Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

My mom does it with my daughter. She uses milk instead of creamer and She only puts a splash of coffee in the cup.

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I started drinking coffee when l was very young lt had milk and sugar l font think it did any harm

I see nothing wrong with this if it’s not an everyday thing. Occasionally and I mean like 2 times a year I give my five year old coffee. It’s no more than a quarter of a cup.


I did it with my grandmother and I’ll never forgot those memories… memories last forever!


Coffee never hurt my kids,

A little bit of coffee in a cup of milk. Every morning

Nope. I wouldn’t let my child have coffee. Forget the sugar content the caffeine is what’s not good for them

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You decide, then have the conversstion. Kindly.

And then I recommend before there’s a “next time” like this, set yourself, your daughter, and the people in your life up for success by having the “boundaries” conversation before getting into a situation where you can only respond.

Side note: Not at all to make assumptions about your child, but caffeine (coffee, tea) isn’t all bad…it does help some kids with ADHD when given appropriately.


My parents gave me coffee once I was able to drink something else besides milk. I didn’t fully drink coffee everyday till I was bout maybe 5 I turned out okay :slight_smile: my daughter has a sippy of my coffee every now and again shes 2. Also BLACK coffee with no sugar or creamer helps an asthma attack. That’s also why I drank coffee when I was younger.

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I think the reason behind grandparent not wanting their grandkids to not drink coffee is they were already bouncing off the walls with energy and she didn’t want to give them anymore. I used to drink coffee with my Mom (Shelly’s grandmother) she had it with sugar and canned milk in it. That’s the way I learned to drink coffee. But it was rare I drank it. It wasn’t until I joined the Army that I really started to drink it to keep me awake. Been drinking 2-4 cups a day ever since. still like it with a spoon of sugar and a dab of creamer, milk , half and half, canned milk or something even the occasional shot of Baileys in it.

My daughter when she was 8 months old stole my coffee each chance she got thank God I got blended tho. And her dad just laughed about it she also stole my icee as well

My Grandma Caudill made us white coffee…mostly milk and sugar …with our breakfast when we spent the night. Her mother did it for her grandchildren as well. One daughter in law didnt like it. Grandma did it anyway. One of my cousins was ADHD (in retrospect) and it seemed to help him. I will do it with my grandchildren, but probably with Stevia.

my mom has made coffee for both of my children kinda like that is mostly milk with a splash of coffee and honey they love it and feel special getting to drink coffee I personally don’t mind it because it isn’t an everyday thing

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It is your right to not want your child to have coffee. However, a child having that small amount of coffee or creamer is not enough to be a problem, once in a while. When i was a child both my parents drank coffee. I would sneak drink of their’s. It didn’t harm me. It is just a memory made that is much more important than the few sips of coffee.

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My Nana wound give me a cup of “coffee” to drink with her in the morning. It was a cup of milk with one teaspoon of her coffee stirred in. I loved our coffee time. The first time I had actual coffee I was surprised how it tasted. Lol

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Man let the have those memories, when she’s died n gone those will last a life time I sitting remember sitting on front porch drinking coffee with my momo n popo


What about using the latte powder with water? I’m not sure if jt has caffeine though

Is this even a question so twist

It’s freakin coffee. Not beer. Lol. She making memories with her grandmother. Those memories of sitting on the porch drinking coffee together are gonna last a life time for her. You may not agree with it. Understandable. Please don’t take something so precious away.

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My son and his gma give his kids coffee daily!! Gma makes coffee when the babies ask! Me no pop no coffee they both tried tea and spit it right out…my boys where never given coffee! They got into pop (another story) and the off chance I didnt have the ventolin and an asthma attack a tablespoon of black coffee was it…so really let grandma make memories! ( my mom needs boundaries on the amt given in a day!)

My grandparents gave me what they called coffee milk . Because I’d had heart surgery at 18 months. They mixed my heart medicine with it. My doctor’s said they could mix it. Every morning I’d say coffee milk with papa!:blue_heart::orange_heart::us: Drank that coffee right down :arrow_down:.

