Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?

Tell her to use milk instead of creamer. It takes the sugar out of the equation.

Yes, and seriously??? Lighten up for the love of God!


My mother and father in law drink decaffeinated coffee and sometimes gives it to our babies but absolutely no caffeinated coffee.

My 3 & 5 year old drinks coffee and loves it lol :laughing:

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My grandpa was giving my drops of coffee before I could even talk, stop putting a damper on your child’s and grandparents relationship… I’ve been drinking coffee with my papa since before that… still drink coffee to this day…

Maybe ask her to sub it with hot choc

I did and both my children did and still do. We are fine!

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I’ve recently moved in with my daughter and my 2 grandchildren , my grandson is 9 now and after getting up together every morning he says “Nana I’ll fix your coffee, I know just what you like in it”…he’s asked several times if he could have a cup and because he’s 9 and because I know his mother would probably rather him not have the caffeine I don’t…but after reading this article I’ve decided the next time he ask if he can have a cup, I’m going to surprise him and say yes!!!..he spends equal amount of time with his father as his parents are divorced…I’m going to indulge in every happy moment I can with him, even if it’s just drinking coffee and swinging !!!


Maybe try decaf?
Honestly I wouldn’t mind. Those are memories I made with my grandma as well
Let her have that with your baby.

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The memories of time with gramma are irreplaceable.


I am almost 40 and some of my vest memories are sitting with my grandma and grandpa in the morning drinking my “coffee” (mainly creamer with a splash of coffee) in the morning. I would absolutely give anything to be able to have coffee with them again. Let you kid have these memories. Its not like they are drinking this everyday it won’t hurt them.


FYI I give my kids coffee :woman_shrugging:t2: lol
Mostly decaf, or more milk than coffee


My favorite memory of my late aunt Norma was drinking tea with her in the morning!! Is it a caffeine thing? Maybe nana can grab some decafe !! Creating memories for a lifetime are so important!


She can have hot chocolate :woman_shrugging:t2: I never get it how adults will give kids coffee. Caffeine is addictive so I don’t give any to my daughter but when she wants to join me for a cup of coffee I give her chocolate milk

Can they give her hot coco instead?

Mom you need to definitely lighten up I’m sure what she’s getting is hardly anything so allow her this time with Grandma it’s something she’ll remember for a long time

Coffee is actually good for certain children. It helps calm them down. My son drinks coffee and it helps with his adhd. He is 16 and has been drinking coffee for a few years now. It also helps with asthma attacks.


It’s a special treat and precious time only with Grandma. Time with Grandma is way more valuable than the negatives of drinking coffee one time a week.
When I was a little girl I often spent Saturday nights with my grandparents. Before bed my grandmother made me a glass of milk with a big helping of sugar. Yes my mom did not like it at all. She mentioned it one time, so I’m told. The ritual continued and my mom let it be. It is a big part of my favorite memories spending time with my grandparents. :heart:

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My grandmother would put a bit of coffee in some milk for me. I don’t see the harm in just a little. But creamer?? Maybe ask what kind of creamer.

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It was actually recommend for my daughter. She was on the hyper side and adhd. For her coffe had a reverse effect and made her calm. I would send a thermos to school with her.

My 2 year old steals sips of my coffee if I leave it unattended :joy: your daughter will be fine

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My son does this with grandma but with mostly warm milk and decaf

My 4 year old gets up and has a small coffee with me every single morning. She loves her morning coffee with me and it keeps her quiet so I can enjoy mine. Nothing wrong with it at all and it’s not like they are having a lot

Let it be…its a memory she will cherish for life.


Hon, mom(gramma) raised you and you turned out ok, right? Plz dont take that special time away from gramma and granddaughter. These are precious memories your mom and daughter are making together.

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Have her sub milk for the “creamer” or sugar free creamer.

Let her have her special time with her Nana. Let her have that memory to cherish! I know I still cherish the memories of having “coffee” with my Maw Maw.

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I hope you don’t take those coffee mornings away from your daughter or your mom!


My Nana took me to the red hatters teas and honestly those memories were amazing. Let kids be kids and have memories

I dont see a problem with it… I’ve been drinking it since I was a kid. My 6 year old occasionally gets sips of my coffee, she loves it. My 10 year old used to steal my coffee when he was little. And my 2 year old tries to steal it now lol.

You should catch a picture of then like that on the porch. So that when she grows older she could have a good memory of Grama.

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I always had coffee with my grandma. Wish I could get that time back. It won’t hurt. Some creamers are just as high in sugar as juice.

There are worse things in this world to worry about. My mom gave my kids “coffee” (mostly milk and a splash of actual coffee BUT my kids cherish those memories. Funny the one who had it the most doesn’t even drink coffee now. Allow your child to be just that…a kid and make memories with their Nana. She won’t be around forever and hit chocolate has more sugar than creamer

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I remember going to a sleepover when I was 7 or 8 and asking for a cup of coffee with breakfast. The Mom was horrified and said your mom is a nurse she would never give you coffee,she called my mom and then gave me my morning cup.:joy::rofl::joy: My 8 year old grandson usually has a cup with me when he is here. He feels very grown up although it’s more milk than coffee.

