. You must not have enough to worry about.

What happens at grandma’s house stays at grandma’s house.


I wouldn’t be okay either, but the kids probably love it! I’d maybe advise grandma to cook up a nice hot chocolate and tell baby it’s coffee :flushed:

Some of my very favorite memories as a child was my memaw giving me coffee and sitting and talking. My mama wasn’t happy about it but it is such a fond memory

Its not gonna kill her, let her make her memories with her nana because one day she may not have her to make memories with. I lost my nanny in 2019 and I look back and cherish all the sweet memories made but miss her so much. Its a minor thing and really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

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The fact is that its YOUR child and you have the right to say NO coffee if you dont want her drinking it. I used to give my daughter a tiny cup of fortified coffee in the morning to help with ADHD symptoms and it helped tremendously.

If you feel that strongly about it tell your mom… Just be like look i dont wanna have to be the jerk here but im gonna need you to stop giving her the coffee or she cant spend the nighy anymore, whether you agree or not im mom so what i say is how its gonna go. But honestly i feel like its not a huge deal… Minda like grandma sneaking you an extra cookie after dinner, a special treat you only get with grandma. Id personally let it go but uf you feel that adamantly about it then tell nana you mean it when you say no more coffee.

Yes, my dad drank coffee from a saucer he gave me the remainder of coffee in the cup . I have never had any ill effects from it , do not drink coffee now by choice.

I’d bring a alternative next time that you would prefer her to drink and grandma can pretend to add coffee if needed.

Have her put half n half in it

How about decaf with milk? Or a little bit of reg coffee with milk? I am sure something could be worked out.:blush:

To each there own. Me I would be ok with the Creamer. But coffee no if she added a couple sip fine.

Sounds like a great bonding experience and memory with her grandmother. Let it be

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Pick your battles… That’s bonding your child will always remember. That’s about Petty as you can get. I’m sorry. I’m NOT trying to be a dick but girl… Come on


I think you are overreacting here. That is a special moment between grandma and her grandchild. Honestly the kid probably doesn’t drink much, straight cream is not comfortable to drink. If anything I would ask her to use milk instead of cream.

Ask her to put milk instead of creamer & a splash of coffee.

I’d let it go tbh. It’s a relatively harmless treat she gets with nana once a week no big deal to me

Absolutely NOT. If it’s that serious get her non caffeinated drinks from Starbucks. Maybe that’s just my parenting but my daughter wouldn’t be able to have coffee at 5.

It’s really not a big deal in my opinion but you have to do what you feel is best.

No sugar free ,artificial sugar is bad

She could make her some hot chocolate?

I think that’s adorable to be honest.

Just making great loving memories :heart:

Coffee helps my adhd child

Let her have her moments with grandma. She won’t be around forever. :black_heart::smiling_face::green_heart:

Let her have coffee with grandma !

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I drank coffee everyday it helped my bowels move.

On a daily basis? No. A couple of times with grandma. Nbd

Caffeine is everywhere. Even in cola

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My 2 year old always tried to sneak sips of my iced coffee. My husband came up with the idea of see if they can make her a decaf…brilliant idea! I get her a decaf with milk and then I add a tiny amount of sugar.

I have always been pro grandparents with my children if grandma and grandpa want to they can… idk I just want my kids to remember them in the best way possible :100: let grandma give her a tiny bit of coffee in her cream and set on the porch and drink it. Your child is going to remember those moments one day when grandma is gone :cry: :broken_heart:


Ask her to sub milk for creamer and do a splash of coffee and a splash of creamer. That’s how I make my kids their coffee.

But if it was me… I would leave well enough alone and enjoy. I’d kill for my kids to have grandparents.


You sound like one of " those " parents … a little sugar is not going to damage your child nor is the coffee . By the sounds of it you probably never give her anything with sugar .and to not let her see her grandma … you really need to get a grip …

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They have sugar free creamer. My friend gives her son coffee to help with his ADHD.

My children “drank” coffee by the camp fire with their great grandpa when they were little. It is a memory she will have. Mine are teenagers now and still cherish those moments.

Lol I was drinking coffee at that age. Not often but whenever my momma made chilaquiles

My dad used to sneak me a cup when we were alone. I didn’t like it but the memories stayed with me and if it’s just on one morning. I wouldn’t worry too much. I’m like that. I see it creating a bond and memories between them. Let it be…

Also, when I share coffee with my daughter on a rare occasion, I add a splash of black coffee and the rest lactose free milk with honey :blush:

My dad does this with my 4 year old and it’s so freaking cute. :black_heart::black_heart: calm down, there’s just as much sugar in her juice!

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But I bet Mom gives the kid soda. Let them bond

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Okay I’m going to give my two cents on this, and I speak from quite a bit of experience on this topic.

Set a boundary with your mother about what is allowed to be consumed by your child and what is not allowed. If she chooses not to listen and follow your rules and respect your boundaries, then the issue is deeper than your child having coffee. The issue is your mother does not respect you.