My solution, though not as early as 5, was to use decaf, my child liked the taste, so I would make her decaf.

All grandma’s have something little that is their special thing to do with their grand babies. She can use milk, little SUGAR. its their bonding time. Their memories being made.

My dad gave me coffee when I was little. Never hurt me. My grand daughter’s parrot drinks coffee with me doesn’t hurt him

One of my children and grandchildren’s favorite memories of my mom is drinking coffee in bed and talking to each other over their coffee.:two_hearts:

I know it may freak you out right now, but some of your child’s favorite memories will be sitting on the front porch with her Grandma drinking her “Coffee”. I did it with my Grandma and honestly it didn’t cause any health issues and I don’t even drink coffee now, so it never became a habit. Lol My grandma passed from Alzheimer’s in 2019 before I gave birth to my first daughter and I wish she could have had those same memories with her Great Grandma. :broken_heart: I can still smell and taste her coffee like it was yesterday.

If you don’t like the extras that grandparents give, just don’t accept the free babysitting! Ungrateful people!!!

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Creamer doesn’t have a ton of sugar in it unless it’s those fake ones. I don’t think it’s really a big deal to have a cuppa with Grandma on the porch once in a while, she’ll probably remember it fondly for the rest of her life.

Easy there. The drink won’t hurt her nearly as much as the hurt she will have if you stop the sharing time with her Granny


Buy her decaf… and let them keep their special bonding time.


yes. we use to drink it when we were young

If this is the biggest problem you have to worry about count your lucky stars and MOVE on.

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Tell her to use milk with a drop of coffee…

A little coffee won’t hurt her as much as loosening or changing the time she spends with Nana.

If your kid drinks tea or pip it has the same caffeine. My kids don’t drink much other than water and milk so they get some coffee when I have some. It won’t hurt them so I see no problem with it. :woman_shrugging:
Let her enjoy it and have the memory of doing that with your mom. It will mean a lot to her one day.


Pick your battles…be thankful she has a grandmother that makes her feel special and gives her the priceless gift of time!:heartpulse:


My 4 yr old loves coffee I just get decaf for her

My grandma and I did that growing up, though it was on coffee bread (Homemade rolls, a splash of coffee for kids, and sugar). They should be allowed to have their bonding time, and while sure drinking creamer isn’t the healthiest thing, the memories will be irreplaceable


My son did it with his grandaddy, my dad since he was 4. Great memories! Don’t stop it. Just make some adjustments with it.

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I have mine hot chocolate and they thought it was coffee

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Memories are what it’s all about don’t spoil it


That sounds like such an awesome memory to have with grandma :relieved:


I drink tea and my Grandson loves having a cup with me with cream.
I don’t think it is a problem. You are blessed that this little girl is getting quality time and attention with her grandmother. It will be a treasured memory of hers when she gets older.

We had tea growing up, but much more cream than anything. Don’t ruin their bond. A grandmother and granddaughters time together is very special!

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Omg!!! Let her have a cup of coffee with her grandma!!


I give my daughter chocolate milk when we have “coffee” together.

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Get over it.Be glad your mom wants her over.Grandma wont be around forever… Let her have memories…


It’s a grandparent thing lol she will be fine.


A little won’t hurt x I used to give it to my kids just before school (adhd and asd) calmed them straight down for going x


My youngest child has SEVERE ADHD. I give him a cup of 1/2 caf in the morning with breakfast and same at lunch. It actually helps to calm him along with his medication while also using coping mechanisms he has learned in therapy.
And before some Karen speaks up, my kid was tested multiple times. I asked for different places to test and have him reviewed every three months. I didn’t want him medicated but it’s what works best for him. Ever child isn’t the same so before you step in and open your mouth, I know the Dr’s checked him and evaluate him often enough to know when or if he needs med changes.


Aww cute :pleading_face: fudge it as-long as she’s not caffeined up in your care :joy::joy:x


Chill out you freak, nobody is going to die from coffee.


I think it’s cute. I’m sure she doesn’t over do it.

