Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

Leave it alone.
My great grandma always gave me a touch of coffee with creamer when I was a kid.
It was a treat! And it was quality time with my great grams that I’ll always remember.
Let it be.

Honestly my grandparents let us have coffee when we spent the night and it was mostly milk and sugar :joy::joy: we couldn’t have it at home but my mom knew we drank it there and to my knowledge never said anything but idk she could have :woman_shrugging:t3:

A little bit of coffee and a cup of creamer is not going to hurt the child as much as taking away the sweet morning memories with her grandmother that are being made that are being made. My son’s grandma died when he was just four years old and even today at 27 he still cherishes the moments he did get to spend with her. Don’t take that away from your child or her grandma. Those moments they spend together our Precious Moments

Get her decaf. I don’t let my kids drink coffee but I get them caffeine free drinks from Starbucks every morning when we drop off their older sister to school. They all love it :heart: it’s just make a little adjustment to what shes drinking if it bothers you but don’t take that super cute moment that they spend together from her

Somethings ya just gotta let it go! She will cherish those memories forever. And its not like shes drinking it 7 days a week multiple times a day! An extra brushing when she gets home will do the job, mama! Soak in these years, cause they go by way too fast

It’s hard to say… I remember having coffee with my granny and papaw. I called it “sugar coffee” lol
My kid has had a little bit of her daddy’s Frappuccino before. But, for the most part we really don’t have caffeine in the house other than my coffee and she says it’s nasty.

Pretty sure there are bigger things to worry about than your kid having a tiny bit of coffee and sugar. Rediculous. Let your child have these moments. You totally just ruined this whole experience for her and it’s heart breaking. She confided in you a special bonding with her grandmother and you turned it to shit by over reacting when all you had to say was “awe that’s your special time with grandma you just do it with her”

My mom gave my son coffee in a bottle at THREE MONTHS OLD! She still sneaks him coffee to this day and he’s almost 5 now. She sneaks him excessive sugar and lets him eat nothing but junk when he’s there, when he comes back he’s like a totally different child. You have to stand your ground, I should have, now there’s a much bigger problem.

Not a big deal at all I don’t think. I’m not at all a fan of kids and caffeine but a small amount of coffee with her grandma is worth the memory. Coffee is way better than pop and she could give her decaf maybe.

My son was about that age ashen he would drink coffee with his grandma & she passed away & to this day, 18 years old now, he talks about his morning coffee time with grandma & has saved his special coffee cup. I’m glad I didn’t put an end to it because the memories are precious to him.

I remember drink from my fathers cup. He liked it black with sugar. He died when I was almost 13. I am almost 71 I still have a cup from time to time. What memories that cup brings back. I would have loved to have more times with him but it wasn’t in God’s plan. I would not spoil those times with her Nana…

Ask your mom to switch out your daughters “coffee” for an herbal tea… I used to sit with my son and have my coffee, and I would make him a cup of Chamomile tea with honey and a bit of milk… He didn’t know the difference, and we still had our time together…

My three year old drinks coffee. It’s mostly milk, with a splash of creamer and a little bit of coffee. She loves it, it makes her feel fancy like mama. A packet of fruit snacks is worse for sugar and there’s hardly any caffeine in the cup. I have incredibly fond memories of sharing (very sweet) cups of tea with my grandmother from as long ago as I can remember. Why would you take away something so sweet and special over a few grams of sugar?

Oh man how I wish I could go back and drink coffee and sit and chat with my nanny! Those were my best memories! But being that young I can understand your thoughts, maybe ask to warm some milk with a spoon full of coffee and creamer!!

Both my grandmothers gave us coffee on the mornings. Then when my mom was not looking we would steal a sip from her too.

My grandma and I enjoyed our weekends together when I was little. We also did have coffees together mine with lots of milk. I am a grandmother now and I enjoy times with my granddaughters when I can. It’s great time for bonding and little sugar once a week will do no harm to a child.

I drank coffee with my nanny growing up. Some of the best memories I have. Don’t be too harsh, Momma. Grannies aren’t around forever.