We as mother’s have to remember that if we allow disrespect from anyone while our child is near, they pick up on that, and learned disrespect is an actual thing. Good luck!

Replace the creamer with milk add 1 teaspoon of coffee there you have coffee colored milk. That I would be ok with because there is not enough coffee to give her the rush we as adults look for in the morning coffee. She still drinks coffee with grandma on the front porch everyone’s happy

Never step on your mama’s feet. :broken_heart: I’m gonna figure you turned out OK so she was a good mom to you and probably cherishing every minute with her granddaughter.

Why would you take a special relationship from your child over a little sugar?

My grandma use to sit me on her lap and give me sips of her coffee…my dad use to get really mad but I was her first grand baby so she spoiled me…lol…I think it’s a sweet and special moment between grandma and granddaughter

I grew up raised by an Italian grandma and was allowed to drink coffee, and have also allowed all 3 of my kids to drink it :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I grew up in the 70s and used to have milky coffee in my sippy cup lol. No it’s not a good thing. Best to send her with something. Plain milk will do.

Kids out here with no family Wishing they had great grandparents and you over here talking about taking yours away from there’s because of suger and caffeine smh :woman_facepalming: gosh the things people do not see and how blessed they truly are when it comes to having grandparents

That’s normal in my culture :woman_shrugging:t2: coffee isn’t bad for you.

She can just water it all down. It will be fine.

Uummm no what’s a five year old need coffee for I need it :joy::joy::joy:

Looks like I’m the odd one out. I totally WOULD NOT be okay with a 5 year old drinking coffee. If it were me, I would bring up to you mom that you are uncomfortable about the drink. I know so many people here says that there aren’t any dangerous to coffee BUT it’s an unknown. AAP suggests children under 12 not have any caffeinated drinks. Why not have a hot chocolate instead?

Coffee won’t hurt ya

DECAFF!!! Problem solved Mom Life.

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Stupid is as stupid dose.let that child have coffee. You must be a high flutty bitch

Let it go, that’s their thing.

The memory your daughter will have for a lifetime, after your mother dies, is far more important than your concerns over sugar. You sure you want to ruin that Debbie downer?

Damn Karen. Lighten up

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No, of course not. Caffeine is a drug.

Tell her to use decaf. Problem solved.

Let them have their special memories


Omg Connie Kelley she would hated you :sob::joy: that’s why cam is so short still

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Oh Lord! Pick your battles more wisely.


You’re an asshole. Stop ruining that special bond they have because you are a control freak!

You wouldn’t allow her to drink hot cocoa with her grandma? It’s the same thing

It seems like mom is being a bit petty about some dang coffee. This is really the hill you choose to die on? Her mom did raise her and she turned out ok. Why do parents do this? They act like they were never children.

I think having a great relationship and something fun to do with grandma mom doesn’t let you do is important for kids. Be grateful your mom takes her. Be grateful your mom is still around. Be grateful your mom wants to do sweet lil things like allow her to drink” coffee” with her on the porch instead of telling her to go eat some cereal and watch tv nana is busy. I don’t think you have very much gratitude in your heart and you may want to ask yourself what is lacking so much in you, that you want to ruin this lil special thing they have.

Yes my children’s grandmother gave them milk coffee and even now they still drink milk coffee

My little guy has been drinking coffee since he was 2 lol. He doesn’t get an entire cup but he has always loved it

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Kids who are hyper, coffee calms them

I think being a bit dramatic, it’s not going to harm the child, and they are bonding… yes tons of sugar is not good for children, but some won’t hurt, and isn’t that what grandparents are for??? Plus use your voice and speak your concerns like an adult to the grandmother if you feel so strongly about it.

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I get it. I wouldn’t want my kid drinking or eating something I am not ok with. My mom makes my daughter hot chocolate with a “splash” of coffee in it and they have “peace time” in the morning if my daughter spends the night. They have been doing it for a couple years now. While I don’t really like her having coffee, I also remember that those bonding experiences are important. But that was my choice. You have to do what is best for you and your daughter.

Some of my best memories with my dad who is now passed away, we’re spent at the table drinking coffee with him early in the mornings.
I’m totally fine, and your daughter will be too. Let her have these moments with her grandmother, and let her grandmother enjoy them too.
Don’t sweat the small stuff momma. A Little coffee/sugar/creamer never really hurt any one.


How many kids did grandma raise she knows how to take care of kids.parents now think they know more than older one do.you are are alive still.she loves them life was better than it is now raising kids.


I’ve drank coffee since I was 5. I’m 32 with no adverse side effects to coffee consumption. Let it go


My youngest has been drinking black coffee since he was big enough to drink out of a cup. He is now almost 2 and that, someday, will be the biggest memory of his Pa. I’m okay with it, but I’m okay with everything in moderation!

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