The memory being made here probably outweighs any damage from a drop of coffee and some creamer. It won’t be too many more years before she’s too busy with her friends to hang out with her grandma.


sure, I started drinking coffee with my Grandpa when I was 5

Aww what great memories she has with her grandmother! A little sugar will not hurt her along with the coffee. Choose your battles wisely.


Maybe ask her if she could give her decaf instead? I don’t think a little bit will hurt but you’re the momma so it’s your call. But I’d definitely let her keep that tradition. It’s going to be something she’ll remember after she’s gone

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I give my 7 year old boy coffee. He loves it. It calms him. Pick your battles.

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Please don’t spoil that special Grandma/granddaughter time!!! That is a wonderful memory your daughter will always have!
I gave coffee to my kids and am a Nana now to 4 and I give them coffee too. Its a special thing.


I have 4 more grown kids my oldest is 18 and has neen drinking “coffee” (mostly milk) since she was 3 years old…my next older 2 (16 and 11 yrs old) do currently…my youngest whos almost 5 yrs old has no idea of if / never mentions it…it just depends on the kids these days …my grandma used to let us sip hers when we were little like 7-9 yrs old…

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Memories are more important than sugar. All these people who flip over sugar, that’s why kids act like fools when they get it because you think it’s so bad for them. Let her be a kid and let her grandma enjoy her time bonding with her grand daughter.


Never was given that chance. We were told we can’t have anything. to do with our grandchildren

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Not sure about caffeine I’m little surprised with comments here with children under 10 having caffeine … my kid would be bouncing off the walls. Extremely high doses of caffeine can cause both seizures and cardiac arrest, which can lead to death. Caffeine can also dull appetite, making it harder for small children to feel hungry when they are and making it more likely they may skip a meal or snack when they’ve had caffeine.

Healthy Child Nutrition Basics Every Parent Should Know
Children, especially toddlers, are more at risk to experience negative health outcomes of caffeine because they have less body mass, and their bodies are not as adept at processing the caffeine. That’s just my opinion


Uncle Marcel started drinking coffee at 4 lots of sugar though and we kept telling him “Its gonna stunt your growth!” …Look at him now the tallest Agarand. lol

I never said a word about anything they did, my kids look back and remember those special memories. When my dad died all Bill wanted was the sucker jar my dad always gave them when we got to town. It’s the little things that are so big.

I let my young male cousins know that they would not grow tall drinking coffee! Too my surprise, my one cousin is 6’ 8" tall!

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Loosen up. It’s not going to hurt her. Special time with nana


It’s not about drinking coffee. She is making memories with her grandma. It’s not going to hurt it.


If the sugar is not a regular thing I would let it pass. The coffee I wouldn’t worry about if it’s just a tiny bit, very diluted, just for grandmother to say that they are having a coffee together. I bet your daughter feels all grown up at that moment.
That is going to be a lovely memory with her grandmother. She won’t last forever… It is their moment. :heartbeat:


My grandmother gave all her kids coffee by 5 . Even the dog lol. My mom let me drink it young too. Ny son hyperactive and suggested coffee. Hes been drinking it for a year hes 4 now

My 1 year old and just turned 4 year old drink coffee with breakfast on the weekend. Now before you jump my bones…….it’s such a minimal amount of actual coffee that it wouldn’t hurt a fly; but it makes them feel INCLUDED. Tell your mother if she wants to continue this tradition with your daughter, and if you don’t want her having that much sugar, to please make it milk with a splash of coffee :woman_shrugging:t4:. It’s clearly a super special time between the two of them :heart:

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My mom buys my son hot chocolate pods for her keurig and he calls it his coffee. He likes to make it after she makes hers even though he doesn’t drink it :woman_shrugging:


as the girls grew they were allowed ‘baby coffee’ so diluted with milk and a touch of sugar there was almost no caffeine left, most still like our homemade cocoa and so do the grandkids

My parents never attempted to tell my grandparents what they could or could not do. I would not have even considered telling my parents what were “allowed” to do with my son. We thought that these people raised children. They must be qualified to make those decisions!

If coffee isn’t to you liking, may I suggest vodka screwdrivers.