Seriously?! Let your mother spoil your child and let them create awesome memories together. SMH. What is wrong with people these days?!

Oh my goodness, how sweet of Nana to take the time to do this. If only all children could be so lucky to have such a close family. Stop being overbearing and petty…your focus is completely ridiculous…you might be a control freak…

I have been drinking coffee since I was 5 yrs . old. Let her enjoy being with her Grandma and making memories .

My opinion is, it isn’t everyday. And honestly, I would kill for anyone of my family members to take my kids for a whole weekend, that’s super nice of your mom to do. Let them enjoy their time. I’ve given my 5 year old coffee, she hated it🤣 it won’t hurt her. Like I said just my opinion tho lol

My grandmother used to do the same thing for me when I was growing up, when I was 15 I lost her. I’d say let her, those kinds of memories I will always have and cherish and so will your daughter. I’d do anything to be able to do that again with her, she was everything to me.

I understand what you’re saying, but 1 of the most treasured moments I have of my mimaw and I are of us sitting at the breakfast table drinking coffee together. This was long before I ever started school. Of course my coffee consisted of milk with just coffee to color it a bit. We would have our coffee and mimaw’s homemade biscuits with bur rabbitt molasess, this isn’t spelled correctly. I am 75 this year and I am constantly telling my husband about these special moments. A little sugar will not hurt that little 1, but those special moments with their grandmother will never go away. Personally I have noticed people using their children to make their parents do what they want them to do or they will not let them see their grand children. Personally I think this is shameful. A lot of people have found out their parents will do almost anything to get to see their grandchildren. I feel this is wrong, but like a lot of things, this is only my opinion and don’t count for much. But you know what, from what I have seen o fb most of you have had wonderful parents, maybe not perfect, but they love you no matter what. It is so sorry to hear that you the children don/t love your parents no matter what. You use your children as leverage over your parents. This just isn’t right. Please people think about what you do and why. Your children are watching and karma is a bitch.

Ask her to get sugar free creamer for your kid but those memories are everything. Studies show small amounts of coffee are actually very beneficial even for kiddos.

Nope. I don’t want my kids having caffeine that young. Heck, i don’t allow coke & I regulate chocolate. I’d go buy some low sugar hot chocolate & suggest that’s their once a week treat

If it’s a super small amount I wouldn’t mind. Maybe ask her to out milk (almond is dairy free) and then a splash of creamer for the flavor that way it’s a bit less sugary :slight_smile:

MY MOM DOES THE SAME THING WITH MY DAUGHTER!! & SHE WAS ONLY 2 & A HALF AT THE TIME!!! I told my mom how i felt but i also understand it’s memories being made with grandma.

I let my kids once in a while but it’s mainly just whole milk :milk_glass: if they see me pour a lil coffee in it they are happy :blush:

Talk with her nana about the coffee and high sugars and try and suggest stuff that’s maybe more lower in sugar and caffeine to her like a nice honey tea in the morning for you’re daughter instead.

I was totally against it until I read these comments, I hope the same happened with you, OP. My kids make wonderful memories with my parents, and I’m so so great full.

I think one coffee a week with barely any coffee is perfectly fine. Apparently coffee is great for kids with adhd. Candy, chips, junk food, sugar isn’t good either but it’s still given I’m sure

My grandpa let me dunk my cookies in his coffee when I was about 5 and this is one of the best most cherished memories I have of him. He passed away when I was in 3rd grade from cancer.

I have a cup of coffee with my 5 year old every now and then. I give her decaf though and use sugar free creamer with alittle but of sugar. If she gets that she has the extra healthy snacks like veggies and fruits only throughout the day. Its all about compromise. This is something shes going to remember for the rest of her life and tell her kids about. Do you really want to take that from her? What if thats when your child gets her thoughts and feelings out? Is alittle sugar and caffine once a week not worth positives for her memtal health. Don’t be that mom that just looks for something to complain about. Shes prolly not even finishing the cup anyway. Move on and be happy for her.

It’s not about the coffee…let that baby and Nana make memories that will become traditions. That’s so important in this messed up world!!!

