Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

My 5 year old was prescribed coffee when he was in the kindergarten for being hyper. It completely worked very well. He would go in the teachers lounge at lunch and they would give it to him. It was under drs. Orders

If she doesn’t have them all the time it’s not a big deal. My little brother has been drinking coffee with my dad since he was little. he doesn’t have a caffeine addiction and he’s perfectly fine. Let her have meaningful time with grandma. She will remember that the rest of her life. Also, Creamer does have a lot of sugar but so does fruit juice and I’m sure you give her that. Most parents think giving their kids fruit juice is a healthy option but it’s just sugar water.


It’s not going to damage your child but what might is taking away her tradition with grandma. I know a three year old who drinks coffee on the occasional side.

I take my daughters on coffee dates all the time. It’s a bonding thing. I get theirs decaf or a hot chocolate. Its all about making memories.

If it’s every now and then, I wouldn’t worry too much. I wouldn’t want my child to have the caffeine though. Maybe you could buy some decaf coffee or even some hot chocolate packets and send it with her when she goes and tell grandma that you don’t want her to have the regular coffee. If she is truly only giving her a little bit then I don’t think it will do much harm.

It’s bonding time with her grandmother. She’ll remember those moments sitting on the porch drinking coffee with her grandma forever. :heartpulse: I’d let it go. A splash of coffee isn’t going to do any harm. The creamer on the other hand, if you’re uncomfortable with that, provide an alternative. Chocolate milk could be a great substitute and it kid approved (typically)!


All my kids drank coffee when little and they all turned out just fine

Coffer is a bean.Drinking a little coffee in the morning is healthy.Much better than soda.

My mom did this with me when I was little and I loved feeling like a grown up. It’s not hurting anything

This is special time with Grandma

I grew up drinking coffee with breakfast, all six children did. We had (today’s ‘nutritionist’ says will kill you) homemade gravy & biscuits-made with our home rendered lard and raw milk-, bacon or sausage or fried chicken, eggs-all from our farm- we worked and played hard, we were healthy and strong. Quit worrying about some calories just as long as you have them get off the couch, out from in front of tv, playing video games and let them outside to be active.

For the love of… I gave my 3 year old a splash of my coffee in his own cup because he wanted.to be like mommy. Not enough to do.anything, just a taste. If you don’t like it, don’t send her. But you’re hurting your daughter and mother by ending it.

I used to do this with my Granny and shes been gone a year and a half and its one of my most treasured memories. Maybe decaf and sugar free creamer? Changing up the options possibly? It’ll be a fond memory to have later in life for sure. :heart:

Betty Mason Cherie Coffer Martinez lol sounds like you two when the girls come for a visit haha. There’s nothing wrong with it on special occasions

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I found out this weekend my MIL gave my 11 year old coffee. I always say No to him. I remember at 16 my grandma would give us grand kids wine. Not a big deal to be honest In my opinion

My kids drink it. My youngest is 6. He sips mine and I make him a small cup. Sometimes I do half coffee half water . Most days it’s what I drink.coffee doctored with cre and sugar

My kids will take sips of mine when I do drink some. Most of the time I make hit green tea ans that is my kids “coffee.”

If you don’t like it she is your kid and ask her to do an alternative. Hot tea is good. Maybe a smallllll cup of hot cocoa with a few tiny marshmallows.

DO NOT ALLOW THIS!!! My grandma did this to me as a child. The exact same thing, with the creamer. And it turned out I had 5 cavities by the time I was 8 and I got addicted to caffeine at a very young age and I still am. My teeth are f’d! My dentist blamed the caffeine at such a young age! I’ve never liked sweets and wasn’ allowed. If she wants to drink coffee with creamer please get her sugar free! Please

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I let my 7 and 11 year olds drink it now and then.

I give my 4 year old cold brew in the morning. Sugar free creamer. He’s also got the adhd though so it helps him regulate


One of my favorite childhood memories with my dad was waking up early on Saturday mornings and we would go have breakfast. I thought I was the coolest kid around bc he would let me drink a cup with him and all the other adults at the cafe.


There are far worse things in life… let this go for real its a sweet time for them together


I loved drinking coffee with my mom, grandma, and aunts. It’s a fun memory that I have with all of them - drinking coffee and doing 1000+ piece puzzles at the table. I say let your girl drink coffee with her grandma. They’re bonding, they’re enjoying their time together, and all it costs is a little coffee, cream, and sugar.