I don’t see any thing wrong

I’d prefer grandma to swap over to a Milo or something a bit more child appropriate than a coffee. Both my kids feel really special when they get a sip of my Chai latte. It’s a novelty for them. My 9 year old has been going on about wanting to try coffee for months. I dont drink it myself but am tempted to make a really bitter strong coffee for him to try just to end his asking and intrigue lol

Good grief lighten up! My aunt used to do the same thing with me. It was about 2 tablespoons of coffee and the rest milk. It made me feel like i was almost an adult. She never made me feel like I was anything else but her little buddy. Now , many many years later, I am not a coffee drinker. But I love the smell of it because it takes reminds me of our coffee dates. Let them have their special time together. She wont forget them. I suggest you fix yourself a cup of chamomile tea and chill out.


Don’t ruin her special moments.


You are jealous of their relationship. Stop being a controlling person and step aside to allow this special relationship to grow. You don’t need to dictate the rules unless there is a serious (KEY WORD) safety issue. And this certainly is not.

I use to let my 2 year old nephew have a few sips here and there. Great memories

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I would have a huge issue with it, if it were my child.

I have special memories of spending time with my grandparents, sipping my cup of “coffee milk”. I look back at those times, and how special i felt, and i wouldn’t trade them for anything! The coffee & sugar involved is so minimal, it is nothing to make such a fuss over. Let kids make special memories that last a lifetime and pick other battles. :slight_smile:


I drank coffee as a child with my parents occasionally and I’m perfectly fine. Soda has just as much caffeine and candy just as much sugar. One small cup won’t hurt her, it’s memories that’ll last a lifetime for her though.


Ask her to sub tea my nana did tea .

as long as it’s just pretend coffee I don’t see the problem . A special moment to he treasured between a grand parent and their grandchild. My grandad used to take my sister and I to the local pub for a lemon squash with a cherry in it . we were about 6 and 8 . Probably shouldn’t have been a in a pub at that age but a memory i will cherish . Pop with his beer and us thinking we were the bees knees !

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Have her make hot chocolate for the kiddo. I wouldn’t be ok with my child drinking coffee.

I think I probably drunk soda out of my baby bottle when I was a baby lol I drunk it literally most of my childhood and still do. My children drinks it too (not saying it is healthy but honestly some people takes all this health stuff overboard) what didn’t kill you as a child growing up probably won’t harm your child either. My son drinks coffee with his grandparents. It’s just a special thing he does with them as I don’t drink it neither does my husband. Honestly I’m thankful my child has a special bond with his grandparents because you never know how long they will be around to make memories with their grandchildren.


My son drank coffee with his Grandpa when he stayed there, he grew up to be a really special person successful adult, 6ft 4in tall, in his 50’s now, no serious health issues and thought his Grandpa was pretty special, so I think a bit of coffee and a lot of memories and some shared wisdom at a young age is pretty incredible!


I drank coffee as a toddler and up…still do. I make my coffee SUPER strong though so when my kids ask for it I just make hot cocoa and mix it with half and half lol

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Noooooooo, just. No.

No I was never allowed

I can understand you saying stop putting coffee in it and replace it with hot chocolate or something but creamer cause of the sugar? Jesus it’s a nan bonding with her grandkid

All my kids drank coffee when little. Now in their teens and they still love it. Your daughter will always have that special moment she shares with nana forever :two_hearts:

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I used to drink coffee with my Grandmother. I truly think it was more milk than coffee but was our bonding time that was the most important

Did you ask if it was decaf?

Inever had coffee I’m 51. They dont need it

So let’s look at it this way,my mum is dead & I would give anything in this whole wide world to bring her back so she could know her grandchildren.A little bit of coffee is not going to hurt your daughter,think of the amazing memories she will have🥰.

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Just let the kid have the coffee. Does she eat chocolate? This is no worse. Let these babies have memories with their grandparents.

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Theres absolutely nothing wrong it now if it were and energy coffee with 300mg of caffeine per cupid worry …but it sounds like grandma knows what shes doing and probably did the same with her kids!!! Its memories they’ll forever cherish…and tbh they probably can’t wait until the weekends!! Let her do it mom!

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