Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

My mom used to let my brother drink “coffee” that was mostly cream. No big deal. Bonding time with grandma sitting on the porch drinking coffee is precious. Let it go momma.

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I drank coffee as a kid on Sunday morning I turned out okay it’s probably no worse than all the process food and soda and juice kids usually get

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I used to steal my grandparents coffee every time they had a cup. I steal my grandma’s then turn around and steal my grandpa’s. My kids drink coffee from time to time.

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I don’t like to comment on how parents raise their children, but this time I am going to give my point of opinion on children drinking coffee. I am an 81 year old great grandmother and was raised on coffee with cream and sugar from at an early age. Still drink it that way (and enjoiny a cup now), and our kids , one preferred tea, and the others, drank coffee with cream and sugar. And we have a great granddaughter, age 11, that drinks it the same way.
She is very intelligent and straight A student!
Can’t get over some people worry about kids drinking coffee with cream and sugar…but they constantly buy breakfast cereal that is loaded with sugar. Just my opinion.


I think this is actually really cute…


Ask her to give her juice or even tea instead. That way they still get the nice memory but bit better

Maybe make it decaf. My 7 year old has been drinking “KidCoff” as she calls it every blue moon when I get a Dunkin😅

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does she actually use creamer or just milk? if it’s just a splash of coffee in it, I wouldn’t be concerned.


My great grandma gave me coffee from a young age. She even got me my own mini coffee pot and we would drink it on the porch. However my grandma didn’t give me mostly creamer and sugar, I drank it black. But if you don’t want her drinking it just tell your mom to not give it to her

My grandma used to always give me coffee with milk and I would set and drink with her. One of my favorite memories with her


Such fun memories for your little. It’s ok don’t ruin their fun.


I think it’s fine, every now and then…and is such a sweet memory that she will have with her grandma. Let them be.


They’re bonding. My kids did it too. They’re fine. I don’t let them have any at my house because I dont drink coffee.


Oh good grief, a little bit of coffee is not going to hurt the child :roll_eyes:. That bonding time with her grandmother is invaluable. It sounds to me like you are jealous.


I do coffee every once in a while at home. Just a tiny bit of coffee, milk and a splash of creamer


My great grandma used to give me and my sister coffee all the time and we’d sit on the swinging bench on her front porch and talk about anything and everything


Wow, she’s giving her coffee, big freaking deal. It could be worse. There’s some grandma’s out here giving their grandkids alcohol or benedryl to make them sleep so they don’t have to deal with them. Your mom is giving your kid a small cup of coffee so they can sit on her porch and talk and make memories. Lighten up GEEEZ


My Mom died when I was a month old. I’d give anything for my kids and myself to have that moment. Milk and decaf might be a better option if you are that concerned.


Yeah no I wouldn’t be ok with it. I would just ask her to give her something else in a coffee cup.

Did you ever ask your mother if she gave you coffee?? :joy: maybe you just blocked out those memories cause now you think its SO bAD.

We gave it to our granddaughter at 3 she would even order it at a restaurant

I grew up on “coffee milk” with my daddy. 99% Milk, 1% coffee.


If you do not like her having coffee why don’t you send her with hot chocolate? That way they still have their special bonding time

My kids drink water and 100% juice, when they go to my moms she gives them soda​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes: not a lot, and it’s her way of having a special spoiling bonding thing she does with them. I think it sounds beautiful that she gets to have that, sitting on the front porch drinking some coffee with grandma. It’s not gonna hurt her in such a small amount but that’s an amazing memory she’s gonna have.

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I think that’s a wonderful memory she’s making with her nana. I seriously would not make that a big deal it’s once a week

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Well, first of all, why is it “Not okay” with you? Is it the caffeine? Is it the sugar? I drank coffee at a young age with my parents. My morning coffee with my Dad was one of the best memories I have of him. If you’re concerned about the caffeine or sugar, maybe ask grandma to use a sugar free creamer or decaf coffee. Either way, I feel like you are making a big deal out of nothing. It’s great bonding time for grandma and granddaughter.

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Chill out grandma’s won’t hurt their grandkids
It won’t hurt your child

I did with my grandma at six. I turned out fine! If you don’t want her having it just explain it to her grandmother, don’t keep her away from her.

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I think that a very small amount once a week isn’t a big deal , it’s a memory she will have with Grandma forever !!

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My son’s pediatrician told me to give him small amounts of coffee to help his ADHD.
It works.
If they don’t have ADHD i wouldn’t recommend it tho lol.

You could always suggest maybe she put hot chocolate in the cup and call it coffee?? I normally get my 6 year old daughter hot chocolate before bringing her to daycare. She always calls it her “coffee”.

Just sounds like a good bonding time in the mornings for them. Either way, a small amount of coffee won’t harm your little one. As for the sugar content… there is probably more sugar in the juices they drink than the amount of creamer.

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I’d take this as special memories she will have with grandma. Every once in a while won’t hurt.


Its ok. Just discuss with grandma away from your daughter to use more milk Nd less creamer.