Mabey suggest herbal tea? Then she can have a warm drink with grandma but less sugar and no caffeine

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It’s not beer, like we swiped as little kids

ask to sub it with hot chocolate


What Kathleen Ruesken said!!!

No. If anything maybe decaf plain

I was drinking coffee in 5th grade of you don’t like it don’t send her but it’s not gonna hurt her

I have had a ritual with all four of my granddaughters since all of them were very little and now the oldest is 16. I’ve had coffee on my porch with all four of my girls. They want to feel like big girls and they wanted some private time as well. I put very little coffee, just a splash of creamer (as they are watching) and the rest milk. The two oldest ones even have their own personalized coffee mugs with their pictures and one of me on their cups along with the year, their name and that Gram loves them. It is a memory shared deeply and none of us will ever forget.


My grand daughter has been doing it her whole life. I have kids at school that drink a cup to keep them calm. I put a teaspoonful of sugar regular milk and coffee enough to color it.

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It’s a coffee with creamer?
Not like she’s downing shots with the kid.
My kids have drank coffee all their lives and no cavities!!


Calm down. It’s just a little sugar. Sometimes you got to let kids have some fun. One of my favorite childhood memories is of me and my grandma drinking coffee and playing teaparty together even if we just used old coffee cups.

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Im pretty sure there are worse things that could be happening, gosh just let the kid drink a little coffee with her Nana on the weekends,its not going to kill her…and she’s making memories let it be…I could see if she was drinking multiple cups a day


Let her have the coffee with her grandma - when something happens and grandma is no longer here you’ll be glad you did :heart::broken_heart::heart:


Its a memory your child will have with grandma. It wont hurt her. My son has asthma and dr said to give him coffe it helps opens his air ways. And my granddaughter is 4 she drinks coffee too

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Maybe have grandma make your daughter tea or hotcocoa so they can still have bonding time


I let my 6 year old drink it. She started drinking from my coffee at like 3 and then she wanted her own cup. But I didn’t want her to have a full cup so i would just get her a “baby cappuccino” hot chocolate, at least that’s what the coffee places called it. She loved it cause she had her own “coffee” and I had mine. However now she is very lactose and tolerant and won’t drink from my coffee anymore, unless it’s almond milk. But I’d suggest maybe having your mom make her a hot chocolate and have her tell her this is kid coffee

Maybe tell her to add more just regular milk instead of all creamer.

My mom has passed and she loved coffee. She would let all of us drink it so I let my tot have the last bit of mine or a sip or two before I re heat it.

Ugh short answer NO.

When I was growing up, we had “sugar toast” … toast with coffee drizzled on it and sugar poured over it to absorb the coffee.

Those were different times … but good times!

Bottom line … if you don’t want her drinking coffee, ask your mom to make her something else.


When I was 5, my grandma would let me shoot a little thing of half and half creamer, and then fill it with coffee and let me drink that. Very small amount, and I actually grew up now hating coffee

Maybe have her add milk and just a bit of creamer ? That’s what my mom would do when we were younger.

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My grandson who is 2 drinks coffee. He has for over a year now :joy:

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My 2 1/2 year old son is always raiding Grandma’s coffee. Not a big thing to this Mom.

My mother in law and my son have morning coffee and graham crackers. It’s their “thing” and I don’t take that away from them. A little coffee with some sugary creamer once a week or whatever isn’t going to hurt him. It’s probably not the most unhealthy thing my kid is eating :woman_shrugging:t2::rofl:


Just ask that it’s a tiny bit of coffee, a tiny bit of creamer and milk. I’ve always let my daughter havea little of mine now and then. She’s 6.


That’s my best childhood memory with my grandma. Be thankful you have family that’s willing to spend quality time with your child.


We do chocolate milk in a coffee cup so we can all drink our morning coffee

My 3.5 year old son has had “coffee milk” for the past year or so. He goes straight to the coffee pot first thing in the morning. It’s a splash of coffee and the rest milk. In the south it’s something a lot of us have. My grandma gave it to me at his age and I’m perfectly healthy :woman_shrugging:t2: but to each their own on the decision; it’s your child at the end of the day


That’s their thing. If it’s only happening once a week, it’s not the end of the world. I have “things” I do when my granddaughter is with me. My grandma had “things” with me. Just be grateful they have their own special time together and let it go.