Suggest decaf, with little creamer or milk or almond milk, that’s grandma time, more important. She probably won’t like the taste of coffee

I don’t want my toddler having coffee for a while and won’t at 5 years either. They don’t need it. Tell her how you feel and if she doesn’t listen and respect your wishes as her mother then unfortunately I would suggest cutting unsupervised visits for now until she respects you.

People seem to think coffee is so bad but think nothing of giving children ADHD medicine: I gave my ADHD child black coffee instead of pills. I realize this child doesn’t have ADHD but would the same mother give her child medication if she did?

I wish I had a grandma to have this memory with. I can’t wait to be a grandma. My uncle use to take me to Dennys and he would get coffee and I would get hot cocoa and we would read the paper. (He always gave me the funniest, but don’t I dare touch his crossword). I miss him. He is one of my favorite people… I plan to be that person for my grand babies.

(I say this being 30, and no where near being q grandma hopefully as my oldest of 6 is 12 and my youngest is 1)

It’s a special bonding time with her grandma. Leave it alone!

Yes, I don’t drink coffee but my daughter and mom will have coffee with a pan dulce (Mexican bread). She knows she only gets it with grandpa or grandpa and it will be a memory she will hold in her heart.

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I give my kids milk with a splash of creamer and call it coffee. Maybe make that request?

Let it go, let your children have special memories. My Dad taught every single grand, and great-grandchildrn to drink coffee on his knee. They all treasure the photos.

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My goodness :woman_facepalming:t2:
These are priceless memories with ZERO negative consequence. I’m sure the amount of sugar and caffeine taken in is truly minimal in the grand scheme of the day. I say this as a nutritionist and fitness professional. Let her enjoy this time with her grandmother.


I wouldn’t be ok with it, I would ask grandma to sub coffee for hot chocolate or something more kid friendly


We let ours have coffee with milk and its mostly MILK we call it cheryl coffee after a friend of ours :grin:

I would just make it clear you don’t want your child to have it and they can substitute for a small cup of hot chocolate if they would like

Obviously it isn’t an everyday thing. And she’ll have sugar anyways, it’s not any worse than a sippy cup of juice. Just let it go & let them enjoy their coffee together, you cannot control every aspect of your childs life


Milk with a touch of coffee isn’t going to hurt at all. I think it’s beyond sweet that she will always look back and remember this time with her grandmother on the porch drinking coffee with her.


One day nana isn’t going to be there. Let them have their moment! It’s harmless. Suggest hot cocoa instead


Think you’re being a little overbearing. Allow your child to be a child and cherish those memories. A splash of coffee with some creamer or milk is not going to kill her. Anytime I get a iced coffee (maybe once a month) I get a large and share it with my 3-year-old.

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Lighten up Mom. She’s making beautiful lifetime memories. Let Grandma have this gift while your baby feels the love.


My 6 year old drinks coffee. He usually finishes my cup for me. Hell my 18 month old even has a couple drinks frim my cup

Let grandma have this one. It’s a nice tradition for them


Just ask her to switch creamers, one with less sugar

My daughter gets a decaf iced coffee when we stop at Starbucks once in awhile. With extra cream and an equal. It’s probably just a special little thing she does with grandma. It’s not gonna hurt her.

Wow :flushed: I don’t see a problem with it at all in moderation which only at grandma’s seems like moderation enough. Some of my best memories are drinking coffee with my granny as a kid! She’s no longer here so I cherish those memories :heart: I’d turn a blind eye to this one and allow them their bonding. Personally.

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Don’t see that this one splurge with grandma is a major issue. Great memories. My grandma did the same and it is one of the best memories with her. I didn’t get it at home. Only with grandma. Pick tour battles.

In my case coffee was a Godsend. ADHD gets calmer with caffeine.

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It’s fine. My son occasionally had a cup at my dads house and it didn’t hurt him. Soda has way more sugar.

I did things at my grandparents that I never would at home.They spoilt me rotten and i loved them dearly but i knew the difference between the 2 homes.


I don’t allow my 4 year old to drink coffee BUT I gave the option to have coco instead so he thinks it’s the same :woman_shrugging:t3:

My daughter has ADHD and was already showing symptoms by age 4… her doctor actually recommended just a few sips of coffee for her back then to help slow her down a little so she could focus better… it was a natural remedy versus putting her in the meds… i would let her have those memories


Drank stirred egg with my Grandfather for years! Coffee, whipped egg yolk, and cream. He put a shot of Four Rose’s in his. He lived to late 70s and I am 78. I wouldn’t worry about it.

Honestly those are some of the best memories I have Is sitting with my grandma and drinking “coffee” which was also mostly creamer. My grandma is no longer here but the memories last a lifetime.

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I can just visualize how sweet and special this moment is. The two of them sitting there sipping their coffee and discussing plans for the day. Those moments are far more important than how much sugar is in her coffee.