My nephews kept on drinking coffee behind my sister’s back…she bought decaf and switched the bottles. Maybe you can take a decaf bottle to your moms house…

I guess it’s a grandma thing…

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Maybe you can suggest decaf? My mom does it too with my kids and I used to drink coffee with my grandma all the time. Best memories I have of her :heart:


My mom always gave it to my little brother

I used to drink “coffee milk” with my grandparents :woman_shrugging:. Created a memory I’ll never forget. I still have my special mug.

Also don’t sweat it, those are my favorite memories from when i was a kid. Drinking coffee at my grandmas.

My grandma did this with me and to this day it is my absolute favorite memory


I do this with my 5 year old granddaughter on Saturday mornings. We sit in the backyard on the patio drink our coffee and chat. She will remember this forever!

My granddaughter and I enjoy this special ritual when we get to visit( decaf coffee with 1% milk) she will even drink it black…so it’s not the coffee…it’s our special time we share

Just tell ur mom to stop giving ur daughter that or she won’t be allowed to stay over night until she respects ur parenting rules. Maybe have ur mom switch the creamer out for something else that way they can still have their morning bonding time. My son sneaks my husband’s coffee all the time and I get on him about it all the time (my husband too)

My 5 year old son loves coffee :roll_eyes: I normally give him decaf and he never notices a difference. I really don’t think it’s the end of the world but we all have our own opinions on certain things. If she’s letting your child have some extra sugar while she’s the one dealing with the child afterwards I don’t see what the big deal is. Nanas love spoiling their grand babies! Maybe ask her to substitute it for hot chocolate? My moms been slipping my son sips of coffee since he was young and I had originally told her not to but you gotta pick your battles sometimes. If it makes your child happy and it’s done in moderation and not every single day I don’t see what the big deal is.

Yes I always drank coffee with my nanny and papaw he passed couple months ago one of my favorite memories

I think it’s sweet. And it’s not a regular thing. Maybe ask if she could make her hot chocolate instead. I bet she loves those mornings with her grandma and will remember them fondly :sparkling_heart:

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Honestly. If you don’t want her to don’t let her. I’m sure she will be fine however you are mom and your mom should be respecting that :woman_shrugging:t3:

What happens at Nanas stays at nanas. Coffee won’t kill her sheesh.


My grandma used to give us milk with a tiny bit of coffee (just enough to color the milk) and it is one of the things I most remember about my grandma. It’s one of my fondest and favorite memories of us together

Too much over thinking it. Pick an alternative for the cup. A small amount occasionally doesn’t seem like all that much. Let them make those memories. Think through this and make a sound choice you won’t regret later.


My kids think they are getting away with something when they get to sip coffee or soda… So funny

Just tell mom to add milk not creamer

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With the little time grandparents have to make memories with loved ones…Id say leave this one alone.

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I loved going my grandmas just for stuff like this :heart: its what grandmas are all about i wouldnt overthink too much


I used to do this with my grandma. And I also would give my daughter a little “coffee” which was really milk with a splash of coffee creamer.

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My grandmother and I used to have coffee together. She passed away when I was 11. 23 years later and the smell of skin so soft and coffee brings back those memories. Lighten up. It’s coffee not alcohol

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My Grandmother let me have coffee at her house too and mornings woth her are a favorite memory. Relax and move on


Let that child have an awesome memory with her grandmother. Your mama raised you the way she did and you are still alive. Quit taking kids away from people they love just because its a little sugar. She is at her house. If its too much sugar than grandma has a sugared out child on her hands.


She’s making memories! One sugary drink every once in awhile won’t hurt :cupid:


My daughter is getting Starbucks as a 5th bday gift… We get her decaf coffee cause she likes the taste of coffee…

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Sweet memories, girl. My babe has been sipping on coffee, secretly, with my mom since he was a baby. I let him sip mine when I have it.
To me, it’s a little thing but if it concerns you that much, then don’t let him. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Me, my mom, my grandma, aunt and cousin all have this matching tattoo because every time we are together, we sit in a circle in the garage drinking coffee together. This is something that started when I was around 5 years old. My grandma always made the best coffee, with whipped cream and cinnamon on top. I also lived only 2 miles from my grandma so these sleep overs were very often and it’s one of my favorite memories as a child spent with my grandparents and one that obviously still carries on today.


Let them make memories

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My grandma used to do this with me. And it would be more milk than anything. It’s going to be an amazing memory for her


Every morning I would tell my 4 year old let’s go get coffee, I’d get her a pink milk but she would say we were having our “coffee” . Or she wants a “coffee”. Are you 100% sure it’s coffee she is having or just a moment with her grandma? You can’t go off of everything a 5 year old says, if you believe everything a child tells you than I feel sorry for you and it will cause a lot of issues. The truth is somewhere in there but it’s not :100:

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Creamers usually only have like 3 grams of sugar, as opposed to juices, or pops that have way more. Unless you plan on never letting your daughter have any kind of dessert, candy, or drink besides water, I don’t see why the creamer would bother you. I do this with my kids. :woman_shrugging:t2: They are 6 and 4, and they know that Mom and Dad like coffee and drink it regularly. In fact, I even have a coffee bar in our kitchen. They each have their own cups, and I mix milk, creamer, and just a bit of coffee for them. They love it, and they get to feel like they’re doing something cool with Mom and Dad.