This is grandma, let your daughter have some coffee(creamer) with grandma on the front porch. This is a memory for her. CHILL


One day a week at nana’s house will not hurt her but the memories will be a blessing to her when she is older . My 8 year old granddaughter has some the other day and I made her decaf


Awe yes! That’s cute… she will remember that forever. 1 or 2 cups once in a while won’t hurt her

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My grandma used to do the same thing with me and let me tell you those were the most treasured memory…


Yup. Mine started at 4, it was decaf and mostly creamer but she really enjoyed drinking coffee with her gigi

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If it’s decaf with light sugar and milk, yep.

How often does your child stay with grandma? Daily? Cause than that would need attention but if its monthly let grandma have her time, let her make those memories cause she wont be around forever.


You’re being ridiculous it’s a cup of coffee once a week!it’s a memory she will forever have with her grandmother don’t ruin it


Come on. That is their thing. Its not a big deal.
Maybe ask her to get some sugar-free creamer if the sugar is that big of a deal to you.


I’ve been drinking it since I was 2.


My daughter was younger than that when my Hubby started letting her stick her finger in the coffee grounds and lick it. It never hurt her except now she’s 36 and as addicted to coffee as he is. I can take it or leave it and might have one or two cups a month. It’ll be a treasured memory with her Grandma.


I would not take the memory away but encourage something a little healthier to substitute for part if the cream.Try to give healthy things through the week and even people doing strict meal plans have a cheat day.Theres also a product that our Nana gave us called Postum which is made from chicory and tasted just like coffee to me.I have wonderful memories of my Nana!!

To even bring up the fact that you would stop her weekends with her nana bc of a bonding moment that includes watered down coffee with creamer is insane to me. Do you give your 5 yr old bowls of cereal in the morning bc there is more sugar in that bowl than in her coffee cup….


What I wouldn’t give for this to be the biggest complaint I could have about what my parents did with my children :roll_eyes:.

My husbands grandma let her grandkids have dessert before dinner. Her house her rules. She’s been gone 5 years and that remains one of my husbands greatest memories/bonding moments with her.

She’s safe. She’s making memories. Grandparents who raise their own kids correctly get this reward in return - spoiling their grandkids.

In other words, let it go and be grateful she’s got a good, safe grandma bonding with her.


That’s what nanas are for…letting the kids do things that mom, and dad don’t let them do!! In the scheme of life…is it really a big deal?, lighten up!!!


I mean my daughters drinks pop every day so it wouldn’t bother me :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:

Use milk or half-n-half.

When my son was in kindergarten he had a cup of coffee before he went to school. No sugar. He was a hyper child and the coffee helped calm him. He could get through the class without creating problems.

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Nope, definitely would not be okay with it. I would tell nana to stop giving it to her.

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It’s not going to hurt your child. Let it go.

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Oh unclench, there are worse things to give kids than a small cup of coffee and sugar.
Imagine this being the worst a grandparent does :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4:
My biological mothers has favorite grandchildren and treats them as such, and this is why I don’t allow her near mine.

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It’s more milk than coffee. I think you’re being dramatic over something so small. And to deprive your mom and child of bonding time over this sounds petty AF


It’s my experience that Nana and Grandpa do things we don’t- my grandma used to sneak me churros without my moms knowledge - my dad get my son candy and my mom let him get away with little small things. It’s a treasured “secret” and it’s not happening with you (as in at all times - you make sure your child is healthy during your time ) so they are fine.

One: Your child confided in you a ritual she has with her grandma - one that is not harmful - (I tell my son hot chocolate is coffee just so he feels like he does something us grownups do - its so cute)

If you take away something she loves because she confided in you - it can possibly start a chain of secret keeping so that you don’t over react or take things from her in the future.

  1. I totally get where you are coming from as a parent- I ask my mom not to give my son sugar and she sometimes does - it gets to me but then I realize that when he is with me he does not get to eat sugar as much so it balances out and I just asked that she brush his teeth more often if she is going to do that.