As a grandmother of 10. I can say those memories are priceless. Let us have our time with the grand babies. We can never get that time back and memories are being made for both of them. So relax mom and let them be :heart::heart:


Well put a stop to all sodas and juice.they are loaded with sugar.may become diabetic :stuck_out_tongue:

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They make sugar free creamer!

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People whine about anything these days. Be thankful you have a mom for starters. Then be thankful she wants to keep your child and make memories with her. Two huge blessings right there that are being overshadowed by this moms need to control every aspect of her child’s life. Poor grandma.


Get a life nothing wrong with this

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I feel like this is one of those memories she will look back on and smile when Gramdma is gone one day, pick your battles. Let them have their coffee date


I see no big deal in it.

I’d suggest chocolate milk instead. And no I would no be ok with my kid drinking any amount of coffee


My kids drunk coffee when they were little and just a small cup but they have turned out fine lol

Give it a rest! A wee bit of sugar and a spoonful of coffee isn’t going to kill the kid once in awhile and it gives grandma and the little one a fun thing to do. My grandchildren will always remember Nana tea at my house… warm milk, lots Of sugar and a wee bit of hot tea! #helicopter #parents #toomuchtimeonyourhands


Coffee is actually healthy in moderation.

I wouldn’t mind. It’s a special treat and I’m sure your daughter will look back at those memories fondly.

Some of my very best memories are sitting with my grandma, reading the comics while she read the paper, and drinking coffee with her. Some of the best conversatuons happened during that time. It was when I learmed about where she came from, and how she loved unconditionally


What happens at Nana’s stays at Nana’s


Parents rules r to be obeyed. No means no. Stand ur ground.

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Grew up on coffee milk…honestly, a small amount is good. Much better than sodas, other junk they eat; ADHD meds, as mentioned, etc.
Not to mention…the memories. You can probably let this one go.:wink:
And I was a stickler for all organic, local, seasonal, raw, healthy…but grandma loved McDonald’s…:roll_eyes::zipper_mouth_face::crazy_face:lol

When I was a kid my mom didn’t let us drink coffee but would let us have a drink lol. Anyway, maybe suggest hot chocolate? Your daughter will never know the difference

Don’t sweat the small stuff. That’s precious time she’s spending with her grand baby. I have so many fond memories of time spent with my great grandmother. Maybe just ask that she use decaf coffee and sugar free creamer but if she doesn’t… oh well… it’s not like it’s every day.They are making wonderful memories!


My dad and my son have been drinking coffee in the mornings since my son was 2. You’re the parent so you do what you think is best. I don’t have a problem with my son drinking it as it doesn’t affect him at all.

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My now 6 yr old enjoys coffee with nama he has since about 3. But he has adhd so it seems to have the opposite effect on him. So I could careless honestly

Get over it. Stop making your kids soft. Mine done it with their grandma abd guess what they lived

Leave them alone and let them make their memories.

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I have 4 grandkids almost 8 5 4 and almost 2 everyone of them drink “ candy coffee “ with me it’s a cup of milk with enough coffee to change color and 1 Splenda packet. They all love it

My grandparents did this with me at 3 years old. Just a splash of coffee and the rest milk and creamer. Sat together at the table drinking coffee and talking. We did this every morning that I was there for years, again starting at 3 years old. It didn’t stunt my growth, I’m almost 5’8” lol and I don’t have any medical or neurotic issues from it or anything.

But I’m 31 now and my grandpa died and my grandma has dementia. Those memories of those mornings are some of my favorite things to look back on. So please, don’t take this away from your daughter.


At that age the doctor told my mom to give me a cup of black coffee Cuz it helps my asthma

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I love giving my girls a cup of hot cocoa on cold winter mornings. I don’t think the occasional bit of coffee milk hurts, it’s actually a norm in some other countries/ cultures.

Let her enjoy making those special memories with her grandmother. As long as it’s not everyday. It’s a memory she will keep forever

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My daughter has been drinking coffee since she was 5. Doctor told me to give it to her. It helps their bowels … like a mild laxative.

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My dad does
This with my 2.5 year old - and she knows it’s not the norm at home as she always hides the cup when I enter the kitchen! I don’t mind and like other people have said, small things like this create memories :two_hearts:

Omg are u kidding me. Stop sweating the small stuff.


My grandson drank a little cup of coffee with me every morning, more cream than coffee and he’s just fine! I use only ha;f & half for cream

It’s your child, if you say no then that’s what goes. End of discussion. Grandma can respect your wishes and find something else to give her or she doesn’t go there. It’s that simple. Stop worrying about what other people are going to think about your decisions for YOUR kid. It’s not you being overprotective, controlling, a helicopter parent, etc but this is your child and you get to make the decisions. Grandma will live.

Depends. If it’s a neurotypical child, no. Of it’s an ADD/ADHD child, yes, with chocolate milk, not creamer, because stimulants actually help calm an ADHD/ADD person. But not too much coffee since it’sa child. If it’s a neurotypical child, maybe you can ask them to give your child chocolate milk instead.

My mom gives my two year old hot coco in a to go coffee mug and calls it coffee. Maybe that’s what her grandma does

Coffee held my ADHD baby to succeed in preschool without the affects of harmful pharmaceuticals… to each their own