My grandma gave me a splash of coffee with sugar and milk. I cherish those memories. You are the parent so make your decision, but choose your battles. This one to me seems harmless.

My kid is going into 4th grade and he loves coffee. Was a ritual for us for homeschooling and it’s perfectly fine.

suggest to the grandma that she give your child hot chocolate instead and tell her it’s coffee so she gets the experience and fun of it but not the caffeine. just a suggestion.

My question is, does said child eat chocolate, or drink soda or tea?

If the answer is yes to any of those, wtf is the difference? It all has caffeine!!! Get the f*** over yourself and let that baby enjoy those moments with her grandparent!!

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My grandma always gave us a splash of coffee just to make us think she gave us coffee, a little creamer and mostly milk

I started drinking coffee at around 2 with my grandma. Those are my favorite memories with her. If I could do it again, I would

Omg calm down most gmas do this never hurt me or none of my kids let her have that moment with her gma because one day that will be the best of her memories

Been giving my son coffee since he was a baby. Nothing wrong in my opinion for my son. A little coffee here and there is perfectly fine with me. And plus why would I not let him drink something that I’m drinking

I think that’s the memories your little girl is making with her nana outweigh a small cup of caffeine… :blush:

I use to periodically as a child have some coffee in my milk
Just enough to give it a little favoe

My kids drink coffee with their pap and he’s the only one they do it with been doing it since they were little it’s memories they get to keep

I drank coffee at my Granny’s with mostly cream and sugar. It’s okay sometimes but not every morning. While she’s staying with her Granny and sitting on the porch they are creating memories, let her be.

Well if your feeding your kid McDonald’s or other types of fast foods that’s worse than coffee :coffee: so relax and let a splash of coffee be :relieved:

We had coffee milk when I was a child. Maybe try that or substitute cocoa

No I wouldn’t want any child under 13 drinking coffee (some research suggests it has an adverse effect on their bone growth prior to that age) and obviously the caffeine is a concern from a stimulant POV. However, a warm milk with barely a dusting of decaf wouldn’t bother me. This precious bonding time is far more important.

Like there is enough in a coffee cup to matter. And once in a while not all time.

Buy decaf coffee and take it over there with your daughter. That way she’s get the coffee and memories but no caffeine. And buy a creamer your ok with. Don’t take it away but if your upset with it then get the ingredients your ok with.

Nope! He doesn’t even get soda or hard candies.

Pick your battles … its her grandma…

Grandmas do what grandmas do and grandmas are going to do what they do.

If you don’t like it, then just ask her to replace it with hot chocolate or milk instead.

My 4yr old loves it but it’s mostly milk🥛

I would say switch out the coffee & creamer for hot chocolate boom kid coffee!

My two year old drinks “coffee” it’s a couple spoon fulls of coffee and a cup of milk with creamer :joy:

In my opinion a little is okay occasionally but not often

Haha my youngest son practically went from nursing to coffee lol. Just a little doesnt hurt.

Maybe ask her to use milk instead

My kid wouldve called me a Karen if I got bothered over something like this …it’s not every morning and it’s not that big a deal.:unamused:

Maybe bring something that she could put in her cup like coffee? Hot chocolate mix ect?

Would Grandma do decaf?

I absolutely wish I could have coffee with my nanny. Let her enjoy her grandma as much as possible!

Let them have their special memories. Your mom won’t be around forever!

Ask her nana to give her home tea instead.

Let her make the memories.

Tell her to give her hot chocolate instead

My 8 year old loves coffee, and drinks it with his grandparents a lot and that’s okay because one day they will not be around anymore for him to do that.

I mean - how often is she going ? Daily - 2x daily ?? Is this really a serious question :see_no_evil::man_shrugging::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Ask her to switch to chocolate milk for her " coffee " warmed up a little . Nana is not gonna be there forever and a talk may save you all this stress . Calm down a little sugar once a while isn’t going to hurt your child . Not visiting her Nana could have a major impact ! I’m an old school mom with grown kids and they will survive . In spite of all the bs everyone spews about child rearing now . Most who give that advice don’t even have kids , just a 2 yr degree !