Long story short: Grandparents have diff relationships with the grandchildren - they are the funner version who let them “get away with things” Let them have their relationship and don’t deprive them of something they both look forward to , that would be so sad


My sister got my gson who was 1 at the time, he’s 13 now addicted to Tim Hortons coffee, she bring a coffee for me when she came over, n one for herself, noticed how fast how fast Jaiden left with my coffee n hid in hallway another room, to drink it always!

If it effects her behavior, sure then have a problem with it. But this is a memory that she will always have with her grandmother.


Ask her to make decaf and do sugar free creamer. I tell my kids hot chocolate is coffee lol

My grandma started letting me drink coffee at age 3, my parents didn’t mind but I also never was one to get a sugar rush or anything like that. I feel it may have stunted my growth because I’m the shortest in my family (4ft 9) but it’s not something that I mind lol. Personally, I don’t let my kids drink it or anything super sugary like coke, pepsi, etc. That’s stuff that I will let them have in moderation when they’re a bit older. I’ve let them try one sip of my coffee just to taste it but I dont let them have a cup full. Everyone is different, but if you don’t want her giving it to your child I’d let her know for sure.

Fun memories for them I would leave it alone… :sunglasses:


My three year old likes to have her own cup with me I put such a little amount she’s fine so yea 5 is fine! Before people start being rude I’m going to keep being a mom the way I’m being a mom thank you in advance

A little bit of coffee, and her and Nana sit on the porch and drink it? What’s the problem with that??? They’re spending time together and I’m sure they both love it


My grandma has been giving me coffee since I was that age, it was just our thing. We would drink our coffee and sit on the front porch and enjoy our mornings… I’m now 26 and wish I could do that every morning with my grandma. Once in a while is okay, it doesn’t her

Yea my oldest daughter has more caps in her mouth than actual teeth because my mom use to do the SAME EXACT THING :sweat:

As a gramma and as a granddaughter, leave er be.

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My kids always get coffee at grandma and grandpas. It’s a special treat let it go

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When I was little I got up & drank “coffee” with my dad every morning. It was our thing. It started young (I don’t remember when 2-3?). Anyway that was our bonding time. Times that I look back on today that involved conservations, silliness & most importantly just the 2 of us. My “coffee” was hot chocolate, surely full of sugar. It ended when my step mom came into the picture & somehow in her warped mind felt it wasn’t ok any more. Don’t be like my wicked step mother who interfered in a fun, personal tradition that didn’t involve her. Let your daughter & Mom have their special “thing”. You will be harming her emotionally by throwing a fit over.


I used to drink my grandmother’s coffee all the time

My girls stayed with their great grandma often. The highlight of their time together was sitting on Grandma’s lap, dunking their donuts in her coffee. They still talk about it today. The oldest is 44 and the youngest 41. Let them bond.

I give my 7 year old coffee and have since he was little to help settle him down! I don’t do a lot of creamer cause that’s where the sugar is


Be happy she has a Grandma who wants to sit on the porch and sip coffee with her . What happens at grandma’s house doesn’t count !!!


It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks , if YOU aren’t comfortable with her drinking it , it needs to stop :woman_shrugging:t3: tell her to put something else in the cup , they can have the moment without the same drink. :woman_shrugging:t3:

You’re gonna regret not letting your mom make memories with your kids one day. She will be just fine


Tell your mom or better yet go get coffee syrup have her make that in the morning if it bothers you so much. Ask her to use milk instead. My fiance gives my 1 year old a sip of coffee if he’s drinking it all my kids have had coffee at one point. It doesn’t sound like you’re mom is making her a pot to dink. How I wish that was the biggest complaint with my mom. When it comes to parents being grandparent all rules basically don’t exist. Pick your battle or re work it, that’s a binding moment your daughter will never forget.

A little coffee with Grammy isn’t going to hurt her. And if your kid has caps on her teeth, it’s definitely not from a few sips of coffee from her gramms. Let them have their time.


My mom made us coffee milk. Mostly milk in it and a little sugar. :hugs:

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I had it at gmas when I was younger. It was a special thing we did

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A friend would buy a latte for herself and get cocoa for her grandson it was his coffee


I wouldn’t be upset. The bond between child and grandma is so special. And when she is older she’ll remember getting to have this special time on the front porch. And it will mean the world.


I used to drink coffee with my grandma all the time. She would put it in fancy cups! It wasn’t a lot of coffee anyway. Good memories.

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