Truthfully, your daughter isn’t guzzling caffeine and sugar non-stop. This little morning ritual with her grandmother will not hurt her, but it may hurt her if you force it to come to an end.


I think its adorable :heart_eyes:I let my kids have “coffee drinks” that’s mainly milk, a tiny bit of coffee and a little creamer. They like having drinks like mom and I really don’t think it hurts anything. Let her have her special time with nana, I guarantee it’s something she’s going to remember and cherish.


Let that baby sip coffee with her grandma :raised_hands:
Thats memories she’ll cherish one day!


My mom gave all her grandkids watered down coffee and now that she is gone they remember this about her, drinking coffee with nanny and pa… memories she will have forever


Be thankful your child has a Nana to make memories with. Stoping that over a little coffee would be insane…


My grandma did this and I would feel so grown-up sitting at the table drinking coffee with my grams. One of my favorite memories. Let it be.


Don’t sweat the small stuff. Your child is making sweet memories with her Nana. Be thankful you have someone that loves her so much


It’s a lil young, but such a sweet memory for her. It was my experience and loved it!


Tricia Finch-Yanz :rofl::rofl:

I drank coffee with my Daddy and my grandkids love to get a little of mine. My only granddaughter will tell my daughter I’m drinking coffee with maw maw. It’s mostly milk and sugar with a little coffee. It’s mostly a bonding time, we talk and she loves her maw maw time. My oldest daughter drank coffee with me every morning and that is a wonderful memory for her, she tells me all the time how she loved that time alone with me. I have made wonderful memories with my 3 kid’s and their kids…:heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:


It’s fine :joy:. My sister gives her kids “coffee” every morning and they aren’t crazy hyper or anything. I’d say just let her have her tradition with grandma, it will be a memory she will have forever.

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One of my kiddos always wanted to drink coffee with me in the morning so I would make her chocolate milk and told her it was coffee and she loved it!

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My son loves to drink “coffee” like this. Mostly creamer or milk with a splash of coffee. My opinion no big deal. It’s your child your rules. Maybe her nana can make decaf for her when she is there.

I mean if that’s all you have to worry about consider yourself lucky. Let the child enjoy her time with grandma


Choose your battles. That woman won’t always be there to make these wonderful memories But your child will always remember that you hurt her mamas, and her feelings over a tiny bit of coffee and creamer once in a while.


Let that girl have her moment with Nana. One day all shes gonna have is memories with her nana and shes going to cherish them


I think it’s adorable and will give your daughter sweet memories with her grandma. If you stop her going over there because of a lil coffee then that’s insane

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My cousins and I would wake up early everyday just to drink coffee with my grandma.

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My 6yo used to get a dunkin coffee drink from the gas station with my dad every morning my dad took him to school. My dad suddenly and unexpectedly passed away in march and my son always talks about his morning coffee with poppop. Sometimes i stop and grab him one to keep those memories alive. Let them make memories, its really not that horrible. I can assure you theres more sugar in her “organic fruit snacks” than in that creamer.


I did with my granny. My kids do with their granny!

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So, provide an alternative you would prefer your daughter have.

My kids doctor actually suggested giving my little one coffee to help with bowel movements and her ADHD

I used to have coffee as a small child in my baby bottle, loved it. Do you remember Nina Francis

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Send her with her own decafe so she can have coffee with grandma and no caffeine

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Sorry but that’s one of my best memories sitting with my grandma with my coffee (decaf) she made me and biscotti’s. If it’s not all the time I wouldn’t have too much of a problem with it.


Just tell her she’s not allowed to have it. Simple. If she doesn’t respect your wishes that would be surprising.

I grew up drinking the ground coffee as a kid but I wont give it to mine

It’s fine. Maybe bring grandma decaf for little one. I worked for Starbucks for 7yrs… needless to say my kids are coffee fanatics now :joy:

My daughter has been drinking coffee since she was a baby! She would always grab Daddy’s coffee cup and steal sips. I don’t think it’s a big deal, she’s fine


My daughter drank coffee with me at 2

It’s a Grandma :older_woman:thing. Please let us spoil them .


Just ask her to give her mostly milk with a shot of coffee and a shot of creamer.

We used to get bottles of cafe con leche (mostly milk) growing up and we turned out just fine. Let your daughter have that special time with her grandma, it will be one of her fondest memories one day. If you make her stop, she will probably resent you for it later on down the road.

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Coffee isn’t bad. I drank some when I was young with my momma and I still love those memories even though I still am not big on coffee
If you don’t like that it’s fine, I’m just saying that it’s nice memories to have with people that are important to you even at a young age and I think your child may like those times just as much as the rest of us do.

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Just ask her to do decaf and use milk instead of creamer, problem solved. I think it’s cute, if she only gets a once a week, probably the worst that will happen is she will get some memories.