I make my son “kid coffee” for the mornings he wants to sit with me outside.

Decaf coffee pod (or hot cocoa if I have them) with a little half and half.

He loves it.

He’s also 12 now tho.

My youngest (4) gets hot cocoa only

This is not one of the battles you want to choose

It’s ok to have a cup once in a week

Best memories I have are drinking decaf coffee with my mawmaw of the mornings before school. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My grandma gave us coffee all the time…

I drank coffee milk with mine and my kids loved coffee milk as well

Why do you want to sabotage the relationship with her grandma? How selfish and rude of you.

Yes. My daughter and I both love coffee. For her, it’s an occasional treat: a homemade mocha on a special occasion morning with a special breakfast, a trip through Starbucks on a girls day out. She started sipping from my cup when she was about 2. She tells people she “loves coffee just like my momma”. It’s something special between us.

Let your daughter have the special bond with her grandmother. I think it’s sweet. What’s it going to hurt?

Dear Lord. Some of you will get irate and rude about anything…

Let them have the memory

In my personal opinion, “No Coffee.”

Lmao. Imagine how this person gets about real issues. :joy:

You must be jealous.

What about hot cocoa

Tell her to make her a cup of milk with a small dash of cream since its so sweet. A splash of coffee if youre okay with it.

I get annoyed when my mom shares her mocha frap or coffee slushie with my 2 y.o. but its once every 2+ months so i let it be. I drink coffee every morning and never share with my daughter. She occasionally sticks her hand in and licks her fingers :woman_shrugging:t3:


I think that this is a very special time with her grandma, creamer has less sugar than juice or pop. I would say let them have this time and tradition together. This is nothing to stop overnights for. What grandparent doesn’t give an extra cookie or sweet when their grandkids are there?


I have coffee with my 5 year old son . He has mostly milk in his. To him it’s not about the coffee but about the bonding time and that he feels he gets a special sit down time with mommy. Alittle bit every now and then won’t hurt


Let her have the coffee. My mom and my husbands mom give my daughters ice cream for breakfast. It would never happen at home but it’s something special between them. Someday your 5 year old will be 35 and may not have her grandma but she’ll have the memory of drinking “coffee” on the porch with grandma. As a mom who wants healthy eating habits and to control all the things, I learned a long time ago to let go when they’re at the grandparents. These are the moments they will cherish for a lifetime.


Pretty sure what happens at grandmas house didn’t happen when it was “mom’s” house …says mother of a grandchild.:joy::joy:


When I was growing up my grandparents would put a tiny bit of coffee on our glass of milk. These grandparents are gone. Passed when I was a teen. This I’ll always remember :heart:

Let her drink the coffee. Its the great memories she will forever remember. Just make sure she knows it’s only when she is with grama

My grandmother made me coffee milk when i was young. I loved sharing this soecial time with her. I dont feel its that big a deal, the specialness of the activity is its own reward!

My grandma does the same thing with my kids she gives them decaf with creamer and whipped cream and it’s such a special thing they’ll always remember once she’s gone but it’s also something they look forward to with her. I understand how you feel i felt the same way but thinking of it as letting them live a little helped me. Maybe keep sugar during the week low to make up for what she gets there. Also it’s a grandma’s job to do these things if that helps lol with love!

My dad shared his coffee morning with me from toddler till the year he died. He started with milk and a little coffee when I was a teen he said time to add coffee with milk not milk with coffee. I treasure this memory because he gave us talk time as I got into teen years.

Oh loosen up. This is a good memory that will stay with her forever. If you interfere, you will be the bad person, forever.

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Like grandma said, there is hardly any coffee in it if your worried about caffeine. Just ridiculous if you ask me. Let them have the moment together mom.

Maybe give her milk with a dash of coffee in it instead of creamer. It’s not all that bad for it. It’s just their thing.

I mean it’s your call your mom she needs to respect your wishes however I think if she can substitute it with something else as compromise hot chocolate or something?